Too much ignorant babbling from my anti crew to pass up. Here is their verbal circus.....
Superman and Katrina.
Submitted by jerseygirl on Sun, 2005-09-18 13:16.
Ominous signs of irony have followed Bush his second term- Superman died last fall and Katrina was born this summer. You could no longer hope for the caped crusader to fight for "truth, justice and the American way"- three things the Bush administration is against. Then Katrina washed ashore the garbage of his egregious administration. I won't blame a hurricane on human error, but I will on what happened before, during & after. A government's role is to provide for the betterment of its citizens, especially the "have not's", not just the "haves". If Bush were a true diplomat of integrity & compassion, he would have priorized the well-being of Americans' by not slashing taxes for the well-off. Taxes the rich avoid robs social & safety programs, and so the levee's were not maintained despite years of data that Louisiana could not sustain a category three hurricane; Katrina was a five. FEMA was stripped of its autonomy and thrown into the massively expensive pot called "Homeland Security". Where did all that money go? Speaking of money- how can it not anger you that Halliburton is profitting from yet another Gulf disaster? How can it not anger you that King George promised oodles of money to restore a devastated kingdom- yet immediately denied a bill to pay prevailing wages for construction workers in the Gulf states? Bush's America is a plutocracy; Republican spin will no longer hide this fact. Money that could help the aftermath of Katrina could have come from a "rainy day fund", what Clinton left in the name of a surplus, which Bush robbed to pay for his Iraq war. Regime change, anyone?
jerseygirl's blog
Nice Try
Submitted by jheaton on Tue, 2009-01-20 22:36.
While I admit President Bush is far from the man I thought he was going to be when I first heard him, i.e. lock down the borders and cutting foreign aid to Africa. You can't hang the blame on him for levee breaks. The state of Louisiana has known fo 40yrs that this day was comming. Many of their own elected officials diverted funds else where. Also, Mr. Bush has never read a spending bill he did not like. And since when is it a crime to be wealthy? Individuals who work hard have every right to keep their money. Corporations that are corrupt is a different story. The government should only help those who can not help themselves such as the mentally ill and the physically handicapped. I am tired of paying for people who are drug addicts, illegal aliens and just plain lazy. Cut off all of those programs and when they get hungry enough, they will work. And I do agree that massive contracts go to companies that have connections to politicians. I believe Gen. Wesley Clark's company just recieved a clean up contract in the states that were hit by Katrina.
A question to ask ourselves
Submitted by jerseygirl on Fri, 2005-09-23 15:50.
A question to ask ourselves is: what is the purpose of government? A wise man once said, "to protect the powerless from the powerful"; a non-partisan answer to a non-partisan question. Our bicameral system once had Republicans who were fiscally conservative for the greater good and Democrats who were socially active for the greater good of the people. Somewhere in time they made a U-turn and got lost. I am disgusted by both parties and though I do not for one second believe political corruption lies solely in the Republican legislative body- it's because of one greedy, vindictive, evil man, that the Bush House has run amok in malfeasance like none other. The reign of Karl Rove's political persuasion has stacked the House with egregious cronyism- from the CIA to FEMA. I absolutely blame the levees breaking on this administration, right down to the state level. The blatant stealing of hard-working tax payers to support pet projects and "special interests" of corrupt lobbyist is why America's infrastructure is falling apart at the seams, and why we're held by the balls from foreign countries who pay our daily debts. The Treasury Bonds are like the levee's of Louisiana- they will only carry so much. So why should Bill Gates not have to pay his fair share and contribute to our economy like me and my barely-getting-by paycheck? One percent of a billion dollars is A LOT of money not going into the economy! I haven't a problem with enjoying the fruits of your labor from honest work- I have a problem with Bush giving his elitist buddies a break at our expense. Not only do we pay for Iraq in bodies and taxes, but who do you think is going to pick up the tab to reconstruct the hurricane damage? Haliburton? As long as we, the citizens of a government for the people, by the people, allow apathy to fuel the avarice of silk-suited criminals, the powerless will not be protected from the powerful and therefore, we all lose.
Great Reply!
Submitted by jheaton on Sat, 2005-09-24 03:04.
I am upset also that no matter what the party affiliation, elected officials "hook up" their buddies. I agree with you about the "honest" days work. I like you, look at my pay stub and say, what the !@#%. And you are spot on about lobbyist. I look at both political parties and there is not a nickles worth of difference. You are also right about President Bush hooking up his buddies. But please be fair and admit this poor behavior crosses party lines. For a far righty like me to admit this, it must be bad! I would like to compliment you on your well thought out and written blog, Touche! Who is your dream canidate for 2008? I will throw the first gernade and say,.... Alan Keyes.. your up!
Bridges of Hope
Submitted by jerseygirl on Sat, 2005-09-24 23:22.
The beauty of the Internet is that it gives people the forum to think and connect bridges. Thank you for your honest feedback. You are absolutely correct that poor political behavior crosses party lines. If our elected officials voted on their conscience, rather than their constituents, our government would work as it was intended. The fate of this country lies in power of the people keeping the eye on the ball; holding those responsible- accountable. As for my "dream candidate" for 2008- I need to give that some thought since not one person in particular comes to mind right away! But as someone writing from the far left, I can assure you- her name IS NOT Hillary!
