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Sunday, August 29, 2010
Survivor Details Massacre of 72 Migrants by Drug Cartel in Mexico (via Coalition Against Illegal Immigration)
via Coalition Against Illegal Immigration
Robert E. Lee: American Hero, Much & Erroneously Maligned (via The Dame Truth)
Today is the birth date of Robert E. Lee, Commander of the Army of the Confederate States of America. At West Point, he graduated at the top of his class and, along with only 5 other cadets, he shared the distinction of never having received any demerits and fought alongside many other famed military men of his time in the Mexican-American War. Con … Read More
via The Dame Truth
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Following Up on Health (via The Dame Truth)
Apropos of the recent post on FDA perfidy, these came across my inbox today...take it FWIW--while there are those who eschew Alex Jones, he does reveal a few truths here and there, and from what I can tell, this is one of those which bear scrutiny. Genetically Modified food, FDA approved toxins and more...a word to the wise: do your own DD, stay away from processed, agribusiness produced food; eat local, natural products and buy organic; better … Read More
via The Dame Truth
Friday, August 27, 2010
Innocent NY Cab Driver Attacked By Intolerant Liberal Man
Mr Sharif, 43, a Bangladeshi immigrant, said anger over the proposed Ground Zero mosque may have led to him being set upon.
‘I know many people are upset
I didn’t support the mosque at Ground Zero, either,’ the married father-of-four said.
‘I feel very sad. I have been driving a taxi more than 15 years. All my four kids were born here. I never feel this hopeless and insecure before.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
NWO Plan: Start Your Journey For Truth Now
ATTACK: Christian Cross desecrated by "Gay activists" (via Battlefield America)
American Blacks Rise Up Against Illegal Immigration (via Battlefield America)
Barry Hussein Inc.
ps: LM, if I ever do anything incorrect while re-posting from your site, please tell me.
United States Code, Title 28, 3002:
(15) “United States” means—(A) a Federal corporation;(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
I received a very interesting email that showed, among other items, that Barack Obama has two companies incorporated in his name in the UK according to Alfred Adask (his post below). How many Barack Obamas exist in the world? Do any Monster readers in England want to do some digging? Is this how the revenue is redistributed to the Queen and the international banksters?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
TOXIC WASTE: The REAL Culprits (via The Dame Truth)
Well, well well, we didn't have to wait long to see Big Parma run, screaming in terror to the FDA to protect them from the threat to their profit margin from the purveyors of simple solutions for healing! Jim Humble, whose long-researched, inexpensive, effective and revolutionary new approach to healing has worked for many years helping people to help their bodies do their jobs against all manner of invasive pathogens, and word has gotten around … Read More
via The Dame Truth
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Is Barry And His Boys Hoping For War?
Gerald Celente, 8.10.2010, And Russia Loading Iran Nuclear Facility on 8.21.2010
Gerald Celente of Trends Research being interviewed by George Noory on Coast To Coast AM (8.10.2010) about the upcoming war that Obama needs to lift America out of
This is from the Logistics Monster's website. The more one does some research into what is really going on in the world, the clear the picture of why our federal government wants total control over the population.
How many of you have heard of MMS? How many of you use it and have had your life positively altered due to good health? How many of you stopped having symptoms of chronic pain, fatigue, insomnia, infections, mental fogginess, blurred vision, etc.?
MMS is a powerful oxidant and detoxifier that does not create another chemical reaction in your body, does not cost an arm and a leg, AND I can state from my own personal experience has saved my life and my sanity. (Look for the overall description of what MMS does halfway down the page.)
The NWO can’t have it’s revenue streams thinking too clearly, and because Big Pharma doesn’t have it’s claws into MMS (a year’s supply was $20), the FDA has started the smear campaign and the recall for this ‘industrial strength bleach’ without any studies or confirmation of the millions of success stories of MMS.
The Pilgrims Society | The Hive
Talk about an eye opner for many folks! It is amazing to see the web that connects a small number of families through out histroy, and connect them to our present day problems.
Pilgrims of Great Britain dinner, January 9, 1951. Logo and flags in background. “There are several curious things about these Pilgrims functions. In the first place there is present at these dinners an array of notables such as it would be difficult to bring together under one roof for any other purpose and by any other society… Among the guests were John D. Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan, Thomas W. Lamont and other members of the House of Morgan… We are entitled to know what the Pilgrim Society is, what it stands for, and who these powerful Pilgrims are that can call out the great to hear a British Ambassador expound to Americans the virtues of a united democratic front.”
