Between repubs and dems, all we hear is "stimulus check this, stimulus check that." So, I was talking with a buddy when I came up with a few thoughts. I will post a disclaimer; I have the right to change or adapt these ideas, since they are in their early development stage. WHAT EVER THE HECK THIS MEANS!
I would start by giving all Americans a one year exemption from federal income taxes. In conjunction with implementing a flat, or fair tax on all items purchased. Still working on the percentages, so remember, to think in the big picture realm here! This national tax would also nail the bad guys who make their money illegally and are not currently paying income taxes.
I would also go after home loan companies that received bailout money. A side note here, it was many a politician who pressured these companies into making these bad loans and the people who signed the deals also carry some fault too. But I would fix a starting date for when a home loan was made...possibly 01-01-02, until 12-31-08, and these companies would be required to forgive 1/2 of the current debt to the homeowner. No monies would change hands, just the on paper amount. I would also then exempt the companies from paying taxes for 2 years.
These above measures should put much more money back into the hands of us Americans, thus energize the economy much more so than the hum drum Stimulus packages we hear about all the time.
And if nothing else, if a local Turlock cyberhillbilly can make an attempt at some new ideas, you would think all of those smart Washington politicos could do the same? Well, maybe not.
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Monday, January 26, 2009
My Stimulus Package For America
Between repubs and dems, all we hear is "stimulus check this, stimulus check that." So, I was talking with a buddy when I came up with a few thoughts. I will post a disclaimer; I have the right to change or adapt these ideas, since they are in their early development stage. WHAT EVER THE HECK THIS MEANS!
I would start by giving all Americans a one year exemption from federal income taxes. In conjunction with implementing a flat, or fair tax on all items purchased. Still working on the percentages, so remember, to think in the big picture realm here! This national tax would also nail the bad guys who make their money illegally and are not currently paying income taxes.
I would also go after home loan companies that received bailout money. A side note here, it was many a politician who pressured these companies into making these bad loans and the people who signed the deals also carry some fault too. But I would fix a starting date for when a home loan was made...possibly 01-01-02, until 12-31-08, and these companies would be required to forgive 1/2 of the current debt to the homeowner. No monies would change hands, just the on paper amount. I would also then exempt the companies from paying taxes for 2 years.
These above measures should put much more money back into the hands of us Americans, thus energize the economy much more so than the hum drum Stimulus packages we hear about all the time.
And if nothing else, if a local Turlock cyberhillbilly can make an attempt at some new ideas, you would think all of those smart Washington politicos could do the same? Well, maybe not.
I would start by giving all Americans a one year exemption from federal income taxes. In conjunction with implementing a flat, or fair tax on all items purchased. Still working on the percentages, so remember, to think in the big picture realm here! This national tax would also nail the bad guys who make their money illegally and are not currently paying income taxes.
I would also go after home loan companies that received bailout money. A side note here, it was many a politician who pressured these companies into making these bad loans and the people who signed the deals also carry some fault too. But I would fix a starting date for when a home loan was made...possibly 01-01-02, until 12-31-08, and these companies would be required to forgive 1/2 of the current debt to the homeowner. No monies would change hands, just the on paper amount. I would also then exempt the companies from paying taxes for 2 years.
These above measures should put much more money back into the hands of us Americans, thus energize the economy much more so than the hum drum Stimulus packages we hear about all the time.
And if nothing else, if a local Turlock cyberhillbilly can make an attempt at some new ideas, you would think all of those smart Washington politicos could do the same? Well, maybe not.
A Few Words On B. Hussein Obama From Our Friend Across The Pond
Submitted by jheaton on Mon, 2009-01-26 18:50.
Politics/Social Action
Thanks to my pal M L for this.
The Daily Mail ( UK National Paper) wrote this editorial about Obama on 1/6/2009. (for confirmation, Google " London Daily Mail Obama ' s Victory")Obama ' s Victory -- A British view An editorial from the London Daily MailA victory for the hysterical Oprah Winfrey, the mad racist preacher Jeremiah Wright, the mainstream media who abandoned any sense of objectivity long ago, Europeans who despise America largely because they depend on her, comics who claim to be dangerous and fearless but would not dare attack genuinely powerful special interest groups. A victory for Obama-worshippers everywhere. A victory for the cult of the cult. A man who has done little with his life but has written about his achievements as if he had found the cure for cancer in between winning a marathon and building a nuclear reactor with his teeth. Victory for style over substance, hyperbole over history, rabble-raising over reality.A victory for Hollywood , the most dysfunctional community in the world. Victory for Streisand, Spielberg, Soros and Sarandon. Victory for those who prefer welfare to will and interference to independence. For those who settle for group think and herd mentality rather than those who fight for individual initiative and the right to be out of step with meager political fashion.Victory for a man who is no friend of freedom. He and his people have already stated that media has to be controlled so as to be balanced, without realizing the extraordinary irony within that statement. Like most liberal zealots, the Obama worshippers constantly speak of Fox and Limbaugh, when the vast bulk of television stations and newspapers are drastically liberal and anti-conservative. Senior Democrat Chuck Schumer said that just as pornography should be censored, so should talk radio. In other words, one of the few free and open means of popular expression may well be cornered and beaten by bullies who even in triumph cannot tolerate any criticism and opposition. A victory for those who believe the state is better qualified to raise children than the family, for those who prefer teachers ' unions to teaching and for those who are naively convinced that if the West is sufficiently weak towards its enemies, war and terror will dissolve as quickly as the tears on the face of a leftist celebrity. A victory for social democracy even after most of Europe has come to the painful conclusion that social democracy leads to mediocrity, failure, unemployment, inflation, higher taxes and economic stagnation. A victory for intrusive lawyers, banal sentimentalists, social extremists and urban snobs.
Congratulations America
jheaton's blog
Politics/Social Action
Thanks to my pal M L for this.
The Daily Mail ( UK National Paper) wrote this editorial about Obama on 1/6/2009. (for confirmation, Google " London Daily Mail Obama ' s Victory")Obama ' s Victory -- A British view An editorial from the London Daily MailA victory for the hysterical Oprah Winfrey, the mad racist preacher Jeremiah Wright, the mainstream media who abandoned any sense of objectivity long ago, Europeans who despise America largely because they depend on her, comics who claim to be dangerous and fearless but would not dare attack genuinely powerful special interest groups. A victory for Obama-worshippers everywhere. A victory for the cult of the cult. A man who has done little with his life but has written about his achievements as if he had found the cure for cancer in between winning a marathon and building a nuclear reactor with his teeth. Victory for style over substance, hyperbole over history, rabble-raising over reality.A victory for Hollywood , the most dysfunctional community in the world. Victory for Streisand, Spielberg, Soros and Sarandon. Victory for those who prefer welfare to will and interference to independence. For those who settle for group think and herd mentality rather than those who fight for individual initiative and the right to be out of step with meager political fashion.Victory for a man who is no friend of freedom. He and his people have already stated that media has to be controlled so as to be balanced, without realizing the extraordinary irony within that statement. Like most liberal zealots, the Obama worshippers constantly speak of Fox and Limbaugh, when the vast bulk of television stations and newspapers are drastically liberal and anti-conservative. Senior Democrat Chuck Schumer said that just as pornography should be censored, so should talk radio. In other words, one of the few free and open means of popular expression may well be cornered and beaten by bullies who even in triumph cannot tolerate any criticism and opposition. A victory for those who believe the state is better qualified to raise children than the family, for those who prefer teachers ' unions to teaching and for those who are naively convinced that if the West is sufficiently weak towards its enemies, war and terror will dissolve as quickly as the tears on the face of a leftist celebrity. A victory for social democracy even after most of Europe has come to the painful conclusion that social democracy leads to mediocrity, failure, unemployment, inflation, higher taxes and economic stagnation. A victory for intrusive lawyers, banal sentimentalists, social extremists and urban snobs.
Congratulations America
jheaton's blog
A Few Words On B. Hussein Obama From Our Friend Across The Pond
Submitted by jheaton on Mon, 2009-01-26 18:50.
Politics/Social Action
Thanks to my pal M L for this.
The Daily Mail ( UK National Paper) wrote this editorial about Obama on 1/6/2009. (for confirmation, Google " London Daily Mail Obama ' s Victory")Obama ' s Victory -- A British view An editorial from the London Daily MailA victory for the hysterical Oprah Winfrey, the mad racist preacher Jeremiah Wright, the mainstream media who abandoned any sense of objectivity long ago, Europeans who despise America largely because they depend on her, comics who claim to be dangerous and fearless but would not dare attack genuinely powerful special interest groups. A victory for Obama-worshippers everywhere. A victory for the cult of the cult. A man who has done little with his life but has written about his achievements as if he had found the cure for cancer in between winning a marathon and building a nuclear reactor with his teeth. Victory for style over substance, hyperbole over history, rabble-raising over reality.A victory for Hollywood , the most dysfunctional community in the world. Victory for Streisand, Spielberg, Soros and Sarandon. Victory for those who prefer welfare to will and interference to independence. For those who settle for group think and herd mentality rather than those who fight for individual initiative and the right to be out of step with meager political fashion.Victory for a man who is no friend of freedom. He and his people have already stated that media has to be controlled so as to be balanced, without realizing the extraordinary irony within that statement. Like most liberal zealots, the Obama worshippers constantly speak of Fox and Limbaugh, when the vast bulk of television stations and newspapers are drastically liberal and anti-conservative. Senior Democrat Chuck Schumer said that just as pornography should be censored, so should talk radio. In other words, one of the few free and open means of popular expression may well be cornered and beaten by bullies who even in triumph cannot tolerate any criticism and opposition. A victory for those who believe the state is better qualified to raise children than the family, for those who prefer teachers ' unions to teaching and for those who are naively convinced that if the West is sufficiently weak towards its enemies, war and terror will dissolve as quickly as the tears on the face of a leftist celebrity. A victory for social democracy even after most of Europe has come to the painful conclusion that social democracy leads to mediocrity, failure, unemployment, inflation, higher taxes and economic stagnation. A victory for intrusive lawyers, banal sentimentalists, social extremists and urban snobs.
Congratulations America
jheaton's blog
Politics/Social Action
Thanks to my pal M L for this.
The Daily Mail ( UK National Paper) wrote this editorial about Obama on 1/6/2009. (for confirmation, Google " London Daily Mail Obama ' s Victory")Obama ' s Victory -- A British view An editorial from the London Daily MailA victory for the hysterical Oprah Winfrey, the mad racist preacher Jeremiah Wright, the mainstream media who abandoned any sense of objectivity long ago, Europeans who despise America largely because they depend on her, comics who claim to be dangerous and fearless but would not dare attack genuinely powerful special interest groups. A victory for Obama-worshippers everywhere. A victory for the cult of the cult. A man who has done little with his life but has written about his achievements as if he had found the cure for cancer in between winning a marathon and building a nuclear reactor with his teeth. Victory for style over substance, hyperbole over history, rabble-raising over reality.A victory for Hollywood , the most dysfunctional community in the world. Victory for Streisand, Spielberg, Soros and Sarandon. Victory for those who prefer welfare to will and interference to independence. For those who settle for group think and herd mentality rather than those who fight for individual initiative and the right to be out of step with meager political fashion.Victory for a man who is no friend of freedom. He and his people have already stated that media has to be controlled so as to be balanced, without realizing the extraordinary irony within that statement. Like most liberal zealots, the Obama worshippers constantly speak of Fox and Limbaugh, when the vast bulk of television stations and newspapers are drastically liberal and anti-conservative. Senior Democrat Chuck Schumer said that just as pornography should be censored, so should talk radio. In other words, one of the few free and open means of popular expression may well be cornered and beaten by bullies who even in triumph cannot tolerate any criticism and opposition. A victory for those who believe the state is better qualified to raise children than the family, for those who prefer teachers ' unions to teaching and for those who are naively convinced that if the West is sufficiently weak towards its enemies, war and terror will dissolve as quickly as the tears on the face of a leftist celebrity. A victory for social democracy even after most of Europe has come to the painful conclusion that social democracy leads to mediocrity, failure, unemployment, inflation, higher taxes and economic stagnation. A victory for intrusive lawyers, banal sentimentalists, social extremists and urban snobs.
Congratulations America
jheaton's blog
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Awesome Words By Bishop Robert Vasa
This man of God clearly states the truth. Abortion is murder and has become legalized infanticide here and around the world.
Those who profess to love God, but back abortion, are liarsBy Bishop Robert Vasa
BEND — The Mass readings for the week between Epiphany and the Baptism of the Lord are taken from the First Letter of St. John. These readings are not always used for it often happens, depending upon the day on which Christmas falls, that the season of ordinary time begins immediately after the celebration of Epiphany. This year, however, the occurrence of Christmas allowed for a full week between these two post-Christmas celebrations and thus the readings from St. John’s first letter. As often happens, the daily Mass readings are both appealing and challenging. The reading of Thursday from I John 4:19ff is particularly appropriate in this year when the life issues are very much on the minds of pro-life persons.
The reason for the increased awareness and even concern on the part of the pro-life community is the specter of the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) which is highly rumored to be in the works at the federal level. It is this act which has stimulated the bishops of the United States to launch a massive postcard campaign calling upon the House and Senate to abandon FOCA. While further details about the dramatic impact of FOCA on our American culture can be found in many places, I will simply say that it would establish abortion as a federally protected right and, as I understand it, preclude state limitation or regulation of abortion. Further, since abortion would be a federally protected right, it is very possible that even Catholic health care institutions and Catholic Physicians would be mandated to provide this heinous service.
Thus I strongly urge all who have a glimmer of concern for the lives of pre-born children to engage themselves in this postcard campaign. This is not an action which would limit or alter present permissive abortion laws, which some so-called Catholic pro-choice persons might object to, it would simply preclude a dramatic expansion of that permissiveness. Thus it would be very difficult for any Catholic, no matter how much in favor of abortion itself, to find a reason to refuse to participate in this campaign. At the same time, I do not see how any Catholic senator or representative could vote for the passage of FOCA without recognizing that such a vote would constitute a direct and intentional declaration of their disdain for Catholic teaching. Such a vote would be tantamount to a public declaration of their intention to abandon the Catholic faith. It would be imperative that the faith consequences of such a declaration be allowed to fall fully on the heads of those who would make it.The writing from St. John applies: “Beloved, we love God because He first loved us. If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ but hates his brother, he is a liar; for whoever does not love a brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. This is the commandment we have from Him: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.”We of the Catholic faith certainly know that love of God is central to our tenets, this is the appealing part. It is hard to imagine a Catholic saying, “I am a Catholic in good standing but I do not love God.” But the inspired scriptures tell us that whoever does not love his brother or neighbor does not and, indeed, cannot love God. This is the challenging part. The people of Jesus’ day understood this and it was this understanding that prompted them to ask, “And who is my neighbor?” For all of us, and especially for Catholic legislators in every strata of government, it is necessary to declare, in conformity with the Natural Law and the teaching of the Catholic Church that, the pre-born child is our brother, our sister, our neighbor!
It may sound a little strong to state that legislators “hate” the pre-born child but hate is an absence of love and love means to wish another well. There is nothing about abortion that wishes the pre-born child well. The preservation of abortion “rights” is already an absence of love for the pre-born child but the passage of FOCA could be construed as nothing less than active and positive disregard, even hatred, for these our brothers and sisters. To paraphrase St. John, “If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ but votes for FOCA, thus showing a disregard for his pre-born brother or sister, he is a liar.” Lots of things can be rationalized in government but I do not see any way in which any Catholic could rationalize or justify an affirmative vote for FOCA.
It is not necessary for your postcards to be as outspoken as this bishop but you do have an obligation to participate in this concerted effort to show love for the tiniest and most defenseless of our brothers and sisters. President-elect Obama made it very clear, prior to the election, that he would happily sign FOCA and the millions of Catholics who voted for him hopefully did so for reasons other than this promise and certainly not because of it. It seems to me that it is particularly incumbent upon these same voters to make it clearly known to their representatives that their vote may not in any way be taken as a sign of support for FOCA.
Another way in which we show our affirmative love for our pre-born brothers and sisters is by way of our annual memorial on Jan. 22. This year the Diocesan Office of Pro-life Activities has scheduled a rosary and Mass at St. Joseph’s in Prineville on Thursday evening, Jan. 22. The rosary will commence at 6:30 p.m. with Mass beginning at 7 p.m. While I recognize that many parishes host similar memorial Masses to pray for the two-fold victims of abortion, the child and the mother, I invite any who can to join me at the rosary and Mass at St. Joseph’s in Prineville.
Regardless of how many years have passed since the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court Decision and regardless of how prevalent and routine abortion has become in this country, the simple truth remains, it is an act of extreme violence to the pre-born child and to the distressed mother. Thus, if anyone says, “I love God” and still favors abortion, he is, to quote St. John, a liar. May we all live out faithfully what it means to love God.
Those who profess to love God, but back abortion, are liarsBy Bishop Robert Vasa
BEND — The Mass readings for the week between Epiphany and the Baptism of the Lord are taken from the First Letter of St. John. These readings are not always used for it often happens, depending upon the day on which Christmas falls, that the season of ordinary time begins immediately after the celebration of Epiphany. This year, however, the occurrence of Christmas allowed for a full week between these two post-Christmas celebrations and thus the readings from St. John’s first letter. As often happens, the daily Mass readings are both appealing and challenging. The reading of Thursday from I John 4:19ff is particularly appropriate in this year when the life issues are very much on the minds of pro-life persons.
The reason for the increased awareness and even concern on the part of the pro-life community is the specter of the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) which is highly rumored to be in the works at the federal level. It is this act which has stimulated the bishops of the United States to launch a massive postcard campaign calling upon the House and Senate to abandon FOCA. While further details about the dramatic impact of FOCA on our American culture can be found in many places, I will simply say that it would establish abortion as a federally protected right and, as I understand it, preclude state limitation or regulation of abortion. Further, since abortion would be a federally protected right, it is very possible that even Catholic health care institutions and Catholic Physicians would be mandated to provide this heinous service.
