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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Oklahoma Legislature Trying To Do The Right Thing

As illegal aliens continue to flood our country and suck money from hospitals, schools and social services that should only be available to legal residents and their families, some state governments are finally recognizing the invasion. Oklahoma has intoduced SB 1804 which will deny state illegals state benny's, employment but dicounted college tuition would still be available.BOO! I think a better term for this would be "Self Deportation." It is about time that the feds along with Jorge Bushez realizes that he has failed in protecting American citizens by refusing to secure all borders and ports of entry to all illegal aliens regardless of their country of origin.

"the bill’s designed to block illegal immigrants from getting work or state benefits, but in this latest step it was changed to keep the current college tuition discount for the children of illegal immigrants. The State House created what it's calling the "Oklahoma Taxpayer and Citizenship Act," but critics of Bill 1804 call it mean spirited and discriminatory. A key point of controversy was allowing undocumented students to pay the discounted rate of "in state" tuition. The bills author said it didn't make sense because the students couldn't legally work if they graduated.

"For every one of those college scholarships we award to an illegal alien that's a U.S. citizen, an Oklahoman who will not be getting that financial aid," said Representative Randy Terrill of Moore."

And for your reading enjoyment..."

Misdemeanor vs. Felony
The first time an alien crosses the border illegally, he or she is guilty of a misdemeanor. The second and subsequent times constitute felonies. Both are criminal violations. The only distinction between a misdemeanor and a felony offense is the length of potential jail time; any crime punishable with up to one year’s imprisonment is a misdemeanor, while an offense punishable with more than one year is a felony."

Mexico's Health Czar Tells America What To Do

This is, for a lack of a better term, a load of crap. This arrogant non American is wanting to instruct us how to provide care for criminals that should by law be deported back to the third world country they came from. He needs to be arrested while he is here on charges of allowing and encouraging his citizens to break our laws. He needs to be dealt with as a foreign illegal drug dealer. President Bush also needs to be charged on one count of not upholding the US Constitution..failing to protect the states from foreign invaders. Mexifornia is the first goal..the The United Federation of the North and South American Contries is next. The only way to stop this mess is to enact laws that create self deportation along with enforcing laws that allow for forced deportation...families and all along with the imprisoned population of illegals.

Mexico's new secretary of health visited San Francisco on Monday to learn about the health needs of the millions of Mexican immigrants living in California and to further collaborate with state officials to meet those needs.

"We can build a new model for attention to the health needs of Mexican workers here," said Jose Angel Cordova Villalobos, appointed by Mexico's new president, Felipe Calderon.

The former hospital chief and medical school director from the state of Guanajuato said he plans to meet every six months with U.S. health officials and Mexican immigrant communities to create a basic health care plan to cover Mexicans in the United States and eventually extend to them a system of universal health care that is being developed by the Calderon administration.

Doing A Friend A Favor

I am reprinting with permission a letter that was published today by a very good friend,coworker and golfing buddy. I am very happy he is a better writer than golfer. This is for you Burnsy!

Media's selfish agenda in this war
It is not a war, but the battle of Iraq in a worldwide religious war against Islamic terrorism. Moreover, it is not our president's battle, but rather the start of a long and violent struggle for the survival of the American people. The Afghan and Iraq campaigns were endorsed and encouraged by politicians (Democrats and Republicans), the United Nations, the Pentagon and the majority of the American people. Our commander in chief, President Bush, has done everything possible to support our troops and allow the generals to prosecute the battles. The socialists in the media and the electorate have done everything possible to undermine the troops by prosecuting the battles on their own selfish, political terms.
The misinformed media and politicians are blinded by hatred of a moral, family-oriented Christian president who is doing his utmost to keep the American people safe. If the home-grown socialists give the terrorists wins in Iraq and Afghanistan, the next battles will be on our soil with a dreadful number of civilian casualties -- all because of blind, misinformed hatred of our commander in chief.



Tuesday, April 17, 2007

the place HE should be

University convocation told of Allah, not Jesus

"Speakers at the Virginia Tech convocation yesterday called on Allah and Buddha in their efforts to minister to the survivors, family and friends of victims of the shooting massacre at the school – but Jesus wasn't mentioned.

It was left up to President Bush to come the closest to offering a biblical message of hope, when he suggested the school community that lost 32 members to the shootings by an out-of-control resident alien student find "comfort in the grace and guidance of a loving God."

"But even he didn't bring Jesus, the only hope of comfort and future life for Christians, into the memorials."

Read the entire article. This campus is overwhelmingly Christian. And these students deserved a proper convocation and not a multicultral side show.

Hispanic Family Values?

This is some information that has not been debated openly. Here is a link and a line.

"The government social-services sector has already latched onto this new client base; as the Hispanic population expands, so will the demands for a larger welfare state. Since conservative open-borders advocates have yet to acknowledge the facts of Hispanic family breakdown, there is no way to know what their solution to it is."

"Hispanic women have the highest unmarried birthrate in the country—over three times that of whites and Asians, and nearly one and a half times that of black women, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Every 1,000 unmarried Hispanic women bore 92 children in 2003 (the latest year for which data exist), compared with 28 children for every 1,000 unmarried white women, 22 for every 1,000 unmarried Asian women, and 66 for every 1,000 unmarried black women. Forty-five percent of all Hispanic births occur outside of marriage, compared with 24 percent of white births and 15 percent of Asian births. Only the percentage of black out-of-wedlock births—68 percent—exceeds the Hispanic rate. But the black population is not going to triple over the next few decades."