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Monday, June 30, 2008
Get Smart! Get A Ticket
I am not one for movie reviews, but after seeing Get Smart tonight, here I go.
Off the charts funny. The original creators had their hand in this movie and it showed; Buck Henry and Mel Brooks. It was true to the original t.v. show, which is still an all time classic. From the Cone of Silence to "Missed it by that much." Agent 99, 13 and Jaime.
It was fun, had comic, slapstick violence, and just a few off color words, which added nothing to the movie. And yes, there will be a second one made. There is a scene with the Chief and the head of the CIA at a DHS meeting that is funny.
In my humble movie I have watched in years. But then again, It is only about the third one I have seen in as many years.
Off the charts funny. The original creators had their hand in this movie and it showed; Buck Henry and Mel Brooks. It was true to the original t.v. show, which is still an all time classic. From the Cone of Silence to "Missed it by that much." Agent 99, 13 and Jaime.
It was fun, had comic, slapstick violence, and just a few off color words, which added nothing to the movie. And yes, there will be a second one made. There is a scene with the Chief and the head of the CIA at a DHS meeting that is funny.
In my humble movie I have watched in years. But then again, It is only about the third one I have seen in as many years.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Elvis 1970-1977 Help Me Make It Through The Night
Elvis doing a Double K song! Songs are not written or sung like this anymore!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Our Country...Our Laws
Mexico has gone to the world court in an attempt to block executions of their citizens who have been found guilty and sentenced to death in America's courts.
Tough, these people willing broke our laws from the time they crossed the border. Innocent people are dead and this is American turf. If you don't want "your" citizens punished, how about keeping them on your side of the fence? Sorry, but you don't get to pick and choose how our laws work.
Also, don't forget El Jorge Bush backed Mexico and the world court. Tells you a lot about his priorites.
THE HAGUE, Netherlands — Mexico made an emergency appeal to the U.N.'s highest court today to block the execution of its citizens on death row in the U.S.
Mexico's chief advocate Juan Manuel Gomez-Robledo said the U.S. was "in breach of its international obligations" by disregarding a 2004 judgment by the U.N.'s International Court of Justice, which ruled that Mexicans had been denied the right to help from their consulate after being arrested.
Gomez-Robledo said that without urgent action now, five Mexican citizens "will be executed before the conclusion of these proceedings."
The issue went to the Supreme Court, which ruled last March in a 6-3 vote that Bush lacked the authority to compel state courts to comply with the judgment from The Hague. The Vienna Convention cannot be binding on the states unless Congress enacts legislation enforcing it as federal law, the Supreme Court ruled.
Mexico argues that international law applies not only to the U.S. but also to individual states.
"The United States cannot invoke municipal law as justification for failure to perform its international legal obligations," it said in its application to the court two weeks ago.
Tough, these people willing broke our laws from the time they crossed the border. Innocent people are dead and this is American turf. If you don't want "your" citizens punished, how about keeping them on your side of the fence? Sorry, but you don't get to pick and choose how our laws work.
Also, don't forget El Jorge Bush backed Mexico and the world court. Tells you a lot about his priorites.
THE HAGUE, Netherlands — Mexico made an emergency appeal to the U.N.'s highest court today to block the execution of its citizens on death row in the U.S.
Mexico's chief advocate Juan Manuel Gomez-Robledo said the U.S. was "in breach of its international obligations" by disregarding a 2004 judgment by the U.N.'s International Court of Justice, which ruled that Mexicans had been denied the right to help from their consulate after being arrested.
Gomez-Robledo said that without urgent action now, five Mexican citizens "will be executed before the conclusion of these proceedings."
The issue went to the Supreme Court, which ruled last March in a 6-3 vote that Bush lacked the authority to compel state courts to comply with the judgment from The Hague. The Vienna Convention cannot be binding on the states unless Congress enacts legislation enforcing it as federal law, the Supreme Court ruled.
Mexico argues that international law applies not only to the U.S. but also to individual states.
"The United States cannot invoke municipal law as justification for failure to perform its international legal obligations," it said in its application to the court two weeks ago.
Dr. Dobson....A Good Guy
But those who hate moral absolutes, who do not believe in sin will tell you otherwise. He is not a pastor or theologian. He is often attacked because he is a stuanch supporter of children and marriage. Of course, to some, killing babies is acceptable. I have listened to his radio shows for years and I have never once heard him say anything hateful about anyone. He does, however, believe in Jesus Christ and that the Bible is the word of God. And for that, just as God predicted, he would be attacked.
Barry Obama does not follow the words of the Bible. He is pro infanticide, anti marriage and a Marxist. He compared Dr. Dobson to Al Sharpton. And Dr. Dobson had never attacked Barry. Barry was spewing to his Kool Aid drinking fans. He was speaking off the top of his head, which reveals the hateful man he is.
Here is Dr. Dobson's Focus on the Family homepage.
Barry Obama does not follow the words of the Bible. He is pro infanticide, anti marriage and a Marxist. He compared Dr. Dobson to Al Sharpton. And Dr. Dobson had never attacked Barry. Barry was spewing to his Kool Aid drinking fans. He was speaking off the top of his head, which reveals the hateful man he is.