Right Agrees with Left
Submitted by jheaton on Sun, 2005-09-25 09:57.
Wow, I just received an ice shipment from Hades. We both agree on Hillary. It is also very nice to read and respond to a self labeled "Far Lefty" who is articulate and polite. Even though I may not agree with that side of the political spectrum, I hope there are many more people such as yourself. Since you have not named your dream canidate I will name my number two pick, Tom Tancredo. I am sure this will get you motivated!
For the greater good.
Submitted by jerseygirl on Mon, 2005-09-26 16:27.
If only those "in power" would listen to the people who give them the power. Whatever my opinions, and that is what they are, I am open to listen to all sides. If we just listen to what we like to hear, then we become jaded in our bias. While I will not concede to go against what I believe to be just, my thesis as a human being is based on what a great philospher once said: "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." I'm sure we will have our differences of opinion but from that, I hope for us both to learn. If we come from the core belief of treating others as we like to be treated, then we may accomplish what this government is failing to do. Having said that, I must point out one of the most disappointing traits of Bush; he has been a divider and not a uniter. Whether it's Karl Rove writing what he says or other "powers that be" you and I are unaware of, this time is crucial for American citizens to come together for the greater good. That is what gave birth to this country and made it great: our right to think for ourselves. As long as we aren't hurting anyone- then life is good. Thank you for meeting me half way & hopefully, inspiring in others to do the same.
Another Bad Trait
Submitted by jheaton on Mon, 2005-09-26 19:32.
I think another one of President Bush's faults is he listens to and takes bad advice from people who are close to him. It seems he is always campaigning instead of leading. I can remenber President Reagan telling the country he would fire all air traffic controllers if they went on strike. You may not have liked it, but he was up front about where he wanted to go as a president. I don.t care about the party, I just want a politician to clearly state their position. If somebody says to me they think I am a "Dufus" I appreciate the honesty! Though I will ask for proof and none will be found. By the way you still owe a presidential pick....My number three is Rick Santorum.
Submitted by jerseygirl on Tue, 2005-09-27 14:54.
I look forward to our healthy disagreements in months to come as we consider our candidates of choice! So far, two of the three that you named I know little of, but what I do know, I must say "hmmm..." As for Rick Santorum, well- we will have to agree to disagree. But that is great! My neighbors across the street are Republicans through and through- and we have had exciting, always civil, disagreements (as you can imagine)! But we always remember we are people with opinions, not opinionated people; I love them dearly and we look out for each other. So I welcome you to the club! By the way, I wanted to thank you for your polite words earlier and I would like to extend the same.
Good Neighbors Rule!
Submitted by jheaton on Tue, 2005-09-27 15:21.
Sounds like it must get really interesting around the bbq! It makes life alot of fun when you can debate with someone and throw back a few cold ones and laugh. It must be great to have neighbors that see things differently than you. I can just imagine the wild pranks... switching the canidates' yards signs..placing a I Luv Hillary bumper sticker on their car! Halloween parties with the Reagan Bush 1 mask. How about another pick 4 pres..J.C.Watts.
The bumper sticker prank
Submitted by jerseygirl on Wed, 2005-09-28 11:56.
The bumper sticker prank made me chuckle; I've ventured into that thought... tee-hee!. Well, you've certainly done your homework on presidential candidates, and I must humbly admit that I've been so immersed in current events and ensuing '06 elections that I've concentrated little on "the next prez". At this point, it's easier to know whom I don't want (Republican/Democrat) than to think of whom I would like. But I think you and I will share "cringes" on our choices- and a healthy debate I'm looking forward to! Right now, I can tell you that Diane Feinstein comes to mind a lot. As much as I would like to see a woman steer the ship for a change, I will not vote for "her" because of her gender. I am an equal opportunity voter! I have watched her for years and admire her convictions; she has consistently proven to vote more from her conscience than to cower to a party of wimps- something I respect. So for now, even if she isn't planning to run, she will be my first choice. To be fair to Republicans, and considering myself a "moderate Democrat", I will consider some names but I want to see how they fair in light of recent indictments of prominent Republicans: Abramoff, DeLay, possibly Frist and hopefully Rove. A true leader whose priority is to his/her country, and not his/her cronies- will surface like debris after a hurricane, from the decaying layer that's reigned in the Rove administration. So for now- I've offered a candidate and I hope you don't have to take too much Pepto Bismal after it! Have a good day!
No Pepto; Yes Coor's
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2005-09-28 14:43.
I must say one thing about Diane, I wrote her office a letter years ago about a tax question, and I actually recieved a reply. She was the first politician to return a letter. I did not agree with the response just as I don't agree with alot of her positions, but she seems to respond very to her potential voters. Any time a politicans is blamed for almost anything it does not surprise me.
OK, I did win for sure Jerseygirl.
Submitted by Simpson82 on Tue, 2009-01-20 23:47.
I read the entire blog. Very, very interesting, I must say.
Like I said, just pay me when the bailout check arrives. About the time of your B'day.
"Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the danger of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of crackpot than the stigma of conformity." - Thomas J. Watson
I see hj is trying to edit past posts see "nice try."..
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 09:53.
From 2005?...hj..ashamed of something?
Reminds me of 10/11/08 sound familar hj? you deleted that one.
It's now a 1/20/2009 post between year 2005 posts.
Submitted by Simpson82 on Wed, 2009-01-21 11:20.
Like Jerseygirl says, it "smarts" when you get it right "back at ya".
Doesn't surprise me one bit Truthseekers. Good spot on catch.
"Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the danger of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of crackpot than the stigma of conformity." - Thomas J. Watson
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2009-01-21 14:20.
there gramps. Just clean'n up a bit. But then again, you are just an old angry dude lookin' to argue. Nice hobby. Maybe your buddy bike rack can let you get involved in his hobby. You would fit right in. Say cheese!
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!Bobby KnightUncle Sam's Boot
Well son to go back three and a half years to adjust typos..LOL
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 14:26.
yeah that makes's believeable too...Iwo Jima Time?
I see you're still SPAMMING hj
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 14:29.
Trying to sell on the hive?
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2009-01-21 17:55.
I mean tmyseeker. You better hurry on out to that dairy farm in Keyes. Seems somebody is hiding chicken poop in the cow poop. It is another cover up that you are qualified to investigate and solve. That is when you get some free tyime from your newly found photography hobby.
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!Bobby KnightUncle Sam's Boot
It must hurt to be as wrong as you..but it does make me laugh
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 17:59.
You keep guessing wrong but then all your hate is wrong. And I see you're still spamming
jheaton admit to Dan Day that you're SPAMMING
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 17:59.
for an attempted just don't make any...
Still adjusting 3 year old typos?..Talk about an exciting life..
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:01.
You don't lie any better than you cover up your hate.
I'm ready to re-enact Iwo Jima..I have a nice flag pole
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:02.
and you will make an amusing Mt.Suribachi
Are you still selling on your personal site..yes you are
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:03.
that makes you a SPAMMER doesn't it.
Good girl gone bad-
Submitted by jerseygirl on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:18.
that's what jhe wants to hide... unfortunately for her, he can't and the proof is in the post (from three years ago).
We used to be civil to each other and the Hive archives has all the posts to prove it; hard to believe they are one in the same (person). Back then, he was just another card-carrying member of Club Compassionate Conservative, BEFORE Bush reached the pinnacle of his malfeasance and still eligible to steal another election. jhe's hatred had yet to evolve.
Hence, why I re-posted Superman/Katrina; it just shows how the more his party ate their own and destroyed everything in their path- including the core foundation of why Republicanism even arose (to reign in government and be fiscally conservative), the more bellicose became jhe in some desperate effort to take attention on how badly Bush and his Republicans trashed America. The weaker the lie became, the further the venom spat on his critics until he turned into what he is today: Ann Coulter without a book deal.
"Nice try" was a nice catch and what I hoped jhe would do- try to delete his "past." Way to play ball, truth! (Or is that pops, or old man, or...?!?)
"Sometimes a revolution is just what is needed to clean-up the system with one, giant enema."- Johnny Depp, "Once Upon a Time in Mexico."
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:31.
no republican....pure conservative independant...and compassion for those who deserve it.So I will leave this cess pool where Sonoran shrews do their dance of deciet and others that snap photos of dreams incomplete.
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!Bobby KnightUncle Sam's Boot
Search This Blog
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Madness From The Hive
Too much ignorant babbling from my anti crew to pass up. Here is their verbal circus.....
Superman and Katrina.
Submitted by jerseygirl on Sun, 2005-09-18 13:16.
Ominous signs of irony have followed Bush his second term- Superman died last fall and Katrina was born this summer. You could no longer hope for the caped crusader to fight for "truth, justice and the American way"- three things the Bush administration is against. Then Katrina washed ashore the garbage of his egregious administration. I won't blame a hurricane on human error, but I will on what happened before, during & after. A government's role is to provide for the betterment of its citizens, especially the "have not's", not just the "haves". If Bush were a true diplomat of integrity & compassion, he would have priorized the well-being of Americans' by not slashing taxes for the well-off. Taxes the rich avoid robs social & safety programs, and so the levee's were not maintained despite years of data that Louisiana could not sustain a category three hurricane; Katrina was a five. FEMA was stripped of its autonomy and thrown into the massively expensive pot called "Homeland Security". Where did all that money go? Speaking of money- how can it not anger you that Halliburton is profitting from yet another Gulf disaster? How can it not anger you that King George promised oodles of money to restore a devastated kingdom- yet immediately denied a bill to pay prevailing wages for construction workers in the Gulf states? Bush's America is a plutocracy; Republican spin will no longer hide this fact. Money that could help the aftermath of Katrina could have come from a "rainy day fund", what Clinton left in the name of a surplus, which Bush robbed to pay for his Iraq war. Regime change, anyone?
jerseygirl's blog
Nice Try
Submitted by jheaton on Tue, 2009-01-20 22:36.
