Pushing and bullying lenders into making bad loans to people who could not afford to buy homes, ACORN and other thuggish groups who have used the poor and minorities to build their power base deserve much of the blame.
Community organizers intimidate banks into making high-risk loans to customers with poor credit.
In the name of fairness to minorities, community organizers occupy private offices, chant inside bank lobbies, and confront executives at their homes - and thereby force financial institutions to direct hundreds of millions of dollars in mortgages to low-credit customers.
In other words, community organizers help to undermine the US economy by pushing the banking system into a sinkhole of bad loans. And Obama has spent years training and funding the organizers who do it.
IT would be tough to find an "on the ground" community organizer more closely tied to the subprime-mortgage fiasco than Madeline Talbott. And no one has been more supportive of Madeline Talbott than Barrack Obama.
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Monday, September 29, 2008
From My Friend Uppity Woman....And Now, For Some Greed On the Other Side of the Blame Fence
As I’ve been saying, the Greed involved in this wall street mess is not just the blame of one sector. We are looking at three prongs of blame here. Congress. Wall Street. Fannie/Freddie and Forced Loans To People Who couldn’t Afford a Home.
Here’s a tail of Wachovia as told by American Thinker entitled How Allies of George Soros Helped Bring Down Wachovia Bank.
....I would be very surprised indeed if the malfeasance of ACORN will ever be investigated by Publica, for its undermining of fair elections.
As I’ve been saying, the Greed involved in this wall street mess is not just the blame of one sector. We are looking at three prongs of blame here. Congress. Wall Street. Fannie/Freddie and Forced Loans To People Who couldn’t Afford a Home.
Here’s a tail of Wachovia as told by American Thinker entitled How Allies of George Soros Helped Bring Down Wachovia Bank.
....I would be very surprised indeed if the malfeasance of ACORN will ever be investigated by Publica, for its undermining of fair elections.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Chaplains Make The Right Choice
All Christian's prayers must always be prayed in His name. When 6 Virginia State Police chaplains were told not to do this they correctly quit their jobs. They were being asked to do what is morally wrong. One of them has started a petition to change the rule.
Six of the 17 chaplains for the Virginia State Police force have resigned because of new restrictions on prayer.
Earlier this month Col. W. Steven Flaherty, the state police superintendent, asked chaplains to offer only non-denominational prayers for public events and ceremonies.
Still, many found that complying with the new directive would violate their conscience.
"There were several of us who felt that because of our convictions. about what the Bible says, we couldn't agree to go along with a generic prayer policy," said 13-year trooper Rex Carter, who works in Southwest Virginia.
Six of the 17 chaplains for the Virginia State Police force have resigned because of new restrictions on prayer.
Earlier this month Col. W. Steven Flaherty, the state police superintendent, asked chaplains to offer only non-denominational prayers for public events and ceremonies.
Still, many found that complying with the new directive would violate their conscience.
"There were several of us who felt that because of our convictions. about what the Bible says, we couldn't agree to go along with a generic prayer policy," said 13-year trooper Rex Carter, who works in Southwest Virginia.
Barry's Truth Squad Will Arrest You
So if a political ad in Missouri does not "tell" the truth as Barry sees it he will use law enforcement to hunt down and make arrest. Talk about making his communist heroes proud of the Barrymessiah.
What a freaking thug Barack Obama truly is. We are worried about his Marxist Socialist pals? This is down right Communist behavior! No wonder Putin and N. Korea’s “Dear Leader” think he’s swell. No wonder every whackjob failed fringe anti-democracy, anti-capitalism party from the 60s loves him.
The threat?: If somebody in Missouri does an Ad that Barack Obama deems “A Lie,” then the sheriff and the State Prosecutor are coming for you. And as we all know, when it comes to Barack Obama, EVERYTHING ANYBODY says is “A Lie,” even if it’s true.
JEFFERSON CITY - Gov. Matt Blunt today issued the following statement on news reports that have exposed plans by U.S. Senator Barack Obama to use Missouri law enforcement to threaten and intimidate his critics.
“This abuse of the law for intimidation insults the most sacred principles and ideals of Jefferson. I can think of nothing more offensive to Jefferson’s thinking than using the power of the state to deprive Americans of their civil rights. The only conceivable purpose of Messrs. McCulloch, Obama and the others is to frighten people away from expressing themselves, to chill free and open debate, to suppress support and donations to conservative organizations targeted by this anti-civil rights, to strangle criticism of Mr. Obama, to suppress ads about his support of higher taxes, and to choke out criticism on television, radio, the Internet, blogs, e-mail and daily conversation about the election.
What a freaking thug Barack Obama truly is. We are worried about his Marxist Socialist pals? This is down right Communist behavior! No wonder Putin and N. Korea’s “Dear Leader” think he’s swell. No wonder every whackjob failed fringe anti-democracy, anti-capitalism party from the 60s loves him.
The threat?: If somebody in Missouri does an Ad that Barack Obama deems “A Lie,” then the sheriff and the State Prosecutor are coming for you. And as we all know, when it comes to Barack Obama, EVERYTHING ANYBODY says is “A Lie,” even if it’s true.
