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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Small Blog Site....For Now

This is a blog site in my hometown of Turlock CA. Give it look.

Beware Modesto Of This Candidate For Council

These are the words of the candidate Robert Stanford. Also known as localblack. People of the Airport District I hope you know who and what your candidate represents. He also appears to be using a person's death to gain the Hispanic vote in his district. her picture looks like a drag queen?Submitted by Stanford4Modesto on Tue, 2009-06-09 21:10.Linda Taylor - I'm pretty sure she is female. And if not, I think that the proper gender reference (out of respect) for a tranny is she - in the feminine as that is what their expression asks of others.Dan Day might blow up this post because I think that's a touchy subject for him.For me on the other hand, I would really like to tell the City of Modesto to go to hell and move to San Francisco where I would get more appreciation than abuse (unlike here.)There. I said it.
Robert StanfordAirport Neighborhood ActivistWhy don't you start by lightening up....BMStanford4Modesto Says:You want to be mellow? You can start by not posting like that - what am I going to threaten you with? A flaming post?Just relax - your not any target of mine.
So what are you tryin' to say?Stanford4Modesto Says:Did you want to meet some where and fight?I can be nice....Stanford4Modesto Says:Is this all you have in your life? Why is all this so important to you. Didn't your Mommy or what have you tell you to ignore the idiots and the bullys? Why don't you just not reply....shine me on? Why don't you do that?Not a blog session goes by, that I don't ask myself the same question.
Oh yeah...I almost forgot...Stanford4Modesto Says:You my friend (pun intended) you are on my enemies list.So if I were you. I would watch those trees. I reprogrammed the brains of sparrows to dive bomb you when you go out in the morning to pick up your paper.I would tighten the draw string on that robe if I were you (wink wink)If you know what I mean.Draw stringRobeGet it?Wink Wink...yeah.go now...find a chem trail.Robert StanfordAirport Neighborhood Activist....