Thus I strongly urge all who have a glimmer of concern for the lives of pre-born children to engage themselves in this postcard campaign. This is not an action which would limit or alter present permissive abortion laws, which some so-called Catholic pro-choice persons might object to, it would simply preclude a dramatic expansion of that permissiveness. Thus it would be very difficult for any Catholic, no matter how much in favor of abortion itself, to find a reason to refuse to participate in this campaign. At the same time, I do not see how any Catholic senator or representative could vote for the passage of FOCA without recognizing that such a vote would constitute a direct and intentional declaration of their disdain for Catholic teaching. Such a vote would be tantamount to a public declaration of their intention to abandon the Catholic faith. It would be imperative that the faith consequences of such a declaration be allowed to fall fully on the heads of those who would make it.The writing from St. John applies: “Beloved, we love God because He first loved us. If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ but hates his brother, he is a liar; for whoever does not love a brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. This is the commandment we have from Him: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.”We of the Catholic faith certainly know that love of God is central to our tenets, this is the appealing part. It is hard to imagine a Catholic saying, “I am a Catholic in good standing but I do not love God.” But the inspired scriptures tell us that whoever does not love his brother or neighbor does not and, indeed, cannot love God. This is the challenging part. The people of Jesus’ day understood this and it was this understanding that prompted them to ask, “And who is my neighbor?” For all of us, and especially for Catholic legislators in every strata of government, it is necessary to declare, in conformity with the Natural Law and the teaching of the Catholic Church that, the pre-born child is our brother, our sister, our neighbor!
It may sound a little strong to state that legislators “hate” the pre-born child but hate is an absence of love and love means to wish another well. There is nothing about abortion that wishes the pre-born child well. The preservation of abortion “rights” is already an absence of love for the pre-born child but the passage of FOCA could be construed as nothing less than active and positive disregard, even hatred, for these our brothers and sisters. To paraphrase St. John, “If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ but votes for FOCA, thus showing a disregard for his pre-born brother or sister, he is a liar.” Lots of things can be rationalized in government but I do not see any way in which any Catholic could rationalize or justify an affirmative vote for FOCA.
It is not necessary for your postcards to be as outspoken as this bishop but you do have an obligation to participate in this concerted effort to show love for the tiniest and most defenseless of our brothers and sisters. President-elect Obama made it very clear, prior to the election, that he would happily sign FOCA and the millions of Catholics who voted for him hopefully did so for reasons other than this promise and certainly not because of it. It seems to me that it is particularly incumbent upon these same voters to make it clearly known to their representatives that their vote may not in any way be taken as a sign of support for FOCA.
Another way in which we show our affirmative love for our pre-born brothers and sisters is by way of our annual memorial on Jan. 22. This year the Diocesan Office of Pro-life Activities has scheduled a rosary and Mass at St. Joseph’s in Prineville on Thursday evening, Jan. 22. The rosary will commence at 6:30 p.m. with Mass beginning at 7 p.m. While I recognize that many parishes host similar memorial Masses to pray for the two-fold victims of abortion, the child and the mother, I invite any who can to join me at the rosary and Mass at St. Joseph’s in Prineville.
Regardless of how many years have passed since the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court Decision and regardless of how prevalent and routine abortion has become in this country, the simple truth remains, it is an act of extreme violence to the pre-born child and to the distressed mother. Thus, if anyone says, “I love God” and still favors abortion, he is, to quote St. John, a liar. May we all live out faithfully what it means to love God.
Awesome Words By Bishop Robert Vasa
This man of God clearly states the truth. Abortion is murder and has become legalized infanticide here and around the world.
Those who profess to love God, but back abortion, are liarsBy Bishop Robert Vasa
BEND — The Mass readings for the week between Epiphany and the Baptism of the Lord are taken from the First Letter of St. John. These readings are not always used for it often happens, depending upon the day on which Christmas falls, that the season of ordinary time begins immediately after the celebration of Epiphany. This year, however, the occurrence of Christmas allowed for a full week between these two post-Christmas celebrations and thus the readings from St. John’s first letter. As often happens, the daily Mass readings are both appealing and challenging. The reading of Thursday from I John 4:19ff is particularly appropriate in this year when the life issues are very much on the minds of pro-life persons.
The reason for the increased awareness and even concern on the part of the pro-life community is the specter of the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) which is highly rumored to be in the works at the federal level. It is this act which has stimulated the bishops of the United States to launch a massive postcard campaign calling upon the House and Senate to abandon FOCA. While further details about the dramatic impact of FOCA on our American culture can be found in many places, I will simply say that it would establish abortion as a federally protected right and, as I understand it, preclude state limitation or regulation of abortion. Further, since abortion would be a federally protected right, it is very possible that even Catholic health care institutions and Catholic Physicians would be mandated to provide this heinous service.
Thus I strongly urge all who have a glimmer of concern for the lives of pre-born children to engage themselves in this postcard campaign. This is not an action which would limit or alter present permissive abortion laws, which some so-called Catholic pro-choice persons might object to, it would simply preclude a dramatic expansion of that permissiveness. Thus it would be very difficult for any Catholic, no matter how much in favor of abortion itself, to find a reason to refuse to participate in this campaign. At the same time, I do not see how any Catholic senator or representative could vote for the passage of FOCA without recognizing that such a vote would constitute a direct and intentional declaration of their disdain for Catholic teaching. Such a vote would be tantamount to a public declaration of their intention to abandon the Catholic faith. It would be imperative that the faith consequences of such a declaration be allowed to fall fully on the heads of those who would make it.The writing from St. John applies: “Beloved, we love God because He first loved us. If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ but hates his brother, he is a liar; for whoever does not love a brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. This is the commandment we have from Him: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.”We of the Catholic faith certainly know that love of God is central to our tenets, this is the appealing part. It is hard to imagine a Catholic saying, “I am a Catholic in good standing but I do not love God.” But the inspired scriptures tell us that whoever does not love his brother or neighbor does not and, indeed, cannot love God. This is the challenging part. The people of Jesus’ day understood this and it was this understanding that prompted them to ask, “And who is my neighbor?” For all of us, and especially for Catholic legislators in every strata of government, it is necessary to declare, in conformity with the Natural Law and the teaching of the Catholic Church that, the pre-born child is our brother, our sister, our neighbor!
It may sound a little strong to state that legislators “hate” the pre-born child but hate is an absence of love and love means to wish another well. There is nothing about abortion that wishes the pre-born child well. The preservation of abortion “rights” is already an absence of love for the pre-born child but the passage of FOCA could be construed as nothing less than active and positive disregard, even hatred, for these our brothers and sisters. To paraphrase St. John, “If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ but votes for FOCA, thus showing a disregard for his pre-born brother or sister, he is a liar.” Lots of things can be rationalized in government but I do not see any way in which any Catholic could rationalize or justify an affirmative vote for FOCA.
It is not necessary for your postcards to be as outspoken as this bishop but you do have an obligation to participate in this concerted effort to show love for the tiniest and most defenseless of our brothers and sisters. President-elect Obama made it very clear, prior to the election, that he would happily sign FOCA and the millions of Catholics who voted for him hopefully did so for reasons other than this promise and certainly not because of it. It seems to me that it is particularly incumbent upon these same voters to make it clearly known to their representatives that their vote may not in any way be taken as a sign of support for FOCA.
Another way in which we show our affirmative love for our pre-born brothers and sisters is by way of our annual memorial on Jan. 22. This year the Diocesan Office of Pro-life Activities has scheduled a rosary and Mass at St. Joseph’s in Prineville on Thursday evening, Jan. 22. The rosary will commence at 6:30 p.m. with Mass beginning at 7 p.m. While I recognize that many parishes host similar memorial Masses to pray for the two-fold victims of abortion, the child and the mother, I invite any who can to join me at the rosary and Mass at St. Joseph’s in Prineville.
Regardless of how many years have passed since the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court Decision and regardless of how prevalent and routine abortion has become in this country, the simple truth remains, it is an act of extreme violence to the pre-born child and to the distressed mother. Thus, if anyone says, “I love God” and still favors abortion, he is, to quote St. John, a liar. May we all live out faithfully what it means to love God.
Those who profess to love God, but back abortion, are liarsBy Bishop Robert Vasa
BEND — The Mass readings for the week between Epiphany and the Baptism of the Lord are taken from the First Letter of St. John. These readings are not always used for it often happens, depending upon the day on which Christmas falls, that the season of ordinary time begins immediately after the celebration of Epiphany. This year, however, the occurrence of Christmas allowed for a full week between these two post-Christmas celebrations and thus the readings from St. John’s first letter. As often happens, the daily Mass readings are both appealing and challenging. The reading of Thursday from I John 4:19ff is particularly appropriate in this year when the life issues are very much on the minds of pro-life persons.
The reason for the increased awareness and even concern on the part of the pro-life community is the specter of the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) which is highly rumored to be in the works at the federal level. It is this act which has stimulated the bishops of the United States to launch a massive postcard campaign calling upon the House and Senate to abandon FOCA. While further details about the dramatic impact of FOCA on our American culture can be found in many places, I will simply say that it would establish abortion as a federally protected right and, as I understand it, preclude state limitation or regulation of abortion. Further, since abortion would be a federally protected right, it is very possible that even Catholic health care institutions and Catholic Physicians would be mandated to provide this heinous service.
Thus I strongly urge all who have a glimmer of concern for the lives of pre-born children to engage themselves in this postcard campaign. This is not an action which would limit or alter present permissive abortion laws, which some so-called Catholic pro-choice persons might object to, it would simply preclude a dramatic expansion of that permissiveness. Thus it would be very difficult for any Catholic, no matter how much in favor of abortion itself, to find a reason to refuse to participate in this campaign. At the same time, I do not see how any Catholic senator or representative could vote for the passage of FOCA without recognizing that such a vote would constitute a direct and intentional declaration of their disdain for Catholic teaching. Such a vote would be tantamount to a public declaration of their intention to abandon the Catholic faith. It would be imperative that the faith consequences of such a declaration be allowed to fall fully on the heads of those who would make it.The writing from St. John applies: “Beloved, we love God because He first loved us. If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ but hates his brother, he is a liar; for whoever does not love a brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. This is the commandment we have from Him: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.”We of the Catholic faith certainly know that love of God is central to our tenets, this is the appealing part. It is hard to imagine a Catholic saying, “I am a Catholic in good standing but I do not love God.” But the inspired scriptures tell us that whoever does not love his brother or neighbor does not and, indeed, cannot love God. This is the challenging part. The people of Jesus’ day understood this and it was this understanding that prompted them to ask, “And who is my neighbor?” For all of us, and especially for Catholic legislators in every strata of government, it is necessary to declare, in conformity with the Natural Law and the teaching of the Catholic Church that, the pre-born child is our brother, our sister, our neighbor!
It may sound a little strong to state that legislators “hate” the pre-born child but hate is an absence of love and love means to wish another well. There is nothing about abortion that wishes the pre-born child well. The preservation of abortion “rights” is already an absence of love for the pre-born child but the passage of FOCA could be construed as nothing less than active and positive disregard, even hatred, for these our brothers and sisters. To paraphrase St. John, “If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ but votes for FOCA, thus showing a disregard for his pre-born brother or sister, he is a liar.” Lots of things can be rationalized in government but I do not see any way in which any Catholic could rationalize or justify an affirmative vote for FOCA.
It is not necessary for your postcards to be as outspoken as this bishop but you do have an obligation to participate in this concerted effort to show love for the tiniest and most defenseless of our brothers and sisters. President-elect Obama made it very clear, prior to the election, that he would happily sign FOCA and the millions of Catholics who voted for him hopefully did so for reasons other than this promise and certainly not because of it. It seems to me that it is particularly incumbent upon these same voters to make it clearly known to their representatives that their vote may not in any way be taken as a sign of support for FOCA.
Another way in which we show our affirmative love for our pre-born brothers and sisters is by way of our annual memorial on Jan. 22. This year the Diocesan Office of Pro-life Activities has scheduled a rosary and Mass at St. Joseph’s in Prineville on Thursday evening, Jan. 22. The rosary will commence at 6:30 p.m. with Mass beginning at 7 p.m. While I recognize that many parishes host similar memorial Masses to pray for the two-fold victims of abortion, the child and the mother, I invite any who can to join me at the rosary and Mass at St. Joseph’s in Prineville.
Regardless of how many years have passed since the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court Decision and regardless of how prevalent and routine abortion has become in this country, the simple truth remains, it is an act of extreme violence to the pre-born child and to the distressed mother. Thus, if anyone says, “I love God” and still favors abortion, he is, to quote St. John, a liar. May we all live out faithfully what it means to love God.
President B Hussein Obama....Tears Of disappointment Are On Their Way
The Immoral One, who is our president, will not leave this great nation a better place when he is voted out in four years.
Barack Obama inauguration: this Emperor has no clothes, it will all end in tears
Posted By: Gerald Warner at Jan 20, 2009 at 18:50:54 [General]
Posted in: Society , Eagle Eye
Barack Obama, Freedom of Choice Act, Neil Kinnock, stimulus package, Tony Blair
This will end in tears. The Obama hysteria is not merely embarrassing to witness, it is itself contributory to the scale of the disaster that is coming. What we are experiencing, in the deepening days of a global depression, is the desperate suspension of disbelief by people of intelligence - la trahison des clercs - in a pathetic effort to hypnotise themselves into the delusion that it will be all right on the night. It will not be all right.
We have been here before. In the spring of 1997, to be precise, when a charismatic, young prime minister entered Downing Street, cheered by children bussed in for the occasion waving plastic Union Jacks. A very few of us at that time incurred searing reproaches for denouncing the Great Charlatan (as I have always denominated Tony Blair) and dissenting from the public hysteria. Three times a deluded Britain elected that transparent fraud. Yesterday, when national bankruptcy became a formal reality, we reaped the bitter harvest of the Blair/Brown imposture.
The burnt child, contrary to conventional wisdom, does not fear the fire. After the Blair experience there is no excuse for anybody in Britain falling for Obama. Yet today, in this country, even some of those who remained sane during the emotional spasm of the Diana aberration are pumping the air for Princess Barack. At a time of gross economic and geopolitical instability throughout the Western world, this is beyond irresponsibility.
To anyone who kept his head, the string of Christmas cracker mottoes booming through the public address system on Washington's National Mall can only excite scepticism. It is crucial to recall the reality that lies behind the rhetoric. Denouncing "those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents" comes ill from a man whose flagship legislation, the Freedom of Choice Act, will impose abortion, including partial-birth abortion, on every state in the Union. It seems the era of Hope is to be inaugurated with a slaughter of the innocents.
Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan is like one of those toxic packages traded by bankers: it camouflages many unaffordable gifts to his client state. With a federal deficit already at $1.2 trillion, Obama wants to squander $825 billion (which will undoubtedly mushroom to more than $1 trillion) on creating 600,000 more government jobs and a further 459,000 in "green energy" (useless wind turbines and other Heath-Robinson contraptions favoured by Beltway environmentalists).
It is frightening to think there is a real possibility that the entire world economy could go into complete meltdown and famine kill millions. Yet Western - and British - commentators are cocooned in a warm comfort zone of infatuation with America's answer to Neil Kinnock. We should be long past applauding politicians of any hue: they got us into this mess. The best deserve a probationary opportunity to prove themselves, the worst should be in jail.
It is questionable whether the present political system can survive the coming crisis. Whatever the solution, teenage swooning sentimentality over a celebrity cult has no part in it. The most powerful nation on earth is confronting its worst economic crisis under the leadership of its most extremely liberal politician, who has virtually no experience of federal politics. That is not an opportunity but a catastrophe.
These are frank, even ungracious, words: they have the one merit that, unlike almost everything else written today about Obama, they will not require to be eaten in the future.
Barack Obama inauguration: this Emperor has no clothes, it will all end in tears
Posted By: Gerald Warner at Jan 20, 2009 at 18:50:54 [General]
Posted in: Society , Eagle Eye
Barack Obama, Freedom of Choice Act, Neil Kinnock, stimulus package, Tony Blair
This will end in tears. The Obama hysteria is not merely embarrassing to witness, it is itself contributory to the scale of the disaster that is coming. What we are experiencing, in the deepening days of a global depression, is the desperate suspension of disbelief by people of intelligence - la trahison des clercs - in a pathetic effort to hypnotise themselves into the delusion that it will be all right on the night. It will not be all right.
We have been here before. In the spring of 1997, to be precise, when a charismatic, young prime minister entered Downing Street, cheered by children bussed in for the occasion waving plastic Union Jacks. A very few of us at that time incurred searing reproaches for denouncing the Great Charlatan (as I have always denominated Tony Blair) and dissenting from the public hysteria. Three times a deluded Britain elected that transparent fraud. Yesterday, when national bankruptcy became a formal reality, we reaped the bitter harvest of the Blair/Brown imposture.
The burnt child, contrary to conventional wisdom, does not fear the fire. After the Blair experience there is no excuse for anybody in Britain falling for Obama. Yet today, in this country, even some of those who remained sane during the emotional spasm of the Diana aberration are pumping the air for Princess Barack. At a time of gross economic and geopolitical instability throughout the Western world, this is beyond irresponsibility.
To anyone who kept his head, the string of Christmas cracker mottoes booming through the public address system on Washington's National Mall can only excite scepticism. It is crucial to recall the reality that lies behind the rhetoric. Denouncing "those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents" comes ill from a man whose flagship legislation, the Freedom of Choice Act, will impose abortion, including partial-birth abortion, on every state in the Union. It seems the era of Hope is to be inaugurated with a slaughter of the innocents.
Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan is like one of those toxic packages traded by bankers: it camouflages many unaffordable gifts to his client state. With a federal deficit already at $1.2 trillion, Obama wants to squander $825 billion (which will undoubtedly mushroom to more than $1 trillion) on creating 600,000 more government jobs and a further 459,000 in "green energy" (useless wind turbines and other Heath-Robinson contraptions favoured by Beltway environmentalists).
It is frightening to think there is a real possibility that the entire world economy could go into complete meltdown and famine kill millions. Yet Western - and British - commentators are cocooned in a warm comfort zone of infatuation with America's answer to Neil Kinnock. We should be long past applauding politicians of any hue: they got us into this mess. The best deserve a probationary opportunity to prove themselves, the worst should be in jail.