- John T. Whiteford asking very reasonable questions in his 1940 pamphlet ‘Sir Uncle Sam: Knight of the British Empire’.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Send A Thank You Note To Mr. And Missy Gaetana And Emerson Drake
So go to enter his name, and send a thank you note to Krishawn way. They need all the support they can get!LOL!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Yousef, "Son of Hamas" author weighs in on the mega mosque (via )
What a sweet guy! They probably have a fatwah out on his head. You can get his book here - I surely will. I want to read what this man has to say. h/t WorkingClassArtist … Read More
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Thank You Dr. Laura For An Honest, Non Racist Dicussion On Racism
The caller makes the comment that it is racist of Dr. L even to use the word, but not racist if blacks use it. That is a racist view! There is a double standard when racism is discussed. One set of rules if you are white, and another if you are not.
I am of the belief that if you are not racist, you are free to discuss this topic without fear. Of course, the ones who complain the most, who take the most offense, and throw the label of racist on the speaker, is usually a pure racist. The democratic party if the most racist and hate filled bunch. It is sad to see Dr. Laura apologizing for telling the truth.
Here is part of Dr. L's show were she educates her caller on the double standard that isused when "race" is involved.
CALLER: -- racism has come to another level that's unacceptable.
SCHLESSINGER: Yeah. We've got a black man as president, and we have more complaining about racism than ever. I mean, I think that's hilarious.
CALLER: But I think, honestly, because there's more white people afraid of a black man taking over the nation.
SCHLESSINGER: They're afraid.
CALLER: If you want to be honest about it [unintelligible]
SCHLESSINGER: Dear, they voted him in. Only 12 percent of the population's black. Whites voted him in.
CALLER: It was the younger generation that did it. It wasn't the older white people who did it.
CALLER: It was the younger generation --
SCHLESSINGER: All right. All right.
CALLER: -- that did it.
SCHLESSINGER: Chip on your shoulder. I can't do much about that.
CALLER: It's not like that.
SCHLESSINGER: Yeah. I think you have too much sensitivity --
CALLER: So it's OK to say "nigger"?
SCHLESSINGER: -- and not enough sense of humor.
CALLER: It's OK to say that word?
SCHLESSINGER: It depends how it's said.
CALLER: Is it OK to say that word? Is it ever OK to say that word?
SCHLESSINGER: It's -- it depends how it's said. Black guys talking to each other seem to think it's OK.
CALLER: But you're not black. They're not black. My husband is white.
SCHLESSINGER: Oh, I see. So, a word is restricted to race. Got it. Can't do much about that.
CALLER: I can't believe someone like you is on the radio spewing out the "nigger" word, and I hope everybody heard it.
SCHLESSINGER: I didn't spew out the "nigger" word.
CALLER: You said, "Nigger, nigger, nigger."
SCHLESSINGER: Right, I said that's what you hear.
CALLER: Everybody heard it.
SCHLESSINGER: Yes, they did.
CALLER: I hope everybody heard it.
SCHLESSINGER: They did, and I'll say it again --
CALLER: So what makes it OK for you to say the word?
SCHLESSINGER: -- nigger, nigger, nigger is what you hear on HB --
CALLER: So what makes it --
SCHLESSINGER: Why don't you let me finish a sentence?
SCHLESSINGER: Don't take things out of context. Don't double N -- NAACP me. "
This is fact, many blacks voted for Barack because he was black. Even some whites voted fot him solely because he is black. Heck, white folks got him elected!
Monday, August 16, 2010
John W Smart on The Fading Of A Fad (via )
Cross-posted with permission from the very perceptive John W Smart's place. Don't forget to visit one of Uppity's favorite bloggers at his new digs. The fading of a fad. Posted on August 12, 2010 by JWS What happened to Obama? I never bought the hype and always knew he was all mirrors, no smoke and certainly no fire. All hat, no cowboy. A hologram is what I’ve consistently called him. So after he won Obama lunging headlong into the real politic … Read More
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Mrs. Palin Has A Question For The Mongrel-in-Chump

She wants the Mongrel-in-Chief to give specific reasons for allowing the mosque to be built at Ground Zero:
Mr. President, should they or should they not build a mosque steps away from where radical Islamists killed 3000 people?
