A very fine read from a very smart man.
Henry Gates vs. Michael Savage
Posted: July 29, 20091:00 am Eastern
© 2009
If you want to squelch my free speech, go ahead and try it. By doing so, you'll reveal your true colors. You'll be acting exactly like the [Nazi] Brownshirts that you really are.
~ Michael Savage, "The Enemy Within"
The case of Henry Louis Gates, chair of the Department of African-American Studies at Harvard, and his conflict with the local police with virulent charges of racism and racial profiling brings to the surface some interesting dichotomies with my friend and mentor, Michael Savage, and his present blacklisting by England and its recently uncovered collusion with America. Let's examine a few of them.
Gates is a very well-respected black academic at an elite educational institution, yet his oeuvre, in my opinion, is amateurish at best, partisan at worst. For example, in 2000 he and fellow race baiter Cornel West (now at Princeton) collaborated on a book, "The African American Century: 100 Black Americans Who Shaped America." Of course, I like many other academics was shocked to see that the most influential and intellectually affluent black man and black women in America, Justice Clarence Thomas and Judge Janice Rogers Brown, were not even listed as part of the 100 most influential blacks, let alone even mentioned in a footnote by these two "scholars."
Michael Savage has two master's degrees and a doctorate from the University of California at Berkeley in the hard sciences
. His doctoral thesis was published by Harvard. He has written more than 25 books, five New York Times best-sellers. His radio show, "The Savage Nation" has between 8-10 million listeners per week. Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, Glenn Beck notwithstanding, Dr. Savage is the most intellectually astute and interesting radio host in America.
The Gates affair took place on July 21 when one of his neighbors called the police because she was concerned that two men appeared to be trying to break into professor's Gates house by repeatedly hitting against the front door. What turned out to be an innocent mistake on the neighbor's part could have been diffused by Gates when the white police officer came to investigate, but the good professor instantly visualized a race card and played it with all the skill of an Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton or Jesse "Hymietown" Jackson.
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