One thing I have come to realize is the fact I like to buy myself the same type of presents as when I was a kid! I usually treat myself to the current year's Tiger Woods Golf. 20 years ago it was Jack Nickaluas Golf. And don't get me started on the HotWheel wall at Wal Mart. I make no excuse; I still love to buy a good ol' die cast metal Hotwheel. I may not sit in the dirt and play with them like I did 35 years ago. But I still will take them out of the package, pop a cold beer, and roll it across the hard wood floor.
I guess there will always be a part, maybe a larger part of me that will always be age 7-16! And I would not have it any other way. Merry Christmas to all.......And especially to you dad. Not since 2006 but some day again!