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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas Golfing At Your Own Risk!
Well I thought I had a swell Christmas Day plan.....Walk on to one of the city's golf course and enjoy the holiday slappan'n whitey around. My version of a White Christmas. Yeah, mine and 200 of my closest pals! There were people crawling around all three courses. Walking on to whatever hole and ripping away. I tried Muni, Dryden and Creekside in order and all I can say is..."City of Motown open up next year!" You are missing out on some big revenue. Heck, I will get a crew together and split the day's receipts 70/30 with you.
I threw in the towel and went to River Oaks and hit some range balls and worked on the putting stroke. There were more than a few golfers out. I guess that is the difference between the public and private business sectors.
I threw in the towel and went to River Oaks and hit some range balls and worked on the putting stroke. There were more than a few golfers out. I guess that is the difference between the public and private business sectors.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
CAIR Will Care
CAIR is nothing more than a fund raising tool for radical Muslims, is being taken to court by Michael Savage. His lawyer; Daniel Horowitz, a devout liberal who understands the importance of free speech for all. CAIR has not been held accountable for their actions, their goal is to create a Muslim America and to funnel money around the world to other Muslims who want to convert all to Islam, either by choice or by force. Go get em' brother Mike!
The focal point of the lawsuit is a series of audio clips CAIR has been using in its promotions and fundraising efforts.
Those comments from Savage's show include his criticisms of Islam and Muslims, including:
"I'm not gonna put my wife in a hijab. And I'm not gonna put my daughter in a burqa. And I'm not getting' on my all-fours and braying to Mecca. And you could drop dead if you don't like it. You can shove it up your pipe. I don't wanna hear any more about Islam. I don't wanna hear one more word about Islam. Take your religion and shove it up your behind. I'm sick of you."
But the lawsuit maintains such comments, taken in context, are Savage's verbal expression of the feelings of many Americans.....
"The audience of 'The Savage Nation' expects this type of from-the-heart outrage and when it is directed at a murderer such as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his ilk, the piece is far more understandable and far more American mainstream. While the strength of the outrage is remarkable and a hallmark of 'The Savage Nation,' the sentiment is shared by a huge number of Americans," the lawsuit said.
"The copyright material properly viewed is a scream of outrage on behalf of the American public against beheadings, hangings of homosexuals, mutilation of women, the torture of rape victims and the thought that CAIR and other groups are trying to import these atrocities into American life," the lawsuit said.
May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't.- General George Patton Jr
The focal point of the lawsuit is a series of audio clips CAIR has been using in its promotions and fundraising efforts.
Those comments from Savage's show include his criticisms of Islam and Muslims, including:
"I'm not gonna put my wife in a hijab. And I'm not gonna put my daughter in a burqa. And I'm not getting' on my all-fours and braying to Mecca. And you could drop dead if you don't like it. You can shove it up your pipe. I don't wanna hear any more about Islam. I don't wanna hear one more word about Islam. Take your religion and shove it up your behind. I'm sick of you."
But the lawsuit maintains such comments, taken in context, are Savage's verbal expression of the feelings of many Americans.....
"The audience of 'The Savage Nation' expects this type of from-the-heart outrage and when it is directed at a murderer such as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his ilk, the piece is far more understandable and far more American mainstream. While the strength of the outrage is remarkable and a hallmark of 'The Savage Nation,' the sentiment is shared by a huge number of Americans," the lawsuit said.
"The copyright material properly viewed is a scream of outrage on behalf of the American public against beheadings, hangings of homosexuals, mutilation of women, the torture of rape victims and the thought that CAIR and other groups are trying to import these atrocities into American life," the lawsuit said.
May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't.- General George Patton Jr
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Friday, November 09, 2007
Nazis and Islamist
I have been saying this for years that Islamo-facist are they new Nazis. Here is an editorial from the Washington Post that is very well written and thought out.
The parallels between Nazism and Islamism are overwhelming. Yet the subject is a taboo. When last March the German historian Matthias Kuentzel, author of "Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11," was to give a lecture at the University of Leeds (Britain), the university authorities cancelled the lecture after threats from Muslim students.
There is a war going on between the Jihadists and the West. We are losing the battle because, as so often in man's history, our political leaders think that they are still fighting the previous war. Europeans who warn against the danger of Islamism are considered — and sometimes even prosecuted — as xenophobes, racists, even neo-Nazis.
The European left, in league with the Islamists, is constantly reminding the Europeans of Hitler and the Nazis, accusing Europe's identity, the very core of its being, of being intrinsically evil. Hence, attempts to rob Europe of its identity are seen as "good," even when those eager to eradicate this identity leave no doubt that they will eradicate the Jews first.
The parallels between Nazism and Islamism are overwhelming. Yet the subject is a taboo. When last March the German historian Matthias Kuentzel, author of "Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11," was to give a lecture at the University of Leeds (Britain), the university authorities cancelled the lecture after threats from Muslim students.
There is a war going on between the Jihadists and the West. We are losing the battle because, as so often in man's history, our political leaders think that they are still fighting the previous war. Europeans who warn against the danger of Islamism are considered — and sometimes even prosecuted — as xenophobes, racists, even neo-Nazis.
The European left, in league with the Islamists, is constantly reminding the Europeans of Hitler and the Nazis, accusing Europe's identity, the very core of its being, of being intrinsically evil. Hence, attempts to rob Europe of its identity are seen as "good," even when those eager to eradicate this identity leave no doubt that they will eradicate the Jews first.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Blowing Up Blasko
Blasko is just another guy who wants open borders...Period! Just another person who would like to do away with our country's border, language and culture(yes, Dr. Savage says it best) and watch our great nation sprial downward into a third world cess pool. Yes Mr. Blasko, plain and simple terms describe best what you and your ilk would like to do to our nation. By the way, the economic drain created by illegals on our social services far out weigh their so called "contributions. Here is his post on Bmoore's blog.
