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Friday, May 20, 2005
Ain't Diversity Grand?
Flames of hate
By Luke David, Evening Standard
20 May 2005
Muslim protesters today called for the bombing of New York in a demonstration outside the US embassy in London.
There were threats of "another 9/11" from militants angry at reports of the desecration of the Koran by US troops in Iraq.
USA watch your back, Osama is coming back" and "Kill, kill USA, kill, kill George Bush".
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Separation of Church and State in the US and for Christians Only
"We could never teach Christianity like this," one outraged parent told ANS.
If you believe the Suadi's are truly our friends, click on the link below.
Says It All
This Week's Palestinian Authority Sermon: We (Muslims) Will Rule America; Israel is a Cancer; Jews are a Virus Resembling AIDS; Muslims Will Finish Them Off
The following are excerpts from this week's official Friday sermon on Palestinian Authority (PA) TV. [1] The preacher is Sheik Ibrahim Mudeiris, a paid employee of the PA.
"Look at modern history. Where has Great Britain gone? Where has Czarist Russia gone? Where has France gone - France, which almost ruled the entire world? Where is Nazi Germany, which massacred millions and ruled the world? Where did all these superpowers go? He who made them disappear will make America disappear too, God willing. He who made Russia disappear overnight is capable of making America disappear and fall, Allah willing.
"We have ruled the world before, and by Allah, the day will come when we will rule the entire world again. The day will come when we will rule America. The day will come when we will rule Britain and the entire world – except for the Jews. The Jews will not enjoy a life of tranquility under our rule, because they are treacherous by nature, as they have been throughout history. The day will come when everything will be relived of the Jews - even the stones and trees which were harmed by them. Listen to the Prophet Muhammad, who tells you about the evil end that awaits Jews. The stones and trees will want the Muslims to finish off every Jew."
Jim Croft Info
So far not so good. He has a small ministry and this web site seems to be it. I am trying to find a bio.
A Great Find in the Web Mine!
I stumbled on this site today. Mr. Croft has written a great article. I will research his work and post my findings.
Are Christianity And Islam Equally Hostile?By Jim Croft
Christianity does have numerous shameful islands in its history. The Crusades and some of the early missionary tactics of the Europeans prior to the 19th Century are such. Within the same time period, the extent to which some sections within Christendom used texts from the Old Testament to rationalize slavery and the barbarous treatment of indigenous people groups, along with their own wives and children, are also regrettable. However, in regard to atrocities committed in the name of and/or justified by the sayings of a deity/alleged holy writ, to this very day Islam excels Christianity and all other organized religions. Historically, when it comes to evil incited by religious fervor there are far more dissimilarities than there are similarities between Islam and Christianity. For your convenience I will list some of them:
The Old Testament of the Bible and the chapters of the Koran written in Mecca have something in common, their use as a primary guide to establish religious policy were nullified/abrogated by later revelations. The difference is that the harsh injunctions of the Old Testament were made obsolete by the mercy-based teachings of Christ in the New Testament. On the other hand, the peaceful and conciliatory portions of the Koran that Mohammad wrote while in Mecca were nullified by the harsher and more militant texts that he conjured while in Medina. In other words, the Bible’s New Testament’s mercy replaces the Old Testament’s cruel legalisms. The Koran’s merciful Mecca texts are replaced by the intolerant and harsh ones that were written in Medina.
Within the aforementioned context, the Christian groups that committed atrocities were acting in direct opposition to the express commands of Jesus and the Apostles of His Church. The doctrines of the New Testament do not provide justification for barbarisms toward any person or armed conflict to expand the Christian cause. The Medina portions of the Koran and the Hadith provide terrorists and Muslim clerics/Jihadists throughout the world with continual justification for every form of inhumane acts.
Jesus forbade His disciples to use armed force as a means to propagate Christianity. The Crusades that ran from 1095-1464AD were the result of Church-State policies that were contrived from an errant Old Testament model. The New Testament does not support the concept of the clergy having a primary influence in dictating civil policies. The terror of the Crusades lasted less that 400 years and ended after the Protestant Reformation in the 15th Century. On the other hand, the later writings, sayings and actions of Mohammed encouraged his followers to pillage Arabian tribal cities while he lived and entire nations after his demise. We must not forget that it was the Muslims who started Jihads against other nations early on in their history. Charles Martel turned them from taking France in 732AD. El Cid drove the Muslim hoards away from Spain and Portugal in the 11th Century. In part, the Crusades were a backlash against the Muslims for their attempts to overrun European Christendom from the 8th – the 11th Centuries. And as we all know, militant Jihad, unlike the Crusades, is still being waged today.
Unquestionably, there are isolated aberrations of authentic Christianity in the world today. However, unlike those of Islam, these do not draw financial and manpower support from throughout the world. When the Protestants and Catholics of Ireland were at odds one with another, the clergymen of other Western nations did not incite their young men to join the fight and they did not solicit funds to finance the hostilities from their parishioners. Not so with Islam. Its wars and terrorism are supported in every way from Muslim groups around the globe as they are incited to do so from the Mosques that naïve democratic policies overly protect.