It is questionable whether the present political system can survive the coming crisis. Whatever the solution, teenage swooning sentimentality over a celebrity cult has no part in it. The most powerful nation on earth is confronting its worst economic crisis under the leadership of its most extremely liberal politician, who has virtually no experience of federal politics. That is not an opportunity but a catastrophe.
These are frank, even ungracious, words: they have the one merit that, unlike almost everything else written today about Obama, they will not require to be eaten in the future.
President B Hussein Obama....Tears Of disappointment Are On Their Way
The Immoral One, who is our president, will not leave this great nation a better place when he is voted out in four years.
Barack Obama inauguration: this Emperor has no clothes, it will all end in tears
Posted By: Gerald Warner at Jan 20, 2009 at 18:50:54 [General]
Posted in: Society , Eagle Eye
Barack Obama, Freedom of Choice Act, Neil Kinnock, stimulus package, Tony Blair
This will end in tears. The Obama hysteria is not merely embarrassing to witness, it is itself contributory to the scale of the disaster that is coming. What we are experiencing, in the deepening days of a global depression, is the desperate suspension of disbelief by people of intelligence - la trahison des clercs - in a pathetic effort to hypnotise themselves into the delusion that it will be all right on the night. It will not be all right.
We have been here before. In the spring of 1997, to be precise, when a charismatic, young prime minister entered Downing Street, cheered by children bussed in for the occasion waving plastic Union Jacks. A very few of us at that time incurred searing reproaches for denouncing the Great Charlatan (as I have always denominated Tony Blair) and dissenting from the public hysteria. Three times a deluded Britain elected that transparent fraud. Yesterday, when national bankruptcy became a formal reality, we reaped the bitter harvest of the Blair/Brown imposture.
The burnt child, contrary to conventional wisdom, does not fear the fire. After the Blair experience there is no excuse for anybody in Britain falling for Obama. Yet today, in this country, even some of those who remained sane during the emotional spasm of the Diana aberration are pumping the air for Princess Barack. At a time of gross economic and geopolitical instability throughout the Western world, this is beyond irresponsibility.
To anyone who kept his head, the string of Christmas cracker mottoes booming through the public address system on Washington's National Mall can only excite scepticism. It is crucial to recall the reality that lies behind the rhetoric. Denouncing "those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents" comes ill from a man whose flagship legislation, the Freedom of Choice Act, will impose abortion, including partial-birth abortion, on every state in the Union. It seems the era of Hope is to be inaugurated with a slaughter of the innocents.
Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan is like one of those toxic packages traded by bankers: it camouflages many unaffordable gifts to his client state. With a federal deficit already at $1.2 trillion, Obama wants to squander $825 billion (which will undoubtedly mushroom to more than $1 trillion) on creating 600,000 more government jobs and a further 459,000 in "green energy" (useless wind turbines and other Heath-Robinson contraptions favoured by Beltway environmentalists).
It is frightening to think there is a real possibility that the entire world economy could go into complete meltdown and famine kill millions. Yet Western - and British - commentators are cocooned in a warm comfort zone of infatuation with America's answer to Neil Kinnock. We should be long past applauding politicians of any hue: they got us into this mess. The best deserve a probationary opportunity to prove themselves, the worst should be in jail.
It is questionable whether the present political system can survive the coming crisis. Whatever the solution, teenage swooning sentimentality over a celebrity cult has no part in it. The most powerful nation on earth is confronting its worst economic crisis under the leadership of its most extremely liberal politician, who has virtually no experience of federal politics. That is not an opportunity but a catastrophe.
These are frank, even ungracious, words: they have the one merit that, unlike almost everything else written today about Obama, they will not require to be eaten in the future.
Barack Obama inauguration: this Emperor has no clothes, it will all end in tears
Posted By: Gerald Warner at Jan 20, 2009 at 18:50:54 [General]
Posted in: Society , Eagle Eye
Barack Obama, Freedom of Choice Act, Neil Kinnock, stimulus package, Tony Blair
This will end in tears. The Obama hysteria is not merely embarrassing to witness, it is itself contributory to the scale of the disaster that is coming. What we are experiencing, in the deepening days of a global depression, is the desperate suspension of disbelief by people of intelligence - la trahison des clercs - in a pathetic effort to hypnotise themselves into the delusion that it will be all right on the night. It will not be all right.
We have been here before. In the spring of 1997, to be precise, when a charismatic, young prime minister entered Downing Street, cheered by children bussed in for the occasion waving plastic Union Jacks. A very few of us at that time incurred searing reproaches for denouncing the Great Charlatan (as I have always denominated Tony Blair) and dissenting from the public hysteria. Three times a deluded Britain elected that transparent fraud. Yesterday, when national bankruptcy became a formal reality, we reaped the bitter harvest of the Blair/Brown imposture.
The burnt child, contrary to conventional wisdom, does not fear the fire. After the Blair experience there is no excuse for anybody in Britain falling for Obama. Yet today, in this country, even some of those who remained sane during the emotional spasm of the Diana aberration are pumping the air for Princess Barack. At a time of gross economic and geopolitical instability throughout the Western world, this is beyond irresponsibility.
To anyone who kept his head, the string of Christmas cracker mottoes booming through the public address system on Washington's National Mall can only excite scepticism. It is crucial to recall the reality that lies behind the rhetoric. Denouncing "those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents" comes ill from a man whose flagship legislation, the Freedom of Choice Act, will impose abortion, including partial-birth abortion, on every state in the Union. It seems the era of Hope is to be inaugurated with a slaughter of the innocents.
Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan is like one of those toxic packages traded by bankers: it camouflages many unaffordable gifts to his client state. With a federal deficit already at $1.2 trillion, Obama wants to squander $825 billion (which will undoubtedly mushroom to more than $1 trillion) on creating 600,000 more government jobs and a further 459,000 in "green energy" (useless wind turbines and other Heath-Robinson contraptions favoured by Beltway environmentalists).
It is frightening to think there is a real possibility that the entire world economy could go into complete meltdown and famine kill millions. Yet Western - and British - commentators are cocooned in a warm comfort zone of infatuation with America's answer to Neil Kinnock. We should be long past applauding politicians of any hue: they got us into this mess. The best deserve a probationary opportunity to prove themselves, the worst should be in jail.
It is questionable whether the present political system can survive the coming crisis. Whatever the solution, teenage swooning sentimentality over a celebrity cult has no part in it. The most powerful nation on earth is confronting its worst economic crisis under the leadership of its most extremely liberal politician, who has virtually no experience of federal politics. That is not an opportunity but a catastrophe.
These are frank, even ungracious, words: they have the one merit that, unlike almost everything else written today about Obama, they will not require to be eaten in the future.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Madness From The Hive
Too much ignorant babbling from my anti crew to pass up. Here is their verbal circus.....
Superman and Katrina.
Submitted by jerseygirl on Sun, 2005-09-18 13:16.
Ominous signs of irony have followed Bush his second term- Superman died last fall and Katrina was born this summer. You could no longer hope for the caped crusader to fight for "truth, justice and the American way"- three things the Bush administration is against. Then Katrina washed ashore the garbage of his egregious administration. I won't blame a hurricane on human error, but I will on what happened before, during & after. A government's role is to provide for the betterment of its citizens, especially the "have not's", not just the "haves". If Bush were a true diplomat of integrity & compassion, he would have priorized the well-being of Americans' by not slashing taxes for the well-off. Taxes the rich avoid robs social & safety programs, and so the levee's were not maintained despite years of data that Louisiana could not sustain a category three hurricane; Katrina was a five. FEMA was stripped of its autonomy and thrown into the massively expensive pot called "Homeland Security". Where did all that money go? Speaking of money- how can it not anger you that Halliburton is profitting from yet another Gulf disaster? How can it not anger you that King George promised oodles of money to restore a devastated kingdom- yet immediately denied a bill to pay prevailing wages for construction workers in the Gulf states? Bush's America is a plutocracy; Republican spin will no longer hide this fact. Money that could help the aftermath of Katrina could have come from a "rainy day fund", what Clinton left in the name of a surplus, which Bush robbed to pay for his Iraq war. Regime change, anyone?
jerseygirl's blog
Nice Try
Submitted by jheaton on Tue, 2009-01-20 22:36.
While I admit President Bush is far from the man I thought he was going to be when I first heard him, i.e. lock down the borders and cutting foreign aid to Africa. You can't hang the blame on him for levee breaks. The state of Louisiana has known fo 40yrs that this day was comming. Many of their own elected officials diverted funds else where. Also, Mr. Bush has never read a spending bill he did not like. And since when is it a crime to be wealthy? Individuals who work hard have every right to keep their money. Corporations that are corrupt is a different story. The government should only help those who can not help themselves such as the mentally ill and the physically handicapped. I am tired of paying for people who are drug addicts, illegal aliens and just plain lazy. Cut off all of those programs and when they get hungry enough, they will work. And I do agree that massive contracts go to companies that have connections to politicians. I believe Gen. Wesley Clark's company just recieved a clean up contract in the states that were hit by Katrina.
A question to ask ourselves
Submitted by jerseygirl on Fri, 2005-09-23 15:50.
A question to ask ourselves is: what is the purpose of government? A wise man once said, "to protect the powerless from the powerful"; a non-partisan answer to a non-partisan question. Our bicameral system once had Republicans who were fiscally conservative for the greater good and Democrats who were socially active for the greater good of the people. Somewhere in time they made a U-turn and got lost. I am disgusted by both parties and though I do not for one second believe political corruption lies solely in the Republican legislative body- it's because of one greedy, vindictive, evil man, that the Bush House has run amok in malfeasance like none other. The reign of Karl Rove's political persuasion has stacked the House with egregious cronyism- from the CIA to FEMA. I absolutely blame the levees breaking on this administration, right down to the state level. The blatant stealing of hard-working tax payers to support pet projects and "special interests" of corrupt lobbyist is why America's infrastructure is falling apart at the seams, and why we're held by the balls from foreign countries who pay our daily debts. The Treasury Bonds are like the levee's of Louisiana- they will only carry so much. So why should Bill Gates not have to pay his fair share and contribute to our economy like me and my barely-getting-by paycheck? One percent of a billion dollars is A LOT of money not going into the economy! I haven't a problem with enjoying the fruits of your labor from honest work- I have a problem with Bush giving his elitist buddies a break at our expense. Not only do we pay for Iraq in bodies and taxes, but who do you think is going to pick up the tab to reconstruct the hurricane damage? Haliburton? As long as we, the citizens of a government for the people, by the people, allow apathy to fuel the avarice of silk-suited criminals, the powerless will not be protected from the powerful and therefore, we all lose.
Great Reply!
Submitted by jheaton on Sat, 2005-09-24 03:04.
I am upset also that no matter what the party affiliation, elected officials "hook up" their buddies. I agree with you about the "honest" days work. I like you, look at my pay stub and say, what the !@#%. And you are spot on about lobbyist. I look at both political parties and there is not a nickles worth of difference. You are also right about President Bush hooking up his buddies. But please be fair and admit this poor behavior crosses party lines. For a far righty like me to admit this, it must be bad! I would like to compliment you on your well thought out and written blog, Touche! Who is your dream canidate for 2008? I will throw the first gernade and say,.... Alan Keyes.. your up!
Bridges of Hope
Submitted by jerseygirl on Sat, 2005-09-24 23:22.
The beauty of the Internet is that it gives people the forum to think and connect bridges. Thank you for your honest feedback. You are absolutely correct that poor political behavior crosses party lines. If our elected officials voted on their conscience, rather than their constituents, our government would work as it was intended. The fate of this country lies in power of the people keeping the eye on the ball; holding those responsible- accountable. As for my "dream candidate" for 2008- I need to give that some thought since not one person in particular comes to mind right away! But as someone writing from the far left, I can assure you- her name IS NOT Hillary!
Right Agrees with Left
Submitted by jheaton on Sun, 2005-09-25 09:57.
Wow, I just received an ice shipment from Hades. We both agree on Hillary. It is also very nice to read and respond to a self labeled "Far Lefty" who is articulate and polite. Even though I may not agree with that side of the political spectrum, I hope there are many more people such as yourself. Since you have not named your dream canidate I will name my number two pick, Tom Tancredo. I am sure this will get you motivated!
For the greater good.
Submitted by jerseygirl on Mon, 2005-09-26 16:27.
If only those "in power" would listen to the people who give them the power. Whatever my opinions, and that is what they are, I am open to listen to all sides. If we just listen to what we like to hear, then we become jaded in our bias. While I will not concede to go against what I believe to be just, my thesis as a human being is based on what a great philospher once said: "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." I'm sure we will have our differences of opinion but from that, I hope for us both to learn. If we come from the core belief of treating others as we like to be treated, then we may accomplish what this government is failing to do. Having said that, I must point out one of the most disappointing traits of Bush; he has been a divider and not a uniter. Whether it's Karl Rove writing what he says or other "powers that be" you and I are unaware of, this time is crucial for American citizens to come together for the greater good. That is what gave birth to this country and made it great: our right to think for ourselves. As long as we aren't hurting anyone- then life is good. Thank you for meeting me half way & hopefully, inspiring in others to do the same.
Another Bad Trait
Submitted by jheaton on Mon, 2005-09-26 19:32.
I think another one of President Bush's faults is he listens to and takes bad advice from people who are close to him. It seems he is always campaigning instead of leading. I can remenber President Reagan telling the country he would fire all air traffic controllers if they went on strike. You may not have liked it, but he was up front about where he wanted to go as a president. I don.t care about the party, I just want a politician to clearly state their position. If somebody says to me they think I am a "Dufus" I appreciate the honesty! Though I will ask for proof and none will be found. By the way you still owe a presidential pick....My number three is Rick Santorum.
Submitted by jerseygirl on Tue, 2005-09-27 14:54.
I look forward to our healthy disagreements in months to come as we consider our candidates of choice! So far, two of the three that you named I know little of, but what I do know, I must say "hmmm..." As for Rick Santorum, well- we will have to agree to disagree. But that is great! My neighbors across the street are Republicans through and through- and we have had exciting, always civil, disagreements (as you can imagine)! But we always remember we are people with opinions, not opinionated people; I love them dearly and we look out for each other. So I welcome you to the club! By the way, I wanted to thank you for your polite words earlier and I would like to extend the same.
Good Neighbors Rule!
Submitted by jheaton on Tue, 2005-09-27 15:21.
Sounds like it must get really interesting around the bbq! It makes life alot of fun when you can debate with someone and throw back a few cold ones and laugh. It must be great to have neighbors that see things differently than you. I can just imagine the wild pranks... switching the canidates' yards signs..placing a I Luv Hillary bumper sticker on their car! Halloween parties with the Reagan Bush 1 mask. How about another pick 4 pres..J.C.Watts.
The bumper sticker prank
Submitted by jerseygirl on Wed, 2005-09-28 11:56.
The bumper sticker prank made me chuckle; I've ventured into that thought... tee-hee!. Well, you've certainly done your homework on presidential candidates, and I must humbly admit that I've been so immersed in current events and ensuing '06 elections that I've concentrated little on "the next prez". At this point, it's easier to know whom I don't want (Republican/Democrat) than to think of whom I would like. But I think you and I will share "cringes" on our choices- and a healthy debate I'm looking forward to! Right now, I can tell you that Diane Feinstein comes to mind a lot. As much as I would like to see a woman steer the ship for a change, I will not vote for "her" because of her gender. I am an equal opportunity voter! I have watched her for years and admire her convictions; she has consistently proven to vote more from her conscience than to cower to a party of wimps- something I respect. So for now, even if she isn't planning to run, she will be my first choice. To be fair to Republicans, and considering myself a "moderate Democrat", I will consider some names but I want to see how they fair in light of recent indictments of prominent Republicans: Abramoff, DeLay, possibly Frist and hopefully Rove. A true leader whose priority is to his/her country, and not his/her cronies- will surface like debris after a hurricane, from the decaying layer that's reigned in the Rove administration. So for now- I've offered a candidate and I hope you don't have to take too much Pepto Bismal after it! Have a good day!
No Pepto; Yes Coor's
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2005-09-28 14:43.
I must say one thing about Diane, I wrote her office a letter years ago about a tax question, and I actually recieved a reply. She was the first politician to return a letter. I did not agree with the response just as I don't agree with alot of her positions, but she seems to respond very to her potential voters. Any time a politicans is blamed for almost anything it does not surprise me.
OK, I did win for sure Jerseygirl.
Submitted by Simpson82 on Tue, 2009-01-20 23:47.
I read the entire blog. Very, very interesting, I must say.
Like I said, just pay me when the bailout check arrives. About the time of your B'day.
"Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the danger of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of crackpot than the stigma of conformity." - Thomas J. Watson
I see hj is trying to edit past posts see "nice try."..
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 09:53.
From 2005?...hj..ashamed of something?
Reminds me of 10/11/08 sound familar hj? you deleted that one.
It's now a 1/20/2009 post between year 2005 posts.
Submitted by Simpson82 on Wed, 2009-01-21 11:20.
Like Jerseygirl says, it "smarts" when you get it right "back at ya".
Doesn't surprise me one bit Truthseekers. Good spot on catch.
"Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the danger of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of crackpot than the stigma of conformity." - Thomas J. Watson
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2009-01-21 14:20.
there gramps. Just clean'n up a bit. But then again, you are just an old angry dude lookin' to argue. Nice hobby. Maybe your buddy bike rack can let you get involved in his hobby. You would fit right in. Say cheese!
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!Bobby KnightUncle Sam's Boot
Well son to go back three and a half years to adjust typos..LOL
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 14:26.
yeah that makes's believeable too...Iwo Jima Time?
I see you're still SPAMMING hj
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 14:29.
Trying to sell on the hive?
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2009-01-21 17:55.
I mean tmyseeker. You better hurry on out to that dairy farm in Keyes. Seems somebody is hiding chicken poop in the cow poop. It is another cover up that you are qualified to investigate and solve. That is when you get some free tyime from your newly found photography hobby.