Here is Dr. Dobson's Focus on the Family homepage.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Barry shows his true colors with this attack on a good man; Dr. Dobson.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Even Hillbillies Golf
I know, I am way out of dress code but at a 100 degrees I did not even put my spikes on!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Suspicious Mind - Elvis Presley
You Tube said I had not added any new videos to my favorites lately. They suggested this one. Damn, they are smart!
New GMaudlin?
Thu, 2008-06-19 23:05
as far as i knowclubJWP Says:
as far as i know prescription drug addiction as an illness, expecting the sober ones to support the addicts, clean up their messes and be supportive and uplifting at the same time. Unfortunately, this kind of attitude is denial of the problem. If our sober loved ones follow this thinking, they are actually enabling us to continue in this self-destructive behavior. What causes addiction is a sense that something is missing from our lives...a need for something more. This emptiness drives us to abuse substances to try to fill the void, but, since they only dull the feeling of emptiness, we grow more deeply addicted with every dose.
Thu, 2008-06-19 23:05
as far as i knowclubJWP Says:
as far as i know prescription drug addiction as an illness, expecting the sober ones to support the addicts, clean up their messes and be supportive and uplifting at the same time. Unfortunately, this kind of attitude is denial of the problem. If our sober loved ones follow this thinking, they are actually enabling us to continue in this self-destructive behavior. What causes addiction is a sense that something is missing from our lives...a need for something more. This emptiness drives us to abuse substances to try to fill the void, but, since they only dull the feeling of emptiness, we grow more deeply addicted with every dose.
Monday, June 16, 2008
The Family Obama

Seems like BHO has a new found hobby, People Tossing. Sounds like his half brother just became a speed bump for the BHO Bus Lines.
Apparently Malik Obama, himself a Muslim, had not read the press release. Melanie Phillips is the most recent commentator to draw attention to the massive body of evidence that leaves no doubt that Barak Hussein Obama was born a Muslim (Islam is patrilineal) and raised a Muslim (so registered in school, acknowledging attending Islamic classes, reported accompanying his step-father to the mosque, and able to recite the Koran in the original Arabic).
Obama's Justice is not Color Blind
Good ol' Barry being his racist self. If you commit a crime while you are in a gang Barry, you are a criminal regardless of your skin color.
In 1998, Obama was one of only three senators to vote against a proposal making it a criminal offense for convicts on probation or on bail to have contact with a street gang. In 2001, Obama voted against a measure that would have expanded the penalties for some gang activity to include the death penalty. The bill was vetoed by then-Gov. George Ryan (R ) not long after he had issued a moratorium on the death penalty in the state.Obama, at the time, said the bill would unfairly target minorities, stating, “There’s a strong overlap between gang affiliation and young men of color … I think it’s problematic for them to be singled out as more likely to receive the death penalty for carrying out certain acts than are others who do the same thing.”Obama opposes the death penalty except for terrorists, serial killers and child-murderers, but his campaign added that he does not support the death penalty as it is currently administered in this country.
In 1998, Obama was one of only three senators to vote against a proposal making it a criminal offense for convicts on probation or on bail to have contact with a street gang. In 2001, Obama voted against a measure that would have expanded the penalties for some gang activity to include the death penalty. The bill was vetoed by then-Gov. George Ryan (R ) not long after he had issued a moratorium on the death penalty in the state.Obama, at the time, said the bill would unfairly target minorities, stating, “There’s a strong overlap between gang affiliation and young men of color … I think it’s problematic for them to be singled out as more likely to receive the death penalty for carrying out certain acts than are others who do the same thing.”Obama opposes the death penalty except for terrorists, serial killers and child-murderers, but his campaign added that he does not support the death penalty as it is currently administered in this country.
Armstrong Williams and Racism
If a person votes for a candidate solely because of the color of their skin what does that say about the person? Armstrong Williams brings up this issue when he states;
WASHINGTON (AP) — Black conservative talk show host Armstrong Williams has never voted for a Democrat for president. That could change this year with Barack Obama as the Democratic Party's nominee.
"I don't necessarily like his policies; I don't like much that he advocates, but for the first time in my life, history thrusts me to really seriously think about it," Williams said. "I can honestly say I have no idea who I'm going to pull that lever for in November. And to me, that's incredible."
Yeah, it is incredibly the level of ignorance in some people.
Even a politico I like, J.C. Watts, has bought into this line of thinking.
J.C. Watts, a former Oklahoma congressman who once was part of the Republican House leadership, said he is thinking of voting for Obama. Watts said he is still a Republican, but he criticizes his party for neglecting the black community. Black Republicans, he said, have to concede that while they might not agree with Democrats on issues, at least that party reaches out to them.
Watts is a fool on this topic. Reaches out to his community? Sounds more like building political power by misleading people and keeping them chained to entitlements.
At least Mike Steele is a rational guy.
Michael Steele, the Republican former lieutenant governor of Maryland who lost a Senate race there in 2006, said he is proud of Obama as a black man, but that "come November, I will do everything in my power to defeat him." Electing Obama, he said, would not automatically solve the woes of the black community.
