I watched this interview Tuesday, 20 on The O'Reilly Factor and attempted to locate more info on the net. Good luck. I will dig up Hoffa before I find a decent article! From the interview the bottom line was that a White teacher was being harassed by a few black students and the Black principal stated that their behavior was due to their culture. Where is the Rev. Jackson, or Sharpton, or the ACLU? What a blatant double standard. Reverse the roles and let the White Principal state that the reason the students are jumping around out of control is because of their culture. Every race baiter in the country would be screaming. Miss Stokes eventually was attacked:and from what I heard on Fox News and went to the hospital. So under this "It is their culture" rule,any negative behavior and be explained by the culture of the perpetrator. What a complete lack of personal responsibility. I am not familiar with the American Renaissance web site but they seemed to give a decent overview.
(Posted on September 20, 2005)
Brandy Stokes, a former teacher at Brentwood Middle School in Charleston, SC who is suing her school district for anti-white racial discrimination, will appear on The OÂReilly Factor tonight (8 and 11 p.m. Eastern, Fox News) to speak about her suit. (The interview we announced on Sept. 12 was cancelled due to Katrina coverage.) While she was teaching at the school in 2002, Miss StokesÂs black students harassed and threatened her, and made clear their behavior was motivated by racial animus. When Miss Stokes asked the black principal to do something about the problem, the principal replied she could do nothing because the abuse was a product of the students culture. Eventually, Miss Stokes was seriously injured by a student and had to be hospitalized. When her hospital stay was done, she asked for her job back, but the principal didnÂt give it to her. Two other white former teachers at the school are also suing the district for racial discrimination