JEFFERSON CITY - Gov. Matt Blunt today issued the following statement on news reports that have exposed plans by U.S. Senator Barack Obama to use Missouri law enforcement to threaten and intimidate his critics.
“This abuse of the law for intimidation insults the most sacred principles and ideals of Jefferson. I can think of nothing more offensive to Jefferson’s thinking than using the power of the state to deprive Americans of their civil rights. The only conceivable purpose of Messrs. McCulloch, Obama and the others is to frighten people away from expressing themselves, to chill free and open debate, to suppress support and donations to conservative organizations targeted by this anti-civil rights, to strangle criticism of Mr. Obama, to suppress ads about his support of higher taxes, and to choke out criticism on television, radio, the Internet, blogs, e-mail and daily conversation about the election.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Stanny Asked For Some Free PR From The Boot
Why not Stanny. I am a very kind dude so here is your free ad. But it might help if you matured a bit from the grade school type attacks. I guess anger stunts your mental growth.
I will deny whatever I want.
Stanford4Modesto Says:
I can do that you know.
I think you are the one people see through - but I am sure that you have your supporters as well.
I'm not thin skinned...am I? What makes you think I "want" to run for local office - sounds like you are the one with the spin.
You don't even understand "why" I run - or me at all - you don't understand my agenda - just like all this crap you say about muslims and Obama and so many other groups and individuals - your just a parrot of talk radio -and not a very good one.
Tell us about your child hood?
There must be a reason you hate so much.
I know that you think homosexuality is abnormal - I don't. I don't see how it could be.
I do see how I could be gay or any one else. Especially you.
Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist
An Update: S4M states his true intentions. Good luck Airport District.
Stanford4Modesto Says:
You know whatever I can manipulate -
I guess you can call me one of those "criminal vagrants" you know - slipping into the homeless community to take advantage of them -... they of course will vote for me, once I lie to them and tell them how important they are to me - you know - how I am fighting for them and all of that stuff.
And their misery? It's over-rated.
Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist
I will deny whatever I want.
Stanford4Modesto Says:
I can do that you know.
I think you are the one people see through - but I am sure that you have your supporters as well.
I'm not thin skinned...am I? What makes you think I "want" to run for local office - sounds like you are the one with the spin.
You don't even understand "why" I run - or me at all - you don't understand my agenda - just like all this crap you say about muslims and Obama and so many other groups and individuals - your just a parrot of talk radio -and not a very good one.
Tell us about your child hood?
There must be a reason you hate so much.
I know that you think homosexuality is abnormal - I don't. I don't see how it could be.
I do see how I could be gay or any one else. Especially you.
Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist
An Update: S4M states his true intentions. Good luck Airport District.
Stanford4Modesto Says:
You know whatever I can manipulate -
I guess you can call me one of those "criminal vagrants" you know - slipping into the homeless community to take advantage of them -... they of course will vote for me, once I lie to them and tell them how important they are to me - you know - how I am fighting for them and all of that stuff.
And their misery? It's over-rated.
Robert Stanford
Airport Neighborhood Activist
Sunday, September 21, 2008
G@# damn Reverend W
This was taken from The Uppity Woman. Nothing better than "good" democrats taking the "bad" ones to task.
Laura Meckler wrote yesterday evening, September 19, 2008, in the Wall Street Journal:
Don’t be shocked if you see the McCain campaign pull the controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright out of mothballs in new attacks against one-time parishioner, Barack Obama.
McCain advisers say that they see “attack by association” as fair game now, arguing that Obama’s campaign has been using that technique to go after McCain. In particular, the Obama campaign has hammered McCain on the stump and in TV ads on the number of one-time lobbyists working for his campaign. (The McCain campaign is also angry about a Spanish-language TV ad that ties McCain to Rush Limbaugh on immigration, without ever saying that McCain took on Limbaugh and others to fight for comprehensive immigration reform.)
“They played it one way, we played it another way,” said one of McCain’s top advisers, Mark Salter. “Now we’re both going to play it the same way.” [...]
Salter said … the campaign was tired of “catching the spears.” Asked whether to expect attacks involved Wright, campaign spokesman Michael Goldfarb said: “We’ve seen all throughout the (Democratic) primary this guy has a lot of associations that are very problematic.”
Laura Meckler wrote yesterday evening, September 19, 2008, in the Wall Street Journal:
Don’t be shocked if you see the McCain campaign pull the controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright out of mothballs in new attacks against one-time parishioner, Barack Obama.
McCain advisers say that they see “attack by association” as fair game now, arguing that Obama’s campaign has been using that technique to go after McCain. In particular, the Obama campaign has hammered McCain on the stump and in TV ads on the number of one-time lobbyists working for his campaign. (The McCain campaign is also angry about a Spanish-language TV ad that ties McCain to Rush Limbaugh on immigration, without ever saying that McCain took on Limbaugh and others to fight for comprehensive immigration reform.)
“They played it one way, we played it another way,” said one of McCain’s top advisers, Mark Salter. “Now we’re both going to play it the same way.” [...]
Salter said … the campaign was tired of “catching the spears.” Asked whether to expect attacks involved Wright, campaign spokesman Michael Goldfarb said: “We’ve seen all throughout the (Democratic) primary this guy has a lot of associations that are very problematic.”
