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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

China: Ain't No Friend Of Ours

If you think China is American friendly, think again. They have been buying and stealing our secrets for years. There is not enough space to document their human rights violations. Many a current and former politician has profited off of the Chinese. Just checkout Di Fi and her hubby. I blogged about this awhile ago. And now their body armour has been found on one of our enemies in Iraq. Why we continue do do business with the Evil Red Empire is beyond me. They are building the world's strongest armies. And it is not just for self protection. Sad part of this is, they are doing this with our money. We need a president who will cut off all trade with China. Unless I or someone who realizes the threat China poses, it will never happen.
When you think of China, inexpensive and inferior goods might come to mind.
But that's hardly the case with the Chinese body armor found on Iraqi insurgents.
It is superior to anything available to U.S. troops and resists penetration from M16s, M4s, M80s, M60s and M240 machine guns. In fact, say U.S. military sources, the only thing it won't defeat is a direct shot from a .50 caliber
Chinese military supplies are thought to be entering Iraq through Iran, with whom Beijing maintains good relations.
But, according to Bill Gertz's book, "Treachery: How America's Friends and Foes Are Secretly Arming Our Enemies," China long has provided at least some military support to al-Qaida and the Taliban, as well as Shiite militia forces.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


You may find this article interesting. Where I think the article is spot on is how the break down of the family unit and the removal of God from our public life has lead some people who want something to "believe" and trust in. Since we are being told by many on the left that a family is whatever you want it to be and that God is not where are morals and laws derive from, it is natural for many to be duped into the socialist/Marxist abyss.
So what is the source of this infatuation with Obama? How to explain the hysteria? The religious fervor? The devotion? The weeping and fainting and utter euphoria surrounding a candidate who had the audacity to run for leader of the free world on a platform of mere hope?
If anthropologists made predictions the way meteorologists do, they might have anticipated Obama's astronomical rise to supernova status in 2008 of the Common Era. Consider the cultural coordinates, and Obama's intersection with history becomes almost inevitable.
To play weatherman for a moment, he is a perfect storm of the culture of narcissism, the cult of celebrity, and a secular society in which fathers (both the holy and the secular) have been increasingly marginalized from the lives of a generation of young Americans.
All of these trends have been gaining momentum the past few decades. Social critic Christopher Lasch named the culture of narcissism a generation ago and cited addiction to celebrity as one of the disease's symptoms -- all tied to the decline of the family.....
Here's how a 20-year-old woman in Seattle described that Obama feeling: "When he was talking about hope, it actually almost made me cry. Like it really made sense, like, for the first, like, whoa ... "
This New Age glossolalia may be more sonorous than the guttural emanations from the revival tent, but the emotion is the same. It's all religion by any other name.
Whatever the Church of Obama promises, we should not mistake this movement for a renaissance of reason. It is more like, well, like whoa.
When I here MahatamObama speak, the word "Movement" does come to mind, but the kind where you need a magazine and a candle!

Prophet Obama; World Citizen National Disgrace

If one does not believe Barry to be bad for America, then read what his bill in the senate will do if passed.
The U.S. Senate soon could debate whether you, your spouse and each of your children – as well as your in-laws, parents, grandparents, neighbors and everyone else in America – each will spend $2,500 or more to reduce poverty around the world.
The plan sponsored by Sen. Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, is estimated to cost the U.S. some $845 billion over the coming few years in an effort to raise the standard of living around the globe.....if approved, dedicates 0.7 percent of the U.S. gross national product to foreign aid, which over 13 years, he said, would amount to $845 billion "over and above what the U.S. already spends."
And here is the the messhiah Barry in his own words "Obama said. "It must be a priority of American foreign policy to commit to eliminating extreme poverty and ensuring every child has food, shelter, and clean drinking water. As we strive to rebuild America's standing in the world, this important bill will demonstrate our promise and commitment to those in the developing world.
"Our commitment to the global economy must extend beyond trade agreements that are more about increasing profits than about helping workers and small farmers everywhere,"
Sorry messiah B, it is not our job and unfortunately we still support the UN. If private organizations want to donate to the poor of the world, then great. But for our government to do it is wrong. We need to keep our wealth in our country. But Barry Hussein and those like him who want a socilalist or Marxist One World Order are the most dangerous enemy of all: They are inside our gates, they pander to the emotions of people, they tell us how bad and mean we are. That if a hardworking American earns more than $250,000 a year they are wealthy, thus evil. That all people should share in the rewards of hard work and effort, even if they don't earn it.
Bottom line: America is quickly approaching a fork in the political road. Turn right and drive back towards the light of rugged individualism and self support with limited government intervention. Or turn left towards the dark shadows of liberalism/socialism/ Marxism. Where the government is your nanny, providing Pamper to Depends care for all. Where our laws are second to the international court. Where there are no borders. Where freedom of speech is labeled Hate Speech. Plain and simple: It is a path to evil.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

From The Uppity Woman

I love this blog. While she is not a hard right winger like yours truly, she knows the evil that is Barry Hussein. Here is a snippet from her post today. Enjoy!

