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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

TJ Thompson Contradicts The Stereotype DOE Needs To Be Closed

Many kids, regardless of color are having problems in public school. One problem? Too much federal involvement, and too many social expermints going on. Add to that free lunches, before and after school programs and let us not forget the other biggie....poor parenting. It is time to close down the D.O. Education and all federal funding and return the control of schools to the cities,counties, and a limited state involvement. Also, only legal children of legal residents will have access to public schools. And public education will become a privilege after the 8th grade. Students who are discipline problems will no longer be able to attend public schools and the parents will be responsible. Private organizations, churches, and individuals should be encouraged to do what the feds are not supposed to do.
Though I disagree with T.J. Thompson about the feds stepping in when the parents are absent, or just not doing their job, I like his point that the sad condition of our educational system knows no color.
This is not confined to urban schools either. My alma mater, Shelbyville High School, in Shelbyville, Indiana was profiled in a Time Magazine article titled “Dropout Nation”, as well as on ‘The Oprah Winfrey Show’. You can read that article here: and the Oprah segment here Shelbyville is a small town of roughly 18,000 people - about 30 miles Southeast of Indianapolis.
In a town with over 95% of the population White, 1 of every 3 kids will not graduate High School. One in Three!!! This contradicts every major stereotype portrayed on TV and broadcast throughout society.
Sadly, too many people across this nation believe that the educational crisis is limited to the Urban, Black, or Latino populace. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. This epidemic is a national catastrophe. We are in an Educational State Of Emergency.
I believe that we cannot pass legislation and laws to curb this outbreak. The cure starts in the home and in the school. It is imperative upon the parents of our children to take charge. If there are no parents available, then the responsibility falls upon aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, grandparents, and even teachers. These children
need role model to encourage, nurture, and help them succeed.

Making The Peanut Daddy Proud

I am sure Jimmy Boy Carter is all smiles seeing B. Hussein O's presidency on target to fail with even more damage done to America than his. How low will BHO go? All the way to the crash site scooter!
What's Next, Mr. President -- Cardigans?
By Matt Welch and Nick GillespieSunday, July 19, 2009

Barely six months into his presidency, Barack Obama seems to be driving south into that political speed trap known as Carter Country: a sad-sack landscape in which every major initiative meets not just with failure but with scorn from political allies and foes alike. According to a July 13 CBS News poll, the once-unassailable president's approval rating now stands at 57 percent, down 11 points from April. Half of Americans think the recession will last an additional two years or more, 52 percent think Obama is trying to "accomplish too much," and 57 percent think the country is on the "wrong track."
From a lousy cap-and-trade bill awaiting death in the Senate to a health-care reform agenda already weak in the knees to the failure of the stimulus to deliver promised jobs and economic activity, what once looked like a hope-tastic juggernaut is showing all the horsepower of a Chevy Cobalt. "Give it to me!" the president egged on a Michigan audience last week, pledging to "solve problems" and not "gripe" about the economic hand he was dealt.
Despite such bravura, Obama must be furtively reviewing the history of recent Democratic administrations for some kind of road map out of his post-100-days ditch.
So far, he seems to be skipping the chapter on Bill Clinton and his generally free-market economic policies and instead flipping back to the themes and comportment of Jimmy Carter. Like the 39th president, Obama has inherited an awful economy, dizzying budget deficits and a geopolitical situation as promising as Kim Jong Il's health. Like Carter, Obama is smart, moralistic and enamored of alternative energy schemes that were nonstarters back when America's best-known peanut farmer was installing solar panels at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Like Carter, Obama faces as much effective opposition from his own party's left wing as he does from an ardent but diminished GOP.
And perhaps most important, as with Carter, his specific policies are genuinely unpopular. The auto bailout -- which, incidentally, is illegal, springing as it has from a fund specifically earmarked for financial institutions -- has been reviled from the get-go, with opposition consistently polling north of 60 percent. Majorities have said no to bank bailouts and to cap and trade if it would make electricity significantly more expensive.