"I think people who try to put this sort of messianic mantle on Barack's nomination are a little bit misguided," he said.
Just let some democrat white guy make this statement. "I am voting for Jmac because he is white, I don't like his ideas, but he is white."
WASHINGTON (AP) — Black conservative talk show host Armstrong Williams has never voted for a Democrat for president. That could change this year with Barack Obama as the Democratic Party's nominee.
"I don't necessarily like his policies; I don't like much that he advocates, but for the first time in my life, history thrusts me to really seriously think about it," Williams said. "I can honestly say I have no idea who I'm going to pull that lever for in November. And to me, that's incredible."
Yeah, it is incredibly the level of ignorance in some people.
Even a politico I like, J.C. Watts, has bought into this line of thinking.
J.C. Watts, a former Oklahoma congressman who once was part of the Republican House leadership, said he is thinking of voting for Obama. Watts said he is still a Republican, but he criticizes his party for neglecting the black community. Black Republicans, he said, have to concede that while they might not agree with Democrats on issues, at least that party reaches out to them.
Watts is a fool on this topic. Reaches out to his community? Sounds more like building political power by misleading people and keeping them chained to entitlements.
At least Mike Steele is a rational guy.
Michael Steele, the Republican former lieutenant governor of Maryland who lost a Senate race there in 2006, said he is proud of Obama as a black man, but that "come November, I will do everything in my power to defeat him." Electing Obama, he said, would not automatically solve the woes of the black community.
"I think people who try to put this sort of messianic mantle on Barack's nomination are a little bit misguided," he said.
Just let some democrat white guy make this statement. "I am voting for Jmac because he is white, I don't like his ideas, but he is white."
Sunday, June 15, 2008
The Word And Friends of BHO
Here is a blog post I did on another site. Of course, many BHO homers could not care less about his character, qualifications, friends. The just love Barry the messiah. Here is the post and link. Have some fun and read some of the responses from the Obamamanics. Their ignorance is quite telling.
If you don't think B. Hussein Obama is about race, then read his book. Here is an excerpt from his book that he published in a Time magazine article back in 2006. I am going to have to read his entire book. It appears he reveals his true colors of elitist,racist,socialist, bigot and pro murder. But of course, he is for change.
Checkout his claim that many Americans don't have a sense of purpose. And suffer from chronic loniness! Geez, typical liberal socialism headed straight for us if he is elected. Sorry to tell you Barry, but government is not the answer brother.,9171,1546298,00.html
Today, white evangelical Christians (along with conservative Catholics) are the heart and soul of the Republican Party's grassroots base—a core following continually mobilized by a network of pulpits and media outlets that technology has only amplified. It is their issues—abortion, gay marriage, prayer in schools, intelligent design, Terri Schiavo, the posting of the Ten Commandments in the courthouse, home schooling, voucher plans, and the makeup of the Supreme Court—that often dominate the headlines and serve as one of the major fault lines in American politics. The single biggest gap in party affiliation among white Americans is not between men and women, or between those who reside in so-called red states and those who reside in blue states, but between those who attend church regularly and those who don't. Democrats, meanwhile, are scrambling to "get religion," even as a core segment of our constituency remains stubbornly secular in orientation, and fears—rightly, no doubt—that the agenda of an assertively Christian nation may not make room for them or their life choices.
There are various explanations for this trend, from the skill of evangelicals in marketing religion to the charisma of their leaders. But their success also points to a hunger for the product they are selling, a hunger that goes beyond any particular issue or cause. Each day, it seems, thousands of Americans are going about their daily rounds—dropping off the kids at school, driving to the office, flying to a business meeting, shopping at the mall, trying to stay on their diets—and coming to the realization that something is missing. They are deciding that their work, their possessions, their diversions, their sheer busyness are not enough. They want a sense of purpose, a narrative arc to their lives, something that will relieve a chronic loneliness or lift them above the exhausting, relentless toll of daily life. They need an assurance that somebody out there cares about them, is listening to them—that they are not just destined to travel down a long highway toward nothingness. ....
For my mother, organized religion too often dressed up closed-mindedness in the garb of piety, cruelty and oppression in the cloak of righteousness.
This isn't to say that she provided me with no religious instruction. In her mind, a working knowledge of the world's great religions was a necessary part of any well-rounded education. In our household the Bible, the Koran, and the Bhagavad Gita sat on the shelf alongside books of Greek and Norse and African mythology. On Easter or Christmas Day my mother might drag me to church, just as she dragged me to the Buddhist temple, the Chinese New Year celebration, the Shinto shrine, and ancient Hawaiian burial sites. But I was made to understand that such religious samplings required no sustained commitment on my part—no introspective exertion or self-flagellation. Religion was an expression of human culture, she would explain,...
It is only in retrospect, of course, that I fully understand how deeply this spirit of hers guided me on the path I would ultimately take. It was in search of confirmation of her values that I studied political philosophy, looking for both a language and systems of action that could help build community and make justice real....
I was able to see faith as more than just a comfort to the weary or a hedge against death; rather, it was an active, palpable agent in the world.