Here is his page of views...
“Stop Playing Politics with People’s Lives, and Face Reality. We have No Border!”
Larry Blasko: Border? What Border?
Item#: AuthorLarryBlasko
Product DescriptionEvery day tens of thousands of illegal immigrants stream north across the border, overtaxing our healthcare and education system and bringing drugs, disease, and potential terrorists across the border with them. In spite of this, in his book Opening the Borders Larry Blasko suggests that the best solution is not a closed border, but an open border policy similar to that enjoyed in the European Union by member countries.After more than three decades with the Associated Press, Larry Blasko speaks out! “ Immigration—and the opposition to it—has been a recurring theme of American life since at least the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, and if you count the understandable distaste of native Americans for the gun-toting folks who showed up uninvited, long before that.” Irreverent, no-holds-barred fighting • One of the greatest fables of our age is that there is a border between Mexico and the United States.• Remember those horrible business folk that exploit illegal day labor? Turns out, according to the study, that 49 percent of the laborers are primarily employed by homeowners or renters. Must give the homeowners or renters enough free time away from their chores to attend anti-immigration rallies.• One of the most entertaining fictions gamboling about in the current debate about illegal, mostly Mexican, immigration is that we should deport these 12 million souls back to their country of origin and make them apply for readmission as “guest workers.”• The American attitude that folk in other countries are really just Americans who talk funny, sets us up to ignore fundamental cultural differences, that generate different outcomes than we expected.• Of the many whacko notions that abound in politics both north and south of the U.S./Mexican border, two enjoy a limited currency among those who write more than they read. First is the notion of La Reconquista, certainly a strong finalist for Dumbest of The Dumb Society’s annual Dum-De-Dum-Dum(D-quad) Cup. Second is the flip side notion, that the U.S. annex Mexico, another strong D-quad contender.
Here is his page of views...
“Stop Playing Politics with People’s Lives, and Face Reality. We have No Border!”
Larry Blasko: Border? What Border?
Item#: AuthorLarryBlasko
Product DescriptionEvery day tens of thousands of illegal immigrants stream north across the border, overtaxing our healthcare and education system and bringing drugs, disease, and potential terrorists across the border with them. In spite of this, in his book Opening the Borders Larry Blasko suggests that the best solution is not a closed border, but an open border policy similar to that enjoyed in the European Union by member countries.After more than three decades with the Associated Press, Larry Blasko speaks out! “ Immigration—and the opposition to it—has been a recurring theme of American life since at least the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, and if you count the understandable distaste of native Americans for the gun-toting folks who showed up uninvited, long before that.” Irreverent, no-holds-barred fighting • One of the greatest fables of our age is that there is a border between Mexico and the United States.• Remember those horrible business folk that exploit illegal day labor? Turns out, according to the study, that 49 percent of the laborers are primarily employed by homeowners or renters. Must give the homeowners or renters enough free time away from their chores to attend anti-immigration rallies.• One of the most entertaining fictions gamboling about in the current debate about illegal, mostly Mexican, immigration is that we should deport these 12 million souls back to their country of origin and make them apply for readmission as “guest workers.”• The American attitude that folk in other countries are really just Americans who talk funny, sets us up to ignore fundamental cultural differences, that generate different outcomes than we expected.• Of the many whacko notions that abound in politics both north and south of the U.S./Mexican border, two enjoy a limited currency among those who write more than they read. First is the notion of La Reconquista, certainly a strong finalist for Dumbest of The Dumb Society’s annual Dum-De-Dum-Dum(D-quad) Cup. Second is the flip side notion, that the U.S. annex Mexico, another strong D-quad contender.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Don't Want the Truth? Don't Ask
My good friend and real estate agent sent me this. A slightly edited a word...
The Waiting Room
This is so true! They always ask at the doctor's office why you are there, and you have to answer in front of others what's wrong and sometimes it is embarrassing.
There's nothing worse than a receptionist who insists you tell her what is wrong with you in a room full of other patients. Many of us have experienced this, and I love the way this old guy handled it.
An 86-year-old man walked into a crowded waiting room and approached the desk. The receptionist said, "Hello, sir. Can you please tell me why you're here to see the doctor today?"
"There's something wrong with my d@#k," he replied.
The receptionist became irritated and said, "You shouldn't come into a crowded waiting room and say things like that."
"Why not? You asked me what was wrong and I told you," he said.
The receptionist replied, "Now you've caused some embarrassment in this room full of people. You should have said there is something wrong with your ear or something and discussed the problem further with the doctor in private."
The man replied, "You shouldn't ask people questions in a room full of strangers, if the answer could embarrass anyone." The man walked out, waited several minutes and then re-entered.
The receptionist smiled smugly and asked, "Yes?"
"There's something wrong with my ear," he stated.
The receptionist nodded approvingly and smiled, knowing he had taken her advice. "And what is wrong with your ear, sir?"
"I can't piss out of it," he replied.
The waiting room erupted in laughter.
Mess with seniors and you're gonna lose!
The Waiting Room
This is so true! They always ask at the doctor's office why you are there, and you have to answer in front of others what's wrong and sometimes it is embarrassing.
There's nothing worse than a receptionist who insists you tell her what is wrong with you in a room full of other patients. Many of us have experienced this, and I love the way this old guy handled it.
An 86-year-old man walked into a crowded waiting room and approached the desk. The receptionist said, "Hello, sir. Can you please tell me why you're here to see the doctor today?"
"There's something wrong with my d@#k," he replied.
