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Thursday, July 29, 2010

President Obama calls African-Americans a ‘mongrel people’ -so did Hitler (via BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades!)

Interesting choice of words Barry!

When asked about his background, which includes a black father and white mother, Obama said of African-Americans: "We are sort of a mongrel people." "I mean we're all kinds of mixed up," Obama said. "That's actually true of white people as well, but we just know more about it. This from his "On the View" appearance Thought I heard of this Mongrel thing once before....wonder what Barry has been reading while on vacation. How bizarre, what a strang … Read More

via BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades!

Obama Calls Black Americans A " Mongrel People"

Nice job Barry! You are not very well spoken when you try to wing it on your own. No wonder your puppet masters try to script your every word!

When asked about his background, which includes a black father and white mother, Obama said of African-Americans: "We are sort of a mongrel people."

"I mean we're all kinds of mixed up," Obama said. "That's actually true of white people as well, but we just know more about it."

Femisex: New York Times slams candidate for doing what the NY Times does (via )

If I only had a penny for hypocrisy meter needed, I would have a lot of pennies!

Femisex: New York Times slams candidate for doing what the NY Times does What???????? Pravda itself, the New York Times, refusing health care benefits for its  freelance reporters after vehemently criticizing other employers for doing the same thing? No! Say it isn't so! They wouldn't do that would they? The newspaper that has secret statues of Lenin in their closets? Nah! That can't be true! The newspaper that is the personal tool of the far far left and the Let's All Get Along On The Money YOU Earned crowd? The NY T … Read More


Barack the Black Hitler (via America Vs. Obama)

Barack the Black Hitler: How Obama's stated goals may lead to the deaths of roughly six million people and the striking similarities between Obama's personality and methods for acquiring power and Hitler's. For most people, Hitler embodies pure evil. Because of this, his name is often invoked in debates over character. These sorts of comparisons are almost always unwarranted and wildly exaggerated. But now America has a new star politician, Obama … Read More

via America Vs. Obama