Good ol' Robby Stanford. He wants to be a city councilman, but he is so full of hate and racism. Here is some of his latest rantings. He ain't very lady friendly either! Here are but a few of his many high/lowlights
This is not a drug legalization issue - this is a health and treatment issue.
Those concerned with protecting the community as a whole are the greatest proponents of needle exchange.
For anti-semitic Activist1 - it's just another bandwagon to shake her jellies from.
Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist
I thought Nixon was dead...
Stanford4Modesto Says:
Are you saying that Richard Milhouse Nixon is actually the operator of the sockpuppet named Linda?
Have we been speaking with Nixon this whole time?
Seriously though, I almost posted a graph for you today that showed how perscribed heroin I think in Sweden reduced the death rate majorly of addicts.
But I don't want people to get the idea that I believe in RADICAL drug reform or anything, you know I still have a council seat to run for. I just though you would like it - I will email it to you.
It's good to look at all options - including the death penalty for pot smokers - no I am just razzen' ya.
Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist
Stanford4Modesto Says:
I was hoping you were gone for good. I don't think we need people with a hate agenda on the hive.
Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist
Why don't you start by lightening up....BM
Stanford4Modesto Says:
You want to be mellow? You can start by not posting like that - what am I going to threaten you with? A flaming post?
Just relax - your not any target of mine.
So what are you tryin' to say?
Stanford4Modesto Says:
Did you want to meet some where and fight?
I can be nice....
Stanford4Modesto Says:
Is this all you have in your life? Why is all this so important to you. Didn't your Mommy or what have you tell you to ignore the idiots and the bullys? Why don't you just not reply....shine me on? Why don't you do that?
Not a blog session goes by, that I don't ask myself the same question.
Robert Stanford
How about Kook...
Stanford4Modesto Says:
You - Kook.
That's what you are - and I think you left off FREAK.
Yeah, I called you that more than once, I can tell you.
I am only talking about you as an individual - it does not matter to me what your religion, race, creed, color whatever is - your still a nut-case to me buddy (pun intended).
Robert Stanford
Oh yeah...I almost forgot...
Stanford4Modesto Says:
You my friend (pun intended) you are on my enemies list.
So if I were you. I would watch those trees. I reprogrammed the brains of sparrows to dive bomb you when you go out in the morning to pick up your paper.
I would tighten the draw string on that robe if I were you (wink wink)
If you know what I mean.
Draw string
Get it?
Wink Wink...
go now...find a chem trail.
Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist
Stanford4Modesto Says:
Well, JDH blames Muslims for many things - like terrorism - that is without the qualifier "radical" - I have posed questions to him and other individuals to try to get some things into the open, such as some of my own mis-conceptions about this and other religions - but that just seemed to re-inforce the prejudice.
Of course these same people have called me a bigot, for statements I have made about caucasions and thier seeming preferential treatment and attitude to their own race.
As far as the Linda comment - from what I understand, that is not new to her. There was another thread where she purposely separated me (publicly of course) from Christians to make it sound as though I was of a bastardized religion of some sort - I think that was a reference to my Jewish heritage.
I should not have to defend my religous preference(if that's the right word) -
Though, I am not of the Jewish faith, my biological mother was Jewish - therefore.....
Hebrew? Call it what you will. I can't tolerate it (personally speaking).
Thank you for your attention and consideration in this matter. That means a lot to me and others I am sure.
Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist
He is referencing a mis-nomer...
Stanford4Modesto Says:
It was a post that I had originally submitted for publication - in which I chastised American white perception of gang members - I generalized this.
I deleted the entire thread - for one reason or another and re-posted the same story the only difference in the story was that I did not include a photograph of nortenos like I had before.
They believe that it is different and that I edited the original story. This is not true however. And I did admit that I made the generalization that whites stereotype gang members as latino.
But JH is anti-muslim - I read his posts, and I know what he means. Just as he knows that I am anti-white. That's how I know he, like Activist1 is anti-semitic as well. See where I am going with that?
When people write something that they themselves do not understand, how can we as readers understand those that have written it. How can we, as readers make assumptions about these people. I do, just as the following.
Some readers believe that when I speak against the incarceration of drug offenders - that I mean all criminals. I do not.
When I support un-documented immigrants - some believe I support the sex slave traders and drug runner immigrants too - I do not.
When I support needle exchange, some believe I support heroin. I do not.
I believe that JHeaton is a fasciest pig. He in fact may not be.
Linda is anti-semitic. That's "just a fact".
Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist
Stanford4Modesto Says:
Yeah, well I know what I am truly in your book. I did not do what you say that I did. If you read through the post that you just wrote, it really makes no sense. I did not re-post to appear non-racist. But this is a useless argument with you.
I know what I represent to you. And it's certainly not white. Of that I am proud. Proud to be Jew - proud to be pro-muslim - pro-gay and pro-undocumented immigrant.
copy and print this out, so that when you stalk me on my next political run you can wave it like a confederate flag.
By the way - I'm also pro La Raza - Todas Razas. Yours as well, I'm afraid.
Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist
I stood respectfully before theStanislaus Board of Supervisors pleading forunderstanding of the fatalities being suffered bymigrant farm workers in our very own communitieshere in the Central Valley. With great passion,emotion and tears, I spoke without rehearsal,“They are dying in our fields today, to putfood on your table tomorrow!” I said, banging myfist on the podium.One look at their indifferent white faces showedme that clearly I had wasted my time....
If you are asking me about illegal immigration - I guess I would have to say that I believe that whatever solution(s) that we as a community and as a nation decide - that they should be humane and compassionate. If you are asking me if we should round them up like cattle and send them home - I say NO.
What I would do.
Stanford4Modesto Says:
I would invite them to one of my English learner workshops and start pushing health information their way. I would make sure that they were treated with kindness and forget any immigration issues.
Robert Stanford for Modesto City Council Seat 1
And when I see other activists speak - I think, wow - why don't they change their approach - people here have accused me of being a race-baiter - playing the race card to get some sort of a gain - Perhaps this was true at one time - but through my experience I have grown past this.
A Jew Boy Note: - I don't actually live in the Airport District at this time - I live by Somerset at Coffee and Rumble area - but I am there so much and spend so many nights over there that it is like I do live there - but my toothbrush is in another part of town at this present time. Because of Election law, I will not be able to complete my residential move to the Airport District until all is said and done with this current campaign and run-off if I make that.
I know. It's selfish - maybe I should just cator to getting on my knees saying whatever I have to for votes like my opponents do.
Does anyone remember -
Stanford4Modesto Says:
When my official campaign photo was that of a Mexican Wrestler?
Honestly, in my opinion?
Activist1 is an ignorant racist pig - a blow hard, she slanders my friends, me - local businesses and many of our officers and entire departments. She alludes to things and makes herself look like she is connected, but even the minutemen have told me that she is nowhere near what she says she is. Christianson also as much told me the same thing.
I am going to be speaking with bail bond owners starting next week to discuss an opposing position of advocacy to take against her - so that all the info regarding the bail bond industry here in Stanislaus is not just coming from some over-rated chic with gout that slanders/libels them with baseless accusations of taking payoffs from Nortenos - how revolting pathetic and low.
A1 - I would not worry about her - My call letters are PC - no not politically correct - Papi Chulo.
Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist
What a jerk...
Stanford4Modesto Says:
And here I apologized and everything - know I think I like it where it is at.
Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist
Yeah Linda -
Stanford4Modesto Says:
Your such an anti-drug activist - then tell us you gout ridden blogger........
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