When it comes to slavery and other human rights violations it is interesting to note that not one Islamic nation has ever instigated the initial international investigations of such. On the contrary, slavery is still alive and well in more than a few Muslim countries. We don’t have to look any further than the Sudan to see how Arab Muslims view non-Arab Muslims and Christians. Around the world the chief initiators of investigations into human rights violations are Western Democracies. Among those in violation, Muslim dictators are often found at the head of the lists.
For those who claim that Allah is also the God whom Christians worship, I would like to direct you to a book by G. J. O. Moshay. It is titled, "Who is this Allah" and is published by Bishara Publishers, Box 741702, Houston, TX 77274. It utilizes Middle-Eastern historical references to prove that Allah was a false deity that was worshipped by Arabian polytheists prior to the birth of Islam. It renders ludicrous the assertion that Allah and the Christian God of All Creation are identical.
Poor Babies! No Charmin?
Rachel Zoll
Montreal Gazette
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
NEW YORK - - The Koran is the most sacred object in the daily lives of Muslims and mistreating it is considered an offence against God, fuelling outrage over claims that the holy book was desecrated at U.S. bases.
Islam teaches that the Koran is the direct word of God, received by the Prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel, and it defines the belief and conduct for followers of the religion.
The Koran is so important in the faith that Islamic teaching spells out how it should be handled, including directing anyone who touches it to be in a state of ritual purity.
"The respect we show God, we show that same respect to the Koran, very much like Christians would treat Jesus himself," said Imam Yahya Hendi, chaplain at Georgetown University.
Newsweek reported a Koran was allegedly flushed down a toilet by interrogators at the U.S. naval prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, sparking deadly riots in the Muslim world. The magazine retracted the report Monday, though ex-prisoners have claimed in the past that Americans abused the holy book and another report surfaced this week.
Putting a Koran in a toilet would be especially disturbing because Islam teaches that Muslims, after using the bathroom, must wash before touching the book.
"We would never even walk into a bathroom
For Muslims, desecrating Koran dishonours God
Antonio Villaraigosa and MECha
Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán National Constitution
Chicano and Chicana students of Aztlán must take upon themselves the responsibilities to promote Chicanismo within the community, politicizing our Raza with an emphasis on indigenous consciousness to continue the struggle for the self-determination of the Chicano people for the purpose of liberating Aztlán.
The following structure will make every MEChista accountable to its chapter, every chapter accountable to it's central (where applicable), every central accountable to its region, every region accountable to its state (where applicable), and every state accountable to the national
Article I: Name
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the National Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de
Aztlán (MEChA). Section 2. The official symbol of this organization shall be the eagle with its wings spread, bearing
a macahuittle in one claw and a dynamite stick in the other with the lighted fuse in its beak.
The acronym MEChA shall be above the symbol with the phrase "La Union Hace La Fuerza"
The fundamental principles that led to the founding of Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán are found in El Plan de Santa Barbara (EPDSB). The Manifesto of EPDSB sees self-determination for the Chicana and Chicano Chicano and Chicana Movement in El Plan Espiritual de Aztlán (EPEDA). A synopsis of El Plan stipulates: 1) We are Chicanos and Chicanas of Aztlán reclaiming the land of out birth (Chicano and Chicana Nation); 2) Aztlán belongs to indigenous people, who are sovereign and not subject to a foreign culture; 3) We are a union of free pueblos forming a bronze nation; 4) Chicano and Chicana nationalism, as the key in mobilization and organization, is the common denominator to bring consensus to the Chicano and Chicana Movement; 5) Cultural values strengthen our identity as La Familia de La Raza; and 6) EPEDA, as a basic plan of Chicano and Chicana liberation, sought the formation of am independent national political party that would represent the sentiments of the Chicano and Chicana community. Both EPDSB and EPEDA served as the historical foundation for the establishment of a viable Chicano and Chicana Movimiento, and are therefore, fundamental to the M.E.Ch.A. philosophy.
The Chicano and Chicana student movement has been plagued by opportunists that have sought to rechannel the energies of our people and divert us from our struggle for self-determination. The educational plight of Chicana and Chicano students continues to be ignored by insensitive administrators. Overall, Chicano and Chicana junior high, high school and college push-out rates have risen since 1969, forcing many Chicanos and Chicanas to a life of poverty. These factors along with a growing right wing trend in the nation are combing to work greater hardships on Chicanos and Chicanas. New repressive and racist immigration laws are continuously directed at our Gente. The Federal government is campaigning to pacify and assimilate our Gente by labeling us "Hispanic." The term "Hispanic" seeks to anglicize and deny our indigenous heritage by ignoring our unique socioeconomic and historical aspect of our Gente. These factors have made it necessary for Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán to affirm our philosophy of liberation (i.e. educational, socioeconomic, and political empowerment) for our Chicano and Chicana nation. Joining with other community-based Chicano and Chicana nationalist organizations, M.E.Ch.A. is committed to ending the cultural tyranny suffered at the hands of institutional and systematic discrimination that holds our Gente captive. We seek an end to oppression and exploitation of the Chicano and Chicana Community
{Stanford University MEChA
Monday, May 16, 2005
"A nation without borders is not a nation." --President Reagan
Published on Monday, March 21, 2005 by
The World is Waiting for an Answer: Are we Americans, or Human Beings?
