Here in Stanislaus County, we have access to our local court's public records. It allows for a person to type in a name, and see if there are any current or past criminal charges or convictions. There are also a few other places on the web that allows for a bit of detective work...One is Type in a persons name or phone number and their address and phone number may appear. Yahoo people search is another easy site. Again, typing in either names, addresses, or phone numbers will quickly, in most cases, lead to the info you are looking for. Google Maps allows for actual photos of individual houses, and businesses to be seen. This is a great resource for those who want to know who is a felon, or child molester, living nearby. The local probation department offers a tip line for those concerned citizens that want to pass on information of those who are on probation that are involved in on going criminal activity.
It is very important to be aware of those who live in your neighborhood. Who knows, you may help bust an illegal pot growing operation or meth lab.
The link should work now. And foul language sent in an e-mail probably won't go over well with the P.O.!