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!Bobby KnightUncle Sam's Boot
It must hurt to be as wrong as you..but it does make me laugh
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 17:59.
You keep guessing wrong but then all your hate is wrong. And I see you're still spamming
jheaton admit to Dan Day that you're SPAMMING
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 17:59.
for an attempted just don't make any...
Still adjusting 3 year old typos?..Talk about an exciting life..
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:01.
You don't lie any better than you cover up your hate.
I'm ready to re-enact Iwo Jima..I have a nice flag pole
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:02.
and you will make an amusing Mt.Suribachi
Are you still selling on your personal site..yes you are
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:03.
that makes you a SPAMMER doesn't it.
Good girl gone bad-
Submitted by jerseygirl on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:18.
that's what jhe wants to hide... unfortunately for her, he can't and the proof is in the post (from three years ago).
We used to be civil to each other and the Hive archives has all the posts to prove it; hard to believe they are one in the same (person). Back then, he was just another card-carrying member of Club Compassionate Conservative, BEFORE Bush reached the pinnacle of his malfeasance and still eligible to steal another election. jhe's hatred had yet to evolve.
Hence, why I re-posted Superman/Katrina; it just shows how the more his party ate their own and destroyed everything in their path- including the core foundation of why Republicanism even arose (to reign in government and be fiscally conservative), the more bellicose became jhe in some desperate effort to take attention on how badly Bush and his Republicans trashed America. The weaker the lie became, the further the venom spat on his critics until he turned into what he is today: Ann Coulter without a book deal.
"Nice try" was a nice catch and what I hoped jhe would do- try to delete his "past." Way to play ball, truth! (Or is that pops, or old man, or...?!?)
"Sometimes a revolution is just what is needed to clean-up the system with one, giant enema."- Johnny Depp, "Once Upon a Time in Mexico."
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:31.
no republican....pure conservative independant...and compassion for those who deserve it.So I will leave this cess pool where Sonoran shrews do their dance of deciet and others that snap photos of dreams incomplete.
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!Bobby KnightUncle Sam's Boot
Superman and Katrina.
Submitted by jerseygirl on Sun, 2005-09-18 13:16.
Ominous signs of irony have followed Bush his second term- Superman died last fall and Katrina was born this summer. You could no longer hope for the caped crusader to fight for "truth, justice and the American way"- three things the Bush administration is against. Then Katrina washed ashore the garbage of his egregious administration. I won't blame a hurricane on human error, but I will on what happened before, during & after. A government's role is to provide for the betterment of its citizens, especially the "have not's", not just the "haves". If Bush were a true diplomat of integrity & compassion, he would have priorized the well-being of Americans' by not slashing taxes for the well-off. Taxes the rich avoid robs social & safety programs, and so the levee's were not maintained despite years of data that Louisiana could not sustain a category three hurricane; Katrina was a five. FEMA was stripped of its autonomy and thrown into the massively expensive pot called "Homeland Security". Where did all that money go? Speaking of money- how can it not anger you that Halliburton is profitting from yet another Gulf disaster? How can it not anger you that King George promised oodles of money to restore a devastated kingdom- yet immediately denied a bill to pay prevailing wages for construction workers in the Gulf states? Bush's America is a plutocracy; Republican spin will no longer hide this fact. Money that could help the aftermath of Katrina could have come from a "rainy day fund", what Clinton left in the name of a surplus, which Bush robbed to pay for his Iraq war. Regime change, anyone?
jerseygirl's blog
Nice Try
Submitted by jheaton on Tue, 2009-01-20 22:36.
While I admit President Bush is far from the man I thought he was going to be when I first heard him, i.e. lock down the borders and cutting foreign aid to Africa. You can't hang the blame on him for levee breaks. The state of Louisiana has known fo 40yrs that this day was comming. Many of their own elected officials diverted funds else where. Also, Mr. Bush has never read a spending bill he did not like. And since when is it a crime to be wealthy? Individuals who work hard have every right to keep their money. Corporations that are corrupt is a different story. The government should only help those who can not help themselves such as the mentally ill and the physically handicapped. I am tired of paying for people who are drug addicts, illegal aliens and just plain lazy. Cut off all of those programs and when they get hungry enough, they will work. And I do agree that massive contracts go to companies that have connections to politicians. I believe Gen. Wesley Clark's company just recieved a clean up contract in the states that were hit by Katrina.
A question to ask ourselves
Submitted by jerseygirl on Fri, 2005-09-23 15:50.
A question to ask ourselves is: what is the purpose of government? A wise man once said, "to protect the powerless from the powerful"; a non-partisan answer to a non-partisan question. Our bicameral system once had Republicans who were fiscally conservative for the greater good and Democrats who were socially active for the greater good of the people. Somewhere in time they made a U-turn and got lost. I am disgusted by both parties and though I do not for one second believe political corruption lies solely in the Republican legislative body- it's because of one greedy, vindictive, evil man, that the Bush House has run amok in malfeasance like none other. The reign of Karl Rove's political persuasion has stacked the House with egregious cronyism- from the CIA to FEMA. I absolutely blame the levees breaking on this administration, right down to the state level. The blatant stealing of hard-working tax payers to support pet projects and "special interests" of corrupt lobbyist is why America's infrastructure is falling apart at the seams, and why we're held by the balls from foreign countries who pay our daily debts. The Treasury Bonds are like the levee's of Louisiana- they will only carry so much. So why should Bill Gates not have to pay his fair share and contribute to our economy like me and my barely-getting-by paycheck? One percent of a billion dollars is A LOT of money not going into the economy! I haven't a problem with enjoying the fruits of your labor from honest work- I have a problem with Bush giving his elitist buddies a break at our expense. Not only do we pay for Iraq in bodies and taxes, but who do you think is going to pick up the tab to reconstruct the hurricane damage? Haliburton? As long as we, the citizens of a government for the people, by the people, allow apathy to fuel the avarice of silk-suited criminals, the powerless will not be protected from the powerful and therefore, we all lose.
Great Reply!
Submitted by jheaton on Sat, 2005-09-24 03:04.
I am upset also that no matter what the party affiliation, elected officials "hook up" their buddies. I agree with you about the "honest" days work. I like you, look at my pay stub and say, what the !@#%. And you are spot on about lobbyist. I look at both political parties and there is not a nickles worth of difference. You are also right about President Bush hooking up his buddies. But please be fair and admit this poor behavior crosses party lines. For a far righty like me to admit this, it must be bad! I would like to compliment you on your well thought out and written blog, Touche! Who is your dream canidate for 2008? I will throw the first gernade and say,.... Alan Keyes.. your up!
Bridges of Hope
Submitted by jerseygirl on Sat, 2005-09-24 23:22.
The beauty of the Internet is that it gives people the forum to think and connect bridges. Thank you for your honest feedback. You are absolutely correct that poor political behavior crosses party lines. If our elected officials voted on their conscience, rather than their constituents, our government would work as it was intended. The fate of this country lies in power of the people keeping the eye on the ball; holding those responsible- accountable. As for my "dream candidate" for 2008- I need to give that some thought since not one person in particular comes to mind right away! But as someone writing from the far left, I can assure you- her name IS NOT Hillary!
Right Agrees with Left
Submitted by jheaton on Sun, 2005-09-25 09:57.
Wow, I just received an ice shipment from Hades. We both agree on Hillary. It is also very nice to read and respond to a self labeled "Far Lefty" who is articulate and polite. Even though I may not agree with that side of the political spectrum, I hope there are many more people such as yourself. Since you have not named your dream canidate I will name my number two pick, Tom Tancredo. I am sure this will get you motivated!
For the greater good.
Submitted by jerseygirl on Mon, 2005-09-26 16:27.
If only those "in power" would listen to the people who give them the power. Whatever my opinions, and that is what they are, I am open to listen to all sides. If we just listen to what we like to hear, then we become jaded in our bias. While I will not concede to go against what I believe to be just, my thesis as a human being is based on what a great philospher once said: "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." I'm sure we will have our differences of opinion but from that, I hope for us both to learn. If we come from the core belief of treating others as we like to be treated, then we may accomplish what this government is failing to do. Having said that, I must point out one of the most disappointing traits of Bush; he has been a divider and not a uniter. Whether it's Karl Rove writing what he says or other "powers that be" you and I are unaware of, this time is crucial for American citizens to come together for the greater good. That is what gave birth to this country and made it great: our right to think for ourselves. As long as we aren't hurting anyone- then life is good. Thank you for meeting me half way & hopefully, inspiring in others to do the same.
Another Bad Trait
Submitted by jheaton on Mon, 2005-09-26 19:32.
I think another one of President Bush's faults is he listens to and takes bad advice from people who are close to him. It seems he is always campaigning instead of leading. I can remenber President Reagan telling the country he would fire all air traffic controllers if they went on strike. You may not have liked it, but he was up front about where he wanted to go as a president. I don.t care about the party, I just want a politician to clearly state their position. If somebody says to me they think I am a "Dufus" I appreciate the honesty! Though I will ask for proof and none will be found. By the way you still owe a presidential pick....My number three is Rick Santorum.
Submitted by jerseygirl on Tue, 2005-09-27 14:54.
I look forward to our healthy disagreements in months to come as we consider our candidates of choice! So far, two of the three that you named I know little of, but what I do know, I must say "hmmm..." As for Rick Santorum, well- we will have to agree to disagree. But that is great! My neighbors across the street are Republicans through and through- and we have had exciting, always civil, disagreements (as you can imagine)! But we always remember we are people with opinions, not opinionated people; I love them dearly and we look out for each other. So I welcome you to the club! By the way, I wanted to thank you for your polite words earlier and I would like to extend the same.
Good Neighbors Rule!
Submitted by jheaton on Tue, 2005-09-27 15:21.
Sounds like it must get really interesting around the bbq! It makes life alot of fun when you can debate with someone and throw back a few cold ones and laugh. It must be great to have neighbors that see things differently than you. I can just imagine the wild pranks... switching the canidates' yards signs..placing a I Luv Hillary bumper sticker on their car! Halloween parties with the Reagan Bush 1 mask. How about another pick 4 pres..J.C.Watts.
The bumper sticker prank
Submitted by jerseygirl on Wed, 2005-09-28 11:56.
The bumper sticker prank made me chuckle; I've ventured into that thought... tee-hee!. Well, you've certainly done your homework on presidential candidates, and I must humbly admit that I've been so immersed in current events and ensuing '06 elections that I've concentrated little on "the next prez". At this point, it's easier to know whom I don't want (Republican/Democrat) than to think of whom I would like. But I think you and I will share "cringes" on our choices- and a healthy debate I'm looking forward to! Right now, I can tell you that Diane Feinstein comes to mind a lot. As much as I would like to see a woman steer the ship for a change, I will not vote for "her" because of her gender. I am an equal opportunity voter! I have watched her for years and admire her convictions; she has consistently proven to vote more from her conscience than to cower to a party of wimps- something I respect. So for now, even if she isn't planning to run, she will be my first choice. To be fair to Republicans, and considering myself a "moderate Democrat", I will consider some names but I want to see how they fair in light of recent indictments of prominent Republicans: Abramoff, DeLay, possibly Frist and hopefully Rove. A true leader whose priority is to his/her country, and not his/her cronies- will surface like debris after a hurricane, from the decaying layer that's reigned in the Rove administration. So for now- I've offered a candidate and I hope you don't have to take too much Pepto Bismal after it! Have a good day!
No Pepto; Yes Coor's
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2005-09-28 14:43.
I must say one thing about Diane, I wrote her office a letter years ago about a tax question, and I actually recieved a reply. She was the first politician to return a letter. I did not agree with the response just as I don't agree with alot of her positions, but she seems to respond very to her potential voters. Any time a politicans is blamed for almost anything it does not surprise me.
OK, I did win for sure Jerseygirl.
Submitted by Simpson82 on Tue, 2009-01-20 23:47.
I read the entire blog. Very, very interesting, I must say.
Like I said, just pay me when the bailout check arrives. About the time of your B'day.
"Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the danger of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of crackpot than the stigma of conformity." - Thomas J. Watson
I see hj is trying to edit past posts see "nice try."..
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 09:53.
From 2005?...hj..ashamed of something?
Reminds me of 10/11/08 sound familar hj? you deleted that one.
It's now a 1/20/2009 post between year 2005 posts.
Submitted by Simpson82 on Wed, 2009-01-21 11:20.
Like Jerseygirl says, it "smarts" when you get it right "back at ya".
Doesn't surprise me one bit Truthseekers. Good spot on catch.
"Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the danger of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of crackpot than the stigma of conformity." - Thomas J. Watson
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2009-01-21 14:20.
there gramps. Just clean'n up a bit. But then again, you are just an old angry dude lookin' to argue. Nice hobby. Maybe your buddy bike rack can let you get involved in his hobby. You would fit right in. Say cheese!
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!Bobby KnightUncle Sam's Boot
Well son to go back three and a half years to adjust typos..LOL
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 14:26.
yeah that makes's believeable too...Iwo Jima Time?
I see you're still SPAMMING hj
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 14:29.
Trying to sell on the hive?
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2009-01-21 17:55.
I mean tmyseeker. You better hurry on out to that dairy farm in Keyes. Seems somebody is hiding chicken poop in the cow poop. It is another cover up that you are qualified to investigate and solve. That is when you get some free tyime from your newly found photography hobby.
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!Bobby KnightUncle Sam's Boot
It must hurt to be as wrong as you..but it does make me laugh
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 17:59.
You keep guessing wrong but then all your hate is wrong. And I see you're still spamming
jheaton admit to Dan Day that you're SPAMMING
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 17:59.
for an attempted just don't make any...
Still adjusting 3 year old typos?..Talk about an exciting life..
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:01.
You don't lie any better than you cover up your hate.
I'm ready to re-enact Iwo Jima..I have a nice flag pole
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:02.
and you will make an amusing Mt.Suribachi
Are you still selling on your personal site..yes you are
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:03.
that makes you a SPAMMER doesn't it.
Good girl gone bad-
Submitted by jerseygirl on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:18.
that's what jhe wants to hide... unfortunately for her, he can't and the proof is in the post (from three years ago).
We used to be civil to each other and the Hive archives has all the posts to prove it; hard to believe they are one in the same (person). Back then, he was just another card-carrying member of Club Compassionate Conservative, BEFORE Bush reached the pinnacle of his malfeasance and still eligible to steal another election. jhe's hatred had yet to evolve.
Hence, why I re-posted Superman/Katrina; it just shows how the more his party ate their own and destroyed everything in their path- including the core foundation of why Republicanism even arose (to reign in government and be fiscally conservative), the more bellicose became jhe in some desperate effort to take attention on how badly Bush and his Republicans trashed America. The weaker the lie became, the further the venom spat on his critics until he turned into what he is today: Ann Coulter without a book deal.
"Nice try" was a nice catch and what I hoped jhe would do- try to delete his "past." Way to play ball, truth! (Or is that pops, or old man, or...?!?)
"Sometimes a revolution is just what is needed to clean-up the system with one, giant enema."- Johnny Depp, "Once Upon a Time in Mexico."
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:31.
no republican....pure conservative independant...and compassion for those who deserve it.So I will leave this cess pool where Sonoran shrews do their dance of deciet and others that snap photos of dreams incomplete.
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!Bobby KnightUncle Sam's Boot
Madness From The Hive
Too much ignorant babbling from my anti crew to pass up. Here is their verbal circus.....
Superman and Katrina.
Submitted by jerseygirl on Sun, 2005-09-18 13:16.
Ominous signs of irony have followed Bush his second term- Superman died last fall and Katrina was born this summer. You could no longer hope for the caped crusader to fight for "truth, justice and the American way"- three things the Bush administration is against. Then Katrina washed ashore the garbage of his egregious administration. I won't blame a hurricane on human error, but I will on what happened before, during & after. A government's role is to provide for the betterment of its citizens, especially the "have not's", not just the "haves". If Bush were a true diplomat of integrity & compassion, he would have priorized the well-being of Americans' by not slashing taxes for the well-off. Taxes the rich avoid robs social & safety programs, and so the levee's were not maintained despite years of data that Louisiana could not sustain a category three hurricane; Katrina was a five. FEMA was stripped of its autonomy and thrown into the massively expensive pot called "Homeland Security". Where did all that money go? Speaking of money- how can it not anger you that Halliburton is profitting from yet another Gulf disaster? How can it not anger you that King George promised oodles of money to restore a devastated kingdom- yet immediately denied a bill to pay prevailing wages for construction workers in the Gulf states? Bush's America is a plutocracy; Republican spin will no longer hide this fact. Money that could help the aftermath of Katrina could have come from a "rainy day fund", what Clinton left in the name of a surplus, which Bush robbed to pay for his Iraq war. Regime change, anyone?
jerseygirl's blog
Nice Try
Submitted by jheaton on Tue, 2009-01-20 22:36.
While I admit President Bush is far from the man I thought he was going to be when I first heard him, i.e. lock down the borders and cutting foreign aid to Africa. You can't hang the blame on him for levee breaks. The state of Louisiana has known fo 40yrs that this day was comming. Many of their own elected officials diverted funds else where. Also, Mr. Bush has never read a spending bill he did not like. And since when is it a crime to be wealthy? Individuals who work hard have every right to keep their money. Corporations that are corrupt is a different story. The government should only help those who can not help themselves such as the mentally ill and the physically handicapped. I am tired of paying for people who are drug addicts, illegal aliens and just plain lazy. Cut off all of those programs and when they get hungry enough, they will work. And I do agree that massive contracts go to companies that have connections to politicians. I believe Gen. Wesley Clark's company just recieved a clean up contract in the states that were hit by Katrina.
A question to ask ourselves
Submitted by jerseygirl on Fri, 2005-09-23 15:50.