by Robert JensenSpeech given at the Austin, TX, antiwar rally marking the second anniversary of the U.S. invasion of IraqMarch 19, 2005
The first, and most obvious, problem is: George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, and the Republican Party. We have to commit ourselves not just to getting these the ideologically fanatical reactionaries out of office but also to challenging them for control of the public conversation -- the heart of democracy -- which they have so effectively narrowed and degraded.
The second, and equally obvious, problem is: John Kerry, John Edwards, Hillary Rodham Clinton and the other corporate toadies who run the Democratic Party. I know there are some in the antiwar movement who believe the Democratic Party can be a vehicle to challenge the U.S. empire. But that wasn’t true in the last half of the 20th century, when Cold-War liberals promoted imperial policies, and it isn’t true in the 21st century, when War-on-Terrorism liberals are doing their part to prop up the empire.
Those are the easy targets, the people in power. But we face other challenges that run deeper.
We have to confront the deeply embedded racism in the United States that makes it so easy to mobilize public support for war, as long as the targets are not white.
We have to confront the barbarism of the United States, which not only has the capacity to destroy an entire society but a proven willingness to do just that to achieve policy goals.
But perhaps most importantly, we have to confront the incredible affluence and the sense of entitlement that is so common in this country. That is not a problem exclusive to reactionary Republicans or cowardly Democrats. It’s a problem in every corner of this country, including in progressive politics
The United States has 5 percent of the world’s population yet we consume about 25 percent of the world’s oil and 30 percent of the gross world product. We all enjoy, to varying degrees, the cheap toys of empire. The people at the top benefit most, but we are all living in relative luxury compared with most of the rest of the world. Half the world’s population -- more than 3 billion of our brothers and sisters -- live on less than $2 a day. Half the world’s people live on what you and I might pay for a cup of fancy coffee. We need to keep central in our minds and in our hearts the fact of our affluence and their poverty, and understand the connection.
That affluence matters politically, because it is easy for people who live comfortably to be morally lazy and politically passive. U.S. military and economic power around the world helps create and perpetuate these conditions of inequality. To challenge that power is to challenge our own affluence. It’s easy even for those who engage in dissident politics to forget that changing the politics of this country also means changing our own lives. The two projects must go forward together.
Let me put it as clearly as I can: The way we live in this country -- the way every one of us here at this rally today lives -- is morally indefensible and ecologically unsustainable. It is a way of life that can’t be enjoyed by the rest of the world, and it is a way of life that if unchecked literally will destroy the world.
So, our immediate message is clear: U.S. out of Iraq now. The U.S. occupation of Iraq cannot bring security and democracy in Iraq. It is an impediment to security and democracy.
Our choices over the long term are just as clear. On all these fronts, political and personal, we have to ask: What are we willing to give up? What risks are we willing to take?
We have a choice: We can actually live the values that we say guide our country or we can abandon those values. We can work to make democracy -- that is, a system in which ordinary people have meaningful input into the formation of public policy -- a reality in our own country. If we don’t, the unrestrained and violent use of U.S. power abroad will remain a danger.
We have a choice: We can live on top of the world or we can live in the world. The stakes are high; if we don’t find a way to force the United States to live in the world, before too long there may well be no world left for anyone.
These challenges can be condensed into a simple choice: We can be Americans, or we can be human beings.
The rest of the world is waiting for our answer.
Friday, May 13, 2005
The Mind of the Enemy
Global Resistance Network project.
Mission Statement
We the people of the world find ourselves in a state of war. We find ourselves being attacked from all quarters and on all fronts by the forces of greed, militarism, prejudice, and repression. We find ourselves having to fight for the most elementary democratic rights; we find ourselves fighting for the very right to live and make a life in the world, a place without having to bow down to the might of corporate subjugation and empire.
As a response to this war on all fronts, the Global Resistance Network was initiated. The network was formed as a coalition of a new type, created as a non-partisan popular front of everyday people and groups united in resistance! The coalition is made up of people from all backgrounds, political stripes, and from all walks of life, by people who have pledged not to stand idly by and see this world and its people pillaged and subjugated by the two-headed beast of war and repression. This network pledges to resist militarism, to resist corporate globalization, to resist attacks on workers' rights, to resist attacks on students' rights, to resist the curtailment of our civil liberties, to resist sex, race and gender discrimination, and to resist wars of aggression and the occupations of sovereign territories.