And perhaps it was out of this intimate knowledge of hardship, the grounding of faith in struggle, that the historically black church offered me
that religious commitment did not require me to suspend critical thinking, disengage from the battle for economic and social justice, or otherwise retreat from the world that I knew and loved—that I was finally able to walk down the aisle of Trinity United Church of Christ one day and be baptized. It came about as a choice and not an epiphany; the questions I had did not magically disappear. But kneeling beneath that cross on the South Side of Chicago,
If you don't think B. Hussein Obama is about race, then read his book. Here is an excerpt from his book that he published in a Time magazine article back in 2006. I am going to have to read his entire book. It appears he reveals his true colors of elitist,racist,socialist, bigot and pro murder. But of course, he is for change.
Checkout his claim that many Americans don't have a sense of purpose. And suffer from chronic loniness! Geez, typical liberal socialism headed straight for us if he is elected. Sorry to tell you Barry, but government is not the answer brother.,9171,1546298,00.html
Today, white evangelical Christians (along with conservative Catholics) are the heart and soul of the Republican Party's grassroots base—a core following continually mobilized by a network of pulpits and media outlets that technology has only amplified. It is their issues—abortion, gay marriage, prayer in schools, intelligent design, Terri Schiavo, the posting of the Ten Commandments in the courthouse, home schooling, voucher plans, and the makeup of the Supreme Court—that often dominate the headlines and serve as one of the major fault lines in American politics. The single biggest gap in party affiliation among white Americans is not between men and women, or between those who reside in so-called red states and those who reside in blue states, but between those who attend church regularly and those who don't. Democrats, meanwhile, are scrambling to "get religion," even as a core segment of our constituency remains stubbornly secular in orientation, and fears—rightly, no doubt—that the agenda of an assertively Christian nation may not make room for them or their life choices.
There are various explanations for this trend, from the skill of evangelicals in marketing religion to the charisma of their leaders. But their success also points to a hunger for the product they are selling, a hunger that goes beyond any particular issue or cause. Each day, it seems, thousands of Americans are going about their daily rounds—dropping off the kids at school, driving to the office, flying to a business meeting, shopping at the mall, trying to stay on their diets—and coming to the realization that something is missing. They are deciding that their work, their possessions, their diversions, their sheer busyness are not enough. They want a sense of purpose, a narrative arc to their lives, something that will relieve a chronic loneliness or lift them above the exhausting, relentless toll of daily life. They need an assurance that somebody out there cares about them, is listening to them—that they are not just destined to travel down a long highway toward nothingness. ....
For my mother, organized religion too often dressed up closed-mindedness in the garb of piety, cruelty and oppression in the cloak of righteousness.
This isn't to say that she provided me with no religious instruction. In her mind, a working knowledge of the world's great religions was a necessary part of any well-rounded education. In our household the Bible, the Koran, and the Bhagavad Gita sat on the shelf alongside books of Greek and Norse and African mythology. On Easter or Christmas Day my mother might drag me to church, just as she dragged me to the Buddhist temple, the Chinese New Year celebration, the Shinto shrine, and ancient Hawaiian burial sites. But I was made to understand that such religious samplings required no sustained commitment on my part—no introspective exertion or self-flagellation. Religion was an expression of human culture, she would explain,...
It is only in retrospect, of course, that I fully understand how deeply this spirit of hers guided me on the path I would ultimately take. It was in search of confirmation of her values that I studied political philosophy, looking for both a language and systems of action that could help build community and make justice real....
I was able to see faith as more than just a comfort to the weary or a hedge against death; rather, it was an active, palpable agent in the world.
And perhaps it was out of this intimate knowledge of hardship, the grounding of faith in struggle, that the historically black church offered me
that religious commitment did not require me to suspend critical thinking, disengage from the battle for economic and social justice, or otherwise retreat from the world that I knew and loved—that I was finally able to walk down the aisle of Trinity United Church of Christ one day and be baptized. It came about as a choice and not an epiphany; the questions I had did not magically disappear. But kneeling beneath that cross on the South Side of Chicago,
Saturday, June 14, 2008
A Blogger Attacks....The Sock Puppet Master GM!
I am going for help. gmaudlin Says: You will never...