While I admit President Bush is far from the man I thought he was going to be when I first heard him, i.e. lock down the borders and cutting foreign aid to Africa. You can't hang the blame on him for levee breaks. The state of Louisiana has known fo 40yrs that this day was comming. Many of their own elected officials diverted funds else where. Also, Mr. Bush has never read a spending bill he did not like. And since when is it a crime to be wealthy? Individuals who work hard have every right to keep their money. Corporations that are corrupt is a different story. The government should only help those who can not help themselves such as the mentally ill and the physically handicapped. I am tired of paying for people who are drug addicts, illegal aliens and just plain lazy. Cut off all of those programs and when they get hungry enough, they will work. And I do agree that massive contracts go to companies that have connections to politicians. I believe Gen. Wesley Clark's company just recieved a clean up contract in the states that were hit by Katrina.
A question to ask ourselves
Submitted by jerseygirl on Fri, 2005-09-23 15:50.
A question to ask ourselves is: what is the purpose of government? A wise man once said, "to protect the powerless from the powerful"; a non-partisan answer to a non-partisan question. Our bicameral system once had Republicans who were fiscally conservative for the greater good and Democrats who were socially active for the greater good of the people. Somewhere in time they made a U-turn and got lost. I am disgusted by both parties and though I do not for one second believe political corruption lies solely in the Republican legislative body- it's because of one greedy, vindictive, evil man, that the Bush House has run amok in malfeasance like none other. The reign of Karl Rove's political persuasion has stacked the House with egregious cronyism- from the CIA to FEMA. I absolutely blame the levees breaking on this administration, right down to the state level. The blatant stealing of hard-working tax payers to support pet projects and "special interests" of corrupt lobbyist is why America's infrastructure is falling apart at the seams, and why we're held by the balls from foreign countries who pay our daily debts. The Treasury Bonds are like the levee's of Louisiana- they will only carry so much. So why should Bill Gates not have to pay his fair share and contribute to our economy like me and my barely-getting-by paycheck? One percent of a billion dollars is A LOT of money not going into the economy! I haven't a problem with enjoying the fruits of your labor from honest work- I have a problem with Bush giving his elitist buddies a break at our expense. Not only do we pay for Iraq in bodies and taxes, but who do you think is going to pick up the tab to reconstruct the hurricane damage? Haliburton? As long as we, the citizens of a government for the people, by the people, allow apathy to fuel the avarice of silk-suited criminals, the powerless will not be protected from the powerful and therefore, we all lose.
Great Reply!
Submitted by jheaton on Sat, 2005-09-24 03:04.
I am upset also that no matter what the party affiliation, elected officials "hook up" their buddies. I agree with you about the "honest" days work. I like you, look at my pay stub and say, what the !@#%. And you are spot on about lobbyist. I look at both political parties and there is not a nickles worth of difference. You are also right about President Bush hooking up his buddies. But please be fair and admit this poor behavior crosses party lines. For a far righty like me to admit this, it must be bad! I would like to compliment you on your well thought out and written blog, Touche! Who is your dream canidate for 2008? I will throw the first gernade and say,.... Alan Keyes.. your up!
Bridges of Hope
Submitted by jerseygirl on Sat, 2005-09-24 23:22.
The beauty of the Internet is that it gives people the forum to think and connect bridges. Thank you for your honest feedback. You are absolutely correct that poor political behavior crosses party lines. If our elected officials voted on their conscience, rather than their constituents, our government would work as it was intended. The fate of this country lies in power of the people keeping the eye on the ball; holding those responsible- accountable. As for my "dream candidate" for 2008- I need to give that some thought since not one person in particular comes to mind right away! But as someone writing from the far left, I can assure you- her name IS NOT Hillary!
Right Agrees with Left
Submitted by jheaton on Sun, 2005-09-25 09:57.
Wow, I just received an ice shipment from Hades. We both agree on Hillary. It is also very nice to read and respond to a self labeled "Far Lefty" who is articulate and polite. Even though I may not agree with that side of the political spectrum, I hope there are many more people such as yourself. Since you have not named your dream canidate I will name my number two pick, Tom Tancredo. I am sure this will get you motivated!
For the greater good.
Submitted by jerseygirl on Mon, 2005-09-26 16:27.
If only those "in power" would listen to the people who give them the power. Whatever my opinions, and that is what they are, I am open to listen to all sides. If we just listen to what we like to hear, then we become jaded in our bias. While I will not concede to go against what I believe to be just, my thesis as a human being is based on what a great philospher once said: "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." I'm sure we will have our differences of opinion but from that, I hope for us both to learn. If we come from the core belief of treating others as we like to be treated, then we may accomplish what this government is failing to do. Having said that, I must point out one of the most disappointing traits of Bush; he has been a divider and not a uniter. Whether it's Karl Rove writing what he says or other "powers that be" you and I are unaware of, this time is crucial for American citizens to come together for the greater good. That is what gave birth to this country and made it great: our right to think for ourselves. As long as we aren't hurting anyone- then life is good. Thank you for meeting me half way & hopefully, inspiring in others to do the same.
Another Bad Trait
Submitted by jheaton on Mon, 2005-09-26 19:32.