Please tell us your position.
We all know that they have the right to do it, but should they? And, no, this is not above your pay grade.
If those who wish to build this Ground Zero mosque are sincerely interested in encouraging positive “cross-cultural engagement” and dialogue to show a moderate and tolerant face of Islam, then why haven’t they recognized that the decision to build a mosque at this particular location is doing just the opposite?
Mr. President, why aren’t you encouraging the mosque developers to accept Governor Paterson’s generous offer of assistance in finding a new location for the mosque on state land if they move it away from Ground Zero?
Why haven’t they jumped at this offer?
Why are they apparently so set on building a mosque steps from what you have described, in agreement with me, as “hallowed ground”?
I believe these are legitimate questions to ask.
If You Trip, Blame Bush!

Arizona Continues To Support The Constitution
The law makes several changes to the permitting process and rules regulating concealed carry:
• It removes the requirement that individuals have a permit to carry a concealed weapon anywhere that open carry is allowed. Individuals will still need a permit to carry a concealed weapon in bars and restaurants and to qualify for reciprocal privileges when in states that require permits.
• The new law lets individuals obtain permits through means other than the eight-hour training course mandated under the previous law. These other means include any NRA firearms- or safety-training course and a hunter-education course administered by the Arizona Game and Fish Department.
• It requires individuals to answer honestly if police ask if they are carrying a weapon. The law also allows police officers to take temporary custody of a weapon during stops.
• It stiffens penalties for individuals who commit crimes while carrying a concealed weapon.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Seniors: Health Care "Reform" Victims (via )
If there was any slight remaining doubt that the Obama administration can't stand old people, that should have been dispelled with they took $575 billion in coverage out of Medicare for "Health Care Reform". If that wasn't smarmy enough, they had the audacity to proclaim that this action would Shore Up Medicare and make it financial … Read More
I Just Can't Let These Responses By Mr. and Mrs Emerson"Gaetana" Drake Disappear
So now I will post a thread that lead to my ban at The Hive. It is well worth it because it allows the truth about this couple and their motives. I guess I should say thanks to the most hypocritical duo in Modesto! LOL!
Maybe other folks should thank them too! Either drop do it here, or use a people search engine to send a personal note. They will welcome the words of kindness.
Pedophilia More Common Among Homosexuals
Submitted by jheaton on Tue, 2010-08-10 22:11.
Everytime you read of a case of a man molesting a boy, or woman a girl, it is another example of deviant homosexual behavior. Just as bad as a man molesting a girl, or a woman molesting a boy. It is all deviant behavior.
But it appears that it happens more with homosexuals per capita than hetrosexuals.
Child molestation and pedophilia occur far more commonly among homosexuals than among heterosexuals on a per capita basis, according to a new study.
“Overwhelming evidence supports the belief that homosexuality is a sexual deviancy often accompanied by disorders that have dire consequences for our culture,” wrote Steve Baldwin in, “Child Molestation and the Homosexual Movement,” soon to be published by the Regent University Law Review.
Baldwin is the executive director of the Council for National Policy in Washington, D.C.
“It is difficult to convey the dark side of the homosexual culture without appearing harsh,” wrote Baldwin. “However, it is time to acknowledge that homosexual behavior threatens the foundation of Western civilization – the nuclear family.”
Emerson And Gaetana Not A Happy Hate Couple
And then to find out the Gaetana is collecting unemployment after working a small amount of time at a county office. I received an e-mail from an unknown person saying she had access to information that was confidential. And to think her husband, Emerson, has an ax to grind. Let's hope nothing illegal took place.
I really feel sorry for Robert Stanford, he intrusted Emerson with his campaign money, and now it looks as though Emerson only took the job in order to ensure Robert would never have a chance of winning.
Report: Pedophilia more common among 'gays' (via The Bible and Society)
Report: Pedophilia more common among 'gays' (1045) Research purports to reveal 'dark side' of homosexual culture By Jon Dougherty Child molestation and pedophilia occur far more commonly among homosexuals than among heterosexuals on a per capita basis, according to a new study. "Overwhelming evidence supports the belief that homosexuality is a sexual devia … Read More
via The Bible and Society
Reporters vs. Conservative Black Leaders at Press Conference (via The Bible and Society) … Read More
Monday, August 09, 2010
Obama Man Can, Cause He Mixes It With Hope and Makes the World Feel Good (via )
Huge h/ to Proudmilitarymom. … Read More
Afghan Muslims Kill Americans: And A Few Others
This is sad, all these folks were trying to do was help others. It is truly the R.O.P. But hey, Muslims also kill Americans in America, at least they are consistant.LOL!