Saturday, September 20, 2008
HPC is yours truly new home based business. So yes, this is me advertising on my own site. The company is ACN and I am blessed to be an independant representitive. If you or any family and friends are in the market for new wireless, Direct tv, digital camera phone or internet service then checkout ACN's website acninc.com and if you would like to purchase then let me know. Also, if you are interested in a business oportunity of a lifetime drop me an e-mail.
Jack Wheeler On Barry
Dr Jack Wheeler on Obama
> Jack Wheeler is a brilliant man who was the author of
> Reagan's strategy to break the back of the Soviet Union
> with the star wars race and expose their inner weakness. For
> years he wrote a weekly intelligence update that was
> extremely interesting and well structured and informed. He
> consults(ed) with several mega corporations on global trends
> and the future, etc. I think he is in semi-retirement now.
> He is a true patriot with a no-nonsense approach to
> everything. He is also a somewhat well known mountain
> climber and adventurer.
> Dr. Jack Wheeler Regarding Obama
> Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler
> The O-man, Barack Hussein Obama, is an eloquently tailored
> empty suit. No resume, no accomplishments, no experience, no
> original ideas, no understanding of how the economy works,
> no understanding of how the world works, no balls, nothing
> but abstract empty rhetoric devoid of real substance.
> He has no real identity. He is half-white, which he
> rejects. The rest of him is mostly Arab, which he hides but
> is disclosed by his non-African Arabic surname and his
> Arabic first and middle names as a way to triply proclaim
> his Arabic parentage to people in Kenya . Only a small part
> of him is African Black from his Luo grandmother, which he
> pretends he is exclusively.
> What he isn't, not a genetic drop of, is
> 'African-American,' the descendant of enslaved
> Africans brought to America chained in slave ships. He
> hasn't a single ancestor who was a slave. Instead, his
> Arab ancestors were slave owners. Slave-trading was the main
> Arab business in East Africa for centuries until the British
> ended it.
> Let that sink in: Obama is not the descendant of slaves, he
> is the descendant of slave owners. Thus he makes the perfect
> Liberal Messiah.
> It's something Hillary doesn't understand - how
> some complete neophyte came out of the blue and stole the
> Dem nomination from her.. Obamamania is beyond politics and
> reason. It is a true religious cult, whose adherents reject
> Christianity yet still believe in Original Sin, transferring
> it from the evil of being human to the evil of being white.
> Thus Obama has become the white liberals' Christ,
> offering absolution from the Sin of Being White. There is no
> reason or logic behind it, no faults or flaws of his can
> diminish it, no arguments Hillary could make of any kind can
> be effective against it. The absurdity of Hypocrisy Clothed
> In Human Flesh being their Savior is all the more cause for
> liberals to worship him: Credo quia absurdum, I believe it
> because it is absurd.
> Thank heavens that the voting majority of Americans remain
> Christian and are in no desperate need of a phony savior.
> His candidacy is ridiculous and should not be taken
> seriously by any thinking American.
> Jack Wheeler is a brilliant man who was the author of
> Reagan's strategy to break the back of the Soviet Union
> with the star wars race and expose their inner weakness. For
> years he wrote a weekly intelligence update that was
> extremely interesting and well structured and informed. He
> consults(ed) with several mega corporations on global trends
> and the future, etc. I think he is in semi-retirement now.
> He is a true patriot with a no-nonsense approach to
> everything. He is also a somewhat well known mountain
> climber and adventurer.
> Dr. Jack Wheeler Regarding Obama
> Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler
> The O-man, Barack Hussein Obama, is an eloquently tailored
> empty suit. No resume, no accomplishments, no experience, no
> original ideas, no understanding of how the economy works,
> no understanding of how the world works, no balls, nothing
> but abstract empty rhetoric devoid of real substance.
> He has no real identity. He is half-white, which he
> rejects. The rest of him is mostly Arab, which he hides but
> is disclosed by his non-African Arabic surname and his
> Arabic first and middle names as a way to triply proclaim
> his Arabic parentage to people in Kenya . Only a small part
> of him is African Black from his Luo grandmother, which he
> pretends he is exclusively.
> What he isn't, not a genetic drop of, is
> 'African-American,' the descendant of enslaved
> Africans brought to America chained in slave ships. He
> hasn't a single ancestor who was a slave. Instead, his
> Arab ancestors were slave owners. Slave-trading was the main
> Arab business in East Africa for centuries until the British
> ended it.
> Let that sink in: Obama is not the descendant of slaves, he
> is the descendant of slave owners. Thus he makes the perfect
> Liberal Messiah.
> It's something Hillary doesn't understand - how
> some complete neophyte came out of the blue and stole the
> Dem nomination from her.. Obamamania is beyond politics and
> reason. It is a true religious cult, whose adherents reject
> Christianity yet still believe in Original Sin, transferring
> it from the evil of being human to the evil of being white.
> Thus Obama has become the white liberals' Christ,
> offering absolution from the Sin of Being White. There is no
> reason or logic behind it, no faults or flaws of his can
> diminish it, no arguments Hillary could make of any kind can
> be effective against it. The absurdity of Hypocrisy Clothed
> In Human Flesh being their Savior is all the more cause for
> liberals to worship him: Credo quia absurdum, I believe it
> because it is absurd.