The receptionist became irritated and said, "You shouldn't come into a crowded waiting room and say things like that."
"Why not? You asked me what was wrong and I told you," he said.
The receptionist replied, "Now you've caused some embarrassment in this room full of people. You should have said there is something wrong with your ear or something and discussed the problem further with the doctor in private."
The man replied, "You shouldn't ask people questions in a room full of strangers, if the answer could embarrass anyone." The man walked out, waited several minutes and then re-entered.
The receptionist smiled smugly and asked, "Yes?"
"There's something wrong with my ear," he stated.
The receptionist nodded approvingly and smiled, knowing he had taken her advice. "And what is wrong with your ear, sir?"
"I can't piss out of it," he replied.
The waiting room erupted in laughter.
Mess with seniors and you're gonna lose!
Another Chance at Hitler Jr.
Does the president have the stones to capture and the turn over the Iranian president to Israel? I hope he does. For those who are anti war at any cost; they should be on board with this Idea. Here is the link and a few lines..
According to the report, Ahmadinejad will stay in the city for two days and will be accompanied by a high-level delegation. This will be the Iranian president's third visit to the United States since his election in 2005
In addition to delivering a speech at the UN General Assembly, Ahmadinejad is also expected to meet with other heads of states and with official Iranian representatives at the UN headquarters and Iranians living in the US.
According to the report, Ahmadinejad will stay in the city for two days and will be accompanied by a high-level delegation. This will be the Iranian president's third visit to the United States since his election in 2005
In addition to delivering a speech at the UN General Assembly, Ahmadinejad is also expected to meet with other heads of states and with official Iranian representatives at the UN headquarters and Iranians living in the US.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Marine Hung Out To Dry!
This brave marine was a victim of a PC war. Cpl Thomas was following the alleged orders of his Sgt.that had decided to find and kill a known enemy. When they were unable to locate him, they allegedly took Hashim Ibrahim Awad and shot him. It was alleged by Awad's family and the military's prosecutor that the guy was a "friendly." Cpl. Thomas was the only accused not to take a deal. On the word of Awad's family these marines were detained in chains. Tough way for our boys to fight.
Our brave men should not be going door to door, day after day, looking for the enemy. They should instead be walking through ruble looking for a few surviving enemies.
I am surprised that since Cpl. Thomas is black the"2 Rev-Crew" circus must see him as an "Uncle Tom" and also hating G Dubba they were very quiet on this case. The LA Times did not post a picture of the Cpl. either.
Buried in the last two paragraphs is the most telling of this heroes character.
"Thomas, who is married with two children, served three tours in Iraq. He was wounded during the battle for Fallouja in December 2004 and received the Purple Heart.Master Sgt. Keith Backmann, his voice breaking, told jurors that Thomas refused to be evacuated after being wounded and continued to fight the insurgents. "That tells you a lot about his character," he said."
Our brave men should not be going door to door, day after day, looking for the enemy. They should instead be walking through ruble looking for a few surviving enemies.
I am surprised that since Cpl. Thomas is black the"2 Rev-Crew" circus must see him as an "Uncle Tom" and also hating G Dubba they were very quiet on this case. The LA Times did not post a picture of the Cpl. either.
Buried in the last two paragraphs is the most telling of this heroes character.
"Thomas, who is married with two children, served three tours in Iraq. He was wounded during the battle for Fallouja in December 2004 and received the Purple Heart.Master Sgt. Keith Backmann, his voice breaking, told jurors that Thomas refused to be evacuated after being wounded and continued to fight the insurgents. "That tells you a lot about his character," he said."
Russia: An A For Effort...And Energy
At least the Russians are willing to explore for new energy sources. Heck, tree huggers and politicians on both sides here in the states refuse to allow new drilling for oil and gas off our coast and in Alaska. It reveals the mixed up priorities of some who would put national security and cheap resources in the back seat behind the misguided notion that by tapping our natural resources we some how damage our environment. Here is the article and a line or two.
Russia has fired the first diplomatic shot in a really cold war. The new oil rush has been galvanised by the accelerated shrinking of the polar ice cap because of global warming, which has allowed exploration that had been previously unthinkable because of the extreme conditions.
Russia claims that the Lomonosov Ridge, an underwater mountain range crossing the polar region, is an extension of its territory. The UN has rejected Moscow's 2001 claim to the ocean bed, which it says is part of its continental shelf under international law but the Russians are due to resubmit their case to the committee administering the Law of the Sea.
A brains trust of 135 Russian scientists, led by a 68-year-old personal envoy of President Vladimir Putin, the explorer Artur Chilingarov, plan to map out part of the 1,240-mile ridge.
But yesterday's scientific achievement of dropping a titanium capsule containing the Russian flag on to the seabed could not conceal the political advantage gained by Mr Putin. Once again, he has demonstrated to the West Russia's determination to expand its energy empire.
Russia has fired the first diplomatic shot in a really cold war. The new oil rush has been galvanised by the accelerated shrinking of the polar ice cap because of global warming, which has allowed exploration that had been previously unthinkable because of the extreme conditions.
Russia claims that the Lomonosov Ridge, an underwater mountain range crossing the polar region, is an extension of its territory. The UN has rejected Moscow's 2001 claim to the ocean bed, which it says is part of its continental shelf under international law but the Russians are due to resubmit their case to the committee administering the Law of the Sea.
A brains trust of 135 Russian scientists, led by a 68-year-old personal envoy of President Vladimir Putin, the explorer Artur Chilingarov, plan to map out part of the 1,240-mile ridge.