Hey! Who Let Reality In?
Posted on July 24, 2008 by Uppity Woman
I was just catching FOX news and it appears Obama wanted to know how it is FOX got hookups in all those military bases where he performed his shameless photo opportunities? It seems paranoid Narcissist Obama believed it was by Presidential Executive Order that his reverie and comfort with his Worship Trip was interrupted by the potential that somebody might actually capture and report something that isn’t set up as a photo op a not-so-Kodak moment about the Great One.
As it turns out, the troops get to request which news outlets they prefer and FOX is always included. Yes, Barack, sometimes you just can’t control everything around your own self-absorbed world. Sometimes, people get choices. I know this is hard for you to believe, since your entire candidacy has been an Axelrod production.

Barry Hussein And Wealth ReDistribution

It is bad enough Barry is on his Mystical Magical Campaign Tour, but to make a statement that "The walls between the countries with the most and those with the least cannot stand...."
Say what? Let's take the most important country, the USA. So with this with statement we will be sharing "Our" hard earned wealth with our neighbors to the south. Many a corrupt and Marxist regimes are down there. What is next, sharing with Cuba? Barry outed himself to the world and there are enough anti American, anti freedom pro Marxist, socialist countries that would love to have a piece of Uncle Sam's pie! We have seen it with the Global warming freaks. Global warming is nothing more than a scam to suck money from the USA. Heck, Al Gordo has rode this myth all the way to the bank and a Noble Poop Prize.
Barry is a pro wealth redistributor, make no mistake about it. This alone, should disqualify him from recieving a vote from any well informed American.
"But we will not be able to sustain this growth if it favors the few, and not the many."
The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism.
Society does not consist of individuals but expresses the sum of interrelations, the relations within which these individuals stand. Karl Marx

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Unfairness of the Fairness Doctrine

The fairness doctrine would bring anything but fairness to the airwaves. The original intent of the regulation was to give conflicting points of views equal air time. It was done away with, thanks to President Reagan and the FCC in 1987. The FCC realized that it failed to encourage discussions of issues of importance. I am sure there must have been some 1st Amendment issues too.

Supporters of the doctrine say that the vast majority of talk radio shows only provide one side of most issues and thus the need for federal regulation. Wrong, while it is true that conservative talk radio dominates the airwaves, there is nothing stopping liberal talk shows from being aired, other than the fact there is not a market for them because of the lack of an intelligent message and quality host. There are also many other choices now available to the liberal ears and eyes: The Internet, newspapers, magazines and t.v. There are many more sources now than ever before.

The doctrine puts a ton of power into the FCC's hands. Who will determine what is "Fair"? How will "Fair" be defined? It would give a president or a politician the ability to influence what is being said about them and their job performance. And there is no guarantee that more programs will be broadcast. Most station owners will be in fear of violating the doctrine thus receiving fines that could drive them out of business. So sounds like more cheesy 70's music and Paul Harvey. And Christian radio will become extinct. How is that fair?

The fairness doctrine will bring on government run radio. It, in my opinion, will lead to air wave, print and Internet fairness doctrines. The only views will be that of "The Man" and the end result will be The Belief Doctrine; punishable by incarceration in a thought reprogramming detention center.

He Wants To Be A Modesto City Councilman

Robert Stanford hopes to represent Modesto citizens someday. But his future opponents need to be aware; if you use his own words against him he will threaten to silence you by contacting your employer. I do not even live in Modesto and he has made this threat against me. I have collected many of his written words and posted them as an attempt to show he would not be a good council member. I have family in Modesto and would not want them to have him as a council member.
Robert made himself a public figure when he ran for a council seat awhile back. His veiws are out there for all the public to see. So using his words to build a case against electing him is fair. I highlighted the lowlights.
Here is his post/threat directed at me. Enjoy!

