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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Columbia University Study

This is a wonderful piece of in depth work. Go to their homepage and click on immigrant studies.

United States Technological Superiority and the Losses From Migration
February 2005

By Donald R. Davis and David E. Weinstein
Download the .pdf version
Coverage in The Washington Times
This study employs a new approach to examine the impact of immigration on the U.S. economy. Unlike earlier studies, we do not treat the movement of immigrant labor into this country in isolation. Older studies assumed that abundant resources and demand for labor was the primary reason for immigration, assumptions more appropriate to the 19th century. We start by assuming that the technological superiority of the modern American economy and resulting high standard of living is the primary factor motivating immigration. The study also takes into account the new global economy, including the movement of capital as well as trade. Our findings show that immigration creates a net loss for natives of nearly $70 billion annually. Among the report’s findings:
In 2002, the net loss to U.S. natives from immigration was $68 billion.
This $68 billion annual loss represents a $14 billion increase just since 1998. As the size of the immigrant population has continued to increase, so has the loss.
The decline in wages is relative to the price of goods and services, so the study takes into account any change in consumer prices brought about by immigration.
The negative effect comes from increases in the supply of labor and not the legal status of immigrants.
While natives lose from immigration, the findings show that immigrants themselves benefit substantially by coming to America.
Those who remain behind in their home countries also benefit from the migration of their countrymen.
The model used in this study can be summarized as follows: High U.S. productivity motivates the entry of foreign workers and capital. As a consequence, the movement of foreign labor and capital into the United States expands U.S. exports and reduces exports by foreign countries who now have fewer workers and less capital. This depresses the prices of U.S. exports while raising the price of its imports, which is bad for U.S. natives. While the addition of immigrant workers makes the overall U.S. economy larger, natives in the United States are worse off because immigrants take not just the increase in income, but other income as well. This is because American workers are now competing with foreign workers who, because they have entered the United States, now have access to superior American technology, which is the primary source of American workers’ competitive advantage in the international economy. In other words, American workers are better off competing with foreigners if the foreign workers stay in their own countries and don’t have access to American technology. By allowing the foreign workers into the United States, Americans face competition with foreigners equipped with American technology. The Economic Costs of ImmigrationAmerica is often described as a nation of immigrants. And so it is. One reason for immigration has been the promise of liberty. However, even from the start, a second very powerful reason has been the opportunity America provides for prosperity. Waves of immigrants have come, particularly from Europe, Asia, and the Americas (especially Mexico) to enjoy the high wages available here and escape the relative penury of their native lands. Through the end of the 19th century and into the 20th century, a prime advantage of America that allowed it to deliver these high wages was its great abundance of land and natural resources. Increasingly, though, in the last half of the 20th century, the principal advantage of America has not been its resources, but rather its leadership of the world in technology or productivity. Economists have long been interested in the consequences of immigration. A large and highly varied theoretical literature has developed that considers potential sources of gains and losses for a country experiencing immigration. Surprisingly, these theoretical models almost never have a word to say about the role of technological advantage as a motive for migration—even though this is surely the most important reason for the wage advantage in America that is the proximate reason for most migration. The empirical literature on immigration has considered a wide variety of questions regarding the impact of immigration on America. In recent years, an important strand of this has considered the overall impact of this immigration on the American economy.1 Here, again, the analysis has treated immigration as if it were motivated principally by an abundance of resources, as would have been appropriate in the 17th, 18th, 19th, or even early 20th centuries, but that is not appropriate to 21st century America. The choice of an intellectual framework within which to examine the consequences of immigration is not a purely academic squabble. By choosing the traditional framework, where immigration is motivated by relative labor scarcity, one has also pre-determined in qualitative terms the outcome of any empirical study. Such studies necessarily conclude that the principal national consequence of immigration is the redistribution of income between natives similar to the immigrants and other factors of production. Likewise, as a matter of theory, the traditional framework concludes that the economic consequences for the receiving country as a whole are positive, though negligible. Empirical work in this conventional tradition cannot alter these conclusions, only quantify them.In this essay, we summarize the conclusions of a paper that provides a new approach to studying the economic consequences of immigration.2 The starting point for the analysis is that immigration to America is ultimately motivated by American technological superiority. Once we accept this as a starting point, though, it is no longer appropriate to study the movement of labor in isolation. High American productivity does provide a motive for the immigration of labor. But it also provides an incentive for the inflow of productive capital. That is, high productivity yields high returns for all factors of production, which suggests that these inflows should be studied jointly. This is precisely what our study does

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Why Does the ACLU Hate America?