I am going for help.gmaudlin Says:You will never see me back on this Hive again!Ridiculous. This man was reaching out for help! I thought he was sincere. He cares about the little Kittens. You want to display Cats in a frying Pan. You should be put into the frying pan yourself, Idiot.I could care less what your grandmothers heritage is. You are a nut case for posting that. Moronistic individual.Think about it: Every educated person is not rich, but almost every educated person has a job and a way out of poverty. So education is a fundamental solution to poverty. - Governor Kathleen BlancoOh, Really? Well then back up you Idiotic statement Moron.gmaudlin Says:"Dude, take a yoga class"! "Safe and sane to the children??/""And by the way... Social workers are pathetic. They don't even know how to do their job. Those children should be taken until it is proven that NO abuse exists". Law enforcement placed the protective hold. I already told you that. What do you think about that Linda. Ya, why don't we just incarcerate the entire World. We damn near already have with adults huh? Go after the children now? Is that your next step?Get an education Idiot. It's practically free in America. You ignorant Moron.Think about it: Every educated person is not rich, but almost every educated person has a job and a way out of poverty. So education is a fundamental solution to poverty. - Governor Kathleen BlancoWhy don't all you people just shut the fuc_ up.gmaudlin Says:I know I have a damn problem. I spent all yesterday getting myself into treatment. I could have been picked up this morning at 7:30am and cancelled out as I need to do my wash and make my place a nice place to come home to. I will go at 7:30 again in the morning. I swear, I am honestly doing the best I can do.And quite frankly, although I do care of what others think of me. It hurts me to be humiliated. It hurts a lot. But maybe I just have it coming. Just maybe I deserve my disease. I just don't know. But I do know one thing. I am a fighter. I always have been. I will give it my best shot. And I will stay alive and I will contine to give back to my community and support my Country. And I love my children, all three of them. You can count on that.I am not dead yet.Think about it: Every educated person is not rich, but almost every educated person has a job and a way out of poverty. So education is a fundamental solution to poverty.Oh Really. I don't deserve my freedom huh?gmaudlin Says:I entered the United States Marines at age 21, I received an honorable discharge with the rank of Sergeant. I don't deserve my freedom?I do not sound like what you label as a "Jew back before the holocaust". I also would not have helped get Adolph Hitler get elected. That is your opinion not mine or anyone elses.Do you have a problem with me voting my conscience, rather that voting straight party? Does that not settle to well with you?You are a Sock Puppet for Linda. If anyone will go back on the history of your posts they will see that. Go back on "fightback", search and you will find. I am telling you the truth too. There are many others as well.PS: May God Bless You. I am for you, believe it or not.Think about it: Every educated person is not rich, but almost every educated person has a job and a way out of poverty. So education is a fundamental solution to poverty. - Governor Kathleen BlancoI do not believe for one minute there really is an IDPNC.gmaudlin Says:I believe IDPNC is one of Linda's Sock Puppets by manufacture or she has the outside source to allow him to post upon her command.That is what you are dealing with truthseeker. I stand on my statement.Think about it: Every educated person is not rich, but almost every educated person has a job and a way out of poverty. So education is a fundamental solution to poverty. - Governor Kathleen Blancogmaudlin Says:He is needed. Wake him up Linda! It really is showtime.Think about it: Every educated person is not rich, but almost every educated person has a job and a way out of poverty. So education is a fundamental solution to poverty. - Governor Kathleen BlancoAfter listening to the conversation I will go withgmaudlin Says:Burngracie and Stanford. They are at least forthcoming and honest in their delivery.Linda, you need to wake up fightback and your other sock puppets on the Hive. You desperately need them at this very moment.You started the Blog and now you have very intelligent citizens entering into your blog. You have your hands full, for sure.The Hive and it's new participants is changing for sure. Thanks Dan, for that.Think about it: Every educated person is not rich, but almost every educated person has a job and a way out of poverty. So education is a fundamental solution to poverty. - Governor Kathleen BlancoLinda, You very much need to call upon "fightback" and all thegmaudlin Says:other "Sock Puppets" you can drum up. You have you're hands full with some very intelligent people that have the courage to fight for their Community.May God Bless You Linda.Think about it: Every educated person is not rich, but almost every educated person has a job and a way out of poverty. So education is a fundamental solution to poverty. - Governor Kathleen BlancoMon, 2008-05-26 08:52He,He,He.gmaudlin Says:I swear I love my new label as "Meathead".I am laughing my a_s off.I know, I'm as about a dumb as a rock. Right? But at least I try. lol.PS: To know me is to love me.Think about it: Every educated person is not rich, but almost every educated person has a job and a way out of poverty. So education is a fundamental solution to poverty. - Governor Kathleen BlancoWhy stick with Slick Willy.......gmaudlin Says:Slick Willyis a man of his word. The only time I ever remember him messing up was when he got confused. He is without a doubt, a national icon. She can't possibly love him for sex because he knows nothing about sex. Very, very confused man in this area. I feel sorry and sad for him.I was not angry.alexes Says:However, I do see that I am no longer able to express myself here. And I won't do that anymore.If anyone should be put down it should be some punk idiotBK35 Says:just like you that advocates for the overthrow of our blessed Country and all that it stands for. Why in the hell don't you just pack up your wife and kids and go somewhere else if you don't like it here. Daddy can't pay your way? You ain't no Cop and you ain't anything you purport to be. Only in your mind, you are what you are. And your --- friend Heaton, ain't no credentialed teacher either and his anti-American attitude that has bonded you two together, has not gone unnoticed. Most people are not touched in a positive way in case you have been missing in reality,.... you