I think another one of President Bush's faults is he listens to and takes bad advice from people who are close to him. It seems he is always campaigning instead of leading. I can remenber President Reagan telling the country he would fire all air traffic controllers if they went on strike. You may not have liked it, but he was up front about where he wanted to go as a president. I don.t care about the party, I just want a politician to clearly state their position. If somebody says to me they think I am a "Dufus" I appreciate the honesty! Though I will ask for proof and none will be found. By the way you still owe a presidential pick....My number three is Rick Santorum.
Submitted by jerseygirl on Tue, 2005-09-27 14:54.
I look forward to our healthy disagreements in months to come as we consider our candidates of choice! So far, two of the three that you named I know little of, but what I do know, I must say "hmmm..." As for Rick Santorum, well- we will have to agree to disagree. But that is great! My neighbors across the street are Republicans through and through- and we have had exciting, always civil, disagreements (as you can imagine)! But we always remember we are people with opinions, not opinionated people; I love them dearly and we look out for each other. So I welcome you to the club! By the way, I wanted to thank you for your polite words earlier and I would like to extend the same.
Good Neighbors Rule!
Submitted by jheaton on Tue, 2005-09-27 15:21.
Sounds like it must get really interesting around the bbq! It makes life alot of fun when you can debate with someone and throw back a few cold ones and laugh. It must be great to have neighbors that see things differently than you. I can just imagine the wild pranks... switching the canidates' yards signs..placing a I Luv Hillary bumper sticker on their car! Halloween parties with the Reagan Bush 1 mask. How about another pick 4 pres..J.C.Watts.
The bumper sticker prank
Submitted by jerseygirl on Wed, 2005-09-28 11:56.
The bumper sticker prank made me chuckle; I've ventured into that thought... tee-hee!. Well, you've certainly done your homework on presidential candidates, and I must humbly admit that I've been so immersed in current events and ensuing '06 elections that I've concentrated little on "the next prez". At this point, it's easier to know whom I don't want (Republican/Democrat) than to think of whom I would like. But I think you and I will share "cringes" on our choices- and a healthy debate I'm looking forward to! Right now, I can tell you that Diane Feinstein comes to mind a lot. As much as I would like to see a woman steer the ship for a change, I will not vote for "her" because of her gender. I am an equal opportunity voter! I have watched her for years and admire her convictions; she has consistently proven to vote more from her conscience than to cower to a party of wimps- something I respect. So for now, even if she isn't planning to run, she will be my first choice. To be fair to Republicans, and considering myself a "moderate Democrat", I will consider some names but I want to see how they fair in light of recent indictments of prominent Republicans: Abramoff, DeLay, possibly Frist and hopefully Rove. A true leader whose priority is to his/her country, and not his/her cronies- will surface like debris after a hurricane, from the decaying layer that's reigned in the Rove administration. So for now- I've offered a candidate and I hope you don't have to take too much Pepto Bismal after it! Have a good day!
No Pepto; Yes Coor's
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2005-09-28 14:43.
I must say one thing about Diane, I wrote her office a letter years ago about a tax question, and I actually recieved a reply. She was the first politician to return a letter. I did not agree with the response just as I don't agree with alot of her positions, but she seems to respond very to her potential voters. Any time a politicans is blamed for almost anything it does not surprise me.
OK, I did win for sure Jerseygirl.
Submitted by Simpson82 on Tue, 2009-01-20 23:47.
I read the entire blog. Very, very interesting, I must say.
Like I said, just pay me when the bailout check arrives. About the time of your B'day.
"Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the danger of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of crackpot than the stigma of conformity." - Thomas J. Watson
I see hj is trying to edit past posts see "nice try."..
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 09:53.
From 2005?...hj..ashamed of something?
Reminds me of 10/11/08 sound familar hj? you deleted that one.
It's now a 1/20/2009 post between year 2005 posts.
Submitted by Simpson82 on Wed, 2009-01-21 11:20.
Like Jerseygirl says, it "smarts" when you get it right "back at ya".
Doesn't surprise me one bit Truthseekers. Good spot on catch.
"Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the danger of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of crackpot than the stigma of conformity." - Thomas J. Watson
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2009-01-21 14:20.
there gramps. Just clean'n up a bit. But then again, you are just an old angry dude lookin' to argue. Nice hobby. Maybe your buddy bike rack can let you get involved in his hobby. You would fit right in. Say cheese!
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!Bobby KnightUncle Sam's Boot
Well son to go back three and a half years to adjust typos..LOL
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 14:26.
yeah that makes's believeable too...Iwo Jima Time?
I see you're still SPAMMING hj
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 14:29.
Trying to sell on the hive?
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2009-01-21 17:55.
I mean tmyseeker. You better hurry on out to that dairy farm in Keyes. Seems somebody is hiding chicken poop in the cow poop. It is another cover up that you are qualified to investigate and solve. That is when you get some free tyime from your newly found photography hobby.
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!Bobby KnightUncle Sam's Boot
It must hurt to be as wrong as you..but it does make me laugh
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 17:59.
You keep guessing wrong but then all your hate is wrong. And I see you're still spamming
jheaton admit to Dan Day that you're SPAMMING
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 17:59.
for an attempted just don't make any...