This article can be found on the ACLU web site. As you read the article, ask yourself a question: Where in the U.S. Constitution does it give invading illegal aliens, drug dealers and criminals constitutional rights? Notice how there is no mention of "illegal immigrants" only illegal behavior of the Minuteman. The ACLU is careful not to say the Minuteman themselves are involved in illegal activities, but rather they are inciting the general public. The Minuteman Project represents a huge problem for the ACLU. They are bringing national attention to a problem that is a black and white issue: Constitutional rights are for Americans and legal immigrants only. These heroes called Minutemen have placed the spotlight on our political cockroaches, and they are members of both the Republican and Democrat parties.

ACLU Immigrants’ Rights Project Staff Travels to Arizona to Support Monitoring Efforts by ACLU of Arizona

April 16, 2005


NEW YORK -- The Immigrants’ Rights Project of the American Civil Liberties Union today announced that it has sent two national staff members to Arizona to support the Legal Observer Project organized by the ACLU of Arizona.

Since April 1, armed private individuals under the so-called "Minuteman project" have come to Arizona for the purported purpose of spotting and reporting individuals who the Minutemen claim are violating federal immigration law. In fact, there have been growing reports and allegations of abuse of immigrants as a result of the Minutemen’s activities. Increasingly, it appears that private citizens near the Arizona border are engaging in illegal treatment of immigrants.

"Under the Constitution, every person regardless of immigration status is entitled to due process, and private vigilantes are not permitted to take the law into their own hands," said Lucas Guttentag, Director of the ACLU Immigrants’ Right Project. "The Immigrants’ Rights Project will participate in the legal observer project to assess the situation in Arizona first-hand, to support the efforts of the ACLU of Arizona and to underscore that the rule of law applies equally to all."

Eleanor Eisenberg, Executive Director of the ACLU of Arizona, added, "The Minuteman project has created a powder-keg situation with the potential to go beyond harassment and false imprisonment to real violence. We hope that our observer project will continue to shed light on the activities of the Minutemen and will ensure that private citizens do not detain, harass or humiliate others in violation of the law."

The Legal Observer Project was conceived by Ray Ybarra, Ira Glasser Fellow at the ACLU of Arizona. More than 80 monitors have observed the Minutemen actions since the beginning of April and more are coming. "We believe that the monitoring has played a crucial role in preventing abuses and in documenting the activities of the Minutemen," said Ybarra. He added: "The presence of ACLU national staff highlights that we will continue to monitor private individuals who want to take the law into their own hands as well as law enforcement agencies who have the responsibility to prevent illegal vigilante action."

Friday, April 22, 2005

One Fight We would Like to See

Gang will target Minuteman vigil on Mexico border

By Jerry Seper

NACO, Ariz. -- Members of a violent Central America-based gang have been sent to Arizona to target Minuteman Project volunteers, who will begin a monthlong border vigil this weekend to find and report foreigner sneaking into the United States, project officials say.
James Gilchrist, a Vietnam veteran who helped organize the vigil to protest the federal government's failure to control illegal immigration, said he has been told that California and Texas leaders of Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, have issued orders to teach "a lesson" to the Minuteman volunteers.
"We're not worried because half of our recruits are retired trained combat soldiers," Mr. Gilchrist said. "And those guys are just a bunch of punks."

Guess who the ACLU will back?

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Give Us Your Tired..Poor... and Your Filth

Miguel Angel Castro, a 19-year-old El Salvador native, is charged with capital murder in the April 12 death of Aiden Naquin, who would have been 2 in August.
Castro is accused of firing on a car driven by the boy's father as it pulled into the Huffman trailer park in the 2700 block of Third where the family lives. One of the bullets struck the toddler in the head.
Castro indelibly marked his body with tattoos indicating he is a member of the Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, gang, said detectives with the Harris County Sheriff's Department. Mara Salvatrucha, which was started by Salvadoran refugees in the Los Angeles area in the early 1980s and now reaches into 31 other states, has been the target of a federal crackdown that last month swept six U.S. cities, netting the arrests of 103 gang members.
"The biggest groupings have been in L.A., New York and northern Virginia, but the cliques seem to be growing quickly now in Providence, Rhode Island; Charlotte, North Carolina; and Houston," said Bob Clifford, who heads the MS-13 National Task Force that formed in January.
He said the task force is keenly aware of the latest killing in Houston. Houston police want to question other suspects, who they say were with Castro during a recent standoff, about possible connections to nine other homicides
By Michelle Malkin 4-21-05. MS-13 Watch
Michelle Malkin's web site is chalked full of info about how dangerous our open borders have become. The sub-human gang known as MS-13 is coming to a town near you.
They are intelligent and well organized. We will post more information in the following days...