The Global Resistance Network is made up of individuals and groups as diverse in our ideologies and backgrounds as the causes we pledge to fight for, and the attacks we pledge to resist. We invite all progressively conscious individuals, groups, and political parties who share a passion for social justice and world peace to join us and become part of the global movement for a better world.
We the people of the world find ourselves under numerous attacks and we at the Global Resistance Network resolve to stand united in resistance against all of them!
Ian Thompson's Crusade Against America Continues
From a talk given at the Jan 20 Counter-Inaugural protest in LA by Ian ThompsonCuba is under attack. It has been since its Revolution triumphed in 1959. U.S. sponsored terrorist attacks have killed over 3,500 Cubans and injured thousands more. The criminal U.S. blockade has been in place for over four decades and Bush tightened it in 2004. Unlike in Iraq, the U.S. military is not dropping bombs on Cuba, but that's not out of the question.The Bush administration was bad news for Cuba and the rest of the world during his first term, but the new anti-Cuba team he lined up for this term is even worse. It's full of neo-conservative ideologues bent on subjugating the world's people and its resources for profit.Newly anointed Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, and Cuban Americans Mel Martinez, Carlos Gutierrez and others are hard-line right wingers in the Bush administration. They would like nothing more than to see socialist Cuba reopened for exploitation by U.S. banks, corporations and gangsters.In her confirmation hearings this week, Condoleeza Rice singled out Cuba as a "tyranny that oppresses its people." This is false. Free healthcare, free education, jobs and respect for workers' rights isn't tyranny-it's freedom. Bush and his right wing cronies like Rice spread fear and vicious lies to divide working and oppressed people who share common interests. The people of Cuba are natural allies to workers in the U.S.Rice also threatened Venezuela, whose Bolivarian Revolution is deepening each day. Venezuela is very important to all progressives who seek broad social change. President Hugo Chávez just implemented a land law that redistributes land to peasant farmers. It expropriates rich, foreign owners who held large ranches and used them to exploit the labor of Venezuelans.Cuba's help to Venezuela has been critical in its revolutionary process. Cuba has 16,000 doctors and dentists working for free in the poorest areas of the country. We must defend Cuba and Venezuela and all peoples resisting U.S. imperialism at this crucial time.Cuba and Venezuela show us all what a world based on solidarity and cooperation can be. Let's unite and win, so we can build a better world.
Enemies Everywhere
I am sure flowers and flip-flops will be involved!
May 11, 2005 - Socialism and Liberation
Military Recruiters Face Youth and Student Resistance
Against the War Machine
by Ian Thompson
“We’ll give you up to $70,000 for college.” “You won’t have to go to Iraq.” “Your service will only last four years.”
Much of what recruiters promise is based on exaggeration, half-truths and outright lies. Recruiters have to fill quotas and will do almost anything to meet them, especially during wartime.
The U.S. military—the most powerful and destructive in the world—is growing increasingly desperate to fill its ranks.
In 2005 alone, the Army seeks to recruit 101,200 new active-duty regular Army and Reserve soldiers. But recruitment in nearly all branches of the military is down.
The National Guard missed its recruitment quota by 13 percent last year. The Army fell short of its goal by more than 27 percent in February 2005 and is more than six percent behind its year-to-date recruiting target. The Reserve is 10 percent behind its target and the Guard is 26 percent short. January through March 2005 was the first time in a decade that the Marines missed their monthly goals.
What is causing this sudden decline?
The Iraqi resistance is the biggest factor. The popular resistance to occupation in Iraq has fiercely and heroically opposed the U.S. presence from the beginning. Many young people do not want to join the military to die in an unpopular war.
The strength and depth of the massive global anti-war movement has also contributed. Over the past three years, tens of millions have participated in demonstrations opposing war and occupation. The protests have impacted millions more and reflect widespread opposition to the war.
One dynamic new element of the anti-war movement is the growing youth and student movement to stop military recruiters from infiltrating high school and college campuses. Young people all over the country are confronting recruiters, staging protests, and kicking them off campuses by legal means or through militant action.
In response to their dwindling numbers, the military recently added 1,200 recruiters to the field and said it would spend more than the $4 billion already allotted for advertising and recruitment in 2005. It is also increasing economic and educational incentives to entice young people to enter. The military is continuing to push its predatory tactics wherever it can.
Defeat U.S. imperialism
The most advanced sectors of the burgeoning student movement see the anti-recruitment drive as part of the larger fight to stop the war and, ultimately, defeat U.S. imperialism.
According to Aimee Hunter, an 18 year-old student at Mission College in Sylmar, California,
“We are against recruiters because we don’t want working-class people to fight in this imperialist army. Wars like this only benefit Wall Street and big corporations. Instead of fighting against workers in Iraq, we want youth and students to join the struggle here at home.”
Like all imperialist wars, the war and occupation of Iraq hurts working people in Iraq and the United States. This includes workers in uniform who are being used as cannon fodder by the ruling class.
