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Sunday, July 20, 2008

He Wants To Be A Modesto City Councilman

Robert Stanford hopes to represent Modesto citizens someday. But his future opponents need to be aware; if you use his own words against him he will threaten to silence you by contacting your employer. I do not even live in Modesto and he has made this threat against me. I have collected many of his written words and posted them as an attempt to show he would not be a good council member. I have family in Modesto and would not want them to have him as a council member.
Robert made himself a public figure when he ran for a council seat awhile back. His veiws are out there for all the public to see. So using his words to build a case against electing him is fair. I highlighted the lowlights.
Here is his post/threat directed at me. Enjoy!

Stanford4Modesto Says:
First - don't belileve everything you read or hear from me or anyone else.
Second - liberal/conservative what's the difference? None - except when you fill out your ballot.
Some of the kindest hearts I know spew hate like JHeaton about "illegals" but will do anything in the world to help them out.
Of course I don't think JHeaton falls into that category.
Go ahead and collect those quotes JHeaton - I'm collecting my own - remember, I know your name and where you work - maybe I can get on my Jew tri-cycle one day and let people know what's going on in this not too secret underground life of yours.
If Activist1 can call Gmaudlin's work and try and get him fired, then maybe I can do the same to you.
Come and get me big boy - just don't exert yourself too much or you might make my job around here a weeeee bit easier.
Robert Stanford

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