But yesterday's scientific achievement of dropping a titanium capsule containing the Russian flag on to the seabed could not conceal the political advantage gained by Mr Putin. Once again, he has demonstrated to the West Russia's determination to expand its energy empire.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Lib's Insanity Is Killing England
I recently posted this on The Hive a community blog located at mod.bee.com.
London's mayor sounds a lot like his American Lib bro's and sis's. Notice the sly "It is our fault line.....
"At the same time he criticized Britain over its ties with Saudi Arabia, which he said had fuelled intolerance in the past through its Wahhabist form of Islam, creating a "major problem."
"They have played a good and active and growing role in creating a multi-cultural society," he added
"Damn it Jim, I am a doctor not an Islamo-Terrorist!" Well, I guess Bone's line to Kirk was a little different. Check out the new and improved educate islamic thugs....doctors! Here is a link and a line....
SIX of the eight people arrested over a suspected al-Qaeda plot to detonate car bombs in London and Scotland are doctors, including one arrested as he tried to leave Australia, British media reported today.
Seven people arrested so far in Great Britain include an Iraqi doctor trained in Baghdad, a Jordanian neurosurgeon, an Indian medic, and a Lebanese man, The Guardian reported today.
It said five of the seven were doctors working and training in the National Health Service, and that all seven were foreign-born nationals.
The neurosurgeon, Mohammed Asha, 26, is currently believed by counter-terrorism investigators to have been the ringleader of the cell, it said.
Here is an article that is very interesting. The EU is telling England and others not to say muslim and islam. What a load of crap. Calling a spade... a spade is exactly what needs to be done. Treating muslim extremist kindly is a huge mistake, but progressives of the world are ignorant fools that will get many a good person killed. As the rise of islam continues the ones that are number one their list to convert and control are "progressives" Everything Progs hold dear will be gone, along with their heads.
Secret EU guidelines have been drawn up warning governments not to link Islam and terrorism.
The politically correct directives are believed to be behind ministers not using words such as “Muslim’’ about Britain’s terrorism crisis.
Yesterday the Daily Express reported how Gordon Brown’s ministers had been told to avoid inflammatory language when speaking about the attempted car bomb attacks in London and Glasgow.
Neither the Prime Minister in a major interview nor Home Secretary Jacqui Smith in the Commons referred to Muslims or Islam.
Last night critics pointed to a classified EU document sent out to all European governments offering “non-offensive’’ phrases to use when discussing terrorism.
Banned terms were said to include “jihad’’, “Islamic’’ or “fundamentalist”.
London's mayor sounds a lot like his American Lib bro's and sis's. Notice the sly "It is our fault line.....
"At the same time he criticized Britain over its ties with Saudi Arabia, which he said had fuelled intolerance in the past through its Wahhabist form of Islam, creating a "major problem."
"They have played a good and active and growing role in creating a multi-cultural society," he added
"Damn it Jim, I am a doctor not an Islamo-Terrorist!" Well, I guess Bone's line to Kirk was a little different. Check out the new and improved educate islamic thugs....doctors! Here is a link and a line....
SIX of the eight people arrested over a suspected al-Qaeda plot to detonate car bombs in London and Scotland are doctors, including one arrested as he tried to leave Australia, British media reported today.
Seven people arrested so far in Great Britain include an Iraqi doctor trained in Baghdad, a Jordanian neurosurgeon, an Indian medic, and a Lebanese man, The Guardian reported today.
It said five of the seven were doctors working and training in the National Health Service, and that all seven were foreign-born nationals.
The neurosurgeon, Mohammed Asha, 26, is currently believed by counter-terrorism investigators to have been the ringleader of the cell, it said.
Here is an article that is very interesting. The EU is telling England and others not to say muslim and islam. What a load of crap. Calling a spade... a spade is exactly what needs to be done. Treating muslim extremist kindly is a huge mistake, but progressives of the world are ignorant fools that will get many a good person killed. As the rise of islam continues the ones that are number one their list to convert and control are "progressives" Everything Progs hold dear will be gone, along with their heads.
Secret EU guidelines have been drawn up warning governments not to link Islam and terrorism.
The politically correct directives are believed to be behind ministers not using words such as “Muslim’’ about Britain’s terrorism crisis.
Yesterday the Daily Express reported how Gordon Brown’s ministers had been told to avoid inflammatory language when speaking about the attempted car bomb attacks in London and Glasgow.
Neither the Prime Minister in a major interview nor Home Secretary Jacqui Smith in the Commons referred to Muslims or Islam.
Last night critics pointed to a classified EU document sent out to all European governments offering “non-offensive’’ phrases to use when discussing terrorism.
Banned terms were said to include “jihad’’, “Islamic’’ or “fundamentalist”.
Illegal Labor Ain't Cheap
This article from 2005 shows that it cost legal taxpaying Americans a fortune every year to educate and give medical care to those who do not belong here. Of course, there are a few progressive thinkers who believe that rewarding criminals is a good thing, but they are also the ones that think socialism is great.
"A new study from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) examines the costs of education, health care and incarceration of illegal aliens, and concludes that the costs to Californians is $10.5 billion per year.
Among the key finding of the report are that the state's already struggling K-12 education system spends approximately $7.7 billion a year to school the children of illegal aliens who now constitute 15 percent of the student body. Another $1.4 billion of the taxpayers' money goes toward providing health care to illegal aliens and their families, the same amount that is spent incarcerating illegal aliens criminals.