> Thank heavens that the voting majority of Americans remain
> Christian and are in no desperate need of a phony savior.
> His candidacy is ridiculous and should not be taken
> seriously by any thinking American.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Barry And Tiny Toons

Stolen from my friend Uppity!
Obama Speech:
Barack Obama:
I guess his whole angle is - “watch out, George Bush - except for economic policy, healthcare policy, tax policy, education policy, foreign policy, and Karl-Rove-style politics, we’re really gonna shake things up in Washington”.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Good Job Tex "Truthseekers"
I guess the truth gets a little agitating sometimes huh? If you can't handle it Tex get back on the porch and quit trying to run with the big dogs. Again, abortion is murder and I am sure your grand kids are happy your views did not affect them.
Yup, I did nothing wrong at The Hive other than protect myself and I get a "timeout"? What a joke. I have been attacked for weeks and nothing was done. I was told it was ok by The Bee's powers that be to call others names but I was out of line by calling truthseejers Tex and refered to his grandkids. I did not even realize he had grandkids! And Tex is what he asked me to call him. Calling a guy by a nickname and he goes by an alias. Maybe wussie should be a new name for you big guy. I did nothing wrong. Lucky I have my own site. You know, where somebody can't use my pop's name with false quotes. Just keep hiding behind a screen and a friendly Hive screener. Because you would never do what you do on your own....Tex.
Update: Tex continues to make false quotes and attribute them to my father who has passed on. I guess I should not be surprised and should actually feel sorry for you. Since you have shown time and time again you have no respect for life other than your own. So go back and tend your warehouses with the rats, mice and field roaches, you are company that I am sure they do not like.
Yup, I did nothing wrong at The Hive other than protect myself and I get a "timeout"? What a joke. I have been attacked for weeks and nothing was done. I was told it was ok by The Bee's powers that be to call others names but I was out of line by calling truthseejers Tex and refered to his grandkids. I did not even realize he had grandkids! And Tex is what he asked me to call him. Calling a guy by a nickname and he goes by an alias. Maybe wussie should be a new name for you big guy. I did nothing wrong. Lucky I have my own site. You know, where somebody can't use my pop's name with false quotes. Just keep hiding behind a screen and a friendly Hive screener. Because you would never do what you do on your own....Tex.
Update: Tex continues to make false quotes and attribute them to my father who has passed on. I guess I should not be surprised and should actually feel sorry for you. Since you have shown time and time again you have no respect for life other than your own. So go back and tend your warehouses with the rats, mice and field roaches, you are company that I am sure they do not like.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
More From My Friend; Uppity On Barry!
It is an awesome sign when many democrat women as well as most others are recognizing Barry for who he is. A phony. But I will let Ms. Uppity say it.
You are true slime, Barack Obama, and more and more people are learning this. Keep up the good work! We hava actually grown to appreciate your hate of women as well as your abject ignorance and stupidity. It will help to ship you back to Chicago Thug Land where you and Reverend Wright can put the Hamas Manifesto back on the web site and slap women around.
We’re on to you, BarackObama. That old “People’s families should be off-limits” routine is worn to the bone. I hope the swiftboats kick your miserable socialist wife’s ass back to that hospital where she uses her color to help them do the bare minimum so that they can get away with turning away the poor.
I honestly don’t know how a thuggish turd like you got to be running for President. There must be truly something wrong with our DNC. I don’t even want some of what they’re having.
You are true slime, Barack Obama, and more and more people are learning this. Keep up the good work! We hava actually grown to appreciate your hate of women as well as your abject ignorance and stupidity. It will help to ship you back to Chicago Thug Land where you and Reverend Wright can put the Hamas Manifesto back on the web site and slap women around.
We’re on to you, BarackObama. That old “People’s families should be off-limits” routine is worn to the bone. I hope the swiftboats kick your miserable socialist wife’s ass back to that hospital where she uses her color to help them do the bare minimum so that they can get away with turning away the poor.
I honestly don’t know how a thuggish turd like you got to be running for President. There must be truly something wrong with our DNC. I don’t even want some of what they’re having.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Barry's Pro Death Anti Family History Is Coming Home To Roost
Yes, his anti life and marriage beliefs are not only coming home to roost, but are also showing his personal coop/soul is full of .....droppings. WND has a nice article on how important these issues are to many Americans.
Most voters and Catholics oppose a president who doesn't know when life begins and would reject legal recognition of same-sex marriage, according to a new poll.
The ATI-News/Zogby poll, commissioned for WND Books' latest release, "The Audacity of Deceit: Barack Obama's War on American Values," confirms a large number of voters take issue with Sen. Barack Obama's stance on abortion.
O'Leary, the former NBC Westwood One talk show host who has authored 11 books and penned political columns for USA Weekend that drew 90 million readers, looked at the potential consequences of an Obama administration and reached the following conclusions:
Obama will be a radical on the abortion issue as signaled by his blocking of emergency medical aid for babies who survive abortion;
Obama will attempt to ban the use of firearms for defense by law-abiding citizens;
Obama will raise tax rates up to 60 percent;
Obama will push for health care reforms that will let government determine which procedures and operations senior citizens are allowed to have;
Obama will "transform the U.S. Treasury into the United Nations' ATM";
Obama will choke off America's domestic energy resources, sending gas, electricity and food prices through the roof;
Obama will raise the percentage of Americans who pay no taxes at all, from 30 percent to 40 percent – at the expense of those who do;
Obama will transfer child-rearing responsibility and authority from parents to the federal government with his "0 to 5" program.
