Article IV, section 4 of the U.S. Constitution guarantees that the the federal government must protect each state in the union from a foreign invasion. Apparently this was a limited warranty. Just ask the state of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas what has happened to their State's budget due to the blatant disregard of our constitutional right. The wonderful people of Arizona voted in a proposition asking that a person be a legal resident in order to receive state services. Wow, what a concept! And charging into court as though he was sending troops to war, President Fox of Mexico threatens to sue Arizona in their own court. Tell me how this is different from a physical invasion? And Fox knows he has supporters. From the A.C.L.U. to both political parties, ( not all members of course) and a lot of corporate America. And one of the most disappointing facts of all is that President Bush refuses to physically do anything about the onslaught. He pays lip service when he babbles about guest worker programs, but what about 28% of the federal prisons' population being illegal aliens? Or the billions of dollars being spent on education and health services for illegal's? What can be done? Well the obvious starting point is to declare both our southern and northern boarders as war zones. The second is to demand Mexico pay reparations in the form of oil. 1 illegal = 10 barrels of oil. They have the reserves and if they were not such a corrupt government, they would be the Saudi Arabia of the west. If they refuse? We stop all trade and ban all U.S. citizens from traveling to Mexico.
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