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Saturday, August 30, 2008

ROP Pirates

I thought muslims were too busy flying planes and slitting throats to have time to be pirates? Apparently not. If violence is involved, so are radical muslims.">">

Armed pirates hijacked a Japanese-operated tanker and an Iranian ship off Somalia's coast Thursday, the latest in a series of attacks that have sent jitters among seafarers in an area known for its lawlessness.

Truthseeker's Meltdown

This poor guy has finaly fell victim to his own hate. He is anti law enforcement, pro infanticide; belives all republicans are child molesters. Makes up quotes for deceased people he never met. But then again, I would venture a guess that the poor guy has nothing else going for him except the new box of Depends he just bought. Probably kicks his dog and yells at the grandkids too!

Fri, 2008-05-23 06:57 jheaton spews hate and bigotry so do his supporters
truthseekers Says:

No suprise to see who jheaton supporters are, the usual venom spewers, singleminded, braindead bunch.It's funny women agree with jheaton when he hates women so much.

Fri, 2008-05-23 13:55 jheaton.....Hate sells but I'm not buying...
truthseekers Says:

Keep your lunacy and your feeble quotes to yourself. Talk about repetitious verbage. You include it on every post you make. It's so sad and pathetic. But for you it's better to quote tired old phrases an actually having to think for yourself.Are you a ditto head too? Start paying for the war before you call someone other than yourself a liberal. If you bought a book of quotes and read it, it would be your first, book that is.
Fri, 2008-05-23 14:44 Guess you don't know me as well as you thought.
truthseekers Says:

I never said I hated cops. I hope to see a daily, complete, police log in the Bee, or at the very least on line. It would help everyone especially the police. But between the MPD and the Bee, they just can't seem to get it together. I can't tell you which one is being more factual. Because I don't know. I don't know who you are confusing me with this time, but believe this is the first time I said "never read a book". And it was in response to the spurious comment (uneducated) by jheaton. So yet again you don't know me as well as you think. A wise person once said: Conclusions are not answers they are just something people jump to sometimes.
Sat, 2008-05-24 08:24 jheaton you can only be described as a
truthseekers Says:

miserable example of a human being. You rain hate on a dying man and disgusting abuse on the living. You could care less about abortion, it's just a way for you to provide hyperbole in an argument with you. And still with the tired quotes. The only thing you seem able to handle is yourself. Good riddance to you.
Sun, 2008-06-01 16:23 that only leaves one thing Pedophile loving republicans
truthseekers Says:

so is that your claim to fame?
Mon, 2008-06-02 09:09 learn to read
truthseekers Says:

Republicans are pedophile lovers.

Sat, 2008-05-24 08:24 jheaton you can only be described as a
truthseekers Says:

miserable example of a human being. You rain hate on a dying man and disgusting abuse on the living. You could care less about abortion, it's just a way for you to provide hyperbole in an argument with you. And still with the tired quotes. The only thing you seem able to handle is yourself. Good riddance to you.

Dr. Keyes Is In

The AIP has made Dr. Keyes their party's candidate for president. This man's ideas, intellect and speaking skills are second to none. He does not waiver on his beliefs and values. The only reason the press stays away from him is because he is not the stereotypical "African American" that the media, lefty politicos, and race baiters need in order to maintain there power and finacial base.

they've nominated Keyes to be their write-in candidate for president. Said party chairman Tom Hoefling:

We may not have balloons, funny hats, and millions of dollars pouring into our coffers from corporate sponsors, but we have something that is much more important: regular folks – housewives, small business people, factory workers, truck drivers, accountants, executives, pastors, moms, dads – good-hearted people who love their country and want to save it. The Republicans and the Democrats no longer represent ‘We the People.’ That’s why we intend to change American politics from the bottom up, by example.

For some inspiring insightful commentary on this post go to this site.

Here is one such example:
"People ....please...follow the link provided above
truthseekers Says:

if you want a good laugh...check out the comments..follow all of the links...:)