He is referencing a mis-nomer...Stanford4Modesto Says:It was a post that I had originally submitted for publication - in which I chastised American white perception of gang members - I generalized this.I deleted the entire thread - for one reason or another and re-posted the same story the only difference in the story was that I did not include a photograph of nortenos like I had before.They believe that it is different and that I edited the original story. This is not true however. And I did admit that I made the generalization that whites stereotype gang members as latino.But JH is anti-muslim - I read his posts, and I know what he means. Just as he knows that I am anti-white. That's how I know he, like Activist1 is anti-semitic as well. See where I am going with that?When people write something that they themselves do not understand, how can we as readers understand those that have written it. How can we, as readers make assumptions about these people. I do, just as the following.Some readers believe that when I speak against the incarceration of drug offenders - that I mean all criminals. I do not.When I support un-documented immigrants - some believe I support the sex slave traders and drug runner immigrants too - I do not.When I support needle exchange, some believe I support heroin. I do not.I believe that JHeaton is a fasciest pig. He in fact may not be.Linda is anti-semitic. That's "just a fact".
Robert StanfordAirport Neighborhood Activistok...Stanford4Modesto Says:
Yeah, well I know what I am truly in your book. I did not do what you say that I did. If you read through the post that you just wrote, it really makes no sense. I did not re-post to appear non-racist. But this is a useless argument with you.I know what I represent to you. And it's certainly not white. Of that I am proud. Proud to be Jew - proud to be pro-muslim - pro-gay and pro-undocumented immigrant.copy and print this out, so that when you stalk me on my next political run you can wave it like a confederate flag.By the way - I'm also pro La Raza - Todas Razas. Yours as well, I'm afraid.
Robert StanfordAirport Neighborhood ActivistI stood respectfully before theStanislaus Board of Supervisors pleading forunderstanding of the fatalities being suffered bymigrant farm workers in our very own communitieshere in the Central Valley. With great passion,emotion and tears, I spoke without rehearsal,“They are dying in our fields today, to putfood on your table tomorrow!” I said, banging myfist on the podium.One look at their indifferent white faces showedme that clearly I had wasted my time....If you are asking me about illegal immigration - I guess I would have to say that I believe that whatever solution(s) that we as a community and as a nation decide - that they should be humane and compassionate. If you are asking me if we should round them up like cattle and send them home - I say NO.What I would do.Stanford4Modesto Says:
I would invite them to one of my English learner workshops and start pushing health information their way. I would make sure that they were treated with kindness and forget any immigration issues.Robert Stanford for Modesto City Council Seat 1And when I see other activists speak - I think, wow - why don't they change their approach - people here have accused me of being a race-baiter - playing the race card to get some sort of a gain - Perhaps this was true at one time - but through my experience I have grown past this.A Jew Boy Note: - I don't actually live in the Airport District at this time - I live by Somerset at Coffee and Rumble area - but I am there so much and spend so many nights over there that it is like I do live there - but my toothbrush is in another part of town at this present time. Because of Election law, I will not be able to complete my residential move to the Airport District until all is said and done with this current campaign and run-off if I make that.I know. It's selfish - maybe I should just cator to getting on my knees saying whatever I have to for votes like my opponents do.Does anyone remember -Stanford4Modesto Says:
When my official campaign photo was that of a Mexican Wrestler?Honestly, in my opinion?Activist1 is an ignorant racist pig - a blow hard, she slanders my friends, me - local businesses and many of our officers and entire departments. She alludes to things and makes herself look like she is connected, but even the minutemen have told me that she is nowhere near what she says she is. Christianson also as much told me the same thing.I am going to be speaking with bail bond owners starting next week to discuss an opposing position of advocacy to take against her - so that all the info regarding the bail bond industry here in Stanislaus is not just coming from some over-rated chic with gout that slanders/libels them with baseless accusations of taking payoffs from Nortenos - how revolting pathetic and low.A1 - I would not worry about her - My call letters are PC - no not politically correct - Papi Chulo.Robert StanfordAirport Neighborhood Activist
Nice...jheaton Says:job Stanny. At least you admit you are racist. I however, am not. I am anti radical muslim though.Stanny, you did label all whites as being racist towards Latinos. You got called on it and thus reposted to appear non racist. The mere fact you admit to being anti white skews anything you say, and will come back to haunt you in any local political race you enter. As your political messiah said, but not practice; "Words mean something."
He is referencing a mis-nomer...Stanford4Modesto Says:It was a post that I had originally submitted for publication - in which I chastised American white perception of gang members - I generalized this.I deleted the entire thread - for one reason or another and re-posted the same story the only difference in the story was that I did not include a photograph of nortenos like I had before.They believe that it is different and that I edited the original story. This is not true however. And I did admit that I made the generalization that whites stereotype gang members as latino.But JH is anti-muslim - I read his posts, and I know what he means. Just as he knows that I am anti-white. That's how I know he, like Activist1 is anti-semitic as well. See where I am going with that?When people write something that they themselves do not understand, how can we as readers understand those that have written it. How can we, as readers make assumptions about these people. I do, just as the following.Some readers believe that when I speak against the incarceration of drug offenders - that I mean all criminals. I do not.When I support un-documented immigrants - some believe I support the sex slave traders and drug runner immigrants too - I do not.When I support needle exchange, some believe I support heroin. I do not.I believe that JHeaton is a fasciest pig. He in fact may not be.Linda is anti-semitic. That's "just a fact".
Robert StanfordAirport Neighborhood Activist
ok...Stanford4Modesto Says:
Yeah, well I know what I am truly in your book. I did not do what you say that I did. If you read through the post that you just wrote, it really makes no sense. I did not re-post to appear non-racist. But this is a useless argument with you.I know what I represent to you. And it's certainly not white. Of that I am proud. Proud to be Jew - proud to be pro-muslim - pro-gay and pro-undocumented immigrant.copy and print this out, so that when you stalk me on my next political run you can wave it like a confederate flag.By the way - I'm also pro La Raza - Todas Razas. Yours as well, I'm afraid.
You Say La Raza, Yo say La Humanalocalblack Says:
I am overwhelmed with the amount of participation in this Blog, why it reminds me of City council meetings and the Charter review committee meetings where so many of our community show up to support our community, why out of nearly half a million people less then a dozen shows up. And most of them, are also completely mis-informed, or worse yet, dis-informed.At El Concilio, we had a very informative forum from three immigration attorneys regarding the new proposed immigration legislation still sloshing in the senate - that was productive, that was understandable and that was more to the point of answering the questions of what are we doing as a country to humanely deal with our screwed up immigration system.Eve Hightower sat next to me throughout that, and I got a chance to further appreciate a Bee reporter. Now she has another fan.This did not get any press that I know of, it seems that the proposal for sanctuary did though. I tried to download the pdf but it does not work.It breaks my heart when I see and hear people so angry about undocumented immigrants and they completely leave out any balance in their words regarding compassion in any way for anyone but their own kind. It makes them look like racists.Not that it helps though when the site coordinator of El Concilio, Raul Garcia presents his organization as a separatist group, and expects me as a civil rights activist to buy the line that La Raza does not mean the race, it means the people, when any spanish-english dictionary will tell you otherwise - it means the people - La gente means the people.Yeah, whatever, we must decide what is right for us as compassionate Americans. And not mistake ourselves as the American Race.I would have rather those kids not filed what they had filed, but I support their rights, just as anyone elses. I would rather have humane immigration reform on a National Level, something that we could all agree on to whatever degree.But that's what happens when even the site coordinator for the Modesto El Concilio, Raul Garcia, cares more about his name or photo in the local papers than truly fighting for a single race as he has numerous times dictated to me is El Concilio's aim (that is why the hmong are not supported by this group in any outreach efforts) - And that is why, when El Concilio holds forums and I stand and fight, I often feel that I am doing his job. And I'm not even Latino.Worse yet, because I have repeatedly accused Raul Garcia and El Concilio as an organization as being seperatist, if I walked out into the street right now and got hit by a bus, Raul Garcia would dance on my grave singing Liza Minelli Show tunes before my body was even cold.If the scarce amount of input on this blog and everything else that happens in this county is any indication - bring on the sanctuary, we all deserve whatever happens because we never speak up or support eachother unless there is something in it for us personally.In short, I don't believe that this proposed sanctuary promotes understanding, I think it stirs up a hornets nest.But who am I? Like I don't get off on throwing gas on the fire?!
Robert W. Stanford
No not necessarily...Stanford4Modesto Says:Though you may have heard about the Brown VS. Board of education, you may not have heard about a LATER ruling called Mendez VS Board of Education - the latter of which finally allowed those of hispanic descent to be integrated into white schools - (not that long ago) -I myself felt the sting in the 70's in Delhi - if you ever get a chance to see my handwriting, it comes from my grandfather's instruction who was instructed somewhere between 1910 and 1920 - the style is much like his - if you get my drift. Not because I was hispanic, but because of my association with all that I knew from the farm - (other mexicans in my class that were my friends).

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