Stanford4Modesto Says:
First - don't belileve everything you read or hear from me or anyone else.
Second - liberal/conservative what's the difference? None - except when you fill out your ballot.
Some of the kindest hearts I know spew hate like JHeaton about "illegals" but will do anything in the world to help them out.
Of course I don't think JHeaton falls into that category.
Go ahead and collect those quotes JHeaton - I'm collecting my own - remember, I know your name and where you work - maybe I can get on my Jew tri-cycle one day and let people know what's going on in this not too secret underground life of yours.
If Activist1 can call Gmaudlin's work and try and get him fired, then maybe I can do the same to you.
Come and get me big boy - just don't exert yourself too much or you might make my job around here a weeeee bit easier.
Robert Stanford

Friday, July 18, 2008

He Wants To Be A Modesto City Councilman

Good ol' Robby Stanford. He wants to be a city councilman, but he is so full of hate and racism. Here is some of his latest rantings. He ain't very lady friendly either! Here are but a few of his many high/lowlights

This is not a drug legalization issue - this is a health and treatment issue.
Those concerned with protecting the community as a whole are the greatest proponents of needle exchange.
For anti-semitic Activist1 - it's just another bandwagon to shake her jellies from.

Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist

I thought Nixon was dead...
Stanford4Modesto Says:
Are you saying that Richard Milhouse Nixon is actually the operator of the sockpuppet named Linda?
Have we been speaking with Nixon this whole time?
Seriously though, I almost posted a graph for you today that showed how perscribed heroin I think in Sweden reduced the death rate majorly of addicts.
But I don't want people to get the idea that I believe in RADICAL drug reform or anything, you know I still have a council seat to run for. I just though you would like it - I will email it to you.
It's good to look at all options - including the death penalty for pot smokers - no I am just razzen' ya.
Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist

Stanford4Modesto Says:
I was hoping you were gone for good. I don't think we need people with a hate agenda on the hive.
Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist
Why don't you start by lightening up....BM
Stanford4Modesto Says:
You want to be mellow? You can start by not posting like that - what am I going to threaten you with? A flaming post?
Just relax - your not any target of mine.
So what are you tryin' to say?
Stanford4Modesto Says:
Did you want to meet some where and fight?
I can be nice....
Stanford4Modesto Says:
Is this all you have in your life? Why is all this so important to you. Didn't your Mommy or what have you tell you to ignore the idiots and the bullys? Why don't you just not reply....shine me on? Why don't you do that?
Not a blog session goes by, that I don't ask myself the same question.

Robert Stanford
How about Kook...
Stanford4Modesto Says:
You - Kook.
That's what you are - and I think you left off FREAK.
Yeah, I called you that more than once, I can tell you.
I am only talking about you as an individual - it does not matter to me what your religion, race, creed, color whatever is - your still a nut-case to me buddy (pun intended).

Robert Stanford
Oh yeah...I almost forgot...
Stanford4Modesto Says:
You my friend (pun intended) you are on my enemies list.
So if I were you. I would watch those trees. I reprogrammed the brains of sparrows to dive bomb you when you go out in the morning to pick up your paper.
I would tighten the draw string on that robe if I were you (wink wink)
If you know what I mean.
Draw string
Get it?
Wink Wink...
go now...find a chem trail.
Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist
Stanford4Modesto Says:
Well, JDH blames Muslims for many things - like terrorism - that is without the qualifier "radical" - I have posed questions to him and other individuals to try to get some things into the open, such as some of my own mis-conceptions about this and other religions - but that just seemed to re-inforce the prejudice.
Of course these same people have called me a bigot, for statements I have made about caucasions and thier seeming preferential treatment and attitude to their own race.
As far as the Linda comment - from what I understand, that is not new to her. There was another thread where she purposely separated me (publicly of course) from Christians to make it sound as though I was of a bastardized religion of some sort - I think that was a reference to my Jewish heritage.
I should not have to defend my religous preference(if that's the right word) -
Though, I am not of the Jewish faith, my biological mother was Jewish - therefore.....
Hebrew? Call it what you will. I can't tolerate it (personally speaking).
Thank you for your attention and consideration in this matter. That means a lot to me and others I am sure.

Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist
He is referencing a mis-nomer...
Stanford4Modesto Says:
It was a post that I had originally submitted for publication - in which I chastised American white perception of gang members - I generalized this.
I deleted the entire thread - for one reason or another and re-posted the same story the only difference in the story was that I did not include a photograph of nortenos like I had before.
They believe that it is different and that I edited the original story. This is not true however. And I did admit that I made the generalization that whites stereotype gang members as latino.
But JH is anti-muslim - I read his posts, and I know what he means. Just as he knows that I am anti-white. That's how I know he, like Activist1 is anti-semitic as well. See where I am going with that?
When people write something that they themselves do not understand, how can we as readers understand those that have written it. How can we, as readers make assumptions about these people. I do, just as the following.
Some readers believe that when I speak against the incarceration of drug offenders - that I mean all criminals. I do not.
When I support un-documented immigrants - some believe I support the sex slave traders and drug runner immigrants too - I do not.
When I support needle exchange, some believe I support heroin. I do not.
I believe that JHeaton is a fasciest pig. He in fact may not be.
Linda is anti-semitic. That's "just a fact".

Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist
Stanford4Modesto Says:

Yeah, well I know what I am truly in your book. I did not do what you say that I did. If you read through the post that you just wrote, it really makes no sense. I did not re-post to appear non-racist. But this is a useless argument with you.
I know what I represent to you. And it's certainly not white. Of that I am proud. Proud to be Jew - proud to be pro-muslim - pro-gay and pro-undocumented immigrant.
copy and print this out, so that when you stalk me on my next political run you can wave it like a confederate flag.
By the way - I'm also pro La Raza - Todas Razas. Yours as well, I'm afraid.

Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist
I stood respectfully before theStanislaus Board of Supervisors pleading forunderstanding of the fatalities being suffered bymigrant farm workers in our very own communitieshere in the Central Valley. With great passion,emotion and tears, I spoke without rehearsal,“They are dying in our fields today, to putfood on your table tomorrow!” I said, banging myfist on the podium.One look at their indifferent white faces showedme that clearly I had wasted my time....
If you are asking me about illegal immigration - I guess I would have to say that I believe that whatever solution(s) that we as a community and as a nation decide - that they should be humane and compassionate. If you are asking me if we should round them up like cattle and send them home - I say NO.
What I would do.
Stanford4Modesto Says:

I would invite them to one of my English learner workshops and start pushing health information their way. I would make sure that they were treated with kindness and forget any immigration issues.
Robert Stanford for Modesto City Council Seat 1
And when I see other activists speak - I think, wow - why don't they change their approach - people here have accused me of being a race-baiter - playing the race card to get some sort of a gain - Perhaps this was true at one time - but through my experience I have grown past this.
A Jew Boy Note: - I don't actually live in the Airport District at this time - I live by Somerset at Coffee and Rumble area - but I am there so much and spend so many nights over there that it is like I do live there - but my toothbrush is in another part of town at this present time. Because of Election law, I will not be able to complete my residential move to the Airport District until all is said and done with this current campaign and run-off if I make that.
I know. It's selfish - maybe I should just cator to getting on my knees saying whatever I have to for votes like my opponents do.
Does anyone remember -
Stanford4Modesto Says:

When my official campaign photo was that of a Mexican Wrestler?
Honestly, in my opinion?
Activist1 is an ignorant racist pig - a blow hard, she slanders my friends, me - local businesses and many of our officers and entire departments. She alludes to things and makes herself look like she is connected, but even the minutemen have told me that she is nowhere near what she says she is. Christianson also as much told me the same thing.
I am going to be speaking with bail bond owners starting next week to discuss an opposing position of advocacy to take against her - so that all the info regarding the bail bond industry here in Stanislaus is not just coming from some over-rated chic with gout that slanders/libels them with baseless accusations of taking payoffs from Nortenos - how revolting pathetic and low.
A1 - I would not worry about her - My call letters are PC - no not politically correct - Papi Chulo.
Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist
What a jerk...
Stanford4Modesto Says:

And here I apologized and everything - know I think I like it where it is at.

Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist
Yeah Linda -
Stanford4Modesto Says:
Your such an anti-drug activist - then tell us you gout ridden blogger........

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bridge Over Troubled Water - Elvis Presley

Daily dose of The King!