"California's addiction to 'cheap' illegal alien labor is bankrupting the state and posing enormous burdens on the state's shrinking middle class tax base," stated Dan Stein, President of FAIR. "Most Californians, who have seen their taxes increase while public services deteriorate, already know the impact that mass illegal immigration is having on their communities, but even they may be shocked when they learn just how much of a drain illegal immigration has become."...."Nineteen ninety-four was the same year that California voters rebelled and overwhelmingly passed Proposition 187, which sought to limit liability for mass illegal immigration. Since then, state and local governments have blatantly ignored the wishes of the voters and continued to shell out publicly financed benefits on illegal aliens,"
"A new study from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) examines the costs of education, health care and incarceration of illegal aliens, and concludes that the costs to Californians is $10.5 billion per year.
Among the key finding of the report are that the state's already struggling K-12 education system spends approximately $7.7 billion a year to school the children of illegal aliens who now constitute 15 percent of the student body. Another $1.4 billion of the taxpayers' money goes toward providing health care to illegal aliens and their families, the same amount that is spent incarcerating illegal aliens criminals.
"California's addiction to 'cheap' illegal alien labor is bankrupting the state and posing enormous burdens on the state's shrinking middle class tax base," stated Dan Stein, President of FAIR. "Most Californians, who have seen their taxes increase while public services deteriorate, already know the impact that mass illegal immigration is having on their communities, but even they may be shocked when they learn just how much of a drain illegal immigration has become."...."Nineteen ninety-four was the same year that California voters rebelled and overwhelmingly passed Proposition 187, which sought to limit liability for mass illegal immigration. Since then, state and local governments have blatantly ignored the wishes of the voters and continued to shell out publicly financed benefits on illegal aliens,"
Al's Big Sham
Good ol' Al still out there producing his own gas of lies. Here is an article that I am sure he will not even acknowledge. His concerts were also a flop!
"Scientists who probed two kilometers (1.2 miles) through a Greenland glacier to recover the oldest plant DNA on record said Thursday the planet was far warmer hundreds of thousands of years ago than is generally believed.
DNA of trees, plants and insects including butterflies and spiders from beneath the southern Greenland glacier was estimated to date to 450,000 to 900,000 years ago, according to the remnants retrieved from this long-vanished boreal forest.
That contrasts sharply with the prevailing view that a lush forest of this kind could only have existed in Greenland as recently as 2.4 million years ago, according to a summary of the study, which is published Thursday in the journal Science.
The samples suggest the temperature probably reached 10 degrees C (50 degrees Fahrenheit) in the summer and -17 C (1 F) in the winter."
"Live Earth has been branded a foul-mouthed flop.
Organisers of the global music concert - punctuated by swearing from presenters and performers - had predicted massive viewing figures.
But BBC's live afternoon television coverage attracted an average British audience of just 900,000."....
"Critics said however that the public had simply snubbed what they saw as a hypocritical event.
Musicians including Bob Geldof, Roger Daltrey and the Pet Shop Boys pointed out that a concert highlighting climate change had itself generated huge carbon emissions."
"Scientists who probed two kilometers (1.2 miles) through a Greenland glacier to recover the oldest plant DNA on record said Thursday the planet was far warmer hundreds of thousands of years ago than is generally believed.
DNA of trees, plants and insects including butterflies and spiders from beneath the southern Greenland glacier was estimated to date to 450,000 to 900,000 years ago, according to the remnants retrieved from this long-vanished boreal forest.
That contrasts sharply with the prevailing view that a lush forest of this kind could only have existed in Greenland as recently as 2.4 million years ago, according to a summary of the study, which is published Thursday in the journal Science.
The samples suggest the temperature probably reached 10 degrees C (50 degrees Fahrenheit) in the summer and -17 C (1 F) in the winter."
"Live Earth has been branded a foul-mouthed flop.
Organisers of the global music concert - punctuated by swearing from presenters and performers - had predicted massive viewing figures.
But BBC's live afternoon television coverage attracted an average British audience of just 900,000."....
"Critics said however that the public had simply snubbed what they saw as a hypocritical event.
Musicians including Bob Geldof, Roger Daltrey and the Pet Shop Boys pointed out that a concert highlighting climate change had itself generated huge carbon emissions."
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Illegal Aliens Continue to Kill on the Streets
For those who refuse to deport these criminals..shame on you. Innocent men, women and children are being killed and what is sad it that it is preventable. No illegal alien behind the wheel equals a living breathing American working, playing and loving their family.
"If Luciano Melendres had been deported to Mexico following his 2006 arrest for driving drunk – or even if a judge last week hadn't suspended his six-month jail sentence and given him 12 months probation – Dacus Lamont Sims, 32, would be alive today.
As it is, Melendres is back in jail for a second offense, this time charged with DWI, felony hit-and-run, driving with a license revoked, not having insurance and a registration violation, the Charlotte, North Carolina, Observer reported.
Sims, who was hit while crossing a Charlotte street earlier this week, died at the scene".... "If this gentleman is an illegal immigrant, and he was charged with DWI, why did they not deport him?"
"If Luciano Melendres had been deported to Mexico following his 2006 arrest for driving drunk – or even if a judge last week hadn't suspended his six-month jail sentence and given him 12 months probation – Dacus Lamont Sims, 32, would be alive today.
As it is, Melendres is back in jail for a second offense, this time charged with DWI, felony hit-and-run, driving with a license revoked, not having insurance and a registration violation, the Charlotte, North Carolina, Observer reported.
Sims, who was hit while crossing a Charlotte street earlier this week, died at the scene".... "If this gentleman is an illegal immigrant, and he was charged with DWI, why did they not deport him?"
Are You A.....
Conservative, Liberal, or Southerner!!!! From an e-mail I received.
Are you a Liberal, Conservative, or Southerner?
Here is a little test that will help you decide.
The answer can be found by posing the following question:
You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children.
Suddenly, an Islamic Terrorist with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, praises Allah, raises the knife,and charges
at you.
You are carrying a Glock cal 40, and you are an expert shot.