A question to ask ourselves is: what is the purpose of government? A wise man once said, "to protect the powerless from the powerful"; a non-partisan answer to a non-partisan question. Our bicameral system once had Republicans who were fiscally conservative for the greater good and Democrats who were socially active for the greater good of the people. Somewhere in time they made a U-turn and got lost. I am disgusted by both parties and though I do not for one second believe political corruption lies solely in the Republican legislative body- it's because of one greedy, vindictive, evil man, that the Bush House has run amok in malfeasance like none other. The reign of Karl Rove's political persuasion has stacked the House with egregious cronyism- from the CIA to FEMA. I absolutely blame the levees breaking on this administration, right down to the state level. The blatant stealing of hard-working tax payers to support pet projects and "special interests" of corrupt lobbyist is why America's infrastructure is falling apart at the seams, and why we're held by the balls from foreign countries who pay our daily debts. The Treasury Bonds are like the levee's of Louisiana- they will only carry so much. So why should Bill Gates not have to pay his fair share and contribute to our economy like me and my barely-getting-by paycheck? One percent of a billion dollars is A LOT of money not going into the economy! I haven't a problem with enjoying the fruits of your labor from honest work- I have a problem with Bush giving his elitist buddies a break at our expense. Not only do we pay for Iraq in bodies and taxes, but who do you think is going to pick up the tab to reconstruct the hurricane damage? Haliburton? As long as we, the citizens of a government for the people, by the people, allow apathy to fuel the avarice of silk-suited criminals, the powerless will not be protected from the powerful and therefore, we all lose.
Great Reply!
Submitted by jheaton on Sat, 2005-09-24 03:04.
I am upset also that no matter what the party affiliation, elected officials "hook up" their buddies. I agree with you about the "honest" days work. I like you, look at my pay stub and say, what the !@#%. And you are spot on about lobbyist. I look at both political parties and there is not a nickles worth of difference. You are also right about President Bush hooking up his buddies. But please be fair and admit this poor behavior crosses party lines. For a far righty like me to admit this, it must be bad! I would like to compliment you on your well thought out and written blog, Touche! Who is your dream canidate for 2008? I will throw the first gernade and say,.... Alan Keyes.. your up!
Bridges of Hope
Submitted by jerseygirl on Sat, 2005-09-24 23:22.
The beauty of the Internet is that it gives people the forum to think and connect bridges. Thank you for your honest feedback. You are absolutely correct that poor political behavior crosses party lines. If our elected officials voted on their conscience, rather than their constituents, our government would work as it was intended. The fate of this country lies in power of the people keeping the eye on the ball; holding those responsible- accountable. As for my "dream candidate" for 2008- I need to give that some thought since not one person in particular comes to mind right away! But as someone writing from the far left, I can assure you- her name IS NOT Hillary!
Right Agrees with Left
Submitted by jheaton on Sun, 2005-09-25 09:57.
Wow, I just received an ice shipment from Hades. We both agree on Hillary. It is also very nice to read and respond to a self labeled "Far Lefty" who is articulate and polite. Even though I may not agree with that side of the political spectrum, I hope there are many more people such as yourself. Since you have not named your dream canidate I will name my number two pick, Tom Tancredo. I am sure this will get you motivated!
For the greater good.
Submitted by jerseygirl on Mon, 2005-09-26 16:27.
If only those "in power" would listen to the people who give them the power. Whatever my opinions, and that is what they are, I am open to listen to all sides. If we just listen to what we like to hear, then we become jaded in our bias. While I will not concede to go against what I believe to be just, my thesis as a human being is based on what a great philospher once said: "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." I'm sure we will have our differences of opinion but from that, I hope for us both to learn. If we come from the core belief of treating others as we like to be treated, then we may accomplish what this government is failing to do. Having said that, I must point out one of the most disappointing traits of Bush; he has been a divider and not a uniter. Whether it's Karl Rove writing what he says or other "powers that be" you and I are unaware of, this time is crucial for American citizens to come together for the greater good. That is what gave birth to this country and made it great: our right to think for ourselves. As long as we aren't hurting anyone- then life is good. Thank you for meeting me half way & hopefully, inspiring in others to do the same.
Another Bad Trait
Submitted by jheaton on Mon, 2005-09-26 19:32.
I think another one of President Bush's faults is he listens to and takes bad advice from people who are close to him. It seems he is always campaigning instead of leading. I can remenber President Reagan telling the country he would fire all air traffic controllers if they went on strike. You may not have liked it, but he was up front about where he wanted to go as a president. I don.t care about the party, I just want a politician to clearly state their position. If somebody says to me they think I am a "Dufus" I appreciate the honesty! Though I will ask for proof and none will be found. By the way you still owe a presidential pick....My number three is Rick Santorum.
Submitted by jerseygirl on Tue, 2005-09-27 14:54.
I look forward to our healthy disagreements in months to come as we consider our candidates of choice! So far, two of the three that you named I know little of, but what I do know, I must say "hmmm..." As for Rick Santorum, well- we will have to agree to disagree. But that is great! My neighbors across the street are Republicans through and through- and we have had exciting, always civil, disagreements (as you can imagine)! But we always remember we are people with opinions, not opinionated people; I love them dearly and we look out for each other. So I welcome you to the club! By the way, I wanted to thank you for your polite words earlier and I would like to extend the same.
Good Neighbors Rule!
Submitted by jheaton on Tue, 2005-09-27 15:21.
Sounds like it must get really interesting around the bbq! It makes life alot of fun when you can debate with someone and throw back a few cold ones and laugh. It must be great to have neighbors that see things differently than you. I can just imagine the wild pranks... switching the canidates' yards signs..placing a I Luv Hillary bumper sticker on their car! Halloween parties with the Reagan Bush 1 mask. How about another pick 4 pres..J.C.Watts.
The bumper sticker prank
Submitted by jerseygirl on Wed, 2005-09-28 11:56.
The bumper sticker prank made me chuckle; I've ventured into that thought... tee-hee!. Well, you've certainly done your homework on presidential candidates, and I must humbly admit that I've been so immersed in current events and ensuing '06 elections that I've concentrated little on "the next prez". At this point, it's easier to know whom I don't want (Republican/Democrat) than to think of whom I would like. But I think you and I will share "cringes" on our choices- and a healthy debate I'm looking forward to! Right now, I can tell you that Diane Feinstein comes to mind a lot. As much as I would like to see a woman steer the ship for a change, I will not vote for "her" because of her gender. I am an equal opportunity voter! I have watched her for years and admire her convictions; she has consistently proven to vote more from her conscience than to cower to a party of wimps- something I respect. So for now, even if she isn't planning to run, she will be my first choice. To be fair to Republicans, and considering myself a "moderate Democrat", I will consider some names but I want to see how they fair in light of recent indictments of prominent Republicans: Abramoff, DeLay, possibly Frist and hopefully Rove. A true leader whose priority is to his/her country, and not his/her cronies- will surface like debris after a hurricane, from the decaying layer that's reigned in the Rove administration. So for now- I've offered a candidate and I hope you don't have to take too much Pepto Bismal after it! Have a good day!
No Pepto; Yes Coor's
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2005-09-28 14:43.
I must say one thing about Diane, I wrote her office a letter years ago about a tax question, and I actually recieved a reply. She was the first politician to return a letter. I did not agree with the response just as I don't agree with alot of her positions, but she seems to respond very to her potential voters. Any time a politicans is blamed for almost anything it does not surprise me.
OK, I did win for sure Jerseygirl.
Submitted by Simpson82 on Tue, 2009-01-20 23:47.
I read the entire blog. Very, very interesting, I must say.
Like I said, just pay me when the bailout check arrives. About the time of your B'day.
"Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the danger of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of crackpot than the stigma of conformity." - Thomas J. Watson
I see hj is trying to edit past posts see "nice try."..
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 09:53.
From 2005?...hj..ashamed of something?
Reminds me of 10/11/08 sound familar hj? you deleted that one.
It's now a 1/20/2009 post between year 2005 posts.
Submitted by Simpson82 on Wed, 2009-01-21 11:20.
Like Jerseygirl says, it "smarts" when you get it right "back at ya".
Doesn't surprise me one bit Truthseekers. Good spot on catch.
"Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the danger of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of crackpot than the stigma of conformity." - Thomas J. Watson
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2009-01-21 14:20.
there gramps. Just clean'n up a bit. But then again, you are just an old angry dude lookin' to argue. Nice hobby. Maybe your buddy bike rack can let you get involved in his hobby. You would fit right in. Say cheese!
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!Bobby KnightUncle Sam's Boot
Well son to go back three and a half years to adjust typos..LOL
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 14:26.
yeah that makes's believeable too...Iwo Jima Time?
I see you're still SPAMMING hj
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 14:29.
Trying to sell on the hive?
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2009-01-21 17:55.
I mean tmyseeker. You better hurry on out to that dairy farm in Keyes. Seems somebody is hiding chicken poop in the cow poop. It is another cover up that you are qualified to investigate and solve. That is when you get some free tyime from your newly found photography hobby.
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!Bobby KnightUncle Sam's Boot
It must hurt to be as wrong as you..but it does make me laugh
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 17:59.
You keep guessing wrong but then all your hate is wrong. And I see you're still spamming
jheaton admit to Dan Day that you're SPAMMING
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 17:59.
for an attempted just don't make any...
Still adjusting 3 year old typos?..Talk about an exciting life..
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:01.
You don't lie any better than you cover up your hate.
I'm ready to re-enact Iwo Jima..I have a nice flag pole
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:02.
and you will make an amusing Mt.Suribachi
Are you still selling on your personal site..yes you are
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:03.
that makes you a SPAMMER doesn't it.
Good girl gone bad-
Submitted by jerseygirl on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:18.
that's what jhe wants to hide... unfortunately for her, he can't and the proof is in the post (from three years ago).
We used to be civil to each other and the Hive archives has all the posts to prove it; hard to believe they are one in the same (person). Back then, he was just another card-carrying member of Club Compassionate Conservative, BEFORE Bush reached the pinnacle of his malfeasance and still eligible to steal another election. jhe's hatred had yet to evolve.
Hence, why I re-posted Superman/Katrina; it just shows how the more his party ate their own and destroyed everything in their path- including the core foundation of why Republicanism even arose (to reign in government and be fiscally conservative), the more bellicose became jhe in some desperate effort to take attention on how badly Bush and his Republicans trashed America. The weaker the lie became, the further the venom spat on his critics until he turned into what he is today: Ann Coulter without a book deal.
"Nice try" was a nice catch and what I hoped jhe would do- try to delete his "past." Way to play ball, truth! (Or is that pops, or old man, or...?!?)
"Sometimes a revolution is just what is needed to clean-up the system with one, giant enema."- Johnny Depp, "Once Upon a Time in Mexico."
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:31.
no republican....pure conservative independant...and compassion for those who deserve it.So I will leave this cess pool where Sonoran shrews do their dance of deciet and others that snap photos of dreams incomplete.
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!Bobby KnightUncle Sam's Boot
Superman and Katrina.
Submitted by jerseygirl on Sun, 2005-09-18 13:16.
Ominous signs of irony have followed Bush his second term- Superman died last fall and Katrina was born this summer. You could no longer hope for the caped crusader to fight for "truth, justice and the American way"- three things the Bush administration is against. Then Katrina washed ashore the garbage of his egregious administration. I won't blame a hurricane on human error, but I will on what happened before, during & after. A government's role is to provide for the betterment of its citizens, especially the "have not's", not just the "haves". If Bush were a true diplomat of integrity & compassion, he would have priorized the well-being of Americans' by not slashing taxes for the well-off. Taxes the rich avoid robs social & safety programs, and so the levee's were not maintained despite years of data that Louisiana could not sustain a category three hurricane; Katrina was a five. FEMA was stripped of its autonomy and thrown into the massively expensive pot called "Homeland Security". Where did all that money go? Speaking of money- how can it not anger you that Halliburton is profitting from yet another Gulf disaster? How can it not anger you that King George promised oodles of money to restore a devastated kingdom- yet immediately denied a bill to pay prevailing wages for construction workers in the Gulf states? Bush's America is a plutocracy; Republican spin will no longer hide this fact. Money that could help the aftermath of Katrina could have come from a "rainy day fund", what Clinton left in the name of a surplus, which Bush robbed to pay for his Iraq war. Regime change, anyone?
jerseygirl's blog
Nice Try
Submitted by jheaton on Tue, 2009-01-20 22:36.
While I admit President Bush is far from the man I thought he was going to be when I first heard him, i.e. lock down the borders and cutting foreign aid to Africa. You can't hang the blame on him for levee breaks. The state of Louisiana has known fo 40yrs that this day was comming. Many of their own elected officials diverted funds else where. Also, Mr. Bush has never read a spending bill he did not like. And since when is it a crime to be wealthy? Individuals who work hard have every right to keep their money. Corporations that are corrupt is a different story. The government should only help those who can not help themselves such as the mentally ill and the physically handicapped. I am tired of paying for people who are drug addicts, illegal aliens and just plain lazy. Cut off all of those programs and when they get hungry enough, they will work. And I do agree that massive contracts go to companies that have connections to politicians. I believe Gen. Wesley Clark's company just recieved a clean up contract in the states that were hit by Katrina.
A question to ask ourselves
Submitted by jerseygirl on Fri, 2005-09-23 15:50.
A question to ask ourselves is: what is the purpose of government? A wise man once said, "to protect the powerless from the powerful"; a non-partisan answer to a non-partisan question. Our bicameral system once had Republicans who were fiscally conservative for the greater good and Democrats who were socially active for the greater good of the people. Somewhere in time they made a U-turn and got lost. I am disgusted by both parties and though I do not for one second believe political corruption lies solely in the Republican legislative body- it's because of one greedy, vindictive, evil man, that the Bush House has run amok in malfeasance like none other. The reign of Karl Rove's political persuasion has stacked the House with egregious cronyism- from the CIA to FEMA. I absolutely blame the levees breaking on this administration, right down to the state level. The blatant stealing of hard-working tax payers to support pet projects and "special interests" of corrupt lobbyist is why America's infrastructure is falling apart at the seams, and why we're held by the balls from foreign countries who pay our daily debts. The Treasury Bonds are like the levee's of Louisiana- they will only carry so much. So why should Bill Gates not have to pay his fair share and contribute to our economy like me and my barely-getting-by paycheck? One percent of a billion dollars is A LOT of money not going into the economy! I haven't a problem with enjoying the fruits of your labor from honest work- I have a problem with Bush giving his elitist buddies a break at our expense. Not only do we pay for Iraq in bodies and taxes, but who do you think is going to pick up the tab to reconstruct the hurricane damage? Haliburton? As long as we, the citizens of a government for the people, by the people, allow apathy to fuel the avarice of silk-suited criminals, the powerless will not be protected from the powerful and therefore, we all lose.
Great Reply!
Submitted by jheaton on Sat, 2005-09-24 03:04.
I am upset also that no matter what the party affiliation, elected officials "hook up" their buddies. I agree with you about the "honest" days work. I like you, look at my pay stub and say, what the !@#%. And you are spot on about lobbyist. I look at both political parties and there is not a nickles worth of difference. You are also right about President Bush hooking up his buddies. But please be fair and admit this poor behavior crosses party lines. For a far righty like me to admit this, it must be bad! I would like to compliment you on your well thought out and written blog, Touche! Who is your dream canidate for 2008? I will throw the first gernade and say,.... Alan Keyes.. your up!
Bridges of Hope
Submitted by jerseygirl on Sat, 2005-09-24 23:22.
The beauty of the Internet is that it gives people the forum to think and connect bridges. Thank you for your honest feedback. You are absolutely correct that poor political behavior crosses party lines. If our elected officials voted on their conscience, rather than their constituents, our government would work as it was intended. The fate of this country lies in power of the people keeping the eye on the ball; holding those responsible- accountable. As for my "dream candidate" for 2008- I need to give that some thought since not one person in particular comes to mind right away! But as someone writing from the far left, I can assure you- her name IS NOT Hillary!
Right Agrees with Left
Submitted by jheaton on Sun, 2005-09-25 09:57.
Wow, I just received an ice shipment from Hades. We both agree on Hillary. It is also very nice to read and respond to a self labeled "Far Lefty" who is articulate and polite. Even though I may not agree with that side of the political spectrum, I hope there are many more people such as yourself. Since you have not named your dream canidate I will name my number two pick, Tom Tancredo. I am sure this will get you motivated!
For the greater good.
Submitted by jerseygirl on Mon, 2005-09-26 16:27.
If only those "in power" would listen to the people who give them the power. Whatever my opinions, and that is what they are, I am open to listen to all sides. If we just listen to what we like to hear, then we become jaded in our bias. While I will not concede to go against what I believe to be just, my thesis as a human being is based on what a great philospher once said: "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." I'm sure we will have our differences of opinion but from that, I hope for us both to learn. If we come from the core belief of treating others as we like to be treated, then we may accomplish what this government is failing to do. Having said that, I must point out one of the most disappointing traits of Bush; he has been a divider and not a uniter. Whether it's Karl Rove writing what he says or other "powers that be" you and I are unaware of, this time is crucial for American citizens to come together for the greater good. That is what gave birth to this country and made it great: our right to think for ourselves. As long as we aren't hurting anyone- then life is good. Thank you for meeting me half way & hopefully, inspiring in others to do the same.
Another Bad Trait
Submitted by jheaton on Mon, 2005-09-26 19:32.
I think another one of President Bush's faults is he listens to and takes bad advice from people who are close to him. It seems he is always campaigning instead of leading. I can remenber President Reagan telling the country he would fire all air traffic controllers if they went on strike. You may not have liked it, but he was up front about where he wanted to go as a president. I don.t care about the party, I just want a politician to clearly state their position. If somebody says to me they think I am a "Dufus" I appreciate the honesty! Though I will ask for proof and none will be found. By the way you still owe a presidential pick....My number three is Rick Santorum.
Submitted by jerseygirl on Tue, 2005-09-27 14:54.
I look forward to our healthy disagreements in months to come as we consider our candidates of choice! So far, two of the three that you named I know little of, but what I do know, I must say "hmmm..." As for Rick Santorum, well- we will have to agree to disagree. But that is great! My neighbors across the street are Republicans through and through- and we have had exciting, always civil, disagreements (as you can imagine)! But we always remember we are people with opinions, not opinionated people; I love them dearly and we look out for each other. So I welcome you to the club! By the way, I wanted to thank you for your polite words earlier and I would like to extend the same.