KABUL, Afghanistan – They hiked for more than 10 hours over rugged mountains — unarmed and without security — to bring medical care to isolated Afghan villagers until their humanitarian mission took a tragic turn.
Ten members of the Christian medical team — six Americans, two Afghans, one German and a Briton — were gunned down in a gruesome slaughter that the Taliban said they carried out, alleging the volunteers were spying and trying to convert Muslims to Christianity. The gunmen spared an Afghan driver, who recited verses from the Islamic holy book Quran as he begged for his life.
the International Assistance Mission, or IAM, one of the longest serving non-governmental organizations operating in Afghanistan, is registered as a nonprofit Christian organization but does not proselytize.
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Friday, August 06, 2010
Can't We All Just "Get A Song"
So I will start off with a dedication to you, UW:
The Codex
Think the the WTO is a good thing? Better start doing your homework!
1) Started in 1962 by UN, Imposed by WTO SanctionsCodex Alimentarius was created in 1962 as a trade Commission by the UN to control the international trade of food. Its initial intentions may have been altruistic but it has been taken over by corporate interests, most notably the pharmaceutical, pesticide, biotechnology and chemical industries.
Codex Alimentarius is backed up by the crippling trade sanctions of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Any non Codex-compliant nation would face huge economic punishment since they would automatically lose in any food-trade dispute with a Codex compliant country.
The CodexFor those that still don’t know about the UN plan, Codex Alimentarius, take some time listening to these lectures and then do the followup. You will not believe your eyes and ears when it comes to what is happening to our food and the supply.
Nutricide – Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs
The Codex Alimentarius is a threat to the freedom of people to choose natural healing and alternative medicine and nutrition. Ratified by the World Health Organization, and going into Law in the United States in 2009, the threat to health freedom has never been greater. This is the first part of a series of talks by Dr. Rima Laibow MD, available on DVD from the Natural Solutions Foundation, an non-profit organization dedicated to educating people about how to stop Codex Alimentarius from taking away our right to freely choose nutritional health.
These Goat F#$kers Need To Be Killed Not Enabled (via )
In a continuing ride into the depths of insanity a New Jersey Judge has chosen not to grant a restraining order to a woman against her husband who repeatedly raped her. The goat fucking rapist is muslim and that's how they roll and their woman are less than dogs that don't deserve protection...At least that's what this dumb shit judge thinks. A New Jersey family court judge's decision not to grant a restraining order to a woman who was sexually a … Read More
Thursday, August 05, 2010
The Fed: A Must Read From Logistics Monster
As you all know, a few weeks ago I put up a note about receiving an email and during the course of the research on one single item, it blossomed into an intricate web with an ever growing number of rabbit holes to follow for information and a quest to decipher what was real and what was tinfoil hat conspiracy theory. My intent with this series of articles, (and I still don’t know how many), is to show you all the pieces; those that can be ascertained and those that fall into the latter category, and give you the opportunity to decide for yourself.
The email you ask? The email I received was all about the Amero; a new form of currency supposedly being minted in Denver to replace a collapsed American Dollar when the North American Union of Canada, the United States, and Mexico are formed in direct response to the European Union and our unpayable $10? Trillion National Debt. (I have run across figures as high as $44 Trillion, but cannot confirm the accounting yet.) The characters in this chess game; The Federal Reserve, The Council On Foreign Affairs, The Wall Street Banks, and The Bilderberg Group. I am sure I am going to run across at least a few more before the series is over because I am still digging, and this also explains why we have not heard anything in months on the FBI’s investigation of Wall Street Banks.
Edward Hooper: AIDS Caused By Man
In 1999 I wrote a book, The River, which proposed the hypothesis that AIDS might be iatrogenic (caused by physicians), and that scientists might have unwittingly started the pandemic through an experimental oral polio vaccine (OPV) administered in central Africa in the 1950s. That book touched more buttons than I had anticipated, for it sparked a major cover-up among those who had been involved with making the vaccine, and among powerful interest groups within the medical community. The attempted whitewash persuaded me to continue my researches. I have now been exclusively researching AIDS for 20 years, and its origins for 16. And whereas I was 95% persuaded of the merits of the vaccine theory when The River was published in 1999, I am now (in 2006) 99.9% persuaded that this is how AIDS began.