Most voters and Catholics oppose a president who doesn't know when life begins and would reject legal recognition of same-sex marriage, according to a new poll.
The ATI-News/Zogby poll, commissioned for WND Books' latest release, "The Audacity of Deceit: Barack Obama's War on American Values," confirms a large number of voters take issue with Sen. Barack Obama's stance on abortion.
O'Leary, the former NBC Westwood One talk show host who has authored 11 books and penned political columns for USA Weekend that drew 90 million readers, looked at the potential consequences of an Obama administration and reached the following conclusions:
Obama will be a radical on the abortion issue as signaled by his blocking of emergency medical aid for babies who survive abortion;
Obama will attempt to ban the use of firearms for defense by law-abiding citizens;
Obama will raise tax rates up to 60 percent;
Obama will push for health care reforms that will let government determine which procedures and operations senior citizens are allowed to have;
Obama will "transform the U.S. Treasury into the United Nations' ATM";
Obama will choke off America's domestic energy resources, sending gas, electricity and food prices through the roof;
Obama will raise the percentage of Americans who pay no taxes at all, from 30 percent to 40 percent – at the expense of those who do;
Obama will transfer child-rearing responsibility and authority from parents to the federal government with his "0 to 5" program.
Read This Letter Barry Hussein
Poor Barry can't hide from his anti Jewish pals and mentors. The closer we get to the election the more these associations are going to be seen for what they are....Your true thought and beliefs Barry..your core values Barry.
This open letter is written by David Ha'ivri.
An Open Letter to Barack Obama
by David Ha'ivri
We know who you are and who your friends are.
Barack Obama, why don't you just go home?
Barack, your visit here is just a waste of time; you're not wanted or needed here. We'll do just fine without you and you'll probably do better with out us, too. Don't come around here making as if you're looking out for the good of Israel. We know who you are and who your friends are. Zigzagging back and forth about dividing or un-dividing
Zigzagging back and forth about dividing or un-dividing Jerusalem won't clear your history.
Jerusalem won't clear your history.
I'm not talking about your middle name. Any good Christian might have the middle name Hussein (although I can't think of any others). We won't hold that against you. There are worse things than having an Arab name; like for instance being supported by a known Jew-hater, bigot Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, who among other statements has accused the Jews of bringing on the Holocaust through cooperation with Hitler - "They helped him get the Third Reich on the road." But, of course, it would be wrong to hold that against you, because you haven't been rallying for his support (recently).
We can't really blame you for the beliefs of Father Michael Pfleger, who embraces Black Liberation Theology, which claims that Jesus was Black - so the Jews have no claim to Israel and, therefore, the Muslims are the rightful heirs of the Holy Land. Those beliefs have nothing to do with you, aside from the fact that you have coined the man your "moral compass." But one must admit that Pfleger is not your only mentor and also is not alone in looking up to Farrakhan.
Your spiritual mentor is Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who has praised Jimmy Carter for denouncing Zionism. Last year, the Trumpet Newsmagazine of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ gave the Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Trumpeter Award to Louis Farrakhan and said that he is a man who "truly epitomized greatness." You are a member of that Church and Jeremiah Wright is its leader and your spiritual adviser.
Now you won't go so far as to criticize Jimmy Carter, not even for meeting with the heads of Hamas, because, to paraphrase your words, "It's not your place to criticize him." That is, not until the next day, when you were seeking the support of Jewish leaders. Then you must have found a new place for criticism. Aren't the Jews great for giving a guy a new vision and a sense of self-confidence? Is that what you meant by, "It's time for change"?
Barack Hussein, we won't hold it against you. But can you tell us what you mean by supporting a Palestinian State along side Israel? Do you mean a replay of the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Gaza three years ago? Do you foresee soldiers carrying men, women and children away from their homes, which are to be demolished by bulldozers? Palestinian rule brought on the endless rocket fire on Sderot and the thousands of Jewish refugees who have yet to find permanent homes or means of a steady income. Is that your vision of a new hope that Farakkhan's Final Call website praises you for?
Barack Hussein, why don't you just go home? Your visit to Israel this week is not because you're looking out for the wellbeing of Israel and the Jewish people. You're coming to Israel looking for the Jewish vote; your goal is to
Don't use us or our land as a photo-op.
speak with the Jewish American voters through the press coverage of this tour to the holy land. You want them to think that you took the time off from your busy campaign to further peace in the Middle East. Your hope is that enough stupid Jews will misread the message and take it as an act of support for Israel.
Don't use us or our land as a photo-op to transmit a twisted call for support to Jewish-American voters. You don't fool us. We know who you and your friends are.
Barack Hussein, why don't you just go home? But on the way out, remember the words you heard here from the proud Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria: "This is our land!" We are back after two thousand years of forced exile and we are not about to leave it again.
This open letter is written by David Ha'ivri.