Good Neighbors Rule!
Submitted by jheaton on Tue, 2005-09-27 15:21.
Sounds like it must get really interesting around the bbq! It makes life alot of fun when you can debate with someone and throw back a few cold ones and laugh. It must be great to have neighbors that see things differently than you. I can just imagine the wild pranks... switching the canidates' yards signs..placing a I Luv Hillary bumper sticker on their car! Halloween parties with the Reagan Bush 1 mask. How about another pick 4 pres..J.C.Watts.
The bumper sticker prank
Submitted by jerseygirl on Wed, 2005-09-28 11:56.
The bumper sticker prank made me chuckle; I've ventured into that thought... tee-hee!. Well, you've certainly done your homework on presidential candidates, and I must humbly admit that I've been so immersed in current events and ensuing '06 elections that I've concentrated little on "the next prez". At this point, it's easier to know whom I don't want (Republican/Democrat) than to think of whom I would like. But I think you and I will share "cringes" on our choices- and a healthy debate I'm looking forward to! Right now, I can tell you that Diane Feinstein comes to mind a lot. As much as I would like to see a woman steer the ship for a change, I will not vote for "her" because of her gender. I am an equal opportunity voter! I have watched her for years and admire her convictions; she has consistently proven to vote more from her conscience than to cower to a party of wimps- something I respect. So for now, even if she isn't planning to run, she will be my first choice. To be fair to Republicans, and considering myself a "moderate Democrat", I will consider some names but I want to see how they fair in light of recent indictments of prominent Republicans: Abramoff, DeLay, possibly Frist and hopefully Rove. A true leader whose priority is to his/her country, and not his/her cronies- will surface like debris after a hurricane, from the decaying layer that's reigned in the Rove administration. So for now- I've offered a candidate and I hope you don't have to take too much Pepto Bismal after it! Have a good day!
No Pepto; Yes Coor's
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2005-09-28 14:43.
I must say one thing about Diane, I wrote her office a letter years ago about a tax question, and I actually recieved a reply. She was the first politician to return a letter. I did not agree with the response just as I don't agree with alot of her positions, but she seems to respond very to her potential voters. Any time a politicans is blamed for almost anything it does not surprise me.
OK, I did win for sure Jerseygirl.
Submitted by Simpson82 on Tue, 2009-01-20 23:47.
I read the entire blog. Very, very interesting, I must say.
Like I said, just pay me when the bailout check arrives. About the time of your B'day.
"Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the danger of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of crackpot than the stigma of conformity." - Thomas J. Watson
I see hj is trying to edit past posts see "nice try."..
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 09:53.
From 2005?...hj..ashamed of something?
Reminds me of 10/11/08 sound familar hj? you deleted that one.
It's now a 1/20/2009 post between year 2005 posts.
Submitted by Simpson82 on Wed, 2009-01-21 11:20.
Like Jerseygirl says, it "smarts" when you get it right "back at ya".
Doesn't surprise me one bit Truthseekers. Good spot on catch.
"Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the danger of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of crackpot than the stigma of conformity." - Thomas J. Watson
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2009-01-21 14:20.
there gramps. Just clean'n up a bit. But then again, you are just an old angry dude lookin' to argue. Nice hobby. Maybe your buddy bike rack can let you get involved in his hobby. You would fit right in. Say cheese!
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!Bobby KnightUncle Sam's Boot
Well son to go back three and a half years to adjust typos..LOL
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 14:26.
yeah that makes's believeable too...Iwo Jima Time?
I see you're still SPAMMING hj
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 14:29.
Trying to sell on the hive?
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2009-01-21 17:55.
I mean tmyseeker. You better hurry on out to that dairy farm in Keyes. Seems somebody is hiding chicken poop in the cow poop. It is another cover up that you are qualified to investigate and solve. That is when you get some free tyime from your newly found photography hobby.
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!Bobby KnightUncle Sam's Boot
It must hurt to be as wrong as you..but it does make me laugh
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 17:59.
You keep guessing wrong but then all your hate is wrong. And I see you're still spamming
jheaton admit to Dan Day that you're SPAMMING
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 17:59.
for an attempted just don't make any...
Still adjusting 3 year old typos?..Talk about an exciting life..
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:01.
You don't lie any better than you cover up your hate.
I'm ready to re-enact Iwo Jima..I have a nice flag pole
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:02.
and you will make an amusing Mt.Suribachi
Are you still selling on your personal site..yes you are
Submitted by truthseekers on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:03.
that makes you a SPAMMER doesn't it.
Good girl gone bad-
Submitted by jerseygirl on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:18.
that's what jhe wants to hide... unfortunately for her, he can't and the proof is in the post (from three years ago).
We used to be civil to each other and the Hive archives has all the posts to prove it; hard to believe they are one in the same (person). Back then, he was just another card-carrying member of Club Compassionate Conservative, BEFORE Bush reached the pinnacle of his malfeasance and still eligible to steal another election. jhe's hatred had yet to evolve.
Hence, why I re-posted Superman/Katrina; it just shows how the more his party ate their own and destroyed everything in their path- including the core foundation of why Republicanism even arose (to reign in government and be fiscally conservative), the more bellicose became jhe in some desperate effort to take attention on how badly Bush and his Republicans trashed America. The weaker the lie became, the further the venom spat on his critics until he turned into what he is today: Ann Coulter without a book deal.
"Nice try" was a nice catch and what I hoped jhe would do- try to delete his "past." Way to play ball, truth! (Or is that pops, or old man, or...?!?)
"Sometimes a revolution is just what is needed to clean-up the system with one, giant enema."- Johnny Depp, "Once Upon a Time in Mexico."
Submitted by jheaton on Wed, 2009-01-21 18:31.
no republican....pure conservative independant...and compassion for those who deserve it.So I will leave this cess pool where Sonoran shrews do their dance of deciet and others that snap photos of dreams incomplete.
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!Bobby KnightUncle Sam's Boot
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
For Some President B. Hussein Obama Is About Race
Thanks to MM and Allah for this info. Rev. Wright was the beginning of four years of a racist based presidency.
The full paragraph:
“We ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to give back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man, and when white will embrace what is right,” Lowery said.
A reader points to this old civil rights chant that adds context to Lowery’s remarks — but makes the jab against whites all the more egregious
The full paragraph:
“We ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to give back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man, and when white will embrace what is right,” Lowery said.
A reader points to this old civil rights chant that adds context to Lowery’s remarks — but makes the jab against whites all the more egregious
For Some President B. Hussein Obama Is About Race
Thanks to MM and Allah for this info. Rev. Wright was the beginning of four years of a racist based presidency.
The full paragraph:
“We ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to give back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man, and when white will embrace what is right,” Lowery said.
A reader points to this old civil rights chant that adds context to Lowery’s remarks — but makes the jab against whites all the more egregious
The full paragraph:
“We ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to give back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man, and when white will embrace what is right,” Lowery said.
A reader points to this old civil rights chant that adds context to Lowery’s remarks — but makes the jab against whites all the more egregious
Saturday, January 17, 2009
King B. Hussein Obama?
If this were not so scary it would be funny. The libs in the congress are moving to repeal the 22 amendment to clear the way for the corrupt saviour to rule America for a thousand years. Well, the next four years are going to feel like a thousand! The complete blind lust these libs and other ignorant followers of The One are infected with is nothing short of sickening. He has nothing more than a belief that government is the be all and end all of our problems. Sorry Barry, it is the hard working, God fearing, gun owning folks that make this country great. Not some forked tongue poltico hack that has very bad morals who can't say when life begins because it is above his paygrade.
Posted: January 16, 200911:40 pm Eastern
By Drew Zahn© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Rep. Jose Serrano, D-N.Y.
As Inauguration Day approaches and Barack Obama prepares to assume his first term as president, some in Congress are hoping to make it possible for the Democrat to not only seek a second term in office, but a third and fourth as well.
The U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary is considering a bill that would repeal the Constitution's 22nd Amendment prohibiting a president from being elected to more than two terms in office.
Posted: January 16, 200911:40 pm Eastern
By Drew Zahn© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Rep. Jose Serrano, D-N.Y.
As Inauguration Day approaches and Barack Obama prepares to assume his first term as president, some in Congress are hoping to make it possible for the Democrat to not only seek a second term in office, but a third and fourth as well.
The U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary is considering a bill that would repeal the Constitution's 22nd Amendment prohibiting a president from being elected to more than two terms in office.
King B. Hussein Obama?
If this were not so scary it would be funny. The libs in the congress are moving to repeal the 22 amendment to clear the way for the corrupt saviour to rule America for a thousand years. Well, the next four years are going to feel like a thousand! The complete blind lust these libs and other ignorant followers of The One are infected with is nothing short of sickening. He has nothing more than a belief that government is the be all and end all of our problems. Sorry Barry, it is the hard working, God fearing, gun owning folks that make this country great. Not some forked tongue poltico hack that has very bad morals who can't say when life begins because it is above his paygrade.
Posted: January 16, 200911:40 pm Eastern
By Drew Zahn© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Rep. Jose Serrano, D-N.Y.
As Inauguration Day approaches and Barack Obama prepares to assume his first term as president, some in Congress are hoping to make it possible for the Democrat to not only seek a second term in office, but a third and fourth as well.
The U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary is considering a bill that would repeal the Constitution's 22nd Amendment prohibiting a president from being elected to more than two terms in office.
Posted: January 16, 200911:40 pm Eastern
By Drew Zahn© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Rep. Jose Serrano, D-N.Y.
As Inauguration Day approaches and Barack Obama prepares to assume his first term as president, some in Congress are hoping to make it possible for the Democrat to not only seek a second term in office, but a third and fourth as well.
The U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary is considering a bill that would repeal the Constitution's 22nd Amendment prohibiting a president from being elected to more than two terms in office.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Our Corrupt President Elect
I read this awhile ago and still can't believe Barry Hussein is not being made to answer for his illegal behavior.
Curtain Time For Barack Obama - Part II
By Evelyn Pringle
16 May,
Read Part IUS Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald does not make a habit of destroying pubic officials by listing them in indictments for no reason and the only two political candidates identified as receiving campaign money from Operation Board Games kickback schemes are Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and the US Senator from Illinois, Barack Obama. Instead of referring to Board Games as the “Rezko” case, before long the media will likely be calling it the “Blagojevich” case. However, because the governor did not become the presidential candidate, when the scandal is recorded in the history books it will be the “Barack Obama” case. Curtain Time Part II will show that Obama was the inside guy in the Illinois senate as far as setting up the Health Facilities Planning Board to extort contributions from companies in exchange for the approval of applications to build medial facilities.Obama was chairman of the Senate Health & Human Services Committee in January 2003. A few articles in the media have mentioned that Obama sat on a committee that reviewed matters related to the Planning Board in conjunction with the Governor's staff but none have discussed his integral part in getting the bill passed A review of senate records from January 2003 to August 2003, shows Obama played a major role as chairman of that committee, in pushing through Senate Bill 1332, that led to the "Illinois Health Facilities Planning Act," which reduced the number of members on the Board from 15 to 9, making the votes much easier to rig.Democratic Senator Susan Garrett sponsored the bill in the senate, and the chief co-sponsor was Republican Senator Dale Righter. These two senators were also on the Human Services Committee with Obama.The bill was filed with the senate secretary on February 20, 2003, and assigned to Human Services Committee for review on February 27. Less than a month later, as chairman, Obama sent word that the bill should be passed on March 13, 2003.On May 31, 2003, the House and Senate passed the bill and the only senator listed in the "yes" votes mentioned in the Board Games indictments is Obama.Blagojevich made the effective date June 27, 2003, and the co-schemers already had the people lined up to stack the Board and rig the votes with full approval from Obama.As discussed fully in Curtain Time for Obama Part I , the Republicans and Democrats worked together in setting up the Planning Board scheme because the Combine as a whole would profit.During the trial, Stuart Levine testified that when he sought reappointment to the Planning Board, he told Republican co-schemer, Bill Cellini, to tell the Blagojevich administration he would vote however they wanted when approving projects.He told the jury he had the same understanding with the two prior Republican governors, Jim Edgar, and George Ryan, who is now sitting in prison due to Fitzgerald’s successful prosecution of a corruption case against him.A June 2003 email exchange produced in the trial shows Obama was one of eight officials who received the names of the nominees for the new Board ahead of time, from the office of David Wilhelm, who headed Blagojevich's 2002 campaign for governor. Tony Rezko's name does not appear in the email. In fact, his attorney made the point to the jury that the exchange was from Blagojevich's general counsel, Susan Lichtenstein, and Wilhelm's office, and indicated the appointees were recommended by Wilhelm and supported by those who received the memo.The memo said, “we worked closely over the past six months” with eight officials including three state senators.Jennifer Thomas, a former aide in Blagojevich's patronage office, testified that she attended regular weekly meetings at Rezko’s office between the spring of 2003 and November 2004, and Rezko floated names and specifically said Levine should be reappointed to the new Board.The Senate bill said, the “Board shall be appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate." But the Senate Confirmation Hearings were a joke. For instance, the Feds recorded Levine talking to co-schemer, Jon Bauman, the day Levine learned he was approved by the Senate from the executive secretary of the Board. Levine told Bauman he ran into Jeffrey Marks, who said "congratulations on your appointment," and Levine asked for what. Marks said, "well the Senate Confirmation Hearings on Health Facility Plan Board members."He told Levine Senate President, Emil Jones, only allowed 2 members to be approved and "that was you and the other person he just put in.""Isn't that hysterical 'cause you know they had this big battle going on," Levine told Bauman.Laughing away, Levine said, "don't you just love it.""I'm one of those independents and not part of the block.""Well, good, you know it's good to be just a true independent civil servant," Bauman said laughing along with Levine."Is, is that a good thing," Levine replied, "I've never been that." Corrupt appointees fund Obama and Blagojevich campaignsThe corrupt new appointees were all contributors to the presidential hopeful, Blagojevich, and the US senate hopeful Obama. The previous Act allowed the Board itself to select a "Chairman and other officers as deemed necessary." But the new law stated: "The Governor shall designate one of the members to serve as Chairman and shall name as full-time Executive Secretary."The Board’s then sitting-chairman, Thomas Beck, who was originally appointed by a Republican governor, testified under a grant of immunity that he brought a $1,000 check to Rezko on July 15, 2003, to make sure Blagojevich reappointed him.A few weeks later, Beck said, Rezko called to say he would be reappointed along with a Republican holdover Levine. Beck also testified that Rezko told him Blagojevich was set to appoint Rezko’s three doctor friends to complete the rigged voting bloc. He said he met the doctors in August 2003, at the first meeting of the new Board.Dr Michel Malek gave Obama $10,000 a little over a month before the first meeting on June 30, 2003. He also donated $25,000 to Blagojevich three weeks later on July 25, 2003, and gave Obama another $500 in September 2003. Malek was an investor in Riverside Park.Dr Fortunee Massuda donated $25,000 to Blagojevich on July 25, 2003, and gave a total of $2,000 to Obama on different dates. Massuda's husband, Charles Hannon, is a co-schemer in the pension fund case and testified against Rezko in the trial.Dr Imad Almanaseer contributed a total of $3,000 to Obama after he landed the appointment. On March 13, 2008, Almanaseer testified against Rezko and told the jury he was an investor in Rezko's fast-food businesses.This doctor's son, Ahmed Almanaseer, was given a trade office intern position with the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. Ahmed is president of a bilingual human resources "site aimed at linking Iraqi job seekers with the companies engaged in the reconstruction [in Iraq] efforts," according to Rezko Watch.Corrupt Planning Board in actionThe first project approved by the new Board was for Mercy Health Systems, for which Bear Stearns served as a bond underwriter. The deal was to earn $1.5 million contribution for Blagojevich.In attempt to help seal the deal, when Mercy's application was submitted to Planning Board staff for review, the Department of Human Services sent a letter on October 23, 2003, to Donald Jones, Acting Supervisor of Project Review, with a recommendation for approval of the application, stating:"We at the Illinois Department of Human Services know how very important it is to have experienced providers such as Mercy Health System and believe they will meet the health care needs in South East McHenry County."Fitzgerald also presented an exhibit to the jury to show that Blagojevich’s director of the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Jack Lavin, sent a letter to Jones recommending approval. The exhibit also contained letters sent by the directors of the Department of Public Aid, the Department of Aging and the Department of Revenue, bringing the number to 5, urging Jones to support approval for Mercy.The Planning Board staff still recommended the rejection of Mercy’s proposal. On March 11, 2008, Jones told the jury that experts found the application failed to meet 18 criteria set up for the establishment of a new hospital. He said it was also too close to other hospitals that had too many empty beds and services not fully utilized.
The day before the vote in December 2003, Mercy hired the Chicago-based law firm of Gardner, Carton and Douglas. Gardner had donated $25,000 to Blagojevich in July 2003.Although the application was rejected the first time, Mercy moved for reconsideration and won approval at the April 21, 2004 meeting. Beck testified that after the meeting, he and Levine drove to Rezko's office to tell him the plan was approved and Rezko was there with Christopher Kelly.
