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Monday, October 13, 2008

The Useful Idiots

That are what many an Obamanut have become. Blindly following the "golden calf" over the cliff and smillin' all the way. This article by Thomas Sewell is a good one on this subject. If you want to see a few of these idjits at work just click on my The Hive link. -- LENIN is supposed to have referred to blind defenders and apologists for the Soviet Union in the Western democracies as "useful idiots." Yet even Lenin might have been surprised at how far these useful idiots would carry their partisanship in later years -- including our own times.
Stalin's man-made famine in the Soviet Union during the 1930s killed more millions of people than Hitler killed in the Holocaust -- and Mao's man-made famine in China killed more millions than died in the USSR. Yet we not only hear little or nothing about either of these staggering catastrophes in the Communist world today, very little was said about them in the Western democracies while they were going on. Indeed, many useful idiots denied that there were famines in the Soviet Union or in Communist China.

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