Article 11. Everyone has the right to enter and leave the Republic, to travel through its territory and to change his residence without necessity of a letter of security, passport, safe-conduct or any other similar requirement. The exercise of this right shall be subordinated to the powers of the judiciary, in cases of civil or criminal liability, and to those of the administrative authorities insofar as concerns the limitations imposed by the laws regarding emigration, immigration and public health of the CohnArticle.
This is directly from the Mexican constitution. Mexican's, per their constitution can cross the border. Now read this;Chapter IV
Mexican Citizens
Article 34. Men and women who, having the status of Mexicans, likewise meet the following requirements are citizens of the Republic:
Having reached eighteen years of age, if married, or twenty-one years of age if unmarried;
Having an honest means of livelihood.
So if a Mexican does not have a legal job i.e. drug dealer, unemployed, you are not a citizen?
It is no wonder Vincrape' Fox encourages migration; it is illegal in the U.S. not Mexico!
When was the last time a doctor or engineer crossed the border? Apparently there are no more lawns to mow in Mexico!