Shirls Sherrod And Her Farm Of Pain And Suffering
she and husband Charles received $150,000 each for "pain and suffering” as part of "a thirteen million dollar settlement in the minority farmers law suit Pigford vs Vilsack."
It now seems that Mr. and Mrs. Sherrod inflicted quite a bit of pain and suffering on their own -- and on some of the very people Mr. Sherrod described as "our own" New Communities, Inc. (NCI). "the land trust that Shirley and Charles Sherrod established, with other black farm families in the 1960s."
Ron Wilkins says, "I know this story well, for I was one of those workers at NCI."
Imagine farm workers doing back breaking labor in the sweltering sun, sprayed with pesticides and paid less than minimum wage. Imagine the United Farm Workers called in to defend these laborers against such exploitation by management. Now imagine that the farm workers are black children and adults and that the managers are Shirley Sherrod, her husband Rev. Charles Sherrod, and a host of others. But it’s no illusion; this is fact.
... What most of Mrs. Sherrod’s supporters are not aware of is the elitist and anti-black-labor role that she and fellow managers of New Communities Inc. (NCI) played. These individuals under-paid, mistreated and fired black laborers–many of them less than 16 years of age–in the same fields of southwest Georgia where their ancestors suffered under chattel slavery.
sure there is
and the question of the chicken and egg has aslo been found. Same disdain but seemimgly unrelated statistisce on same group serves what purpose? Paint a pig pink it still is a pig, I woudn't want a person so possessed ,to be missataken for the molester. So should the study, be proportional, would assume your headline less offensive.
Logic on its own terms would assume the premise, like you or i would even think of having a queer friend watch our kids? Like most headlines which make the sky fall as some birds fall and die from flight, just as the "flight attendant "and his foilbles unraveled at his employment today
Sorry, but
you are need to acknowledge that many child molesters are born to parents (1 man and 1 woman) who abused them sexually. Be it the Mom or the Dad. Plenty of Dads have sexually abused daughters and fathered children with them.
And just today another Teacher (female, straight with a husband) is going to trial for having sexual relations with 14 year old students.
These are a good examples of a perverts.
Gays and Lesbians would never condone this type of behavior. And like the rest of "US" would be the first to demand justice for the people hurt by such crimes.
I was always aware of this and I always
feel sorry for these poor people that seem to be born with this terrible defect.
“Our leader [Mr Bush] had so many bad points he was hated by so many that they rushed out to elect a new leader [Mr Obama] that had all the same bad point times twenty“. By: IDPNC God Bless America
For anyone that 's interested.
Here's an article that explains the subject more clearly.
Thanks JOTL. For anyone to
Thanks JOTL. For anyone to assume that most homosexuals are pedophiles just shows their ignorance.
I didn't know this. Hmmm.
Thanks Familia Drake
Glad you two found the time in your busy work, oop, I mean layed back day to respond to my post.
The Boy Scout leaders
Were found to have molested boys, and they were homosexual also, there is that possibility.
I will not rule that out, if they are attracted to young men.
I don't believe all of them are, but look at the lesbian women preying on girls and young women.
I am a protester against what I believe to be mismanagement or corruption in our governments. I am an advocate for the ethical treatment of the mentally ill, and against racism,discrimination in all forms.
The question should be framed
in this way: are their more pedophiles with attraction towards children of their own sex than those attracted to children of the opposite sex?
Has there been more than two studies done on this question? I would like to see the results of at least three, credible studies. I cannot imagine being able to come to any kind of conclusion based on just two studies.
.You hijack blogs, and can't take intelligent responses to yours
An example of where you took one of my blogs. Hey, no double standard here, right Jake?
Emerson+ Gaetana= Fwright
Don't engage the hypocrites!LOL! Sucking off the public dollar? LOL!
Poor little man, still refuses to come out of his cave to talk.
Still going to own Roberts business?
Emerson Tex
Got outed for the lying hypocrite that he is. How's the felony working for you old man?
Old news...but I see you've been empting the keystone again.