Once approved, the plan was for co-schemer Jacob Kiferbaum to pad the construction costs on the hospital and pay the kickback through a bogus consulting contract with Levine's business associate, Dr Robert Weinstein. After helping set up the Planning Board, Dave Wilhelm became a consultant for Edward Hospital. Edward also wanted approval to build a new hospital. On April 9, 2008, Levine testified that he met with Wilhelm and another Edward lobbyist in the summer of 2003, and came away with the impression that Wilhelm's contribution to the team was clout with the Blagojevich administration.Wilhelm's investment firm, Hopewell Ventures, also received approval for deals from the Teacher pension fund. On April 10, 2008, Levine told the jury, "Mr. Rezko told me that Gov. Blagojevich and Mr. Rezko wanted to keep track of what clients Mr. Wilhelm had before various boards in the state of Illinois.""And they wanted to keep track of what success he had and what success he did not have," he said. Rezko and the governor wanted "to assess the value of Mr. Wilhelm's contribution to helping Gov. Blagojevich," Levine testified.Wilhelm's clients should not win business "unless I was specifically told by Mr. Rezko that he wanted him to be successful," he told the jury.Levine said he then got word to Edward officials that Wilhelm was on the outs with Blagojevich and set up an elaborate scheme to convince Edward that their application would be approved if Edward hired a construction company owned by Kiferbaum to build the new medical center and hospital and Bear Stearns as a $200 million bond underwriter. Board chairman, Beck, received fees from Bear Stearns and Bear Stearns also employed Beck’s son, David Beck, as a managing director in its municipal bond office in Chicago.As a member of the Planning Board, Levine was prohibited from engaging in ex parte communications with applicants with matters pending before the Board. So in order to protect Levine, Kiferbaum and Republican insider, P Nicholas Hurtgen, met Edward CEO, Pam Davis, in place of Levine. Hurtgen wanted his employer, Bear Stearns, to receive the financing work. On December 22, 2003, Hurtgen talked to Davis, and said if Edward hired Kiferbaum, he thought Edward would not have any more difficulties with the Board. Hurtgen said he was selling “clout,” and Levine was the “clout.” The following day, Kiferbaum and Hurtgen both met with Davis in attempt to persuade her to hire Kiferbaum. Kiferbaum told Davis that he had been working with Mercy and its application to build a new hospital was going to be approved.In response to their claims, Davis asked Kiferbaum and Hurtgen to prove they were telling the truth about Levine’s role by setting up a meeting with Levine.Levine agreed to set up a meeting where he and Hurtgen would just happen to bump into to Davis and Kiferbaum while they were having breakfast at the same restaurant. Levine instructed Kiferbaum to tell Davis she should not ask anything direct about her project because of the bar against ex parte communications. But the extortion attempt backfired when Davis went to the Feds in December 2003, and kicked off the investigation now known as Operation Board Game. The Feds put wiretaps on the phone lines in Levine's home, and between April 8, 2004 and May 21, 2004, caught most of the co-schemers on tape. And as planned, on April 18, 2004, Davis went to the restaurant for breakfast with Kiferbaum. Levine and Hurtgen walked over to their table and Levine told her he was the Chairman of the Board of the Chicago Medical School and Kiferbaum had done work for them. He said Kiferbaum was a person upon whom one can rely and whose word can be depended on.Two days later, Edward faxed Kiferbaum a letter stating Edward would not hire Kiferbaum. He called Levine and told him about the refusal and the next day the Board voted against the proposal and issued a notice of an intent-to-deny the application.The Feds moved in on Levine on May 20, 2004. In his plea agreement, Levine acknowledged that an estimate of the benefit from the Edward scheme would have been approximately $1,810,000.Feds track Obama's visits to RezkoIn the media, Obama always made it sound like he rarely saw Rezko, saying they met for breakfast or lunch once or twice a year. However, the FBI mole John Thomas helped investigators “build a record of repeat visits to the old offices of Rezko and former business partner Daniel Mahru's Rezmar Corp., at 853 N. Elston, by Blagojevich and Obama during 2004 and 2005,“ according to the February 10, 2008 Sun-Times.During his March 14, 2008 interview, the Times told Obama, Thomas is an FBI mole and he "recently told us that he saw you coming and going from Rezko's office a lot." "And three other sources told us that you and Rezko spoke on the phone daily.""Is that true?" the reporter asked."No," Obama said, "That's not accurate.""I think what is true," he said, "is that, it depends on the period of time.""I've known him for 17 years," Obama stated. "There were stretches of time where I would see him once or twice a year."He told the Times, "when he was involved in finance committee for the U.S. Senate race, or the state senate races, or the U.S. Congressional race, then he was an active member.""During the U.S. Senate race, there's be stretches of like a couple of weeks - for example prior to him organizing the fundraiser that he did for us - where I would probably be talking to him once a day to make sure that was going well," he said."But the typical relationship was one that was fond," he added. "We would see each other.""But there would be no reason for me to be seeing him that often," he stated.This issue may be sorted out soon enough because Fitzgerald’s charts matching up Obama’s contributions, visits and calls are bound to be every bit as thorough as the ones produced to prove Rezko is guilty as charged in the first trial. They simply were not produced because they were not needed to prove the defendant guilty in the first case.As an example of what records might be squirreled away, consider that an FBI agent presented a chart to the jury on April 28, 2008, showing 257 calls from Rezko’s phones to Blagojevich’s chief of staff, Lon Monk, between March 2004 and May 2004 alone.He also had a list of all calls between Levine and Rezko from November 2002 to May 2004. Rezko’s attorney brought out a point that backs the assertion that just because records on Obama were not shown, does not mean they do not exist. The attorney questioned the agent about missing calls, and specifically those to and from Christopher Kelly. The agent first said records were not available, but later admitted the government probably does have records on Kelly that were not available to him.
In addition, the contributions extorted through the Planning Board scheme were for the intended presidential candidate, Blagojevich. Obama’s US senate war chest was already funded and by the time these kickbacks were paid that campaign would be over.But Obama did end up with $20,000 from the very first kickback paid in the pension fund scheme set up through the Board of the Teacher's Retirement System.Elie Maloof and Joseph Aramanda, the straw donors used to funnel the contributions to Obama, also made $1,000 contributions of their own for his failed run for Congress in 2000, on the same day March 17, 2000. In addition, Aramanda gave $500 to Obama's senate campaign on June 30, 2003. In the summer of 2005, Aramanda's teenage son landed a coveted intern position in Obama's senate office in Washington.Obama also received contributions directly from the persons appointed to the pension board for the express purpose of rigging the votes. On June 30, 2003, appointee, Jack Carriglio contributed $1,000. The other appointee, Anthony Abboud, donated $500 to Obama on June 30, 2003, $250 on March 5, 2004, and $1,000 on June 25, 2004.Michael Winter, who prosecutors say agreed to serve as a funnel for kickbacks paid through an investment firm in one scheme donated $3,000 to Obama on June 30, 2003.Planning Board Scheme unravelsWhen interviewing with the Sun-Times, Obama claimed not to know Rezko was under investigation for influence peddling in the months leading up to June 2005, stating: "During the time that I was purchasing the house, there were some noises about Tony having potential problems. But they . . . hadn't risen to the attention that they ultimately would."“And I viewed him as . . . purchasing the lot as a friend purchasing a lot, somebody who was interested in real estate development and who was experienced in real estate development.”The claim that there were merely "some noises about Tony" was a blatant lie and the Times should have called him on it.Obama was still chairman of the Human Services Committee when lawmakers learned Fitzgerald was on to the Planning Board scheme in the spring of 2004, a year before Obama entered into the real estate deal in June 2005. On July 11, 2004, the Sun-Times reported: “A key Blagojevich fund-raiser, Tony Rezko, played a role in recommending appointees to the board.”With stories appearing about the scandal almost daily, Illinois House Speaker, Michael Madigan, introduced legislation to fire the board and Blagojevich had no choice but to issue an executive order in July 2004, stating: “In light of recent allegations concerning the propriety of certain board actions, the governor hereby imposes a moratorium on all meetings and actions of the board until the board is reconstituted by law.”By this time, Levine had already resigned and Almanaseer asked not to be reappointed. Both the House and Senate voted to give all members the boot at the end of July. But Obama's name is conspicuously missing from the session on July 24, 2004, when Bill 7307 was passed to get rid of legislation he pushed through a year earlier.The transcripts from the sessions in July 2004 show lawmakers in both parties were outraged over the scheme. However, nothing much changed, because the new bill included the same process for vetting and appointing members to the new Board.During the July 24, 2004 session, Senator Peter Roskam questioned the wisdom of passing a bill that is "silent as to any changes in the vetting."Referring to Blagojevich, he noted the current "vetter" and "backgrounder" who "placed all of these individuals on the Health Facilities Planning Board, apparently completely failed in that vetting and backgrounding." The bill "leaves the same amount of authority in the same person that we're criticizing implicitly today for failing to appoint good people," he said.Senate President Jones defended the process and the corrupt members. “Let it be understood,” he said, “that those mere allegations were against -- were made as regard to members who had been reappointed, and that’s the Chairman and several other members had been reappointed to the Board.”“And so, this legislation is in no way to say that the Governor’s Office didn’t do its proper job,” Jones stated. But then the Senate had to advise and consent to the "vetted" candidates and as noted above, Jones played a big part in the reappointment of Levine.Jones also told his fellow lawmakers, “this bill does not cast any aspersions on any current Board members because they are mere allegations.“ “We don’t know any facts,” he said.During the session, Senator Kirk Dillard had the apparent audacity to ask Jones, "is there anything in this bill that prohibits a member of the Health Facilities reconstituted Planning Board from giving campaign contributions to politicians?""No, that's not included in the Act," Jones answered."So, it would still be possible for somebody to give a large, say twenty-five-thousand- dollar contribution one day to a political figure and get reappointed or appointed to this Board a couple of days later?" Dillard asked."There is no such prohibition," Jones said, "for this Board or any other board, be it the Gaming Board, be -- there is no such prohibition."Indictment headlines non-stop during Obama's real estate dealsThe first indictment in the Planning Board case came a month before the mansion deal was finalized. On May 9, 2005, CBS Channel 2 Chicago, reported, "Stuart Levine is accused of using his position on a powerful state health board to cut himself and his buddies in on hospital construction contracts worth $113 million."Hurtgen and Kiferbaum were also charged for their part in the Edward extortion scheme. CBS pointed out that before joining Bear Stearns, Hurtgen “worked in the administration of then-Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson as deputy secretary in the state Department of Administration, which supervised state bond issues.”On May 10, 2005, the Sun-Times reported Levine, “who has given more than $1.6 million to mostly Republican state politicians since 1993, was re-appointed to the planning board -- as well as the state Teachers' Retirement System board -- at the urging of ... Rezko.”
Levine was rousted out of bed by FBI agents, the Times said, “and hauled into court on fraud charges alleging kickbacks, influence-peddling and insider dealing.”John Glennon, a former adviser to Republican Governor George Ryan, was also charged with “criminal conspiracy for concealing kickbacks in the financing and construction of two Illinois hospitals and lying to federal authorities." The Republican Combine member Glennon gave $1,000 to Obama on January 8, 2004.At the time, Fitzgerald would not say whether anyone in Blagojevich's office had been questioned or who else was tied to the scheme. But the Times quoted FBI Agent, Robert Grant, as saying: "Stay tuned; there will be more charges in the future." This article noted that Kiferbaum was already cooperating. Five days later, the Times reported Rezko “had a hand in staffing decisions at the scandal-tainted Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board.”On May 20, 2005, the Times said, “Two Rezko associates gave Blagojevich $25,000 each just days after the governor named them to a state panel.”However, the reporters either failed to notice, or failed to mention, that panel member Malek gave $10,000 to Obama on June 30, 2003.Less than 3 months before Obama bought 10-feet of the lot, on October 31, 2005, the Times reported: “Investigations of the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board and state Teachers' Retirement System have yielded federal charges against six people.”The article also noted that, “in a guilty plea ... Joseph Cari alleged he had been told by a now-indicted former pension board member that Blagojevich and two top fund-raisers, Antoin "Tony" Rezko and Christopher G. Kelly, schemed to award pension business to consultants, lawyers and investment firms who donated to Blagojevich.”Cari donated $1,335 to Obama’s campaign and gave $10,000 to Blagojevich. During the trial, Cari testified that Blagojevich, Rezko and Kelly tried to convince him to take over the national fundraising campaign for Blagojevich's presidential bid.Obama's senate finance committee during Planning Board schemeIn his interview with the Tribune on March 14, Obama said Rezko "was a part of our finance committee and was listed as part of our finance committee."
In 2003 and 2004, his finance committee raised the money as the Planning Board scheme was set up and the scandal unraveled. Yet Obama told the Tribune in regard to Rezko, "at that time, there were no indications that he was involved in anything inappropriate."Apparently, Obama expects the public to believe that nobody on this committee bothered to tell him he received a single contribution of $10,000, and the money came from a person he just recommended for the Board.Other members of the committee included Rezko's wife Rita, and Valerie Jarrett, who got her jump start into a lucrative real estate career in the Combine's Daley administration. She now serves as chairman of Obama's presidential finance committee.Jarrett racked up eight years in Chicago government, first as deputy corporation counsel for Finance and Development, then as deputy chief of staff to Daley and finally, as commissioner of Chicago's Department of Planning and Development, according to a summary of her achievements obtained from the Business Week website on April 8, 2008. While serving as Commissioner, Jarrett "consolidated the Department of Planning, Economic Development and Urban Renewal; implemented a model program for the revitalization of three Chicago neighborhoods; and created a business express unit to cut red tape to service Chicago businesses," says the Cook County Information Center.Obama's introduction into the "Combine" came when his wife Michelle was hired by Jarrett in the early 1990s, and served as Jarrett’s assistant in Daley’s office and followed her to the Department of Planning and Development.Jarrett was appointed chairman of the University of Chicago Medical Center Board in June 2006. She was also made chairman of a newly created Executive Committee of that Board, according to a June 13, 2006 University announcement. In addition, Jarrett was named vice-chair of the University's Board of Trustees, the announcement states.Michelle landed a high paying job at the University of Chicago Hospitals. Two months after Obama became a US senator, she was appointed vice president for community and external affairs. Tax returns show the promotion nearly tripled her pay to $317,000 in 2005, from $122,000 in 2004.On February 14, 2008, Wilhelm endorsed Obama in a call with reporters, citing the senator's "masterful" campaign organization and strategy as well as his "undeniable momentum." "He has outworked, outorganized and outraised his opponents every step of the way," Wilhelm said. "The Obama campaign, win or lose, will serve as a model for future generations to come." Wilhelm’s firm has received a subpoena for records related to pension fund investments.
If the Combine's plot with the Bush administration to shut down Operation Board Games had worked, Obama would be home free. But it failed and the Republicans are just waiting to air the roadmap of dirt pieced together from Fitzgerald's investigation if Obama is nominated. McCain is in the clear because there is no sign of his involvement anywhere.
Curtain Time For Barack Obama - Part II
By Evelyn Pringle
16 May,
Read Part IUS Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald does not make a habit of destroying pubic officials by listing them in indictments for no reason and the only two political candidates identified as receiving campaign money from Operation Board Games kickback schemes are Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and the US Senator from Illinois, Barack Obama. Instead of referring to Board Games as the “Rezko” case, before long the media will likely be calling it the “Blagojevich” case. However, because the governor did not become the presidential candidate, when the scandal is recorded in the history books it will be the “Barack Obama” case. Curtain Time Part II will show that Obama was the inside guy in the Illinois senate as far as setting up the Health Facilities Planning Board to extort contributions from companies in exchange for the approval of applications to build medial facilities.Obama was chairman of the Senate Health & Human Services Committee in January 2003. A few articles in the media have mentioned that Obama sat on a committee that reviewed matters related to the Planning Board in conjunction with the Governor's staff but none have discussed his integral part in getting the bill passed A review of senate records from January 2003 to August 2003, shows Obama played a major role as chairman of that committee, in pushing through Senate Bill 1332, that led to the "Illinois Health Facilities Planning Act," which reduced the number of members on the Board from 15 to 9, making the votes much easier to rig.Democratic Senator Susan Garrett sponsored the bill in the senate, and the chief co-sponsor was Republican Senator Dale Righter. These two senators were also on the Human Services Committee with Obama.The bill was filed with the senate secretary on February 20, 2003, and assigned to Human Services Committee for review on February 27. Less than a month later, as chairman, Obama sent word that the bill should be passed on March 13, 2003.On May 31, 2003, the House and Senate passed the bill and the only senator listed in the "yes" votes mentioned in the Board Games indictments is Obama.Blagojevich made the effective date June 27, 2003, and the co-schemers already had the people lined up to stack the Board and rig the votes with full approval from Obama.As discussed fully in Curtain Time for Obama Part I , the Republicans and Democrats worked together in setting up the Planning Board scheme because the Combine as a whole would profit.During the trial, Stuart Levine testified that when he sought reappointment to the Planning Board, he told Republican co-schemer, Bill Cellini, to tell the Blagojevich administration he would vote however they wanted when approving projects.He told the jury he had the same understanding with the two prior Republican governors, Jim Edgar, and George Ryan, who is now sitting in prison due to Fitzgerald’s successful prosecution of a corruption case against him.A June 2003 email exchange produced in the trial shows Obama was one of eight officials who received the names of the nominees for the new Board ahead of time, from the office of David Wilhelm, who headed Blagojevich's 2002 campaign for governor. Tony Rezko's name does not appear in the email. In fact, his attorney made the point to the jury that the exchange was from Blagojevich's general counsel, Susan Lichtenstein, and Wilhelm's office, and indicated the appointees were recommended by Wilhelm and supported by those who received the memo.The memo said, “we worked closely over the past six months” with eight officials including three state senators.Jennifer Thomas, a former aide in Blagojevich's patronage office, testified that she attended regular weekly meetings at Rezko’s office between the spring of 2003 and November 2004, and Rezko floated names and specifically said Levine should be reappointed to the new Board.The Senate bill said, the “Board shall be appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate." But the Senate Confirmation Hearings were a joke. For instance, the Feds recorded Levine talking to co-schemer, Jon Bauman, the day Levine learned he was approved by the Senate from the executive secretary of the Board. Levine told Bauman he ran into Jeffrey Marks, who said "congratulations on your appointment," and Levine asked for what. Marks said, "well the Senate Confirmation Hearings on Health Facility Plan Board members."He told Levine Senate President, Emil Jones, only allowed 2 members to be approved and "that was you and the other person he just put in.""Isn't that hysterical 'cause you know they had this big battle going on," Levine told Bauman.Laughing away, Levine said, "don't you just love it.""I'm one of those independents and not part of the block.""Well, good, you know it's good to be just a true independent civil servant," Bauman said laughing along with Levine."Is, is that a good thing," Levine replied, "I've never been that." Corrupt appointees fund Obama and Blagojevich campaignsThe corrupt new appointees were all contributors to the presidential hopeful, Blagojevich, and the US senate hopeful Obama. The previous Act allowed the Board itself to select a "Chairman and other officers as deemed necessary." But the new law stated: "The Governor shall designate one of the members to serve as Chairman and shall name as full-time Executive Secretary."The Board’s then sitting-chairman, Thomas Beck, who was originally appointed by a Republican governor, testified under a grant of immunity that he brought a $1,000 check to Rezko on July 15, 2003, to make sure Blagojevich reappointed him.A few weeks later, Beck said, Rezko called to say he would be reappointed along with a Republican holdover Levine. Beck also testified that Rezko told him Blagojevich was set to appoint Rezko’s three doctor friends to complete the rigged voting bloc. He said he met the doctors in August 2003, at the first meeting of the new Board.Dr Michel Malek gave Obama $10,000 a little over a month before the first meeting on June 30, 2003. He also donated $25,000 to Blagojevich three weeks later on July 25, 2003, and gave Obama another $500 in September 2003. Malek was an investor in Riverside Park.Dr Fortunee Massuda donated $25,000 to Blagojevich on July 25, 2003, and gave a total of $2,000 to Obama on different dates. Massuda's husband, Charles Hannon, is a co-schemer in the pension fund case and testified against Rezko in the trial.Dr Imad Almanaseer contributed a total of $3,000 to Obama after he landed the appointment. On March 13, 2008, Almanaseer testified against Rezko and told the jury he was an investor in Rezko's fast-food businesses.This doctor's son, Ahmed Almanaseer, was given a trade office intern position with the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. Ahmed is president of a bilingual human resources "site aimed at linking Iraqi job seekers with the companies engaged in the reconstruction [in Iraq] efforts," according to Rezko Watch.Corrupt Planning Board in actionThe first project approved by the new Board was for Mercy Health Systems, for which Bear Stearns served as a bond underwriter. The deal was to earn $1.5 million contribution for Blagojevich.In attempt to help seal the deal, when Mercy's application was submitted to Planning Board staff for review, the Department of Human Services sent a letter on October 23, 2003, to Donald Jones, Acting Supervisor of Project Review, with a recommendation for approval of the application, stating:"We at the Illinois Department of Human Services know how very important it is to have experienced providers such as Mercy Health System and believe they will meet the health care needs in South East McHenry County."Fitzgerald also presented an exhibit to the jury to show that Blagojevich’s director of the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Jack Lavin, sent a letter to Jones recommending approval. The exhibit also contained letters sent by the directors of the Department of Public Aid, the Department of Aging and the Department of Revenue, bringing the number to 5, urging Jones to support approval for Mercy.The Planning Board staff still recommended the rejection of Mercy’s proposal. On March 11, 2008, Jones told the jury that experts found the application failed to meet 18 criteria set up for the establishment of a new hospital. He said it was also too close to other hospitals that had too many empty beds and services not fully utilized.
