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Sunday, August 05, 2007

Marine Hung Out To Dry!

This brave marine was a victim of a PC war. Cpl Thomas was following the alleged orders of his Sgt.that had decided to find and kill a known enemy. When they were unable to locate him, they allegedly took Hashim Ibrahim Awad and shot him. It was alleged by Awad's family and the military's prosecutor that the guy was a "friendly." Cpl. Thomas was the only accused not to take a deal. On the word of Awad's family these marines were detained in chains. Tough way for our boys to fight.
Our brave men should not be going door to door, day after day, looking for the enemy. They should instead be walking through ruble looking for a few surviving enemies.
I am surprised that since Cpl. Thomas is black the"2 Rev-Crew" circus must see him as an "Uncle Tom" and also hating G Dubba they were very quiet on this case. The LA Times did not post a picture of the Cpl. either.
Buried in the last two paragraphs is the most telling of this heroes character.,0,5484340.story?coll=la-home-local
"Thomas, who is married with two children, served three tours in Iraq. He was wounded during the battle for Fallouja in December 2004 and received the Purple Heart.Master Sgt. Keith Backmann, his voice breaking, told jurors that Thomas refused to be evacuated after being wounded and continued to fight the insurgents. "That tells you a lot about his character," he said."

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