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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Is Barry And His Boys Hoping For War?

This article comes via the Logistics Monster. This is a must bookmark site!

Gerald Celente, 8.10.2010, And Russia Loading Iran Nuclear Facility on 8.21.2010

Written on August 15, 2010 by LogisticsMonster in Economy, Global Elites, World News


Gerald Celente of Trends Research being interviewed by George Noory on Coast To Coast AM (8.10.2010) about the upcoming war that Obama needs to lift America out of depression economic decline.  Considering Russia is about to load Iran’s Bushehr station on 8.21.2010, Mr. Celente is much closer to the truth than TPTB would like you to realize.  As a close friend of mine stated earlier today about the iranian nuclear threat, “start praying to whatever higher power you believe in…”.  This would be one of the reasons I am worried we won’t make it to November to flush the vermin out of our capitol.


This is from the Logistics Monster's website. The more one does some research into what is really going on in the world, the clear the picture of why our federal government wants total control over the population.

How many of you have heard of MMS?  How many of you use it and have had your life positively altered due to good health?   How many of you stopped having symptoms of chronic pain, fatigue, insomnia, infections, mental fogginess, blurred vision, etc.?

MMS is a powerful oxidant and detoxifier that does not create another chemical reaction in your body, does not cost an arm and a leg, AND I can state from my own personal experience has saved my life and my sanity. (Look for the overall description of what MMS does halfway down the page.)

The NWO can’t have it’s revenue streams thinking too clearly, and because Big Pharma doesn’t have it’s claws into MMS (a year’s supply was $20),  the FDA has started the smear campaign and the recall for this ‘industrial strength bleach’ without any studies or confirmation of the millions of success stories of MMS.

The Pilgrims Society | The Hive

The Pilgrims Society | The Hive.

Talk about an eye opner for many folks! It is amazing to see the web that connects a small number of families through out histroy, and connect them to our present day problems.

Pilgrims of Great Britain dinner, January 9, 1951. Logo and flags in background. “There are several curious things about these Pilgrims functions. In the first place there is present at these dinners an array of notables such as it would be difficult to bring together under one roof for any other purpose and by any other society… Among the guests were John D. Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan, Thomas W. Lamont and other members of the House of Morgan… We are entitled to know what the Pilgrim Society is, what it stands for, and who these powerful Pilgrims are that can call out the great to hear a British Ambassador expound to Americans the virtues of a united democratic front.”
- John T. Whiteford asking very reasonable questions in his 1940 pamphlet ‘Sir Uncle Sam: Knight of the British Empire’.