You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family. What do you do?
Liberal's Answer
Well, that's not enough information to answer the question!
Does the man look poor! Or oppressed?
Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack?
Could we run away?
What does my wife think?
What about the kids?
What does the law say about this situation?
Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway,
and what kind of message does
this send to society and to my children?
Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me?
Should I call 9-1-1?
Why is this street so deserted?
We need to raise taxes, have paint and weed day and make this a happier, healthier street that would discourage such behavior.
Conservative's Answer
Southerner's Answer
Click..... (Sounds of reloading)
Daughter: "Nice grouping, Daddy! Were those the Winchester Silver Tips or Hollow Points?
Son: Can I shoot the next one!
Wife: And you Ain't Taking That To The taxidermist
Are you a Liberal, Conservative, or Southerner?
Here is a little test that will help you decide.
The answer can be found by posing the following question:
You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children.
Suddenly, an Islamic Terrorist with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, praises Allah, raises the knife,and charges
at you.
You are carrying a Glock cal 40, and you are an expert shot.
You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family. What do you do?
Liberal's Answer
Well, that's not enough information to answer the question!
Does the man look poor! Or oppressed?
Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack?
Could we run away?
What does my wife think?
What about the kids?
What does the law say about this situation?
Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway,
and what kind of message does
this send to society and to my children?
Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me?
Should I call 9-1-1?
Why is this street so deserted?
We need to raise taxes, have paint and weed day and make this a happier, healthier street that would discourage such behavior.
Conservative's Answer
Southerner's Answer
Click..... (Sounds of reloading)
Daughter: "Nice grouping, Daddy! Were those the Winchester Silver Tips or Hollow Points?
Son: Can I shoot the next one!
Wife: And you Ain't Taking That To The taxidermist
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Oklahoma Legislature Trying To Do The Right Thing
As illegal aliens continue to flood our country and suck money from hospitals, schools and social services that should only be available to legal residents and their families, some state governments are finally recognizing the invasion. Oklahoma has intoduced SB 1804 which will deny state illegals state benny's, employment but dicounted college tuition would still be available.BOO! I think a better term for this would be "Self Deportation." It is about time that the feds along with Jorge Bushez realizes that he has failed in protecting American citizens by refusing to secure all borders and ports of entry to all illegal aliens regardless of their country of origin.
"the bill’s designed to block illegal immigrants from getting work or state benefits, but in this latest step it was changed to keep the current college tuition discount for the children of illegal immigrants. The State House created what it's calling the "Oklahoma Taxpayer and Citizenship Act," but critics of Bill 1804 call it mean spirited and discriminatory. A key point of controversy was allowing undocumented students to pay the discounted rate of "in state" tuition. The bills author said it didn't make sense because the students couldn't legally work if they graduated.
"For every one of those college scholarships we award to an illegal alien that's a U.S. citizen, an Oklahoman who will not be getting that financial aid," said Representative Randy Terrill of Moore."
And for your reading enjoyment..."
Misdemeanor vs. Felony
The first time an alien crosses the border illegally, he or she is guilty of a misdemeanor. The second and subsequent times constitute felonies. Both are criminal violations. The only distinction between a misdemeanor and a felony offense is the length of potential jail time; any crime punishable with up to one year’s imprisonment is a misdemeanor, while an offense punishable with more than one year is a felony."
"the bill’s designed to block illegal immigrants from getting work or state benefits, but in this latest step it was changed to keep the current college tuition discount for the children of illegal immigrants. The State House created what it's calling the "Oklahoma Taxpayer and Citizenship Act," but critics of Bill 1804 call it mean spirited and discriminatory. A key point of controversy was allowing undocumented students to pay the discounted rate of "in state" tuition. The bills author said it didn't make sense because the students couldn't legally work if they graduated.
"For every one of those college scholarships we award to an illegal alien that's a U.S. citizen, an Oklahoman who will not be getting that financial aid," said Representative Randy Terrill of Moore."
And for your reading enjoyment..."
Misdemeanor vs. Felony
The first time an alien crosses the border illegally, he or she is guilty of a misdemeanor. The second and subsequent times constitute felonies. Both are criminal violations. The only distinction between a misdemeanor and a felony offense is the length of potential jail time; any crime punishable with up to one year’s imprisonment is a misdemeanor, while an offense punishable with more than one year is a felony."
Mexico's Health Czar Tells America What To Do
This is, for a lack of a better term, a load of crap. This arrogant non American is wanting to instruct us how to provide care for criminals that should by law be deported back to the third world country they came from. He needs to be arrested while he is here on charges of allowing and encouraging his citizens to break our laws. He needs to be dealt with as a foreign illegal drug dealer. President Bush also needs to be charged on one count of not upholding the US Constitution..failing to protect the states from foreign invaders. Mexifornia is the first goal..the The United Federation of the North and South American Contries is next. The only way to stop this mess is to enact laws that create self deportation along with enforcing laws that allow for forced deportation...families and all along with the imprisoned population of illegals.
Mexico's new secretary of health visited San Francisco on Monday to learn about the health needs of the millions of Mexican immigrants living in California and to further collaborate with state officials to meet those needs.
"We can build a new model for attention to the health needs of Mexican workers here," said Jose Angel Cordova Villalobos, appointed by Mexico's new president, Felipe Calderon.
The former hospital chief and medical school director from the state of Guanajuato said he plans to meet every six months with U.S. health officials and Mexican immigrant communities to create a basic health care plan to cover Mexicans in the United States and eventually extend to them a system of universal health care that is being developed by the Calderon administration.
Mexico's new secretary of health visited San Francisco on Monday to learn about the health needs of the millions of Mexican immigrants living in California and to further collaborate with state officials to meet those needs.