The day before the vote in December 2003, Mercy hired the Chicago-based law firm of Gardner, Carton and Douglas. Gardner had donated $25,000 to Blagojevich in July 2003.Although the application was rejected the first time, Mercy moved for reconsideration and won approval at the April 21, 2004 meeting. Beck testified that after the meeting, he and Levine drove to Rezko's office to tell him the plan was approved and Rezko was there with Christopher Kelly.
Once approved, the plan was for co-schemer Jacob Kiferbaum to pad the construction costs on the hospital and pay the kickback through a bogus consulting contract with Levine's business associate, Dr Robert Weinstein. After helping set up the Planning Board, Dave Wilhelm became a consultant for Edward Hospital. Edward also wanted approval to build a new hospital. On April 9, 2008, Levine testified that he met with Wilhelm and another Edward lobbyist in the summer of 2003, and came away with the impression that Wilhelm's contribution to the team was clout with the Blagojevich administration.Wilhelm's investment firm, Hopewell Ventures, also received approval for deals from the Teacher pension fund. On April 10, 2008, Levine told the jury, "Mr. Rezko told me that Gov. Blagojevich and Mr. Rezko wanted to keep track of what clients Mr. Wilhelm had before various boards in the state of Illinois.""And they wanted to keep track of what success he had and what success he did not have," he said. Rezko and the governor wanted "to assess the value of Mr. Wilhelm's contribution to helping Gov. Blagojevich," Levine testified.Wilhelm's clients should not win business "unless I was specifically told by Mr. Rezko that he wanted him to be successful," he told the jury.Levine said he then got word to Edward officials that Wilhelm was on the outs with Blagojevich and set up an elaborate scheme to convince Edward that their application would be approved if Edward hired a construction company owned by Kiferbaum to build the new medical center and hospital and Bear Stearns as a $200 million bond underwriter. Board chairman, Beck, received fees from Bear Stearns and Bear Stearns also employed Beck’s son, David Beck, as a managing director in its municipal bond office in Chicago.As a member of the Planning Board, Levine was prohibited from engaging in ex parte communications with applicants with matters pending before the Board. So in order to protect Levine, Kiferbaum and Republican insider, P Nicholas Hurtgen, met Edward CEO, Pam Davis, in place of Levine. Hurtgen wanted his employer, Bear Stearns, to receive the financing work. On December 22, 2003, Hurtgen talked to Davis, and said if Edward hired Kiferbaum, he thought Edward would not have any more difficulties with the Board. Hurtgen said he was selling “clout,” and Levine was the “clout.” The following day, Kiferbaum and Hurtgen both met with Davis in attempt to persuade her to hire Kiferbaum. Kiferbaum told Davis that he had been working with Mercy and its application to build a new hospital was going to be approved.In response to their claims, Davis asked Kiferbaum and Hurtgen to prove they were telling the truth about Levine’s role by setting up a meeting with Levine.Levine agreed to set up a meeting where he and Hurtgen would just happen to bump into to Davis and Kiferbaum while they were having breakfast at the same restaurant. Levine instructed Kiferbaum to tell Davis she should not ask anything direct about her project because of the bar against ex parte communications. But the extortion attempt backfired when Davis went to the Feds in December 2003, and kicked off the investigation now known as Operation Board Game. The Feds put wiretaps on the phone lines in Levine's home, and between April 8, 2004 and May 21, 2004, caught most of the co-schemers on tape. And as planned, on April 18, 2004, Davis went to the restaurant for breakfast with Kiferbaum. Levine and Hurtgen walked over to their table and Levine told her he was the Chairman of the Board of the Chicago Medical School and Kiferbaum had done work for them. He said Kiferbaum was a person upon whom one can rely and whose word can be depended on.Two days later, Edward faxed Kiferbaum a letter stating Edward would not hire Kiferbaum. He called Levine and told him about the refusal and the next day the Board voted against the proposal and issued a notice of an intent-to-deny the application.The Feds moved in on Levine on May 20, 2004. In his plea agreement, Levine acknowledged that an estimate of the benefit from the Edward scheme would have been approximately $1,810,000.Feds track Obama's visits to RezkoIn the media, Obama always made it sound like he rarely saw Rezko, saying they met for breakfast or lunch once or twice a year. However, the FBI mole John Thomas helped investigators “build a record of repeat visits to the old offices of Rezko and former business partner Daniel Mahru's Rezmar Corp., at 853 N. Elston, by Blagojevich and Obama during 2004 and 2005,“ according to the February 10, 2008 Sun-Times.During his March 14, 2008 interview, the Times told Obama, Thomas is an FBI mole and he "recently told us that he saw you coming and going from Rezko's office a lot." "And three other sources told us that you and Rezko spoke on the phone daily.""Is that true?" the reporter asked."No," Obama said, "That's not accurate.""I think what is true," he said, "is that, it depends on the period of time.""I've known him for 17 years," Obama stated. "There were stretches of time where I would see him once or twice a year."He told the Times, "when he was involved in finance committee for the U.S. Senate race, or the state senate races, or the U.S. Congressional race, then he was an active member.""During the U.S. Senate race, there's be stretches of like a couple of weeks - for example prior to him organizing the fundraiser that he did for us - where I would probably be talking to him once a day to make sure that was going well," he said."But the typical relationship was one that was fond," he added. "We would see each other.""But there would be no reason for me to be seeing him that often," he stated.This issue may be sorted out soon enough because Fitzgerald’s charts matching up Obama’s contributions, visits and calls are bound to be every bit as thorough as the ones produced to prove Rezko is guilty as charged in the first trial. They simply were not produced because they were not needed to prove the defendant guilty in the first case.As an example of what records might be squirreled away, consider that an FBI agent presented a chart to the jury on April 28, 2008, showing 257 calls from Rezko’s phones to Blagojevich’s chief of staff, Lon Monk, between March 2004 and May 2004 alone.He also had a list of all calls between Levine and Rezko from November 2002 to May 2004. Rezko’s attorney brought out a point that backs the assertion that just because records on Obama were not shown, does not mean they do not exist. The attorney questioned the agent about missing calls, and specifically those to and from Christopher Kelly. The agent first said records were not available, but later admitted the government probably does have records on Kelly that were not available to him.
In addition, the contributions extorted through the Planning Board scheme were for the intended presidential candidate, Blagojevich. Obama’s US senate war chest was already funded and by the time these kickbacks were paid that campaign would be over.But Obama did end up with $20,000 from the very first kickback paid in the pension fund scheme set up through the Board of the Teacher's Retirement System.Elie Maloof and Joseph Aramanda, the straw donors used to funnel the contributions to Obama, also made $1,000 contributions of their own for his failed run for Congress in 2000, on the same day March 17, 2000. In addition, Aramanda gave $500 to Obama's senate campaign on June 30, 2003. In the summer of 2005, Aramanda's teenage son landed a coveted intern position in Obama's senate office in Washington.Obama also received contributions directly from the persons appointed to the pension board for the express purpose of rigging the votes. On June 30, 2003, appointee, Jack Carriglio contributed $1,000. The other appointee, Anthony Abboud, donated $500 to Obama on June 30, 2003, $250 on March 5, 2004, and $1,000 on June 25, 2004.Michael Winter, who prosecutors say agreed to serve as a funnel for kickbacks paid through an investment firm in one scheme donated $3,000 to Obama on June 30, 2003.Planning Board Scheme unravelsWhen interviewing with the Sun-Times, Obama claimed not to know Rezko was under investigation for influence peddling in the months leading up to June 2005, stating: "During the time that I was purchasing the house, there were some noises about Tony having potential problems. But they . . . hadn't risen to the attention that they ultimately would."“And I viewed him as . . . purchasing the lot as a friend purchasing a lot, somebody who was interested in real estate development and who was experienced in real estate development.”The claim that there were merely "some noises about Tony" was a blatant lie and the Times should have called him on it.Obama was still chairman of the Human Services Committee when lawmakers learned Fitzgerald was on to the Planning Board scheme in the spring of 2004, a year before Obama entered into the real estate deal in June 2005. On July 11, 2004, the Sun-Times reported: “A key Blagojevich fund-raiser, Tony Rezko, played a role in recommending appointees to the board.”With stories appearing about the scandal almost daily, Illinois House Speaker, Michael Madigan, introduced legislation to fire the board and Blagojevich had no choice but to issue an executive order in July 2004, stating: “In light of recent allegations concerning the propriety of certain board actions, the governor hereby imposes a moratorium on all meetings and actions of the board until the board is reconstituted by law.”By this time, Levine had already resigned and Almanaseer asked not to be reappointed. Both the House and Senate voted to give all members the boot at the end of July. But Obama's name is conspicuously missing from the session on July 24, 2004, when Bill 7307 was passed to get rid of legislation he pushed through a year earlier.The transcripts from the sessions in July 2004 show lawmakers in both parties were outraged over the scheme. However, nothing much changed, because the new bill included the same process for vetting and appointing members to the new Board.During the July 24, 2004 session, Senator Peter Roskam questioned the wisdom of passing a bill that is "silent as to any changes in the vetting."Referring to Blagojevich, he noted the current "vetter" and "backgrounder" who "placed all of these individuals on the Health Facilities Planning Board, apparently completely failed in that vetting and backgrounding." The bill "leaves the same amount of authority in the same person that we're criticizing implicitly today for failing to appoint good people," he said.Senate President Jones defended the process and the corrupt members. “Let it be understood,” he said, “that those mere allegations were against -- were made as regard to members who had been reappointed, and that’s the Chairman and several other members had been reappointed to the Board.”“And so, this legislation is in no way to say that the Governor’s Office didn’t do its proper job,” Jones stated. But then the Senate had to advise and consent to the "vetted" candidates and as noted above, Jones played a big part in the reappointment of Levine.Jones also told his fellow lawmakers, “this bill does not cast any aspersions on any current Board members because they are mere allegations.“ “We don’t know any facts,” he said.During the session, Senator Kirk Dillard had the apparent audacity to ask Jones, "is there anything in this bill that prohibits a member of the Health Facilities reconstituted Planning Board from giving campaign contributions to politicians?""No, that's not included in the Act," Jones answered."So, it would still be possible for somebody to give a large, say twenty-five-thousand- dollar contribution one day to a political figure and get reappointed or appointed to this Board a couple of days later?" Dillard asked."There is no such prohibition," Jones said, "for this Board or any other board, be it the Gaming Board, be -- there is no such prohibition."Indictment headlines non-stop during Obama's real estate dealsThe first indictment in the Planning Board case came a month before the mansion deal was finalized. On May 9, 2005, CBS Channel 2 Chicago, reported, "Stuart Levine is accused of using his position on a powerful state health board to cut himself and his buddies in on hospital construction contracts worth $113 million."Hurtgen and Kiferbaum were also charged for their part in the Edward extortion scheme. CBS pointed out that before joining Bear Stearns, Hurtgen “worked in the administration of then-Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson as deputy secretary in the state Department of Administration, which supervised state bond issues.”On May 10, 2005, the Sun-Times reported Levine, “who has given more than $1.6 million to mostly Republican state politicians since 1993, was re-appointed to the planning board -- as well as the state Teachers' Retirement System board -- at the urging of ... Rezko.”
Levine was rousted out of bed by FBI agents, the Times said, “and hauled into court on fraud charges alleging kickbacks, influence-peddling and insider dealing.”John Glennon, a former adviser to Republican Governor George Ryan, was also charged with “criminal conspiracy for concealing kickbacks in the financing and construction of two Illinois hospitals and lying to federal authorities." The Republican Combine member Glennon gave $1,000 to Obama on January 8, 2004.At the time, Fitzgerald would not say whether anyone in Blagojevich's office had been questioned or who else was tied to the scheme. But the Times quoted FBI Agent, Robert Grant, as saying: "Stay tuned; there will be more charges in the future." This article noted that Kiferbaum was already cooperating. Five days later, the Times reported Rezko “had a hand in staffing decisions at the scandal-tainted Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board.”On May 20, 2005, the Times said, “Two Rezko associates gave Blagojevich $25,000 each just days after the governor named them to a state panel.”However, the reporters either failed to notice, or failed to mention, that panel member Malek gave $10,000 to Obama on June 30, 2003.Less than 3 months before Obama bought 10-feet of the lot, on October 31, 2005, the Times reported: “Investigations of the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board and state Teachers' Retirement System have yielded federal charges against six people.”The article also noted that, “in a guilty plea ... Joseph Cari alleged he had been told by a now-indicted former pension board member that Blagojevich and two top fund-raisers, Antoin "Tony" Rezko and Christopher G. Kelly, schemed to award pension business to consultants, lawyers and investment firms who donated to Blagojevich.”Cari donated $1,335 to Obama’s campaign and gave $10,000 to Blagojevich. During the trial, Cari testified that Blagojevich, Rezko and Kelly tried to convince him to take over the national fundraising campaign for Blagojevich's presidential bid.Obama's senate finance committee during Planning Board schemeIn his interview with the Tribune on March 14, Obama said Rezko "was a part of our finance committee and was listed as part of our finance committee."
In 2003 and 2004, his finance committee raised the money as the Planning Board scheme was set up and the scandal unraveled. Yet Obama told the Tribune in regard to Rezko, "at that time, there were no indications that he was involved in anything inappropriate."Apparently, Obama expects the public to believe that nobody on this committee bothered to tell him he received a single contribution of $10,000, and the money came from a person he just recommended for the Board.Other members of the committee included Rezko's wife Rita, and Valerie Jarrett, who got her jump start into a lucrative real estate career in the Combine's Daley administration. She now serves as chairman of Obama's presidential finance committee.Jarrett racked up eight years in Chicago government, first as deputy corporation counsel for Finance and Development, then as deputy chief of staff to Daley and finally, as commissioner of Chicago's Department of Planning and Development, according to a summary of her achievements obtained from the Business Week website on April 8, 2008. While serving as Commissioner, Jarrett "consolidated the Department of Planning, Economic Development and Urban Renewal; implemented a model program for the revitalization of three Chicago neighborhoods; and created a business express unit to cut red tape to service Chicago businesses," says the Cook County Information Center.Obama's introduction into the "Combine" came when his wife Michelle was hired by Jarrett in the early 1990s, and served as Jarrett’s assistant in Daley’s office and followed her to the Department of Planning and Development.Jarrett was appointed chairman of the University of Chicago Medical Center Board in June 2006. She was also made chairman of a newly created Executive Committee of that Board, according to a June 13, 2006 University announcement. In addition, Jarrett was named vice-chair of the University's Board of Trustees, the announcement states.Michelle landed a high paying job at the University of Chicago Hospitals. Two months after Obama became a US senator, she was appointed vice president for community and external affairs. Tax returns show the promotion nearly tripled her pay to $317,000 in 2005, from $122,000 in 2004.On February 14, 2008, Wilhelm endorsed Obama in a call with reporters, citing the senator's "masterful" campaign organization and strategy as well as his "undeniable momentum." "He has outworked, outorganized and outraised his opponents every step of the way," Wilhelm said. "The Obama campaign, win or lose, will serve as a model for future generations to come." Wilhelm’s firm has received a subpoena for records related to pension fund investments.
If the Combine's plot with the Bush administration to shut down Operation Board Games had worked, Obama would be home free. But it failed and the Republicans are just waiting to air the roadmap of dirt pieced together from Fitzgerald's investigation if Obama is nominated. McCain is in the clear because there is no sign of his involvement anywhere.
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