two.So why don't the both of you stop postering yourselves on this Hive and get real. Your display doesn't mean anything nor is feared by any real man. post edited by dleggSat, 2008-06-14 13:11America needs to desperately get out ot the thinking areasgmaudlin Says:of "war" to get what we are going for. I am very serious. We are losing ground at a rapid pace and do not have to be in this position. When we awaken to the fact that we are "worldly" hated and wrong for the killing of people((s) under the premise that other Countries will benefit by being like us (Americans), we will begin to make progress.We are now competing in a global maketplace and we will be well advised and astute to take to task what the world (including NATO) has been trying to tell us for along time.Join in and enjoy the benefit(s) of "War". (Scre_ War!) For all of those that like it, put the gear on, pack the C Rats and get with it. Too Chicken Shi_? Rather send someone other dumb as_?. Go fight you own war if you like it so much! The Army is now taking all people, regardless of age. That includes you Jheaton and Linda Advocate. You can go right now m sign up and fight for your country. What excuse will you draw upon this time? Especailly you Linda Advocate that is living totally off the system that boyfriend (not visa-versa by any means) JHenton despises, and you JHJeaton that is simply serving as a Scurity Guard, a job that could end at anytime. You won't even be missed at work or home in your case Linda Advocate,, and just think, you can back up your statements that you both have "seved your County. It's a win win for both you Linda Advocate and JHeaton. Why don't you use that time, I say, join up you Chicken Shit'_! No excuse now. Get with it brothers and sisters. Most of you aren't doing much but sitting arond on you ass anyway. Sat, 2008-06-14 12:37JHeaton. You are not amusing myself, your father or yourgmaudlin Says:gandfather, that fought for their Country. Just because you paid someone $45.00 per month to the teach you the "basics" of Waa Rang Doo. does not in the least, make you a "bad ass" nor mean much to me. Nor does any win at the battle of "Beavers Bar" go to far with a Marine. So keep on plugging for the taking of the "streets" of my America and the overthrow of my American Governemnt. Perhaps we will meet someday. If you and others you have aligned with, want to you contuinue to create discord with racism and the overthrow of my government, and all the ancilliary benefits my government provides to it's citizenry, perhaps we will meet someday. I will very willingly fight along side with my fellow soldiers on behalf our our (my) citizens. Unlike you, my family was patriotic, and expected this from me. Make no mistake about it, I will carry out their wishes.
....Almost forgot the sock puppet AJWorth......Sat, 2008-03-22 14:24
I just returned from San Diego.AJWorth Says:
My daughter ask me if she could comment and of course I said go for it. My kids are pretty expressive, think totally on their own now, and that is the way it should be. She was pretty taken back by the whole thing as was I. Anyway, thanks for the nice comments everyone (most everyone). I had intended to keep blogging without these comments, however, the blog and posts are a pleasing surprise though. I will blog under the name of AJWorth. As for me, there is no way I would use my last name on a blog site anymore. Others can if they wish, and I respect that to. By not using my last name beginning now, in time, that issue will just go away for any new bloggers. And that is all I could ask for.
Besides, Stanford says he needs my help. And he is one of my favorites.
And for those that think I am not still gainfully employed, well, all I can say is, I think you have a serious comprehension and retention problem. It doesn't matter anyway as my employment or retirement is not the issue.
All is good with me, if it is good with you people!
I am going for help.gmaudlin Says:You will never see me back on this Hive again!Ridiculous. This man was reaching out for help! I thought he was sincere. He cares about the little Kittens. You want to display Cats in a frying Pan. You should be put into the frying pan yourself, Idiot.I could care less what your grandmothers heritage is. You are a nut case for posting that. Moronistic individual.Think about it: Every educated person is not rich, but almost every educated person has a job and a way out of poverty. So education is a fundamental solution to poverty. - Governor Kathleen BlancoOh, Really? Well then back up you Idiotic statement Moron.gmaudlin Says:"Dude, take a yoga class"! "Safe and sane to the children??/""And by the way... Social workers are pathetic. They don't even know how to do their job. Those children should be taken until it is proven that NO abuse exists". Law enforcement placed the protective hold. I already told you that. What do you think about that Linda. Ya, why don't we just incarcerate the entire World. We damn near already have with adults huh? Go after the children now? Is that your next step?Get an education Idiot. It's practically free in America. You ignorant Moron.Think about it: Every educated person is not rich, but almost every educated person has a job and a way out of poverty. So education is a fundamental solution to poverty. - Governor Kathleen BlancoWhy don't all you people just shut the fuc_ up.gmaudlin Says:I know I have a damn problem. I spent all yesterday getting myself into treatment. I could have been picked up this morning at 7:30am and cancelled out as I need to do my wash and make my place a nice place to come home to. I will go at 7:30 again in the morning. I swear, I am honestly doing the best I can do.And quite frankly, although I do care of what others think of me. It hurts me to be humiliated. It hurts a lot. But maybe I just have it coming. Just maybe I deserve my disease. I just don't know. But I do know one thing. I am a fighter. I always have been. I will give it my best shot. And I will stay alive and I will contine to give back to my community and support my Country. And I love my children, all three of them. You can count on that.I am not dead yet.Think about it: Every educated person is not rich, but almost every educated person has a job and a way out of poverty. So education is a fundamental solution to poverty.Oh Really. I don't deserve my freedom huh?gmaudlin Says:I entered the United States Marines at age 21, I received an honorable discharge with the rank of Sergeant. I don't deserve my freedom?I do not sound like what you label as a "Jew back before the holocaust". I also would not have helped get Adolph Hitler get elected. That is your opinion not mine or anyone elses.Do