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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

God Bless Texas

Great news from the Lone Star State. Looks like the rule of law is back in style once again. Illegals go home!

Fired-up Republican activists in no mood for compromises threw out their party chairwoman Saturday, then bucked Texas Gov. Rick Perry by pushing for a crackdown on illegal immigration similar to Arizona's new law.

Some delegates at the Republican state convention also called for a nonbinding resolution calling on House Republicans to oust their own speaker, Rep. Joe Straus of San Antonio, considered too moderate for many of the bedrock conservatives meeting in Dallas this weekend. Convention organizers ruled the Straus resolution out of order.

1 comment:

  1. That's round one. Now we have to mobilize to pass this party plank into legislation. It will be tough, especially with governor Perry's opposition. Hispanics account for 20% of our voters. We need to show Perry that opposition to the law against illegal immigration will cost him more than 20% of our supporters.