John Jay
Whereas, in just punishment of our manifold transgressions, it hath pleased the Supreme Disposer of all events to visit these United States with a destructive calami­tous war, through which His divine Providence hath, hitherto, in a wonderful manner, conducted us, so that we might acknowledge that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong: and whereas, there is but too much Reason to fear that notwith­standing the chastisements received and benefits bestowed, too few have been suffi­ciently awakened to a sense of their guilt, or warmed our Bosoms with gratitude, or taught to amend their lives and turn from their sins, that so He might turn from His wrath. And whereas, from a consciousness of what we have merited at His hands, and an apprehension that the malevolence of our disappointed enemies, like the increduli­ty of Pharaoh, may be used as the scourge of Omnipotence to vindicate his slighted Majesty, there is reason to fear that he may permit much of our land to become the prey of the spoiler, and the Blood of the innocent be poured out that our borders to be ravaged, and our habitations destroyed:
Resolved, That it be recommended to the several states to appoint the first Thursday in May next, to be a day of fasting, Thanksgiving humiliation and prayer to Almighty God, that he will be pleased to avert those impending calamities which we have but too well deserved: that he will grant us his grace to repent of our sins, and amend our lives, according to his holy word: that he will continue that wonderful protection which hath led us through the paths of danger and distress: that he will be a husband to the widow and a father to the fatherless children, who weep over the barbarities of a savage enemy: that he will grant us patience in suffering, and fortitude in adversity: that he will inspire us with humility and moderation, and gratitude in prosperous cir­cumstances: that he will give wisdom to our councils, firmness to our resolutions, and victory to our arms That he will have Mercy on our Foes, and graciously forgive them, and turn their Hearts from Enmity to Love.
That he will bless the labours of the husbandman, and pour forth abundance, so that we may enjoy the fruits of the earth in due season. That he will cause union, harmony, and mutual confidence to prevail throughout these states: that he will bestow on our great ally all those blessings which may enable him to be gloriously instrumental in protecting the rights of mankind, and promoting the happiness of his subjects and advancing the Peace and Liberty of Nations. That he will give to both Parties to this Alliance, Grace to perform with Honor and Fidelity their National Engagements].1 That he will bountifully continue his paternal care to the commander in chief, and the officers and soldiers of the United States: that he will grant the blessings of peace to all contending nations, freedom to those who are in bondage, and comfort to the afflicted: that he will diffuse useful knowledge, extend the influence of true religion, and give us that peace of mind, which the world cannot give: that he will be our shield in the day of battle, our comforter in the hour of death, and our kind parent and merciful judge through time and through eternity.
Done in Congress, this 20th day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine, and in the third year of our independence.
John Jay, President.Attest, Charles Thomson, Secretary."

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

"Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies"

I came accross this book review by Phyllis Schlafly. I have not read the book but it is number one on my list now. From what I have read Joe McCarthy has recieved a bum rap by those who like to rewrite history.
Evans' 663-page work, "Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies" (Crown Forum, $29.95), is the result of six years of reading primary sources. Evans proves that almost everything about McCarthy in current history books is a lie and will have to be revised.
It's now well known that Communist agents imbedded in high-ranking positions included White House confidant Lauchlin Currie, State Department official Alger Hiss and Treasury Department official Harry Dexter White. Evans quotes FBI files identifying atom bomb scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer as a secret Communist as early as 1942.
Taking on the anti-communist mission locked McCarthy in mortal combat against powerful forces: two U.S. presidents, the vast federal bureaucracy, malicious adversaries in Congress, left-wing lobby groups and the left-wing media who made him their daily target.
McCarthy was concerned only with Communist security risks who influenced U.S. policies. He never targeted Communists in Hollywood or academia.

Al Gore-Ball of Fire

Paul Shanklin is flippin a riot!

Barack the Magic Negro (with footage of Obama enjoying it)

This is funny and I don't care who you are!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Racist In Modesto

This guy has plans to run for a city seat in a nearby small town....Modesto. This thread post was in response to one that I had made. My response appears first. His are the two that follow.

jheaton Says:
job Stanny. At least you admit you are racist. I however, am not. I am anti radical muslim though.
Stanny, you did label all whites as being racist towards Latinos. You got called on it and thus reposted to appear non racist. The mere fact you admit to being anti white skews anything you say, and will come back to haunt you in any local political race you enter. As your political messiah said, but not practice; "Words mean something."

He is referencing a mis-nomer...
Stanford4Modesto Says:
It was a post that I had originally submitted for publication - in which I chastised American white perception of gang members - I generalized this.
I deleted the entire thread - for one reason or another and re-posted the same story the only difference in the story was that I did not include a photograph of nortenos like I had before.
They believe that it is different and that I edited the original story. This is not true however. And I did admit that I made the generalization that whites stereotype gang members as latino.
But JH is anti-muslim - I read his posts, and I know what he means. Just as he knows that I am anti-white. That's how I know he, like Activist1 is anti-semitic as well. See where I am going with that?
When people write something that they themselves do not understand, how can we as readers understand those that have written it. How can we, as readers make assumptions about these people. I do, just as the following.
Some readers believe that when I speak against the incarceration of drug offenders - that I mean all criminals. I do not.
When I support un-documented immigrants - some believe I support the sex slave traders and drug runner immigrants too - I do not.
When I support needle exchange, some believe I support heroin. I do not.
I believe that JHeaton is a fasciest pig. He in fact may not be.
Linda is anti-semitic. That's "just a fact".

Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist

Stanford4Modesto Says:

Yeah, well I know what I am truly in your book. I did not do what you say that I did. If you read through the post that you just wrote, it really makes no sense. I did not re-post to appear non-racist. But this is a useless argument with you.
I know what I represent to you. And it's certainly not white. Of that I am proud. Proud to be Jew - proud to be pro-muslim - pro-gay and pro-undocumented immigrant.
copy and print this out, so that when you stalk me on my next political run you can wave it like a confederate flag.
By the way - I'm also pro La Raza - Todas Razas. Yours as well, I'm afraid.