you have a problem with me voting my conscience, rather that voting straight party? Does that not settle to well with you?You are a Sock Puppet for Linda. If anyone will go back on the history of your posts they will see that. Go back on "fightback", search and you will find. I am telling you the truth too. There are many others as well.PS: May God Bless You. I am for you, believe it or not.Think about it: Every educated person is not rich, but almost every educated person has a job and a way out of poverty. So education is a fundamental solution to poverty. - Governor Kathleen BlancoI do not believe for one minute there really is an IDPNC.gmaudlin Says:I believe IDPNC is one of Linda's Sock Puppets by manufacture or she has the outside source to allow him to post upon her command.That is what you are dealing with truthseeker. I stand on my statement.Think about it: Every educated person is not rich, but almost every educated person has a job and a way out of poverty. So education is a fundamental solution to poverty. - Governor Kathleen Blancogmaudlin Says:He is needed. Wake him up Linda! It really is showtime.Think about it: Every educated person is not rich, but almost every educated person has a job and a way out of poverty. So education is a fundamental solution to poverty. - Governor Kathleen BlancoAfter listening to the conversation I will go withgmaudlin Says:Burngracie and Stanford. They are at least forthcoming and honest in their delivery.Linda, you need to wake up fightback and your other sock puppets on the Hive. You desperately need them at this very moment.You started the Blog and now you have very intelligent citizens entering into your blog. You have your hands full, for sure.The Hive and it's new participants is changing for sure. Thanks Dan, for that.Think about it: Every educated person is not rich, but almost every educated person has a job and a way out of poverty. So education is a fundamental solution to poverty. - Governor Kathleen BlancoLinda, You very much need to call upon "fightback" and all thegmaudlin Says:other "Sock Puppets" you can drum up. You have you're hands full with some very intelligent people that have the courage to fight for their Community.May God Bless You Linda.Think about it: Every educated person is not rich, but almost every educated person has a job and a way out of poverty. So education is a fundamental solution to poverty. - Governor Kathleen BlancoMon, 2008-05-26 08:52He,He,He.gmaudlin Says:I swear I love my new label as "Meathead".I am laughing my a_s off.I know, I'm as about a dumb as a rock. Right? But at least I try. lol.PS: To know me is to love me.Think about it: Every educated person is not rich, but almost every educated person has a job and a way out of poverty. So education is a fundamental solution to poverty. - Governor Kathleen BlancoWhy stick with Slick Willy.......gmaudlin Says:Slick Willyis a man of his word. The only time I ever remember him messing up was when he got confused. He is without a doubt, a national icon. She can't possibly love him for sex because he knows nothing about sex. Very, very confused man in this area. I feel sorry and sad for him.I was not angry.alexes Says:However, I do see that I am no longer able to express myself here. And I won't do that anymore.If anyone should be put down it should be some punk idiotBK35 Says:just like you that advocates for the overthrow of our blessed Country and all that it stands for. Why in the hell don't you just pack up your wife and kids and go somewhere else if you don't like it here. Daddy can't pay your way? You ain't no Cop and you ain't anything you purport to be. Only in your mind, you are what you are. And your --- friend Heaton, ain't no credentialed teacher either and his anti-American attitude that has bonded you two together, has not gone unnoticed. Most people are not touched in a positive way in case you have been missing in reality,.... you two.So why don't the both of you stop postering yourselves on this Hive and get real. Your display doesn't mean anything nor is feared by any real man. post edited by dleggSat, 2008-06-14 13:11America needs to desperately get out ot the thinking areasgmaudlin Says:of "war" to get what we are going for. I am very serious. We are losing ground at a rapid pace and do not have to be in this position. When we awaken to the fact that we are "worldly" hated and wrong for the killing of people((s) under the premise that other Countries will benefit by being like us (Americans), we will begin to make progress.We are now competing in a global maketplace and we will be well advised and astute to take to task what the world (including NATO) has been trying to tell us for along time.Join in and enjoy the benefit(s) of "War". (Scre_ War!) For all of those that like it, put the gear on, pack the C Rats and get with it. Too Chicken Shi_? Rather send someone other dumb as_?. Go fight you own war if you like it so much! The Army is now taking all people, regardless of age. That includes you Jheaton and Linda Advocate. You can go right now m sign up and fight for your country. What excuse will you draw upon this time? Especailly you Linda Advocate that is living totally off the system that boyfriend (not visa-versa by any means) JHenton despises, and you JHJeaton that is simply serving as a Scurity Guard, a job that could end at anytime. You won't even be missed at work or home in your case Linda Advocate,, and just think, you can back up your statements that you both have "seved your County. It's a win win for both you Linda Advocate and JHeaton. Why don't you use that time, I say, join up you Chicken Shit'_! No excuse now. Get with it brothers and sisters. Most of you aren't doing much but sitting arond on you ass anyway. Sat, 2008-06-14 12:37JHeaton. You are not amusing myself, your father or yourgmaudlin Says:gandfather, that fought for their Country. Just because you paid someone $45.00 per month to the teach you the "basics" of Waa Rang Doo. does not in the least, make you a "bad ass" nor mean much to me. Nor does any win at the battle of "Beavers Bar" go to far with a Marine. So keep on plugging for the taking of the "streets" of my America and the overthrow of my American Governemnt. Perhaps we will meet someday. If you and others you have aligned with, want to you contuinue to create discord with racism and the overthrow of my government, and all the ancilliary benefits my government provides to it's citizenry, perhaps we will meet someday. I will very willingly fight along side with my fellow soldiers on behalf our our (my) citizens. Unlike you, my family was patriotic, and expected this from me. Make no mistake about it, I will carry out their wishes.
