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Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Common Sense Campaign

If I were to run for president my first soap box speech would go something like this. "When I am elected president I will allow American drilling companies access to explore, drill and transport the crude to American refineries. The timeline for drilling and shipping the crude to the refineries will be 1 year. The refineries have 1 year to be ready to handle the incoming crude. A one time payment of 20 million dollars for each company that is ready at this date. All oil produced will be for American consumption only for 10 years. The price will be set ahead of time and will cover all business cost plus 5% profit margin for 10years. All companies involved will be exempted from federal state and local taxes for life. After 10 years there will be one law: 80% of the crude stays inside our borders for our use. 20% can be sold on the open market. The domestic price will adhere to the cost/profit margin.
A similar plan will be set up for the nuke power companies. Thank you my fellow Americans and God Bless

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