Messiah Barry Hussein Commands US Children to "Speak Spanish"

Barry is truly scary. He says in this clip that the American people should not worry about "immigrants" learning English, because according to Barry, "They will." We should thus be more worried about our children learning to speak spanish. And we Americans should be embarrased that we can't converse with a Frenchy. Just when I thing Barry Hussein can't insult Americans and our country anymore, he tops himself again. I guess the more people hear his blame America speeches, the more votes he will lose.
Though I am no jmac fan, I am praying that he wins this election. At least we know where his heart and soul America and with Americans. The depths of hatred Barry must hold in his heart for America must be infinite.
God help and bless us and our country.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Statler and waldorf (excellent)

The Turkey Whisperer

Living on a small farm with 5 hungry mouths to feed three times a day makes for some stressful times for Big Jo Bumphus. While he works twelve hour days at the family business, it does not often pay the bills or feed the hunger that grumbles in side each Bumphus' boiler. So the chickens provided the dinner table with their eggs and often their bodies.

Of course, the hens were not the target of the Bumphus Butcher. It was all the little fryer chicks that would end up on the plate and eventually the septic tank.
During the week, every week, it was Lil' Jo's daily chore routine to feed all the barnyard critters and keep their water clean. Pretty standard stuff on the farm. What was not in his standard routine was soon to become a Lil' Jo legend that is still talked about today.

One day Lil' Jo was taken by surprise when 50 chicken giraffes appeared in one of the chicken houses' rooms. Lil' Jo asked his dad, "What kinda chickens are these?" Red bald heads, tiny chin flaps and a cackle that went "Gobble." It sounded and looked like the lady across the canal from the farm. "They not chickens you big dummy." A reference to one of his favorite t.v. shows; Sanford and Son, "They are turkeys." Lil Jo thought that it would be Thanksgiving everyday after they were raised up and their heads bopped off and their feathers plucked. Boy oh boy, "some good eats there."

Well a few weeks into the "Turkey Experiment" Lil' Jo went out one morning to feed and water. What he found was a barnyard crime scene. Something that would never had been seen on Noah's Boat, and should never be witnessed by the faint of heart or a puky stomach. There were 5 little turkey bodies, or at least were once bodies, ripped apart and laying in the dirt. All of the surviving gobblers were huddled in the corner of the coup, as if this would protect them from whoever ran their butterball buddies over with a lawn mower.

Lil' Jo quickly determined that a cat had entered into what must have appeared to the cat to be a game show called; Gobble the Gobbler. Lil Jo informed his dad of the the terrible turkey disaster. In almost an instant, without even a blink of an eye or change of expression, his dad said,"I will put down a mattress and sleeping bag and you will sleep there every night until they are ready for their bopping."

" Sleeping with the turkeys" Lil' Jo responded in disbelief, and as a statement and not a question. Because there was no question. If Big Jo Bumphus said you were sleeping with turkeys, as sure as the lawn dies where the dog pees, you were sleeping with turkeys.


The Simple Life of Lil' Jo Bumphus

Lil" Jo Bumphus as he is known to his family, lives on a farm with his feathery and hoofed cousins. The feathers belong to the cackling and crowing chickens, who spend their day, rain or shine, a pickn' and a scratchin' in the dirt. Looking for bugs and other tiny creepy crawlies that they can peck to pieces in order to fill their gut between feedings from Lil' Jo Bumphus.
Lil' Jo Bumphus also likes his big cousins too. They see him heading for the barn and when spotted by Big Red, Little Red, Donna and her mom they all come a mooing and snorting knowing that the green bales of alfalfa will soon be given out by Lil' Jo Bumphus. The Herd sees Lil" Jo as their provider of nourishment and Lil' Jo sees them as four legged family who he would not trade for all the soda and Blow Pops in the world.

Lil' Jo is also blessed with a furry sidekick; Tina the St. Bernard/Labrador mutt. Though she is Lil' Jo's buddy, she was actually adopted into the Bumphus's Clan by Big Jo Bumphus. During the summer mornings and warm sunshine flowing afternoon, Lil' Jo and Tina are often found under the walnut tree; sipping Dr. Pepper and sharing licks on the apple flavored Blow-Pops. Though Lil" Jo and Tina are careful to never tell their dad or mom about the shared snacks.

