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Back peddling on immigration issues ho-hum . . . what else is new?
Kaye Grogan
April 22, 2005
Let's look at the potential catastrophe that could break out at any moment if the border intensities keep on escalating. War between Mexico can't be ruled out entirely, with so much hatred and contention already brewing at the lax borders. And the Bush Administration is not helping matters as many continue to be pro-active with subverting the will of the people while making rash decisions to allow Mexican immigrants to come and go at their own discretion. Something is definitely wrong with the whole picture here, and nobody has to poke holes in the picture to see the dangers lurking inside.
For some "ungodly" reason, Mexico's President Fox is under the assumption that the United States is obligated to let his people invade the country, and we are expected to roll out the red carpet for them, and to heck with the needs of our own people in the undue wicked process.
When I brought to the forefront in a recent article about the difference in the wages between Mexico and America, it was pointed out to me in an email, about how (supposedly) the low wages Mexicans earn in Mexico go a lot further there than the higher wages they make here in America go in buying the same merchandise here. Yeah, I was scratching my head too, trying to figure out what the real reasons may be for the onslaught of illegal immigration to America — if this is accurate information.
Since the biggest majority of the American people are against allowing the staggering number of fixated migrants to cross our borders daily, why is the will of the people being ignored? It's simple: you're expected to accept everything the government wishes to ram down your throats and be quiet.
Yes, I know they pretend to know what's best for you and me, but they can't even keep their own lives straight, much less the lives of others — so naturally, all they usually end up creating is a bunch of disproportionate chaos.
I think it's time the haggling and rhetoric be muted and get on with doing something positive about securing our borders. The hardworking "legal"taxpayers have been ripped off for years to make America wealthy — and now we are seeing it going down the drain or down Mehico's way.
President Fox wants his cake and eat it too — at the expense of Americans. Well, I say it's time to give him a sour pickle instead. He needs to take responsibility for his own people and quit expecting the United States to keep them and their families up.
Here are a few "stats" and rewards (for what — is anybody's guess), you the taxpayer will be expected to fund and educate illegal immigrants from in-state tuition costs in many states, otherwise known as the Dream Act program. This bill is supported by Senator Orrin Hatch and Rep. Chris Cannon, both Republicans. Now keep this in mind: these rewards are for "upstanding" illegal immigrants. Show me anybody upstanding who is breaking the law, and I'll eat a whole rack of hats! Thump...thump — is there anybody home up there in those hard heads?
Thank goodness the in-state tuition for illegal immigrants was voted down in my state.
Congress is doling out your money like there is tomorrow! Hello...shouldn't you be the ones benefitting from your hard labor? By the way — the big spending Dream Act party to reward illegal entrants into your country, is only going to cost you around $90 billion over the next decade and benefit 46,000 illegal immigrants — who in turn are supposed to benefit the economy. The truth of the matter is: there is no way on God's green earth — 46,000 illegal immigrants are going to return back $90 billion back into the economy — no matter how educated they are.
To put everything in context and bluntly my fellow've been sold out!
And that's just my opinion!
Kaye Grogan is a freelance writer who lives in Virginia. She writes, produces, and hosts a daily commentary called "Viewpoint" on her local radio station. She has written op-eds and articles for the Daily Republican newspaper. She also writes editorials for online newspapers and local papers.