An Open Letter to Barack Obama
by David Ha'ivri
We know who you are and who your friends are.
Barack Obama, why don't you just go home?
Barack, your visit here is just a waste of time; you're not wanted or needed here. We'll do just fine without you and you'll probably do better with out us, too. Don't come around here making as if you're looking out for the good of Israel. We know who you are and who your friends are. Zigzagging back and forth about dividing or un-dividing
Zigzagging back and forth about dividing or un-dividing Jerusalem won't clear your history.
Jerusalem won't clear your history.
I'm not talking about your middle name. Any good Christian might have the middle name Hussein (although I can't think of any others). We won't hold that against you. There are worse things than having an Arab name; like for instance being supported by a known Jew-hater, bigot Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, who among other statements has accused the Jews of bringing on the Holocaust through cooperation with Hitler - "They helped him get the Third Reich on the road." But, of course, it would be wrong to hold that against you, because you haven't been rallying for his support (recently).
We can't really blame you for the beliefs of Father Michael Pfleger, who embraces Black Liberation Theology, which claims that Jesus was Black - so the Jews have no claim to Israel and, therefore, the Muslims are the rightful heirs of the Holy Land. Those beliefs have nothing to do with you, aside from the fact that you have coined the man your "moral compass." But one must admit that Pfleger is not your only mentor and also is not alone in looking up to Farrakhan.
Your spiritual mentor is Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who has praised Jimmy Carter for denouncing Zionism. Last year, the Trumpet Newsmagazine of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ gave the Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Trumpeter Award to Louis Farrakhan and said that he is a man who "truly epitomized greatness." You are a member of that Church and Jeremiah Wright is its leader and your spiritual adviser.
Now you won't go so far as to criticize Jimmy Carter, not even for meeting with the heads of Hamas, because, to paraphrase your words, "It's not your place to criticize him." That is, not until the next day, when you were seeking the support of Jewish leaders. Then you must have found a new place for criticism. Aren't the Jews great for giving a guy a new vision and a sense of self-confidence? Is that what you meant by, "It's time for change"?
Barack Hussein, we won't hold it against you. But can you tell us what you mean by supporting a Palestinian State along side Israel? Do you mean a replay of the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Gaza three years ago? Do you foresee soldiers carrying men, women and children away from their homes, which are to be demolished by bulldozers? Palestinian rule brought on the endless rocket fire on Sderot and the thousands of Jewish refugees who have yet to find permanent homes or means of a steady income. Is that your vision of a new hope that Farakkhan's Final Call website praises you for?
Barack Hussein, why don't you just go home? Your visit to Israel this week is not because you're looking out for the wellbeing of Israel and the Jewish people. You're coming to Israel looking for the Jewish vote; your goal is to
Don't use us or our land as a photo-op.
speak with the Jewish American voters through the press coverage of this tour to the holy land. You want them to think that you took the time off from your busy campaign to further peace in the Middle East. Your hope is that enough stupid Jews will misread the message and take it as an act of support for Israel.
Don't use us or our land as a photo-op to transmit a twisted call for support to Jewish-American voters. You don't fool us. We know who you and your friends are.
Barack Hussein, why don't you just go home? But on the way out, remember the words you heard here from the proud Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria: "This is our land!" We are back after two thousand years of forced exile and we are not about to leave it again.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
My Anti Barry Buddy
Uppity has a nice post about sexism and the Democratic Party.
G.O.P. Women Call Palin Criticism Sexist. So What Else is New From The Democratic Party?
Posted on September 3, 2008 by Uppity Woman
First of all, I would like to remind everybody that Michelle Obama has mentioned that Barack is only home on weekends. Barack Obama: You are a lousy father.
Get your ass home Barrie. How can you possibly run for President and be a good father?
Proving that the Democratic Party never ever was a champion of women’s rights, much less…cough …cough.. Equal Rights,
G.O.P. Women Call Palin Criticism Sexist. So What Else is New From The Democratic Party?
Posted on September 3, 2008 by Uppity Woman
First of all, I would like to remind everybody that Michelle Obama has mentioned that Barack is only home on weekends. Barack Obama: You are a lousy father.
Get your ass home Barrie. How can you possibly run for President and be a good father?
Proving that the Democratic Party never ever was a champion of women’s rights, much less…cough …cough.. Equal Rights,
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Where Do Polar Bears Live?
Not in the part of ANWR we need to drill in! But the people who would have you pilot wind cars and live in huts will lead you to believe that they are roaming potential oil fields and drowning themselves in the ocean at the though of seeing an oil rig.
I for one, want to drive my gas powered truck, mow with my gas powered riding lawn tractor, clean the driveway with my gas powered blower and so on. If I wanted to live in a turd world country riding a goat I would move to that place. But this is America; The cleanest industrialized nation in the world. And in order to stay that way we must use any and all of our resources; coal, nuke, wind, natural gas, oil. Everything needs to be on the table. So get the tree huggers and wussies out of the way and drill like the majority of Americans want!
Polar bears are found throughout the circumpolar Arctic on pack ice, along or near coasts, and on islands. They share this habitat with indigenous peoples, and animals such as ringed seals, arctic foxes, narwhal, beluga whales, and millions of migratory birds.