Student activism to keep young people out of the U.S. military serves the worthy goals of diminishing military numbers and building resistance to its hegemonic aims. Those who do not enlist in the military because of these efforts should join the ranks of the people’s movement against imperialist war, racism and bigotry.
Ian Thompson's article was first published on Socialism and Liberation.
Ian Thompson is a writer and activist in the Los Angeles area. He can be reached at
Send in the Troops, Arizona Under Siege.
U.S. Border Patrol agents have been ordered not to arrest illegal aliens along the section of the Arizona border where protesters patrolled last month because an increase in apprehensions there would prove the effectiveness of Minuteman volunteers, The Washington Times has learned.
More than a dozen agents, all of whom asked not to be identified for fear of retribution, said orders relayed by Border Patrol supervisors at the Naco, Ariz., station made it clear that arrests were "not to go up" along the 23-mile section of border that the volunteers monitored to protest illegal immigration.
"It was clear to everyone here what was being said and why," said one veteran agent. "The apprehensions were not to increase after the Minuteman volunteers left. It was as simple as that."
Another agent said the Naco supervisors "were clear in their intention" to keep new arrests to an "absolute minimum" to offset the effect of the Minuteman vigil, adding that patrols along the border have been severely limited.
Border Patrol Chief David V. Aguilar at the agency's Washington headquarters called the accusations "outright wrong," saying that supervisors at the Naco station had not blocked agents from making arrests and that the station's 350 agents were being "supported in carrying out" their duties.
"Border Patrol agents are the front line of defense against terrorism," Chief Aguilar said, adding that the 11,000 agents nationwide are "meeting that challenge, head-on ... as daunting a task as that may sound."
The chief -- a former head of the agency's Tucson sector, which includes the Naco station -- said that with the world watching the Arizona border because of the Minuteman Project, agents in Naco "demonstrated flexibility and resilience in carrying out their critical homeland security duties and responsibilities."
But Rep. Tom Tancredo, Colorado Republican, yesterday said "credible sources" within the Border Patrol also had told him of the decision by Naco supervisors to keep new arrests to a minimum, saying he was angry but not surprised.
"It's like telling a cop to stand by and watch burglars loot a store but don't arrest any of them," he said. "This is another example of decisions being made at the highest levels of the Border Patrol that are hurting morale and helping to rot the agency from within.
"I worry about our efforts in Congress to increase the number of agents," he said. "Based on these kinds of orders, we could spend the equivalent of the national debt and never have secure borders."
Mr. Tancredo, chairman of the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus, blamed the Bush administration for setting an immigration enforcement tone that suggests to those enforcing the law that he is not serious about secure borders.
"We need to get the president to come to grips with the seriousness of the problem," he said. "I know he doesn't like to utter the words, 'I was wrong,' but if we have another incident like September 11 by people who came through our borders without permission, I hope he doesn't have to say 'I'm sorry.' "
During the Minuteman vigil, Border Patrol supervisors in Arizona discounted their efforts, saying a drop in apprehensions during their protest was because of the Mexican government's deployment of military and police south of the targeted area and a new federal program known as the Arizona Border Control Initiative that brought manpower increases to the state.
The Naco supervisors blamed the volunteers for unnecessarily tripping sensors, disturbing draglines and interfering with the normal operations of the agents. They said that their impact on illegals was "negligible" and that civilians should leave immigration enforcement "to the professionals."
Several field agents credited the volunteers with cutting the flow of illegal aliens in the targeted Naco area, saying the number of apprehended illegals dropped from an average of 500 a day to less than 15 a day.
More than 850 volunteers, in a protest of the lax immigration enforcement policies of the White House and Congress, sought to reduce the flow of illegal aliens along a popular immigration corridor on the Arizona-Mexico border near Naco by reporting illegals to the Border Patrol as they crossed into the United States.
Their goal was to show that increased manpower on the border would effectively deter illegal immigration. Organizers said the protest resulted in Border Patrol arrests of 349 illegal aliens.
Area residents, in a half-page ad in the Sunday edition of the Sierra Vista Herald, told the volunteers: "Thanks for doing what our government won't -- close the border to illegal aliens. It was the quietest month we've had in many years ... You made us feel safe because the border was closed."
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
MAY 10
Feds pay $5.8 billion to jail criminal aliens
Government study over past 3 years reveals burden borne by taxpayers
Posted: May 10, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2005
The U.S. federal government spent $5.8 billion over the past three years to incarcerate criminal aliens – nonresidents who are in the country illegally or legally and convicted of a crime.
The report by the General Accounting Office – the investigative arm of Congress – shows the number of criminal aliens in federal prisons increased from about 42,000 at the end of 2001 to about 49,000 at the end of last year.
The direct federal costs during the study's time frame were estimated to be $4.2 billion, with federal reimbursements to state and local governments totalling $1.6 billion through the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program, or SCAAP.
