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Monday, May 15, 2006

Planned Parenthood or Planned Master Race?

I got into a very interesting debate today over the founder of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger. During this discussion I made the claim that she was an elitist who believed that only certain types of babies should be allowed to be concieved and that only certain people should be able to procreate. Well after being told I was a knuckle draggin' cave dweller I calmly asked my coworker to read some of the articles that Maggy wrote. And I remind you that the discussion of abortion being right or wrong was not the point. About two hours later my friend found me and said, "I never realized what the lady believed." While we agreed to disagree on the right vs. wrong of the issue, we did agree this lady was evil. Here is the article from the LOC. Oh, the defenition of Eugenics...The study of improving a species by artificial selection; usually refers to the selective breeding of humans. "While I personally believe in the sterilization of the feeble-minded, the insane and syphilitic, I have not been able to discover that these measures are more than superficial deterrents when applied to the constantly growing stream of the unfit. They are excellent means of meeting a certain phase of the situation, but I believe in regard to these, as in regard to other eugenic means, that they do not go to the bottom of the matter. Neither the mating of healthy couples nor the sterilization of certain recognized types of the unfit touches the great problem of unlimited reproduction of those whose housing, clothing, and food are all inadequate to physical and mental health. These measures do not touch those great masses, who through economic pressure populate the slums and there produce in their helplessness other helpless, diseased and incompetent masses, who overwhelm all that eugenics can do among those whose economic condition is better."

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