I was speaking with an acquaintance the other night about illegal aliens entering the country. His first response was to describe the Minutemen as a bunch of " White racist rednecks." I had to remind him of the fact he was a legal immigrant from Africa. His family had sent him here to attend college. His father paid a great deal of money for the education he had received. His response is that illegal immigrants are needed for the manual labor jobs that "whites" refuse to do! Taking a deep breath and a large drink of my beer I told him that regardless of a man's skin, he will do any job if he his hungry enough. Cut off all entitlements and let us return to the days of The Grapes of Wrath. As I was engaged in this conversation a thought had struck me; This African immigrant blames the white man for our border woes. It is our fault we refuse to pick crops. It is Uncle Sam's fault that illegal aliens are sucking every social program dry. But by gosh it is America where everybody wants to send Jr. to college! The very country that welcomed this ingrate is the same one that he wants changed. Why did his father choose the U.S. and not Mexico, Chile, Canada... Any place but here? And here is the root of the problem... This African man does not see himself as an American. Instead he is an African living in America, and this country owes him something. America, thanks to the likes of ACLU, Hollywood and every other American socialist portrays America as "White Racist Rednecks."
Here is our wonderful Mr. Waxman's opinions from On The Issues which so plainly illustrates the "It is our fault mentality."
Encourage Immigration and Offer Amnesty POSITIONS
Strongly Support means you believe: Immigration restrictions are basically racist because they keep out Hispanics and other non-whites. We should reform US immigration laws and use them to increase our diversity and cultural tolerance. Social services should be offered to all residents of the United States regardless of immigration status. Illegal aliens should be offered amnesty if they prove themselves as productive members of society.
Support means you believe: The government should make few restrictions on immigration. If the number of immigrants is too high, establish an immigration fee and raise it until the number of immigrants is acceptable. Or change the immigration quotas by some other method.
Oppose means you believe: Maintain legal immigration while enforcing against illegal immigration. Tighten our borders - decrease substantially or stop all immigration so we can address domestic problems.
Strongly Oppose means you believe: We should strictly enforce our immigration laws by increasing border patrols, and we should crack down on illegal immigrants already in the US by deportation and by removing all their social benefits. In the long run, we should decrease immigration.
This question is looking for your views on both legal and illegal immigration; whether we should open our borders or patrol them more tightly and lower the legal immigrant count. However you answer the above question would be similar to your response to these statements:
Legal immigration should be increased
We spend enough on patrolling the Mexican border
Grant amnesty to illegal immigrants who have resided here for 5 yearsHow do you decide between "Support" and "Strongly Support" when you agree with both the descriptions above? (Or between "Oppose" and "Strongly Oppose"). The strong positions are generally based on matters of PRINCIPLES where the regular support and oppose positions are based on PRACTICAL matters. If you answer "No Opinion," this question is not counted in the VoteMatch answers for any candidate. So it's more important to give a general answer of support versus oppose, than to get the strength of your answer exactly refined, or to think too hard about the exact wording of the question.
Strongly Support means you believe in the principle of free immigration: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free," as inscribed on the Statue of Liberty.
Support means you believe in practical reforms but not in treating illegal aliens as criminals.
Oppose means you believe in practical limitations like increased border security.
Strongly Oppose means you believe in the principle that illegal aliens are criminals.
Diversity and cultural tolerance... Should instead read "perversity and cultural ignorance!