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Monday, October 20, 2008

The Useful Idiots Of The Left

Just had to post this to my larger audience. Check out the Liberal/Bamabats scream and shout and attack the messenger instead of defending there beloved socialist message. Tex and the Mountain chick who love to attack; well, yourstruly just had to retun fire with a few well placed shots. Enjoy the exchange. I wonder if there is a cure for rabid liberalism. The hate is going to kill them!

So some think Barryhood's idea of taking money from the highly motivated working people and giving it some who are not quite as efficient in earning a living is going to make the US a better place. Not a chance. Here is a good peice on this topic.

By John W. Lillpop

Those who applaud Barack Obama's "spread the wealth" communist blatherings ignore the fact that pity pot communists in Washington, D.C., caused the economic meltdown which has terrorized America and the entire world for several weeks....

Don't have good credit? Again, good credit is vastly overrated, especially when it comes to minorities and low-income folks. Good grief, if government would only force employers to pay more money, everyone could pay their bills on time.

Don't have stable employment? So what else is new? That is a given for minorities in racist America, especially in the disastrous Bush economy! We understand!

Don't have enough income to qualify for a loan? Again, racism takes a nasty toll. Once again, it is your Democrat Nanny who will force those evil lenders (mostly white Republicans!) to "expand" debt-to-income ratios, AND make your application a "stated income loan" so that all families can partake of the American Dream.

Mon, 2008-10-20 20:03 Didn't someone just write a begging letter
truthseekersTex Says:

to a Mortgage company saying"please reduce my payments they're going to be to high and I won't be able to pay them, I know I agreed to make them but..."? Would that be included in the bail out? But I guess thats completely different.
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Mon, 2008-10-20 20:19 It's okay truth-

jerseygirl Says:

things that are of a completely different matter are where people who think like this blogger take comfort; it's all they have.

This blogger is a socialist and doesn't even know it... and therein lies the beautiful irony of it all. Every time he drives on public roads, every school he's ever attended, every police officer who patrols his streets, every fire fighter that would come to a screeching halt if he dialed "9-1-1..." it's all paid for by your taxes, my taxes- his taxes. This idea of taking a portion of earned income to provide for the better good, well, in America- it's called socialism. I guess he could choose not to participate, and then be a sessionist like Sarah Palin's husband, but somehow... I doubt that.

So he needs fear to write and fear to think and fear to retort; it's all he's got. I know I don't like paying taxes- who does? But then, how many people do you see walking on a dirt path to go to work because they'd rather do that than use the roads socialism has paved?

Socialism... ooh, evil! Now I know what to dress up for Halloween- my pay stub! Now that's scary!

"Man's capacity for evil makes democracy necessary and man's capacity for good makes democracy possible." -Reinhold Niebuhr

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Mon, 2008-10-20 20:27 Another great post jerseygirl!
truthseekers Tex Says:

As some like to say...SPOT go girl!
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Mon, 2008-10-20 20:33 Nice....

jheaton Says:

that the pack runs together. Yes Grandpa Truf, I negotiated without any help from the government a new loan agreement. No government nanny needed. It is called self reliance. And local fire and police service ain't "socialism." But people like you two don't care. You, grampa Tex from Modesto, enjoys reading Magaret Sanger bedtime stories to the wee ones; which is a generic term for the young and ignorant of mind. Guess you missed that dumas!

As for whatever you are writing about JG....who knows. You are so full of hate for Bush, and probably either all men and yourself, you do nothing but vomit the looney left's propaganda and play it off as if you are some sort of heroine with a pen. So you two should skip on back to you litter box and leave the heavy thinking to the qualified.

"I care not of what others think I do, but I care very much about what I think of what I do. That is character!" Teddy Roosevelt