These bravemen are being presumed guilty, not innocent. The supposed inncident may or may not be true, but to be in chains and held in a cell 23 hours a day? These are not men that were found on a battlefield killing US soldiers, nor are they men that strap bombs around themselves and walk into a crowd of women and children shouting death to the infidels and praise be to allah and blow away small babies and their mothers who hold them.
Instead these are men that signed on the line because they wanted to protect what some Americans not only take for granted, but have twisted and preverted into pure hatred for all things American. Freedom.
These few believe in freedom of and from everything. It is the "Do whatever makes you feel good" mentality." And it has slowly been killing America for nearly forty years.
There was recently a rally for these eight servicemen who are being held at camp Pendleton. Michael Savage posted pictures on his web site with permission to post. Here is a picture, link to a Michelle Malkin article and a line....http://www.townhall.com/opinion/columns/michellemalkin/2006/06/14/201116.html
The men are in solitary confinement, locked in 8'x8' cells at San Diego's Camp Pendleton, as investigators probe an April 26 incident involving the 3rd Battalion, 5th Regiment, 1st Marine Division. They are behind bars 23 hours a day; family members can only see them through inch-thick Plexiglas. Military blabbermouths have told the press that the service members are suspected of kidnapping and shooting a man in the Iraqi town of Hamdaniya. The Iraqi man's family reportedly came forward seeking payment for his death as media hysteria set in over the separate alleged atrocity in Haditha.
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