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Monday, July 10, 2006

Life's Navigator

I had been thinking lately about the twist, turns and detours that Life's road takes a person. The road usually begins out of high school. Everyday things are new. First college semester, first job, first vote and first girlfriend. There are also many first that appear to be negatives. First F, first job lost and first exgirlfriend. And the road continues pulling you along and after awhile the newness of life becomes something called "Wisdom Ave". The old saying "been around the block" or"been down that road before" or "dead end" appear . And when one really hits the cruise control we hear "Taking the high road" "a new path" or "smooth driving ahead." And no matter where we are on the road those pesky speed bumps appear. The secret to navigating this often tough but enjoyable journey is to remember the parts of the road that are under repair and to avoid them. And if we become lost there is ONE who is the ultimate "Navigator" who always knows the right road for us to take. The ultimate life question is not how long is the road? but rather how well did we follow the Navigator's directions? And Atlas is not His name.

It Is A Religous War

Muslim extremist killing Christians. Apparently as long as Christians are the victims there are no major media willing to cover these brutal murders. But let the roles be reveresed and look out. But the interesting fact is, there are very very few incidents were "Christian Extremist" have brutaly murdered Muslims. Actually I can't recall any incidents. The larger question is "Why the free Pass?" Fear of retallation from these Muslims on the journalist? Maybe, but reporters have put themselves in danger before. Or it maybe, as predicted, there would be a time when to be a Christian would be dangerous and even deadly. But for Christians, we know the final outcome of this religous war.
Here is a line and a link to a single incident.
MANILA/AMSTERDAM (BosNewsLife) -- Suspected Islamic militants shot and killed a 47-year-old pastor and his 22-year-old daughter in Mindanao, the second largest and easternmost island of the Philippines, investigators said Thursday, July 6. Speaking from its headquarters in Ermelo, the Netherlands, human rights group Open Doors said it learned from Christian sources that Pastor Mocsin Hasim, a former Muslim, was shot at least 19 times, while his daughter Mercilyn was five times hit....Local police have reportedly linked the attack to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, described as an "extremist rebel group."