Just can't get enough.
When you get depressed by your miserable life alone, with no one, you start attacking others.
Yet your still afraid to come out in the light of day to discuss issues, since you have no idea what you are talking about.
You stil have to check in with your PO. And you have a curfew and can't own a firearm. Must suck to be a convicted drug dealer. :)
If you're right about the first two things you claim I'll stop blogging for 1 year, If you're wrong YOU stop blogging for a year.
Got the balls to back up your words with that bet?
Do ya coward?
or admit to everyone you're talking out you butt yet again.
come on, don't be afraid...
Looks like truth struck a nerve! I got more than you ever prayed of having. LOL! Since I don't know, please tell me what it is like to be a felon.
You stil have to check in with your PO. And you have a curfew
you got caught in a lie.
Not I
You are the felon, not me!
Shouldn't rely on Robert for the truth. You've been manipulated again.
come clean.
Yuk Yuk
You are a felon, and just come to grips with it. Maybe there is a gas station that will hire you. You used Robert like so many others.
I always find it humorous when someone who's been arrested, as Jake has, tries to denigrate someone else who has been through the system. It's like reformed smokers, or recent converts to religious cults.
It must be time for music. I dig James Brown. Maybe Jake'll take this as the threat of a stray song coming his way and file a report.
Sho' you right, JH.
Naw, Jack. Don't try this at home, homz.
now who's the hypocrite...:)
...I didn't think so...coward
Get the unemployed spouse to post under your sock. I stand by everything I say and post. a felon and a spouse who supports her man's criminal acts. Tammy W. would be proud.
I stood be Robert when you were attacking him every day and now you've found someone you hate just a little less than me and are using him.
Again I say you're the hypocrite
Emerson be thy name. Must really chap your hide fatty!LOL!
Robert may be posting as Rodeo hand and edrake but I/we have nothing to do with FWrights writings.
And the last time I looked you weren't working. How's the unemployment working out for you?
At least I attacked him to his face, you did not have the guts, and stabbed him in his back. Pretty low and cowardly.
you made the claim now back your action.
Your a farce
You and the spouse suck off the public nipple. Must suck to be you.
if you're right you win and I'll be gone for a year.
I don't use a sock like Rampage. come on uncle
your life sounds grand.
You grifters use VOM and FWright. But that's ok, you both don't make society a better place anyways!
Since this mug got hijacked, let's get down the patriotic way and get on down with The Godfather of Soul. And yeah, brotha Jake; he spent a little time behind bars. Just like you. You and James Brown. You feel good!
James Brown - Living In America
stand by your words little man....or everyone will see your chin quiver like I did.
let the truth be told...
Thanks Emerson
Everytime you lie, I am proved right again. You are truly a sad, sad, person. I really can't believe you believe your lies. If you do, God help you.
if you weren't you'd make the bet..
make the bet and the hive will be free of your bigotry and hate for a year.
You Are A Felon
And what bet? You deny you are a convicted felon? And wait, here is a qoute:
"Emerson told me he was Fwright - yes his wife would more than likely use the screen name - she is fairnessforall - use to be wiseoldwoman"
Emerson, give us your PO's number. Let him set tell us that you do not have a curfew!
I'm impressed
here's what you said stand by it little man
"you stil have to check in with your PO. And you have a curfew"
you just don't listen do call me a liar and make the bet.
don't be afraid, I'll prove it to you at the police station so you'll feel safe, if you'll make the bet
Guys just enjoying the conversation. What I find funny is who is the first guy to go running to the man? That is right the kid who talks the biggest and most smack. They have a name for him in the " concrete apartments." One thing about the joint is that there is no where to run. I am finally beginning to understand why some people have such a distaste for people of color. T. S. he will never man up because that is the nature of the beast notice how I did not say b.... It is paramount that some of us on the Hive keep up a proper and cordial atmosphere alive and well. The Hive sometimes can seem abuzz with callous and crass people. Then again I guess who would agree with shallow postings covered with a patina ever so slight of hatred? F.W. I like your style of writing. I sense a certain structure and tone that resonates a much needed perspective amongst the honeycombs of this site. As you can see I am not hip to all the tricks of the trade in blogging. Yet it can take a life time to respect the art of reading and writing. "To err is human, to forgive is devine." A. Pope.
So Dan, what's up with the double standard?