There are believed to be 20-25,000 polar bears worldwide, and about 60% of these are in Canada. Tracks have been reported as far north as the pole, but scientists believe few bears travel beyond 82° north latitude.
As for the population of the bears, scientist admit they don't know.
Trends in polar bear subpopulations
The IUCN-PBSG report (2006), brings together the latest information on the trend and status of the 19 polar bear subpopulations.
Some subpopulations are in decline...
According to the report, 5 subpopulations are in decline, 5 are stable and there is insufficient data on the other subpopulations to make an assessment.
...and may continue to decline
In the next 10 years, it is estimated that 5 polar bear subpopulations have a high to very high risk of decline, 6 have a low to very low risk and there is currently no estimate for 8 subpopulations.
I for one, want to drive my gas powered truck, mow with my gas powered riding lawn tractor, clean the driveway with my gas powered blower and so on. If I wanted to live in a turd world country riding a goat I would move to that place. But this is America; The cleanest industrialized nation in the world. And in order to stay that way we must use any and all of our resources; coal, nuke, wind, natural gas, oil. Everything needs to be on the table. So get the tree huggers and wussies out of the way and drill like the majority of Americans want!
Polar bears are found throughout the circumpolar Arctic on pack ice, along or near coasts, and on islands. They share this habitat with indigenous peoples, and animals such as ringed seals, arctic foxes, narwhal, beluga whales, and millions of migratory birds.
There are believed to be 20-25,000 polar bears worldwide, and about 60% of these are in Canada. Tracks have been reported as far north as the pole, but scientists believe few bears travel beyond 82° north latitude.
As for the population of the bears, scientist admit they don't know.
Trends in polar bear subpopulations
The IUCN-PBSG report (2006), brings together the latest information on the trend and status of the 19 polar bear subpopulations.
Some subpopulations are in decline...
According to the report, 5 subpopulations are in decline, 5 are stable and there is insufficient data on the other subpopulations to make an assessment.
...and may continue to decline
In the next 10 years, it is estimated that 5 polar bear subpopulations have a high to very high risk of decline, 6 have a low to very low risk and there is currently no estimate for 8 subpopulations.
His Brother From Some Other Mother
Here is a well written post about Barry's 1/2 brother who live in a dump while The Barryone sleeps in a home his convicted buddy hooked him up with. Thanks BM for this post. And for the Gang of Hate, stay away. I have an up comming post for you people anyway.
The news media is reporting that Barack Obama has seven living half-brothers/sisters living in Kenya. One of his half-brothers is living in squalor just outside Nairobi.
The news media is reporting that Barack Obama has seven living half-brothers/sisters living in Kenya. One of his half-brothers is living in squalor just outside Nairobi.
Race Wars Because Obama Loses?
What a typical response from a flammin' Barry kool aid drinker. Fatimah Ali is a joke. She believes Americans who vote for a losing Obama do not have the intelligence, self control and decency to put his loss behind them and work hard to put him or another democrat in the oval office in 2012? If McCain, or in my case Keyes, loses, I like most all republican and conservative independants are not going to ran sack our towns. Sounds like Ali may be a bit of a hate America club member. I can't tell if Ali worte this article or tapped into the DNC's talking points.... or has been having tea and crumpets with Shelly Obama.
If McCain wins, look for a full-fledged race and class war, fueled by a deflated and depressed country, soaring crime, homelessness - and hopelessness!
9-02-08. Update, for my viewers here let me post a few responses I have received at the Thunderdome known as The Hive. You will recognize the players and their tunes.
Stanford4Modesto Says:
He believes even the tabloids at the supermarket checkout -
If it is in print or media - it MUST be true.
This thread goes far in confirming what I have thought all along - JHeaton's 3 primary reasons that he resents Obama as a candidate.
1. His name sounds Muslim
2. His skin looks African
3. His platform is plagued by compassion for the working class
Thanks Rob, I can always count on you to go with a racist blast!
truthseekers Says:
for his own personal satisfaction. Picking random statements off of the web that only on a seldom occasion even suggest to back the concolusions he draws from them.
Jack says: God wrote, "You shall not steal."
Jack says: This would include everything from words to panties.
Condoms are easier to change than diapers!
truthseekers Says.
Thanks Tex, nothing better than fabricating quotes from people you never knew and about a God I hope you get to know.
Rich P's normal rant that I condensed."Rich P says, "was a quote, dummy" "Then again, you are kind of PRAYING for a Race War, aren't you? I agree with Truthseekers: you need to stop trolling the internets for your racist ideas." "but you dummies " It's all your negligible mental powers allow you to do: " "as it appears you have, proves that you are a delusional, paranoid, racist who believes that African-Americans (and Obama supporters in general) are just so stupid that they will act against their own,"If you were really as intelligent as your character pretends to be, you'd read a book on grammar or something, or just stick to your wack-ass blog " I wouldn't judge a whole ideological set of Americans based on my readings of this moron"As for the name-calling, Simple Jack has all but called me a stupid Mexican and an ignorant anchor-baby before."
And the Bnic "Certainly I admit I have called you some names as well and I'm accountable for the consequences of my actions, as any good existentialist is (Oops! Another name ...Oh I guess that's OK. I called myself that one).