....Almost forgot the sock puppet AJWorth......Sat, 2008-03-22 14:24
I just returned from San Diego.AJWorth Says:
My daughter ask me if she could comment and of course I said go for it. My kids are pretty expressive, think totally on their own now, and that is the way it should be. She was pretty taken back by the whole thing as was I. Anyway, thanks for the nice comments everyone (most everyone). I had intended to keep blogging without these comments, however, the blog and posts are a pleasing surprise though. I will blog under the name of AJWorth. As for me, there is no way I would use my last name on a blog site anymore. Others can if they wish, and I respect that to. By not using my last name beginning now, in time, that issue will just go away for any new bloggers. And that is all I could ask for.
Besides, Stanford says he needs my help. And he is one of my favorites.
And for those that think I am not still gainfully employed, well, all I can say is, I think you have a serious comprehension and retention problem. It doesn't matter anyway as my employment or retirement is not the issue.
All is good with me, if it is good with you people!
Monday, June 09, 2008
The Iraq war video Barack Obama does not want you to see!!
BHO does not have a clue on how to handle our foreign policy.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Friday, June 06, 2008
Obama Can Not Denounce And Reject Farrakhan!
Ante up and give "us" the whole damn country. BHO can not denounce or reject Scewy Looey?
Glenn Beck: Obama Gives $27,000 to Racist Pastor
But nobody can question BHO without being labeled a racist. Looks like BHO has some extra change in his pocket.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Racist/Bigot...Robert Stanford
We can blame ourselves and MJC for letting a Black Man have any possibility of becoming president of the United States.
I guess that means that if Obama does win - MJC will think that the majority that voted for him are brain washed liberal fools. MJC - you should change your username to Jim Crow -
smell that, you nameless/faceless bigot?
That's chicken shit.
Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist
I guess that means that if Obama does win - MJC will think that the majority that voted for him are brain washed liberal fools. MJC - you should change your username to Jim Crow -
smell that, you nameless/faceless bigot?
That's chicken shit.
Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist
Monday, June 02, 2008
The Montana Nation?
That is correct. When Montana entered into statehood the state signed a contract with the feds. Part of the contract was for the right of any individual to own firearms. Sounds like Montana real estate may shoot through the roof if the Supreme Court rules the wrong way.
That's the issue at hand in a pending U.S.Supreme Court case originating in the District of Columbia, where authorities have banned handguns under the claim that such a limit is "reasonable" and therefore enforceable even given the rights listed by the 2nd Amendment.
The Montana contract is archived as Article I of the Montana Constitution. At the time the then-territory's "Compact with the United States" was agreed to by Congress, the Montana Constitution included the "right of 'any person' to bear arms," the group said.
In a joint resolution from the Montana leaders, including Congressman Denny Rehberg, they caution that should the Supreme Court decide to change the U.S. interpretation of the 2nd Amendment and allow those rights to apply only collectively, it would violate the contract under which Montana entered the union as a state.
"The Montana Resolution cautions that a collective rights decision would violate the Montana contract for statehood because when that contract was entered the collective rights interpretation had not yet been invented and the individual rights view was an accepted part of the contract," an announcement from the leaders said.
"A collective rights decision in [the pending court case] Heller would not only violate Montana's contract for statehood, but also Montana's customs, culture and heritage. We hope the Supreme Court will recognize and credit the contract argument, an argument unmentioned in any of the briefs submitted in the Heller case," said Gary Marbut, the president of the Montana Shooting Sports Association.
That's the issue at hand in a pending U.S.Supreme Court case originating in the District of Columbia, where authorities have banned handguns under the claim that such a limit is "reasonable" and therefore enforceable even given the rights listed by the 2nd Amendment.
The Montana contract is archived as Article I of the Montana Constitution. At the time the then-territory's "Compact with the United States" was agreed to by Congress, the Montana Constitution included the "right of 'any person' to bear arms," the group said.
In a joint resolution from the Montana leaders, including Congressman Denny Rehberg, they caution that should the Supreme Court decide to change the U.S. interpretation of the 2nd Amendment and allow those rights to apply only collectively, it would violate the contract under which Montana entered the union as a state.
"The Montana Resolution cautions that a collective rights decision would violate the Montana contract for statehood because when that contract was entered the collective rights interpretation had not yet been invented and the individual rights view was an accepted part of the contract," an announcement from the leaders said.
"A collective rights decision in [the pending court case] Heller would not only violate Montana's contract for statehood, but also Montana's customs, culture and heritage. We hope the Supreme Court will recognize and credit the contract argument, an argument unmentioned in any of the briefs submitted in the Heller case," said Gary Marbut, the president of the Montana Shooting Sports Association.
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