The majority of criminal aliens were identified as citizens of Mexico.
In addition, state prisons in fiscal 2003 housed about 74,000 criminal aliens. About 80 percent were in just five states -- Arizona, California, Florida, New York and Texas.
Also, about 147,000 criminal aliens were jailed in 698 local jurisdictions that received SCAAP reimbursement in 2003.
About 30 percent of those criminals were in five municipal and country jails -- Los Angeles County, California; New York City, New York; Orange County, California; Harris County, Texas; and Maricopa County, Arizona.
As WorldNetDaily reported, an analysis of census data earlier this year by the Federation for American Immigration Reform showed Texas' illegal immigrant population is costing the state's taxpayers more than $4.7 billion per year for education, medical care and incarceration.
The uncompensated cost of incarcerating illegal aliens in Texas' state and county prisons amounts to about $150 million a year -- not including local jail detention costs or related law enforcement and judicial expenditures or the monetary costs of the crimes that led to their incarceration.
Last year, the Center for Immigration Studies used Census Bureau data from 2002 to determine that the fiscal impact of illegal aliens across the nation was $10 billion. The figure was derived from subtracting taxes paid by illegals from the value of services they enjoy.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Read and Enjoy
Back peddling on immigration issues ho-hum . . . what else is new?
Kaye Grogan
April 22, 2005
Let's look at the potential catastrophe that could break out at any moment if the border intensities keep on escalating. War between Mexico can't be ruled out entirely, with so much hatred and contention already brewing at the lax borders. And the Bush Administration is not helping matters as many continue to be pro-active with subverting the will of the people while making rash decisions to allow Mexican immigrants to come and go at their own discretion. Something is definitely wrong with the whole picture here, and nobody has to poke holes in the picture to see the dangers lurking inside.
For some "ungodly" reason, Mexico's President Fox is under the assumption that the United States is obligated to let his people invade the country, and we are expected to roll out the red carpet for them, and to heck with the needs of our own people in the undue wicked process.
When I brought to the forefront in a recent article about the difference in the wages between Mexico and America, it was pointed out to me in an email, about how (supposedly) the low wages Mexicans earn in Mexico go a lot further there than the higher wages they make here in America go in buying the same merchandise here. Yeah, I was scratching my head too, trying to figure out what the real reasons may be for the onslaught of illegal immigration to America — if this is accurate information.
Since the biggest majority of the American people are against allowing the staggering number of fixated migrants to cross our borders daily, why is the will of the people being ignored? It's simple: you're expected to accept everything the government wishes to ram down your throats and be quiet.
Yes, I know they pretend to know what's best for you and me, but they can't even keep their own lives straight, much less the lives of others — so naturally, all they usually end up creating is a bunch of disproportionate chaos.
I think it's time the haggling and rhetoric be muted and get on with doing something positive about securing our borders. The hardworking "legal"taxpayers have been ripped off for years to make America wealthy — and now we are seeing it going down the drain or down Mehico's way.
President Fox wants his cake and eat it too — at the expense of Americans. Well, I say it's time to give him a sour pickle instead. He needs to take responsibility for his own people and quit expecting the United States to keep them and their families up.
Here are a few "stats" and rewards (for what — is anybody's guess), you the taxpayer will be expected to fund and educate illegal immigrants from in-state tuition costs in many states, otherwise known as the Dream Act program. This bill is supported by Senator Orrin Hatch and Rep. Chris Cannon, both Republicans. Now keep this in mind: these rewards are for "upstanding" illegal immigrants. Show me anybody upstanding who is breaking the law, and I'll eat a whole rack of hats! Thump...thump — is there anybody home up there in those hard heads?
Thank goodness the in-state tuition for illegal immigrants was voted down in my state.
Congress is doling out your money like there is tomorrow! Hello...shouldn't you be the ones benefitting from your hard labor? By the way — the big spending Dream Act party to reward illegal entrants into your country, is only going to cost you around $90 billion over the next decade and benefit 46,000 illegal immigrants — who in turn are supposed to benefit the economy. The truth of the matter is: there is no way on God's green earth — 46,000 illegal immigrants are going to return back $90 billion back into the economy — no matter how educated they are.
To put everything in context and bluntly my fellow've been sold out!
And that's just my opinion!
Kaye Grogan is a freelance writer who lives in Virginia. She writes, produces, and hosts a daily commentary called "Viewpoint" on her local radio station. She has written op-eds and articles for the Daily Republican newspaper. She also writes editorials for online newspapers and local papers.
Saturday, May 07, 2005
This Guy Gets It!
Secure borders — we're at war
Last Updated: May 7, 2005, 05:12:59 AM PDT
It is simply unbelievable that our state and national politicians refuse to lock down our borders during a time of war. This is a black-and-white issue: Entering the United States without permission makes you a criminal. When the government and the president refuse to uphold the Constitution, then we, the people, must act. Placing American citizens on the Mexican border to observe and report illegal activities is legal and moral. Those politicians who continue to allow this invasion are nothing more than traitors and should be punished.
