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Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Die Fry: If It Is Legal, It Is Moral.

Great job Die Frystein, you have finally helped exposed yourself, and many a politico as being the god of our times. You and you culture of kill say that your word, i.e. laws, are moral truths, and God can ride shot gun. Die Fry's quote speaks volumes of how low we have really sunk, morally, as a nation.

As the Senate was debating the Nelson amendment Tuesday, asked Feinstein: "Is it morally right to use tax dollars from pro-life Americans to cover insurance plans that cover abortion?"

Feinstein said: "Is it morally correct? Yes, I believe it is. Abortion is legal....

Not to be out done, Babsy Boxy claims that a murder of an unborn baby, is morally equal to a Viagra dose paid for by the gubmint! Which is also not the fed's job. And by the way Babbsy, killing a baby and popping the "blue woodrow pill" is not the same!

( – Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) on the Senate floor on Monday compared a woman’s choice to have an abortion with a man’s choice to privacy when seeking a prescription for Viagra, a drug used to enhance sexual performance. Boxer made her remarks while speaking against an amendment to the Senate health care bill introduced by Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.). Nelson’s amendment would prohibit federal funds from paying for any part of any health insurance plan that covers abortion.

“The men who have brought us this [amendment] don’t single out a procedure that is used by a man, or a drug that is used by a man, that involves his reproductive health care, and say they have to get a special rider,” Boxer said. “There is nothing in this amendment that says if a man some day wants to buy Viagra, for example, that his pharmaceutical coverage cannot cover it, that he has to buy a rider.”

And just for another example of the evilness of these people, good ol' Scary Reid and his same as those who oppossed stopping slavery. Please Scary! What's the matter Scary, you see this illegal peice of dung idea of government take over of healthcare falling apart? Of course you do, so on cue, like so many of your storm troopers, you go racial. You Scary, is it not you beloved demoncrat

“You think you've heard these same excuses before?” Reid said during remarks on the floor of the Senate. “You're right. In this country there were those who dug in their heels and said, 'Slow down, it's too early. Let's wait. Things aren't bad enough' — about slavery.”
Great job Die Frystein, you have finally helped exposed yourself, and many a politico as being the god of our times. You and you culture of kill say that your word, i.e. laws, are moral truths, and God can ride shot gun. Die Fry's quote speaks volumes of how low we have really sunk, morally, as a nation.

As the Senate was debating the Nelson amendment Tuesday, asked Feinstein: "Is it morally right to use tax dollars from pro-life Americans to cover insurance plans that cover abortion?"

Feinstein said: "Is it morally correct? Yes, I believe it is. Abortion is legal....

Not to be out done, Babsy Boxy claims that a murder of an unborn baby, is morally equal to a Viagra dose paid for by the gubmint! Which is also not the fed's job. And by the way Babbsy, killing a baby and popping the "blue woodrow pill" is not the same!

( – Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) on the Senate floor on Monday compared a woman’s choice to have an abortion with a man’s choice to privacy when seeking a prescription for Viagra, a drug used to enhance sexual performance. Boxer made her remarks while speaking against an amendment to the Senate health care bill introduced by Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.). Nelson’s amendment would prohibit federal funds from paying for any part of any health insurance plan that covers abortion.

“The men who have brought us this [amendment] don’t single out a procedure that is used by a man, or a drug that is used by a man, that involves his reproductive health care, and say they have to get a special rider,” Boxer said. “There is nothing in this amendment that says if a man some day wants to buy Viagra, for example, that his pharmaceutical coverage can't cover it, that he has to buy a rider.”

And just for another example of the evilness of these people, good ol' Scary Reid and his same as those who oppossed stopping slavery. Please Scary! What's the matter Scary, you see this illegal piece of dung idea of government take over of healthcare falling apart? Of course you do, so on cue, like so many of your storm troopers, you go racial. Yo Scary, is it not your beloved demoncrat Bobby "KKK" Bird who tried to throttle the civil rights movement, Yeah, that's right, to his KKK buddies he was the Exalted Cyclops!LOL!

“You think you've heard these same excuses before?” Reid said during remarks on the floor of the Senate. “You're right. In this country there were those who dug in their heels and said, 'Slow down, it's too early. Let's wait. Things aren't bad enough' — about slavery.”