Still adjusting 3 year old typos?..Talk about an exciting life..
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:01.
You don't lie any better than you cover up your hate.
I'm ready to re-enact Iwo Jima..I have a nice flag pole
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:02.
and you will make an amusing Mt.Suribachi
Are you still selling on your personal site..yes you are
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:03.
that makes you a SPAMMER doesn't it.
Good girl gone bad-
Submitted by jerseygirl on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:18.
that's what jhe wants to hide... unfortunately for her, he can't and the proof is in the post (from three years ago).
We used to be civil to each other and the Hive archives has all the posts to prove it; hard to believe they are one in the same (person). Back then, he was just another card-carrying member of Club Compassionate Conservative, BEFORE Bush reached the pinnacle of his malfeasance and still eligible to steal another election. jhe's hatred had yet to evolve.
Hence, why I re-posted Superman/Katrina; it just shows how the more his party ate their own and destroyed everything in their path- including the core foundation of why Republicanism even arose (to reign in government and be fiscally conservative), the more bellicose became jhe in some desperate effort to take attention on how badly Bush and his Republicans trashed America. The weaker the lie became, the further the venom spat on his critics until he turned into what he is today: Ann Coulter without a book deal.
"Nice try" was a nice catch and what I hoped jhe would do- try to delete his "past." Way to play ball, truth! (Or is that pops, or old man, or...?!?)
"Sometimes a revolution is just what is needed to clean-up the system with one, giant enema."- Johnny Depp, "Once Upon a Time in Mexico."
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:31.
no republican....pure conservative independant...and compassion for those who deserve it.So I will leave this cess pool where Sonoran shrews do their dance of deciet and others that snap photos of dreams incomplete.
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!Bobby KnightUncle Sam's Boot
Superman and Katrina.
Submitted by jerseygirl on Sun, 2005-09-18 13:16.
Ominous signs of irony have followed Bush his second term- Superman died last fall and Katrina was born this summer. You could no longer hope for the caped crusader to fight for "truth, justice and the American way"- three things the Bush administration is against. Then Katrina washed ashore the garbage of his egregious administration. I won't blame a hurricane on human error, but I will on what happened before, during & after. A government's role is to provide for the betterment of its citizens, especially the "have not's", not just the "haves". If Bush were a true diplomat of integrity & compassion, he would have priorized the well-being of Americans' by not slashing taxes for the well-off. Taxes the rich avoid robs social & safety programs, and so the levee's were not maintained despite years of data that Louisiana could not sustain a category three hurricane; Katrina was a five. FEMA was stripped of its autonomy and thrown into the massively expensive pot called "Homeland Security". Where did all that money go? Speaking of money- how can it not anger you that Halliburton is profitting from yet another Gulf disaster? How can it not anger you that King George promised oodles of money to restore a devastated kingdom- yet immediately denied a bill to pay prevailing wages for construction workers in the Gulf states? Bush's America is a plutocracy; Republican spin will no longer hide this fact. Money that could help the aftermath of Katrina could have come from a "rainy day fund", what Clinton left in the name of a surplus, which Bush robbed to pay for his Iraq war. Regime change, anyone?
jerseygirl's blog
Nice Try
Submitted by jheaton on Tue, 2009-01-20 22:36.
While I admit President Bush is far from the man I thought he was going to be when I first heard him, i.e. lock down the borders and cutting foreign aid to Africa. You can't hang the blame on him for levee breaks. The state of Louisiana has known fo 40yrs that this day was comming. Many of their own elected officials diverted funds else where. Also, Mr. Bush has never read a spending bill he did not like. And since when is it a crime to be wealthy? Individuals who work hard have every right to keep their money. Corporations that are corrupt is a different story. The government should only help those who can not help themselves such as the mentally ill and the physically handicapped. I am tired of paying for people who are drug addicts, illegal aliens and just plain lazy. Cut off all of those programs and when they get hungry enough, they will work. And I do agree that massive contracts go to companies that have connections to politicians. I believe Gen. Wesley Clark's company just recieved a clean up contract in the states that were hit by Katrina.
A question to ask ourselves
Submitted by jerseygirl on Fri, 2005-09-23 15:50.
A question to ask ourselves is: what is the purpose of government? A wise man once said, "to protect the powerless from the powerful"; a non-partisan answer to a non-partisan question. Our bicameral system once had Republicans who were fiscally conservative for the greater good and Democrats who were socially active for the greater good of the people. Somewhere in time they made a U-turn and got lost. I am disgusted by both parties and though I do not for one second believe political corruption lies solely in the Republican legislative body- it's because of one greedy, vindictive, evil man, that the Bush House has run amok in malfeasance like none other. The reign of Karl Rove's political persuasion has stacked the House with egregious cronyism- from the CIA to FEMA. I absolutely blame the levees breaking on this administration, right down to the state level. The blatant stealing of hard-working tax payers to support pet projects and "special interests" of corrupt lobbyist is why America's infrastructure is falling apart at the seams, and why we're held by the balls from foreign countries who pay our daily debts. The Treasury Bonds are like the levee's of Louisiana- they will only carry so much. So why should Bill Gates not have to pay his fair share and contribute to our economy like me and my barely-getting-by paycheck? One percent of a billion dollars is A LOT of money not going into the economy! I haven't a problem with enjoying the fruits of your labor from honest work- I have a problem with Bush giving his elitist buddies a break at our expense. Not only do we pay for Iraq in bodies and taxes, but who do you think is going to pick up the tab to reconstruct the hurricane damage? Haliburton? As long as we, the citizens of a government for the people, by the people, allow apathy to fuel the avarice of silk-suited criminals, the powerless will not be protected from the powerful and therefore, we all lose.