Friday, May 06, 2005
You can be for the truth or with the terrorists
One sobering reminder of life under the former Iraqi dictator also failed to make the cut at most Australian newspapers. Late last week it was revealed that 113 Kurds – all but five of them women and children – were found in mass graves near the southern city of Samawah. There is a skeleton of a teenage girl clutching a bag of possessions. Many women were wearing their best clothes, like the shiny gold and purple dress found in one of the 18 trenches. Ten were babies. Since the fall of Saddam Hussein, more than 290 mass graves have been found, filled with at least 300,000 people believed to have been executed by the Baathist regime.
The Australian and The Daily Telegraph reported the story yesterday. But where was the rest of our press on this important story? Ignoring it, perhaps, because they are loath to remind us that the Iraqi people are free from such tyranny.
The media is a player in modern warfare. The more they inform us about hostages, the more hostages are taken. This is the deadly, inevitable, side to the information age. But if the media would more often lift their head above the ruck and look to the longer view as well as today's disaster, the distinction between journalism and history may not be quite so stark as it is now.
It is nice to see we have a friend somewhere!
Hell's Kitchen - Pantano made it out of a tough neighborhood 9/11 reactivated his inner warrior
New York Metro ^ | April 25, 2005 | Steve Fishman
Posted on 04/20/2005 11:05:41 PM PDT by Former Military Chick
Pantano is, in most every way, an unlikely Marine. He was a Manhattan preppy—his mother is a literary agent—who graduated from Horace Mann and New York University. He’d charged into Goldman Sachs, rising quickly, and then into a film company, the Shooting Gallery. If he set his sights on conquest, it seemed to be in the business world, as many ambitious New Yorkers did. And yet, it turned out that what he truly dreamed of was to be a warrior—a real one....Now, a few weeks after arriving in Iraq, Pantano’s platoon had been dispatched to a dusty house along a dirt road near Mahmudiya, in the Sunni triangle. It was an ordinary house—one story, concrete. According to intelligence, it had been taken over by “Ali Baba,” as Pantano’s young Marines called the insurgents."
Just gotta love the political incorrectness of our Hereos!
They Can Catch US, But We Can't Catch Them!
10:55 a.m. May 3, 2005
MONTERREY, Mexico – Mexico detained two U.S. border patrol agents during a routine border check that uncovered a box filled with illegal ammunition in their car, the Mexican federal attorney general's office said Tuesday.
U.S. Border Patrol agents German Verdugo and David Allen Navarro were arrested late Friday in Mexicali, across from Calexico, California, U.S. Border Patrol spokesman Miguel Hernandez said._"He said the agents were off-duty and driving a private vehicle when they were arrested. Hernandez did not know why they were carrying the ammunition, the same assigned to other border patrol agents for use while on-duty.
"We're cooperating fully with Mexican law enforcement agents in their investigation," Hernandez said.
Verdugo and Allen Navarro crossed into Mexico in a lane assigned to vehicles with nothing to declare but were selected for inspection, Mexican federal prosecutors said in a statement.
Customs inspector found a box in the backseat of their car containing 1,286 .40-caliber and 10 .223-caliber Winchester rifle bullets, the statement said. Mexican law restricts that ammuniation to use by only the Mexican military.
The agents, both assigned to the U.S. Border Patrol in El Centro, California, are being held at a Mexicali prison and face weapon possesion charges.
The Mexican federal attorney general's office said the Border Patrol agents were unable to show that they could legally import the ammunition and didn't have a permit by Mexico's Defense Department.
Lock it Down, Arnie!
the May 5, 2005 04:30 PM ET
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By Jim Christie
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Saying the U.S. government has failed to secure the border with Mexico, California activists who helped recall former Gov. Gray Davis said on Thursday they would promote a ballot measure calling for the state to fund its own border patrol.
They unveiled the measure, the California Border Police Act, as the Minutemen citizens' group that patrolled Arizona's border with Mexico in April prepares for a similar effort this summer south of San Diego along California's border with Mexico.
"California has been trying to pressure the feds for 20 years to do a better job and they haven't," said Dave Gilliard, the measure's political strategist.
The campaign took its first major step on Wednesday by filing a draft of its measure with California's attorney general with the aim of placing it on the June 2006 ballot.
That step came amid last-minute preparations for Cinco de Mayo festivities. Mexican-Americans each year on May 5 commemorate an 1862 battle in Puebla, Mexico in which Mexican soldiers defeated invading French forces.
Cinco de Mayo is not an official holiday in Mexico or California, but it has become both a popular occasion and celebration of Mexican culture.
The timing of the measure's unveiling a day ahead of Cinco de Mayo was "purely coincidental," Gilliard said, noting he wanted to seize on the attention to illegal immigration generated in recent weeks by the Minutemen.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger raised the profile of the issue of illegal immigration by recently endorsing the Minutemen, raising the ire of Latino elected officials already disappointed by his opposition to granting drivers' licenses for undocumented migrants.
