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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Blowing Up Blasko

Blasko is just another guy who wants open borders...Period! Just another person who would like to do away with our country's border, language and culture(yes, Dr. Savage says it best) and watch our great nation sprial downward into a third world cess pool. Yes Mr. Blasko, plain and simple terms describe best what you and your ilk would like to do to our nation. By the way, the economic drain created by illegals on our social services far out weigh their so called "contributions. Here is his post on Bmoore's blog.

Here is his page of views...
“Stop Playing Politics with People’s Lives, and Face Reality. We have No Border!”

Larry Blasko: Border? What Border?
Item#: AuthorLarryBlasko
Product DescriptionEvery day tens of thousands of illegal immigrants stream north across the border, overtaxing our healthcare and education system and bringing drugs, disease, and potential terrorists across the border with them. In spite of this, in his book Opening the Borders Larry Blasko suggests that the best solution is not a closed border, but an open border policy similar to that enjoyed in the European Union by member countries.After more than three decades with the Associated Press, Larry Blasko speaks out! “ Immigration—and the opposition to it—has been a recurring theme of American life since at least the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, and if you count the understandable distaste of native Americans for the gun-toting folks who showed up uninvited, long before that.” Irreverent, no-holds-barred fighting • One of the greatest fables of our age is that there is a border between Mexico and the United States.• Remember those horrible business folk that exploit illegal day labor? Turns out, according to the study, that 49 percent of the laborers are primarily employed by homeowners or renters. Must give the homeowners or renters enough free time away from their chores to attend anti-immigration rallies.• One of the most entertaining fictions gamboling about in the current debate about illegal, mostly Mexican, immigration is that we should deport these 12 million souls back to their country of origin and make them apply for readmission as “guest workers.”• The American attitude that folk in other countries are really just Americans who talk funny, sets us up to ignore fundamental cultural differences, that generate different outcomes than we expected.• Of the many whacko notions that abound in politics both north and south of the U.S./Mexican border, two enjoy a limited currency among those who write more than they read. First is the notion of La Reconquista, certainly a strong finalist for Dumbest of The Dumb Society’s annual Dum-De-Dum-Dum(D-quad) Cup. Second is the flip side notion, that the U.S. annex Mexico, another strong D-quad contender.

1 comment:

  1. be leery of anyone wanting something along the lines of the Eurpoean Union