Great Reply!
Submitted by jheaton on Sat, 2005-09-24 03:04.
I am upset also that no matter what the party affiliation, elected officials "hook up" their buddies. I agree with you about the "honest" days work. I like you, look at my pay stub and say, what the !@#%. And you are spot on about lobbyist. I look at both political parties and there is not a nickles worth of difference. You are also right about President Bush hooking up his buddies. But please be fair and admit this poor behavior crosses party lines. For a far righty like me to admit this, it must be bad! I would like to compliment you on your well thought out and written blog, Touche! Who is your dream canidate for 2008? I will throw the first gernade and say,.... Alan Keyes.. your up!
Bridges of Hope
Submitted by jerseygirl on Sat, 2005-09-24 23:22.
The beauty of the Internet is that it gives people the forum to think and connect bridges. Thank you for your honest feedback. You are absolutely correct that poor political behavior crosses party lines. If our elected officials voted on their conscience, rather than their constituents, our government would work as it was intended. The fate of this country lies in power of the people keeping the eye on the ball; holding those responsible- accountable. As for my "dream candidate" for 2008- I need to give that some thought since not one person in particular comes to mind right away! But as someone writing from the far left, I can assure you- her name IS NOT Hillary!
Right Agrees with Left
Submitted by jheaton on Sun, 2005-09-25 09:57.
Wow, I just received an ice shipment from Hades. We both agree on Hillary. It is also very nice to read and respond to a self labeled "Far Lefty" who is articulate and polite. Even though I may not agree with that side of the political spectrum, I hope there are many more people such as yourself. Since you have not named your dream canidate I will name my number two pick, Tom Tancredo. I am sure this will get you motivated!
For the greater good.
Submitted by jerseygirl on Mon, 2005-09-26 16:27.
If only those "in power" would listen to the people who give them the power. Whatever my opinions, and that is what they are, I am open to listen to all sides. If we just listen to what we like to hear, then we become jaded in our bias. While I will not concede to go against what I believe to be just, my thesis as a human being is based on what a great philospher once said: "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." I'm sure we will have our differences of opinion but from that, I hope for us both to learn. If we come from the core belief of treating others as we like to be treated, then we may accomplish what this government is failing to do. Having said that, I must point out one of the most disappointing traits of Bush; he has been a divider and not a uniter. Whether it's Karl Rove writing what he says or other "powers that be" you and I are unaware of, this time is crucial for American citizens to come together for the greater good. That is what gave birth to this country and made it great: our right to think for ourselves. As long as we aren't hurting anyone- then life is good. Thank you for meeting me half way & hopefully, inspiring in others to do the same.
Another Bad Trait
Submitted by jheaton on Mon, 2005-09-26 19:32.
I think another one of President Bush's faults is he listens to and takes bad advice from people who are close to him. It seems he is always campaigning instead of leading. I can remenber President Reagan telling the country he would fire all air traffic controllers if they went on strike. You may not have liked it, but he was up front about where he wanted to go as a president. I don.t care about the party, I just want a politician to clearly state their position. If somebody says to me they think I am a "Dufus" I appreciate the honesty! Though I will ask for proof and none will be found. By the way you still owe a presidential pick....My number three is Rick Santorum.
Submitted by jerseygirl on Tue, 2005-09-27 14:54.
I look forward to our healthy disagreements in months to come as we consider our candidates of choice! So far, two of the three that you named I know little of, but what I do know, I must say "hmmm..." As for Rick Santorum, well- we will have to agree to disagree. But that is great! My neighbors across the street are Republicans through and through- and we have had exciting, always civil, disagreements (as you can imagine)! But we always remember we are people with opinions, not opinionated people; I love them dearly and we look out for each other. So I welcome you to the club! By the way, I wanted to thank you for your polite words earlier and I would like to extend the same.
Good Neighbors Rule!
Submitted by jheaton on Tue, 2005-09-27 15:21.
Sounds like it must get really interesting around the bbq! It makes life alot of fun when you can debate with someone and throw back a few cold ones and laugh. It must be great to have neighbors that see things differently than you. I can just imagine the wild pranks... switching the canidates' yards signs..placing a I Luv Hillary bumper sticker on their car! Halloween parties with the Reagan Bush 1 mask. How about another pick 4 pres..J.C.Watts.
The bumper sticker prank
Submitted by jerseygirl on Wed, 2005-09-28 11:56.