Thanks for owning your past mistakes!
Here is the entire party if you would like to attend.
If McCain wins, look for a full-fledged race and class war, fueled by a deflated and depressed country, soaring crime, homelessness - and hopelessness!
9-02-08. Update, for my viewers here let me post a few responses I have received at the Thunderdome known as The Hive. You will recognize the players and their tunes.
Stanford4Modesto Says:
He believes even the tabloids at the supermarket checkout -
If it is in print or media - it MUST be true.
This thread goes far in confirming what I have thought all along - JHeaton's 3 primary reasons that he resents Obama as a candidate.
1. His name sounds Muslim
2. His skin looks African
3. His platform is plagued by compassion for the working class
Thanks Rob, I can always count on you to go with a racist blast!
truthseekers Says:
for his own personal satisfaction. Picking random statements off of the web that only on a seldom occasion even suggest to back the concolusions he draws from them.
Jack says: God wrote, "You shall not steal."
Jack says: This would include everything from words to panties.
Condoms are easier to change than diapers!
truthseekers Says.
Thanks Tex, nothing better than fabricating quotes from people you never knew and about a God I hope you get to know.
Rich P's normal rant that I condensed."Rich P says, "was a quote, dummy" "Then again, you are kind of PRAYING for a Race War, aren't you? I agree with Truthseekers: you need to stop trolling the internets for your racist ideas." "but you dummies " It's all your negligible mental powers allow you to do: " "as it appears you have, proves that you are a delusional, paranoid, racist who believes that African-Americans (and Obama supporters in general) are just so stupid that they will act against their own,"If you were really as intelligent as your character pretends to be, you'd read a book on grammar or something, or just stick to your wack-ass blog " I wouldn't judge a whole ideological set of Americans based on my readings of this moron"As for the name-calling, Simple Jack has all but called me a stupid Mexican and an ignorant anchor-baby before."
And the Bnic "Certainly I admit I have called you some names as well and I'm accountable for the consequences of my actions, as any good existentialist is (Oops! Another name ...Oh I guess that's OK. I called myself that one).
Thanks for owning your past mistakes!
Here is the entire party if you would like to attend.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Alan Colmes; And Women Democrats
Uppity Woman has a great piece on this whole subject. Since she does a much better job explaining than I; Here you go!
The Democratic Party has strung women along for years, pretending to “represent” them, when all along, some of the worst misogyny in America resided right there in the Democratic Party. Not only are they sexist misogynist pigs but they have a gaggle of main stream media people to help them along. The deliberate slaughter of Hillary Clinton, brought to us by MSM, DNC and Barack Obama was obviously a learning experience for them. Now they know exactly how to expedite setting a woman aflame.
Yesterday Alan Colmes actually jumped the shark again. He questioned whether Sarah Palin took proper prenatal care and that her own “neglect” may have caused the Down’s Syndrome of her own baby. Damned working women!
I will wait while you absorb that despicable remark coming from a “progressive Democrat” “man” who exercised exponentially bad woman-bashing taste on behalf of the sexist pig he wants to elect.
Shockingly revolting, isn’t it? Breathtakingly tasteless and cruel, wouldn’t you say? Caught in their own irony.
The Democratic Party has strung women along for years, pretending to “represent” them, when all along, some of the worst misogyny in America resided right there in the Democratic Party. Not only are they sexist misogynist pigs but they have a gaggle of main stream media people to help them along. The deliberate slaughter of Hillary Clinton, brought to us by MSM, DNC and Barack Obama was obviously a learning experience for them. Now they know exactly how to expedite setting a woman aflame.
Yesterday Alan Colmes actually jumped the shark again. He questioned whether Sarah Palin took proper prenatal care and that her own “neglect” may have caused the Down’s Syndrome of her own baby. Damned working women!
I will wait while you absorb that despicable remark coming from a “progressive Democrat” “man” who exercised exponentially bad woman-bashing taste on behalf of the sexist pig he wants to elect.
Shockingly revolting, isn’t it? Breathtakingly tasteless and cruel, wouldn’t you say? Caught in their own irony.
Who Is Brian Nichols?
This guy was able to overpower a female officer and then go on a shooting spree. This guy is pure evil.
he overpowered a sheriff’s deputy and stole her gun. Then Nichols entered the courtroom and shot and killed Judge Rowland Barnes as well as the court reporter, Julie Ann Brandau, before escaping down a stairwell. On the sidewalk outside the building, he shot and killed another deputy sheriff, Hoyt Teasley.
Nichols immediately became the object of a frenzied manhunt in the Atlanta area. Over the next few hours, he hijacked as many as five cars and, apparently while looking for shelter, murdered a federal agent, David Wilhelm
he overpowered a sheriff’s deputy and stole her gun. Then Nichols entered the courtroom and shot and killed Judge Rowland Barnes as well as the court reporter, Julie Ann Brandau, before escaping down a stairwell. On the sidewalk outside the building, he shot and killed another deputy sheriff, Hoyt Teasley.
Nichols immediately became the object of a frenzied manhunt in the Atlanta area. Over the next few hours, he hijacked as many as five cars and, apparently while looking for shelter, murdered a federal agent, David Wilhelm
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