"We can build a new model for attention to the health needs of Mexican workers here," said Jose Angel Cordova Villalobos, appointed by Mexico's new president, Felipe Calderon.
The former hospital chief and medical school director from the state of Guanajuato said he plans to meet every six months with U.S. health officials and Mexican immigrant communities to create a basic health care plan to cover Mexicans in the United States and eventually extend to them a system of universal health care that is being developed by the Calderon administration.
Doing A Friend A Favor
I am reprinting with permission a letter that was published today by a very good friend,coworker and golfing buddy. I am very happy he is a better writer than golfer. This is for you Burnsy!
Media's selfish agenda in this war
It is not a war, but the battle of Iraq in a worldwide religious war against Islamic terrorism. Moreover, it is not our president's battle, but rather the start of a long and violent struggle for the survival of the American people. The Afghan and Iraq campaigns were endorsed and encouraged by politicians (Democrats and Republicans), the United Nations, the Pentagon and the majority of the American people. Our commander in chief, President Bush, has done everything possible to support our troops and allow the generals to prosecute the battles. The socialists in the media and the electorate have done everything possible to undermine the troops by prosecuting the battles on their own selfish, political terms.
The misinformed media and politicians are blinded by hatred of a moral, family-oriented Christian president who is doing his utmost to keep the American people safe. If the home-grown socialists give the terrorists wins in Iraq and Afghanistan, the next battles will be on our soil with a dreadful number of civilian casualties -- all because of blind, misinformed hatred of our commander in chief.
Media's selfish agenda in this war
It is not a war, but the battle of Iraq in a worldwide religious war against Islamic terrorism. Moreover, it is not our president's battle, but rather the start of a long and violent struggle for the survival of the American people. The Afghan and Iraq campaigns were endorsed and encouraged by politicians (Democrats and Republicans), the United Nations, the Pentagon and the majority of the American people. Our commander in chief, President Bush, has done everything possible to support our troops and allow the generals to prosecute the battles. The socialists in the media and the electorate have done everything possible to undermine the troops by prosecuting the battles on their own selfish, political terms.
The misinformed media and politicians are blinded by hatred of a moral, family-oriented Christian president who is doing his utmost to keep the American people safe. If the home-grown socialists give the terrorists wins in Iraq and Afghanistan, the next battles will be on our soil with a dreadful number of civilian casualties -- all because of blind, misinformed hatred of our commander in chief.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
the place HE should be
University convocation told of Allah, not Jesus
"Speakers at the Virginia Tech convocation yesterday called on Allah and Buddha in their efforts to minister to the survivors, family and friends of victims of the shooting massacre at the school – but Jesus wasn't mentioned.
It was left up to President Bush to come the closest to offering a biblical message of hope, when he suggested the school community that lost 32 members to the shootings by an out-of-control resident alien student find "comfort in the grace and guidance of a loving God."
"But even he didn't bring Jesus, the only hope of comfort and future life for Christians, into the memorials." http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=55252
Read the entire article. This campus is overwhelmingly Christian. And these students deserved a proper convocation and not a multicultral side show.
"Speakers at the Virginia Tech convocation yesterday called on Allah and Buddha in their efforts to minister to the survivors, family and friends of victims of the shooting massacre at the school – but Jesus wasn't mentioned.
It was left up to President Bush to come the closest to offering a biblical message of hope, when he suggested the school community that lost 32 members to the shootings by an out-of-control resident alien student find "comfort in the grace and guidance of a loving God."
"But even he didn't bring Jesus, the only hope of comfort and future life for Christians, into the memorials." http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=55252
Read the entire article. This campus is overwhelmingly Christian. And these students deserved a proper convocation and not a multicultral side show.
Hispanic Family Values?
This is some information that has not been debated openly. Here is a link and a line.
"The government social-services sector has already latched onto this new client base; as the Hispanic population expands, so will the demands for a larger welfare state. Since conservative open-borders advocates have yet to acknowledge the facts of Hispanic family breakdown, there is no way to know what their solution to it is."
"Hispanic women have the highest unmarried birthrate in the country—over three times that of whites and Asians, and nearly one and a half times that of black women, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Every 1,000 unmarried Hispanic women bore 92 children in 2003 (the latest year for which data exist), compared with 28 children for every 1,000 unmarried white women, 22 for every 1,000 unmarried Asian women, and 66 for every 1,000 unmarried black women. Forty-five percent of all Hispanic births occur outside of marriage, compared with 24 percent of white births and 15 percent of Asian births. Only the percentage of black out-of-wedlock births—68 percent—exceeds the Hispanic rate. But the black population is not going to triple over the next few decades."
"The government social-services sector has already latched onto this new client base; as the Hispanic population expands, so will the demands for a larger welfare state. Since conservative open-borders advocates have yet to acknowledge the facts of Hispanic family breakdown, there is no way to know what their solution to it is."
"Hispanic women have the highest unmarried birthrate in the country—over three times that of whites and Asians, and nearly one and a half times that of black women, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Every 1,000 unmarried Hispanic women bore 92 children in 2003 (the latest year for which data exist), compared with 28 children for every 1,000 unmarried white women, 22 for every 1,000 unmarried Asian women, and 66 for every 1,000 unmarried black women. Forty-five percent of all Hispanic births occur outside of marriage, compared with 24 percent of white births and 15 percent of Asian births. Only the percentage of black out-of-wedlock births—68 percent—exceeds the Hispanic rate. But the black population is not going to triple over the next few decades."
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Where Is The Coverage For Di Fi?