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Rusty Shackelford...Presidential Nominee 2008?

This guy is a lock for the Uncle Sam's Golden Boot award!

Presidential Blue Print for America.
Eliminate federal Departments of; Transportation, Education, Interior, Housing, A.T.F., Health and Human Services, Energy, and Labor for starters
Also Eliminate funding for: Arts and public broadcasting.
Eliminate Federal Programs Entitlements: Medicare, Medicare and Social Security. (Everyone over the age of 45 will be paid what they have paid into it. Everyone else will not). Short-term losses to the government will be offset by future savings of not paying for the programs.
Taxes: All taxes must support the defense of the country and the people who or unable to help themselves and any other surviving federal departments.
Boarders: All boarders sealed ( Through the use of U.S. troops) with states being responsible for "customs" check.
Pull out of the United Nations.
Illegal Aliens: Will be deported to home country unless emanate harm can be proved. This will include children born to illegal alien parents.
Reversal of Roe v Wade.
Trade with China. Import to and export from China must be equal dollar for dollar.
Federal law banning any national medical insurance.
English language is "official" language of the U.S.
Only marriage between a man and a woman is legal.

The Boot has also been informed that Rusty is also working on a plan for judicial reform...updating...

G.W.Bush..President USA; and Secretary of Labor, Mexico

Notice the word Illegal is replaced by People and worker.
Q: At least 8,000 people cross our borders illegally every day. How do you see it? And what do we need to do about it?
A: We're increasing the border security of the US. We've got 1,000 more Border Patrol agents on the southern border. We're using new equipment. We're using unmanned vehicles to spot people coming across. We'll continue to do so over the next four years. They're coming here to work. In order to take pressure off the borders, in order to make the borders more secure, there ought to be a temporary worker card that allows a willing worker and a willing employer to mate up, so long as there's not an American willing to do that job, to join up in order to be able to fulfill the employers' needs. It makes sure that the people coming across the border are humanely treated, that they're not kept in the shadows of our society, that they're able to go back and forth to see their families. The card it'll have a period of time attached to it. It also means it takes pressure off the border.

Source: Third Bush-Kerry debate, in Tempe AZ Oct 13, 2004
I also like the "unwilling American" reference. Maybe if we cut welfare benefits to these "unwilling Americans" a grumbling stomach would create "willing Americans!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

No guarantee

Article IV, section 4 of the U.S. Constitution guarantees that the the federal government must protect each state in the union from a foreign invasion. Apparently this was a limited warranty. Just ask the state of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas what has happened to their State's budget due to the blatant disregard of our constitutional right. The wonderful people of Arizona voted in a proposition asking that a person be a legal resident in order to receive state services. Wow, what a concept! And charging into court as though he was sending troops to war, President Fox of Mexico threatens to sue Arizona in their own court. Tell me how this is different from a physical invasion? And Fox knows he has supporters. From the A.C.L.U. to both political parties, ( not all members of course) and a lot of corporate America. And one of the most disappointing facts of all is that President Bush refuses to physically do anything about the onslaught. He pays lip service when he babbles about guest worker programs, but what about 28% of the federal prisons' population being illegal aliens? Or the billions of dollars being spent on education and health services for illegal's? What can be done? Well the obvious starting point is to declare both our southern and northern boarders as war zones. The second is to demand Mexico pay reparations in the form of oil. 1 illegal = 10 barrels of oil. They have the reserves and if they were not such a corrupt government, they would be the Saudi Arabia of the west. If they refuse? We stop all trade and ban all U.S. citizens from traveling to Mexico.
If you want to see were your favorite politician stands on any issue, click on the On the Issues link.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Michael Savage... True America

Uncle Sam's Boot is proud to announce that Michael Savages' new book hit the stands today. Liberalism is a Mental Disorder will be a wonderful read no matter what your political leanings are. So please share your thoughts with us and others.
On another note: today marks the last day that you, the American worker who makes this country great, not politicians, finishes paying your federal tax obligation. That is correct; you have been working for The Man since January 1st... Thank you Sir, may I have another!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Uncle Sam's Boot is Born

Welcome to Uncle Sam's Boot. This blog is so named because, as We see it, too many of our foreign and domestic enemies do not fear the potential wrath of The Boot. In the coming weeks and months I will post the hopes of what our great country should be doing to protect our citizens, borders, national language and economy. We here at The Boot believe that America can once again attain the status of a great "melting pot" where people legally migrate to the greatest country on Earth for the sole purpose of bettering the lives of themselves and their offspring. So to you our readers, please feel free to provide stories and articles that show how great our country was, is, and with the grace of All Mighty God, will be.