During the weekend Tina is attached to Big Jo Bumphus' hip like yellow on a hillbilly's one good tooth. And having one good tooth is a good thing, because having two means more brushing time!
Big Jo' and Tina spend there day on small farm projects; mending fences, trimming trees, mowing lawns, yelling at Lil' Jo to grab the "Flathead" screwdriver or "Where is my hammer, Lil' Jo, I have told you to put my tools back when you are finished with them!" Be darned if Big Jo was right as always.

See, When Lil' Jo and Tina sit under the walnut tree all day, because Momma Bumphus makes him stay outside all day during the summer so she can clean and read the Grocery Store Romance books without distraction and smoke her Pal Mal's, Lil' Jo and Tina use the hammer to split the walnuts. Lil' Jo once let Tina crack them but got kinda tired of picking out the wet grass and dirt chunks from Tina's slobber, just to get to the food!

After Big Jo and Tina finished their daily chores it was time for what was really important to Big Jo......Ice cold beer and a pack or two of Camel's. The sound of the pop top popping and the smell of the smooth smoke was the official beginning of the weekend. If that picnic bench Big Jo sat at could talk it would have been a hired by the beer and tobacco companies as their public relations officer! Big Jo always said that "beer and smokes are the reward for the hard working man. And if it took multiple years off at the end of his life, that was his retirement package." He also was fond of the "Root hog or die" credo. "A man should always depend on himself and not the government", he would say. "There are two types of people in this world, those who care for themselves and those who want someone else to care for them. And I don't care for them people!" Stated Big Jo Bumphus. And he should know, he cared for all of the clan Bumphus'; Lil Sis Bumphus, Lil' Jo Bumphus, Bigger Sis Bumphus, even Bigger Sis' Bumphus and lastly Biggest Brother Chucky Dino Bumphus.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Just posting this to get my blog a little more traffic.
Technorati Profile

The Hive

This is another site I blog on. I am often a target of a few fellow bloggers who love to scream "bigot" "racist" "fascist" or whatever liberal babble they use when they know they can not defend their views logically or morally. As soon as these people see the word Christian or the topic of Illegal Immigration comes up they go into rabid attack mode. So I thought I would post a few of my responses here.

These two are in response to a blogger who devalues the worth of American citizenship.....and does it with a twinkle in his eye......

The point you are missing is that it makes no difference why someone breaks the law; when they do they become criminals. As for you deflecting the issue on to me when you say, "What would I do" is nothing more than admitting that you are wrong on this issue. In your mythical world, you would let anybody who comes here illegally stay. Says a lot about your character; but then again, you are a wanna be politician.
Ok, I will play along a bit. If I and my family were starving, would I leave them alone, a thousand miles away, break into another country, expect all the bells and whisltes of a legal citizen and cry racism when someone called me a criminal? The answer is NO. It is called morals and ethics and it seems some can not grasp the concept.
And I will have to agree with you...Mexico is not the USA!
Legal citizenship is something people have fought and died for and for citizenship to be granted to people who have come here illegally is like crapping on their headstones. Total disrespect to those heroes.

You are misguided when you say what I would or would not do. I know what I would do and so does the Lord and what anyone else believes is their business.
As for spoiled? Why, because I am a legal citizen who bust his hump, pays taxes only to see illegal aliens killing off my government's social services? Spoiled because when I was a 14yr old kid I worked in a field picking baby's breath for a few dollars a week? Or worked summers for my dad? Spoiled because I don't expect cradle to grave care from Uncle Sam? Spoiled because I expect people to respect the laws of the land?
And how do you know that "most" illegals are good people? We don't have any information on them when they get here. Check the jail and prison populations. 30% of state and federal prisons are populated with illegal aliens. And even the well intentioned, good people who come here illegally are criminals and do not belong here. It is blatant disrespect to people who do come here legally and even more disrespectful to legal citizens and those who have fought and died creating and protecting the USA. To not recognize this can only be some form of a mental illness.

