I originaly posted this to the Turlock Journal'a and the Modesto Bee sites. Soe guys named Tex and George complianed about the title, since it brings to light the same ugly problem they share with Mammy dowd; Racism/Bigotry. At least the Modesto Bee kept the post with out changing my title.
To Dowd's credit, she makes no bones about her disdain for white conservative men and women.
President Obama wants Sotomayor, naturally, to bring a fresh perspective to the court. It was a disgrace that W. appointed two white men to a court stocked with white men. And Sotomayor made it clear that she provides some spicy seasoning to a bench when she said in a speech: “I simply do not know exactly what the difference will be in my judging, but I accept there will be some based on gender and my Latina heritage.”
The judge’s full retreat from the notion that a different life experience is valuable was more than necessary and somewhat disappointing. But, as any clever job applicant knows, you must obscure as well as reveal, so she sidestepped the dreaded empathy questions — even though that’s why the president wants her.
Sarah Palin is the definition of irrational, a volatile and scattered country-music queen without the music. Her Republican fans defend her lack of application and intellect, happy to settle for her emotional electricity.