Good ol' Dianne Feinstein is exposed for the dishonest politician that she is. Her hubby was making a fortune off government defense contracts and she was the chairman and ranking member of MILCON for six years. I have known about this for quite sometime. What chaps my hide is the lack of coverage by the alphabet news stations. Oh, but of course, liberal politicians lack morals and ethics so this is just normal behavior...it was making her feel good sharing all kinds of inside info with hubby boy.
SEN. Dianne Feinstein has resigned from the Military Construction Appropriations subcommittee. As previously and extensively reviewed in these pages, Feinstein was chairperson and ranking member of MILCON for six years, during which time she had a conflict of interest due to her husband Richard C. Blum's ownership of two major defense contractors, who were awarded billions of dollars for military construction projects approved by Feinstein.
As MILCON leader, Feinstein relished the details of military construction, even micromanaging one project at the level of its sewer design. She regularly took junkets to military bases around the world to inspect construction projects, some of which were contracted to her husband's companies, Perini Corp. and URS Corp.
SEN. Dianne Feinstein has resigned from the Military Construction Appropriations subcommittee. As previously and extensively reviewed in these pages, Feinstein was chairperson and ranking member of MILCON for six years, during which time she had a conflict of interest due to her husband Richard C. Blum's ownership of two major defense contractors, who were awarded billions of dollars for military construction projects approved by Feinstein.
As MILCON leader, Feinstein relished the details of military construction, even micromanaging one project at the level of its sewer design. She regularly took junkets to military bases around the world to inspect construction projects, some of which were contracted to her husband's companies, Perini Corp. and URS Corp.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Iran's President Ahmadinejad Plans Trip To New York : Capture Him This Time
Wow, another chance to get a hold of our generation's Hitler. This time Mr. Bush, do the right thing and throw him in the hole and then execute him. It is equal to getting a hold of Hitler himself in 1938. This sub human if he had his way would erase Israel and the US off of the globe. Period. Again, President Bush, allow him to come but never to leave. But I do not think G Dubba has the sack!
Another Gift From Illegal Aliens
It is called Chagas, and it is not a Latin soccer team. Yeah thats right, sneak over the border and say "Hello to my little deadly friend." Hey, we also have missed Mr. Polio, welcome back.
"A little-known but potentially deadly parasite from Latin America has become one of the latest threats to the blood and organ supplies in the United States, especially in Los Angeles, where many donors have traveled to affected countries, health officials say."
"Insect transmission of the parasite in the United States is rare, but public health and blood bank officials have been concerned about its increasing prevalence in the blood supply."
"In Latin America, about 10 million to 12 million people are believed to be infected with the Chagas parasite. As many as 1 million of them are expected to die from the disease unless there are advances in treatment, according to Dr. James Maguire, a University of Maryland expert on the disease."
"A little-known but potentially deadly parasite from Latin America has become one of the latest threats to the blood and organ supplies in the United States, especially in Los Angeles, where many donors have traveled to affected countries, health officials say."
"Insect transmission of the parasite in the United States is rare, but public health and blood bank officials have been concerned about its increasing prevalence in the blood supply."
"In Latin America, about 10 million to 12 million people are believed to be infected with the Chagas parasite. As many as 1 million of them are expected to die from the disease unless there are advances in treatment, according to Dr. James Maguire, a University of Maryland expert on the disease."
Good Job Al
Good ol' Al Gonzalez fires 8 attorneys and people from the left and a few so called righties are whinning. But hey, back in 93' Janet "shoot first ask questions later' Reno cleaned out 93 and politics was the reason. But Bubba and the lady known as Hillary get a pass...
"As everyone once knew but has tried to forget, Mr. Hubbell was a former partner of Mrs. Clinton at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock who later went to jail for mail fraud and tax evasion. He was also Bill and Hillary Clinton's choice as Associate Attorney General in the Justice Department when Janet Reno, his nominal superior, simultaneously fired all 93 U.S. Attorneys in March 1993. Ms. Reno--or Mr. Hubbell--gave them 10 days to move out of their offices."
"President Clinton presented the move as something perfectly ordinary: "All those people are routinely replaced," he told reporters, "and I have not done anything differently." In fact, the dismissals were unprecedented: Previous Presidents, including Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter, had both retained holdovers from the previous Administration and only replaced them gradually as their tenures expired. This allowed continuity of leadership within the U.S. Attorney offices during the transition."
"As everyone once knew but has tried to forget, Mr. Hubbell was a former partner of Mrs. Clinton at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock who later went to jail for mail fraud and tax evasion. He was also Bill and Hillary Clinton's choice as Associate Attorney General in the Justice Department when Janet Reno, his nominal superior, simultaneously fired all 93 U.S. Attorneys in March 1993. Ms. Reno--or Mr. Hubbell--gave them 10 days to move out of their offices."
"President Clinton presented the move as something perfectly ordinary: "All those people are routinely replaced," he told reporters, "and I have not done anything differently." In fact, the dismissals were unprecedented: Previous Presidents, including Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter, had both retained holdovers from the previous Administration and only replaced them gradually as their tenures expired. This allowed continuity of leadership within the U.S. Attorney offices during the transition."
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
What A Waste
Check out this video of Barney"Ferry" Frank and a couple Repubbycans going at it. Are we not at war? Ain't Islamic nuts looking for our heads?
Infected By Wimps
When did this country become; or better yet, How did this country become one that is being run by wimps? Bush refuses to fight to win, border patrol agents being placed in prison for shooting illegal alien drug dealers, the koran being an option in the courtroom's of America. And Barney Frank being allowed any power any where!!!! Yikes! I know that American wimps are the minority here but they are allowed to rule the majority and undermine the strength of America under the guise of diversity, also refusing to acknowledge that there is a moral absolute...Right vs. Wrong.
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