His comments also revived hard feelings from the mid-1990s aroused by former Gov. Pete Wilson's tough stand on illegal immigration and support for a ballot measure aimed at deterring it. Voters backed the measure and he rode it to a second term.
Despite their widespread employment of undocumented workers -- as field hands, gardeners, laborers, domestics and in other jobs -- Californians have chafed at their state serving as a magnet for illegal immigration.
A state border patrol, which would be a first, would cut the costs to taxpayers from an estimated 3 million illegal immigrants in California, Gilliard said: "We estimate it would to save $5 billion to $7 billion (annually). California currently spends $9 billion to $10 billion for services, or for incarceration costs, on illegal immigrants."
The new state police agency, allowed by 1996 federal law, would employ more than 2,000 officers at a cost of $300 million to $400 million annually, Gilliard said. "Because they gave the states the authority to do this, there is no reason California shouldn't do it on its own," he said.
A spokesman for Schwarzenegger said the governor has not taken a stand on the measure. The American Civil Liberties Union, which had described his remarks on the Minutemen as irresponsible, said the measure would be socially divisive and complicate law enforcement along the California-Mexico border.
"Border security is a federal issue and immigration is a federal issue," said Ranjana Natarajan, a staff attorney for the ACLU of Southern California. "The last thing we need is more layers of bureaucracy ... Nothing shows this would improve the effectiveness of border policing."
I love the "Socially devisive" line. What is devisive is the fact that Mexico is allowing there undesirables to invade our country and drain our social services!
Great Letter to the Editor of the Modesto Bee
This appeared on 5-6-05. Maybe people are starting see through the socialist smoke screen.
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Gotta Love It
Douglas MacArthur.,
"I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within. "
In war there is no substitute for victory."
It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it.
It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived. George S. Patton
Keep these words in mind while you read a paper or watch a news broadcast.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Nice Constitution Vincrape'
This is directly from the Mexican constitution. Mexican's, per their constitution can cross the border. Now read this;Chapter IV
Mexican Citizens
Article 34. Men and women who, having the status of Mexicans, likewise meet the following requirements are citizens of the Republic:
Having reached eighteen years of age, if married, or twenty-one years of age if unmarried;
Having an honest means of livelihood.
So if a Mexican does not have a legal job i.e. drug dealer, unemployed, you are not a citizen?
It is no wonder Vincrape' Fox encourages migration; it is illegal in the U.S. not Mexico!
When was the last time a doctor or engineer crossed the border? Apparently there are no more lawns to mow in Mexico!
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Some People Just Don't Get It!
Here is our wonderful Mr. Waxman's opinions from On The Issues which so plainly illustrates the "It is our fault mentality."
Encourage Immigration and Offer Amnesty POSITIONS
Strongly Support means you believe: Immigration restrictions are basically racist because they keep out Hispanics and other non-whites. We should reform US immigration laws and use them to increase our diversity and cultural tolerance. Social services should be offered to all residents of the United States regardless of immigration status. Illegal aliens should be offered amnesty if they prove themselves as productive members of society.
Support means you believe: The government should make few restrictions on immigration. If the number of immigrants is too high, establish an immigration fee and raise it until the number of immigrants is acceptable. Or change the immigration quotas by some other method.
Oppose means you believe: Maintain legal immigration while enforcing against illegal immigration. Tighten our borders - decrease substantially or stop all immigration so we can address domestic problems.
Strongly Oppose means you believe: We should strictly enforce our immigration laws by increasing border patrols, and we should crack down on illegal immigrants already in the US by deportation and by removing all their social benefits. In the long run, we should decrease immigration.
This question is looking for your views on both legal and illegal immigration; whether we should open our borders or patrol them more tightly and lower the legal immigrant count. However you answer the above question would be similar to your response to these statements:
Legal immigration should be increased
We spend enough on patrolling the Mexican border
Grant amnesty to illegal immigrants who have resided here for 5 yearsHow do you decide between "Support" and "Strongly Support" when you agree with both the descriptions above? (Or between "Oppose" and "Strongly Oppose"). The strong positions are generally based on matters of PRINCIPLES where the regular support and oppose positions are based on PRACTICAL matters. If you answer "No Opinion," this question is not counted in the VoteMatch answers for any candidate. So it's more important to give a general answer of support versus oppose, than to get the strength of your answer exactly refined, or to think too hard about the exact wording of the question.
Strongly Support means you believe in the principle of free immigration: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free," as inscribed on the Statue of Liberty.
Support means you believe in practical reforms but not in treating illegal aliens as criminals.
Oppose means you believe in practical limitations like increased border security.
Strongly Oppose means you believe in the principle that illegal aliens are criminals.
Diversity and cultural tolerance... Should instead read "perversity and cultural ignorance!