Robert E. Lee

This is a blog post from another site I post on. It is in response to some that don't realize the dep religous faith of some of our most notable historical figures.
This great man had a deep faith in Christ. I can understand how important his faith must have been to was not random chance that he was the leader of the Confederate States.
Robert E. Lee prayed for the end of slavery:
"The doctrines and miracles of our Savior have required nearly two thousand years to convert but a small portion of the human race, and even among Christian nations what gross errors still exist! While we see the course of the final abolition of human slavery is still onward, and give it the aid of our prayers, let us leave the progress as well as the results in the hands of Him who, chooses to work by slow influences, and with whom a thousand years are but as a single day." Excerpts from Robert E. Lee's Letter to President Pierce prior to the War
Robert E. Lee had a Heart for the Non-believers in his University
One morning, while the venerable Dr. White was passing General Lee's house, on his way to chapel, the general joined him, and they entered into conversation upon religious subjects. General Lee said little, but, just as they reached the college, stopped and remarked with great earnestness, his eyes filling with tears as he spoke: "I shall be disappointed, sir, I shall fail in the leading object that brought me here, unless the young men all become real Christians; and I wish you and others of your sacred profession to do all you can to accomplish this result." from Part 8, Chapter 19 of "A LIFE OF GEN. ROBERT E. LEE." BY JOHN ESTEN COOKE
Robert E. Lee Loved his Enemies
"One day last autumn the writer saw General Lee standing at his gate, talking pleasantly to an humbly-clad man, who seemed very much pleased at the cordial courtesy of the great chieftain, and turned off, evidently delighted, as we came up. After exchanging salutations, the general said, pointing to the retreating form, 'That is one of our old soldiers, who is in necessitous circumstances.' I took it for granted that it was some veteran Confederate, when the noble-hearted chieftain quietly added, 'He fought on the other side, but we must not think of that.' I afterward ascertained--not from General Lee, for he never alluded to his charities--that he had not only spoken kindly to this 'old soldier' who had 'fought on the other side,' but had sent him on his way rejoicing in a liberal contribution to his necessities." from Part 8, Chapter 19 of "A LIFE OF GEN. ROBERT E. LEE." BY JOHN ESTEN COOKE

Thursday, July 03, 2008

John Adam's Day of Fasting

It is hard to believe we as a nation have allowed some to push the nation so far from our Father. John Adam's was an amazing man who understood the importance of our nation's faith in our Creator.

Proclamation of Day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer (March 23, 1798)John Adams

As the safety and prosperity of nations ultimately and essentially depend on the protection and the blessing of Almighty God, and the national acknowledgment of this truth is not only an indispensable duty which the people owe to Him, but a duty whose natural influence is favorable to the promotion of that morality and piety without which social happiness can not exist nor the blessings of a free government be enjoyed; and as this duty, at all times incumbent, is so especially in seasons of difficulty or of danger, when existing or threatening calamities, the just judgments of God against prevalent iniquity, are a loud call to repentance and reformation; and as the United States of America are at present placed in a hazardous and afflictive situation by the unfriendly disposition, conduct, and demands of a foreign power, evinced by repeated refusals to receive our messengers of reconciliation and peace, by depredation on our commerce, and the infliction of injuries on very many of our fellow-citizens while engaged in their lawful business on the seas--under these considerations it has appeared to me that the duty of imploring the mercy and benediction of Heaven on our country demands at this time a special attention from its inhabitants.

I have therefore thought fit to recommend, and I do hereby recommend, that Wednesday, the 9th day of May next, be observed throughout the United States as a day of solemn humiliation, fasting, and prayer; that the citizens of these States, abstaining on that day from their customary worldly occupations, offer their devout addresses to the Father of Mercies agreeably to those forms or methods which they have severally adopted as the most suitable and becoming; that all religious congregations do, with the deepest humility, acknowledge before God the manifold sins and transgressions with which we are justly chargeable as individuals and as a nation, beseeching Him at the same time, of His infinite grace, through the Redeemer of the World, freely to remit all our offenses, and to incline us by His Holy Spirit to that sincere repentance and reformation which may afford us reason to hope for his inestimable favor and heavenly benediction; that it be made the subject of particular and earnest supplication that our country may be protected from all the dangers which threaten it; that our civil and religious privileges may be preserved inviolate and perpetuated to the latest generations; that our public councils and magistrates may be especially enlightened and directed at this critical period; that the American people may be united in those bonds of amity and mutual confidence and inspired with that vigor and fortitude by which they have in times past been so highly distinguished and by which they have obtained such invaluable advantages; that the health of the inhabitants of our land may be preserved, and their agriculture, commerce, fisheries, arts, and manufactures be blessed and prospered; that the principles of genuine piety and sound morality may influence the minds and govern the lives of every description of our citizens, and that the blessings of peace, freedom, and pure religion may be speedily extended to all the nations of the earth.

And finally, I recommend that on the said day the duties of humiliation and prayer be accompanied by fervent thanksgiving to the Bestower of Every Good Gift, not only for His having hitherto protected and preserved the people of these United States in the independent enjoyment of their religious and civil freedom, but also for having prospered them in a wonderful progress of population, and for conferring on them many and great favors conducive to the happiness and prosperity of a nation.

Given under my hand and the seal of the United States of America, at Philadelphia, this 23d day of March, A. D. 1798, and of the Independence of the said States the twenty-second.


By the President:


Secretary of State.