The bumper sticker prank made me chuckle; I've ventured into that thought... tee-hee!. Well, you've certainly done your homework on presidential candidates, and I must humbly admit that I've been so immersed in current events and ensuing '06 elections that I've concentrated little on "the next prez". At this point, it's easier to know whom I don't want (Republican/Democrat) than to think of whom I would like. But I think you and I will share "cringes" on our choices- and a healthy debate I'm looking forward to! Right now, I can tell you that Diane Feinstein comes to mind a lot. As much as I would like to see a woman steer the ship for a change, I will not vote for "her" because of her gender. I am an equal opportunity voter! I have watched her for years and admire her convictions; she has consistently proven to vote more from her conscience than to cower to a party of wimps- something I respect. So for now, even if she isn't planning to run, she will be my first choice. To be fair to Republicans, and considering myself a "moderate Democrat", I will consider some names but I want to see how they fair in light of recent indictments of prominent Republicans: Abramoff, DeLay, possibly Frist and hopefully Rove. A true leader whose priority is to his/her country, and not his/her cronies- will surface like debris after a hurricane, from the decaying layer that's reigned in the Rove administration. So for now- I've offered a candidate and I hope you don't have to take too much Pepto Bismal after it! Have a good day!
No Pepto; Yes Coor's
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2005-09-28 14:43.
I must say one thing about Diane, I wrote her office a letter years ago about a tax question, and I actually recieved a reply. She was the first politician to return a letter. I did not agree with the response just as I don't agree with alot of her positions, but she seems to respond very to her potential voters. Any time a politicans is blamed for almost anything it does not surprise me.
OK, I did win for sure Jerseygirl.
Submitted by Simpson82 on Tue, 2009-01-20 23:47.
I read the entire blog. Very, very interesting, I must say.
Like I said, just pay me when the bailout check arrives. About the time of your B'day.
"Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the danger of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of crackpot than the stigma of conformity." - Thomas J. Watson
I see hj is trying to edit past posts see "nice try."..
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 09:53.
From 2005?...hj..ashamed of something?
Reminds me of 10/11/08 sound familar hj? you deleted that one.
It's now a 1/20/2009 post between year 2005 posts.
Submitted by Simpson82 on Wed, 2009-01-21 11:20.
Like Jerseygirl says, it "smarts" when you get it right "back at ya".
Doesn't surprise me one bit Truthseekers. Good spot on catch.
"Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the danger of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of crackpot than the stigma of conformity." - Thomas J. Watson
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2009-01-21 14:20.
there gramps. Just clean'n up a bit. But then again, you are just an old angry dude lookin' to argue. Nice hobby. Maybe your buddy bike rack can let you get involved in his hobby. You would fit right in. Say cheese!
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!Bobby KnightUncle Sam's Boot
Well son to go back three and a half years to adjust typos..LOL
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 14:26.
yeah that makes's believeable too...Iwo Jima Time?
I see you're still SPAMMING hj
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 14:29.
Trying to sell on the hive?
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2009-01-21 17:55.
I mean tmyseeker. You better hurry on out to that dairy farm in Keyes. Seems somebody is hiding chicken poop in the cow poop. It is another cover up that you are qualified to investigate and solve. That is when you get some free tyime from your newly found photography hobby.
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!Bobby KnightUncle Sam's Boot
It must hurt to be as wrong as you..but it does make me laugh
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 17:59.
You keep guessing wrong but then all your hate is wrong. And I see you're still spamming
jheaton admit to Dan Day that you're SPAMMING
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 17:59.
for an attempted just don't make any...
Still adjusting 3 year old typos?..Talk about an exciting life..
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:01.
You don't lie any better than you cover up your hate.
I'm ready to re-enact Iwo Jima..I have a nice flag pole
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:02.
and you will make an amusing Mt.Suribachi
Are you still selling on your personal site..yes you are
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:03.
that makes you a SPAMMER doesn't it.
Good girl gone bad-
Submitted by jerseygirl on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:18.
that's what jhe wants to hide... unfortunately for her, he can't and the proof is in the post (from three years ago).
We used to be civil to each other and the Hive archives has all the posts to prove it; hard to believe they are one in the same (person). Back then, he was just another card-carrying member of Club Compassionate Conservative, BEFORE Bush reached the pinnacle of his malfeasance and still eligible to steal another election. jhe's hatred had yet to evolve.
Hence, why I re-posted Superman/Katrina; it just shows how the more his party ate their own and destroyed everything in their path- including the core foundation of why Republicanism even arose (to reign in government and be fiscally conservative), the more bellicose became jhe in some desperate effort to take attention on how badly Bush and his Republicans trashed America. The weaker the lie became, the further the venom spat on his critics until he turned into what he is today: Ann Coulter without a book deal.
"Nice try" was a nice catch and what I hoped jhe would do- try to delete his "past." Way to play ball, truth! (Or is that pops, or old man, or...?!?)
"Sometimes a revolution is just what is needed to clean-up the system with one, giant enema."- Johnny Depp, "Once Upon a Time in Mexico."
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:31.
no republican....pure conservative independant...and compassion for those who deserve it.So I will leave this cess pool where Sonoran shrews do their dance of deciet and others that snap photos of dreams incomplete.
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!Bobby KnightUncle Sam's Boot
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