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Thursday, July 24, 2008

From The Uppity Woman

I love this blog. While she is not a hard right winger like yours truly, she knows the evil that is Barry Hussein. Here is a snippet from her post today. Enjoy!

Hey! Who Let Reality In?
Posted on July 24, 2008 by Uppity Woman
I was just catching FOX news and it appears Obama wanted to know how it is FOX got hookups in all those military bases where he performed his shameless photo opportunities? It seems paranoid Narcissist Obama believed it was by Presidential Executive Order that his reverie and comfort with his Worship Trip was interrupted by the potential that somebody might actually capture and report something that isn’t set up as a photo op a not-so-Kodak moment about the Great One.
As it turns out, the troops get to request which news outlets they prefer and FOX is always included. Yes, Barack, sometimes you just can’t control everything around your own self-absorbed world. Sometimes, people get choices. I know this is hard for you to believe, since your entire candidacy has been an Axelrod production.

Barry Hussein And Wealth ReDistribution

It is bad enough Barry is on his Mystical Magical Campaign Tour, but to make a statement that "The walls between the countries with the most and those with the least cannot stand...."
Say what? Let's take the most important country, the USA. So with this with statement we will be sharing "Our" hard earned wealth with our neighbors to the south. Many a corrupt and Marxist regimes are down there. What is next, sharing with Cuba? Barry outed himself to the world and there are enough anti American, anti freedom pro Marxist, socialist countries that would love to have a piece of Uncle Sam's pie! We have seen it with the Global warming freaks. Global warming is nothing more than a scam to suck money from the USA. Heck, Al Gordo has rode this myth all the way to the bank and a Noble Poop Prize.
Barry is a pro wealth redistributor, make no mistake about it. This alone, should disqualify him from recieving a vote from any well informed American.
"But we will not be able to sustain this growth if it favors the few, and not the many."
The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism.
Society does not consist of individuals but expresses the sum of interrelations, the relations within which these individuals stand. Karl Marx